Homeopathy 3 Flashcards
Paris Quadrifolia - Key Indicating Features of Neck pain :
Paris Quadrifolia
Key Indicating Features :
1 Neck pain radiating to shoulders or fingers
2 Neck pain attended with numbness of fingers
3 Neck pain from exertion
4 Feeling of weight or heavy load in the neck and across the shoulders
5 Coccyx (tailbone) pain on sitting
Paris Quadrifolia - synonyms and family
a plant ‘one berry’ and ‘herb paris’. It belongs to the family Trilliaceae.
Paris Quadrifolia - Key Indicating Features of headache :
Key Indicating Features
1 Pain in the back of head with sensation of a weight
2 Headache with pain in eyes extending to the back of head as if pulled by a string
3 Headache gets worsen merely by thinking about it
4 Headache from smoking tobacco
A remedy for hay-fever, lachrymation and intolerable itching of the eye-lids. Some forms of whooping-cough. Respiratory tract in its entire length stopped up. Many forms of diarrhœa, especially during summer months, also dysentery.
Nose.–Watery coryza; sneezing; watery discharge. Nosebleed. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks (Aral; Eucalypt). Wheezy cough.
Eyes.–Smart and burn. Lachrymation.
Relationship.–Compare in hay-fever: Sabadilla, Wyethia; Succin ac; Ars jod; Arundo.
Dose.–Tincture, to third potency; 10 drops in water during and after attack of epistaxis. In hay-fever high potencies.
These are keynotes of which remedy?
Sudden congestion, restless, fearful, thirsty,hot,
chest and heart. Aggravated dry cold air (specially af-
fected), robust constitution.
Which remedy has these keynotes?
Restless, weak, thirsty, burning ame-
liorated by heat, advanced stages of asthma, cancer,
typhoid etc., and also acute ailments like coryza and
Arsenicum album
These are keynotes of which remedy?
Tongue white,
stomach most affected,
rheumatic head,
sole sensitive,
not restless in fever,
fever aggravates night,
alternation-constipation and diarrhoea in old people,
aggravation cold bath,
nails- not regular,
Antimonium crudum
Which remedy has this picture ?
Aggravation heat,
menses scanty,
no thirst,
lower lids swell.
It works on covers of vital parts,
pains stinging,
synovial joints swollen,
Apis Mellifica
Which remedy has these keynotes?
Amelioration rest,
works on serous membranes
liver and stomach,
sweats profuse,
urine less,
menses scanty,
tongue covered,
constipated mostly, sometimes diarrhoea in summer,
Rheumatic constitution.
Bryonia alba
Congestion localise, mostly in head, may be
also elsewhere in joints or where boils may appear,
tonsils, kidney, bladder;
thirst in stomach troubles - otherwise rare,
hot head-feet cold,
sudden fever,
aggravation - head washing or keeping uncovered,
sweats on covered parts,
External cold, internal burning, in
chronic ailments, patient is sick with old asthma, cough,
stomach troubles, breath short, gastric flatulence,
eruptions, amelioration cover up to neck, cold drink -
aggravates cough.
Carbo vegetabilis