Homeopathy 2 Flashcards
Differentiation between IRRITABILITY in Chamomilla v Nux Vomica
Chamomilla is often associated with irritability in children, particularly during teething or when they are sick. These children may be very irritable, cry easily, and demand constant attention. They may also be sensitive to pain and may only be comforted by being carried.
Nux Vomica, on the other hand, is often associated with irritability in adults. People who may benefit from this remedy may be easily angered, impatient, and have a desire for control. They may also have physical symptoms such as digestive issues, headaches, and insomnia.
List 5 remedies aggravated by HEAT OF THE SUN
- MEDORRHINUN (from daylight to sunset)
377. What is the tongue of Taraxacum like ?
And which polycrest is this similar to?
378. What are the characteristics pains of this remedy?
379. Which major organ of the body does this remedy have an
affinity to?
380. What happens to the person when sleeping?
Strophantus (Kombe Seeds)
375. Which main organ of the body does this remedy have an
affinity for?
376. What are the main cardiovascular indications for this
370. What is the most characteristic feature of the pain of this remedy?
371. What are the main worse for modalities?
372. Describe the characteristic face of Stramonium.
373. Stramonium is a remedy of manias and terrors, describe
some of the characteristic features in relation to manias and terrors.
374. Which remedy is Stramonium often said to be a more
extreme version of?
- Absence of pain and muscular mobility especially of muscles of expression and of locomotion.
indications for Staphisagria?
368. What are the cravings of Staphisagria?
369. What type of wounds require this remedy
1. This is a very fearful remedy. What are the main fears of Aconite?
2. What is the main time aggravation for this remedy?
3. What are the main drinks desires?
4. What are the main worse for modalities?
5. What is the main fever of Aconite like?
6. What is the progression of onset and disease like?
7. Aconite is the acute of which remedy?
7B Is Aconite a chilly or hot patient?
1 The main fears of Aconitum Napellus include fear of death, fear of going insane, fear of crowds, and fear of crossing the street.
2 The main time aggravation for Aconitum Napellus is in the evening and at night, especially around midnight.
3 Aconitum Napellus has a desire for cold drinks, especially water, and can also have a desire for alcohol.
4 Aconitum Napellus is worse for exposure to cold, dry wind, and can also be worse for warmth, touch, and noise.
It is better for open air and warmth.
5 The fever of Aconitum Napellus is sudden and intense, with dry, burning heat, and accompanied by great restlessness and anxiety.
6 The onset of symptoms in Aconitum Napellus is sudden and violent, with rapid development of symptoms. The disease progresses quickly and intensely.
7 Aconite is the acute of ?
7B Aconite as a chilly remedy, stating that “Aconite is sensitive to cold, and especially to cold, dry winds. Cold applications to the head will bring on a headache. Aconite patients want to be warmly covered, and cannot tolerate cold air or wind.” Aconite patients can also experience sudden hot flashes and feverishness, but their overall thermal state is chilly. This is in line with the common use of Aconite for acute conditions with sudden onset, including fever and inflammation, often accompanied by chills and shivering.
8. This remedy has an affinity to which blood vessels?
9. What are the haemorrhoids of Aesculus like?
10. How does the characteristic Aesculus backache present?
11. Which time modality is worse for the Aesculus patient?
12. What are the anal/rectal symptoms of this remedy?
Kent says that Aesculus has an affinity for the venous circulation, especially the portal system, and the haemorrhoidal veins. Boericke also notes that it has a special affinity for the venous system.
According to Kent, Aesculus haemorrhoids are large, swollen, dark purple, and protruding, with severe aching and burning pain in the anus and rectum. Boericke describes the haemorrhoids as large, swollen, dark purple, and often associated with sharp shooting pains up the back.
Kent states that the backache of Aesculus is characterized by a dull, heavy, aching pain in the lower back and sacrum, which is worse from sitting or standing for prolonged periods. Boericke also mentions the backache, which is dull, aching, and accompanied by a feeling of great weakness across the loins and hips.
Kent notes that the Aesculus patient is worse from 4-8 p.m. Boericke also mentions that the patient is worse in the afternoon and evening.
According to Kent, the rectal symptoms of Aesculus include aching, burning, and fullness in the rectum, with a feeling as if sticks were placed in the rectum. Boericke describes the anal symptoms as being characterized by sharp shooting pains up the rectum, with a sensation of fullness and constriction in the anus.
13. What are the indications around the breast-feeding infant?
14. What is the main worse for weather modality?
15. What are the main mental/emotional characteristics of the
- The nursing child vomits its milk and throws its limbs about.
Child vomits curdled milk, and seems to be always hungry, but refuses the breast. (Boericke)
14 Aggravation in cold, damp weather.
15 Aethusa patient is are irritable and fretful. They may also have a delirium with frightful images.
Aethusa patients are irritable, fretful, and averse to being touched. They may also have a fear of being poisoned.
16. What can you say about the twitching and spasms seen in
this remedy?
17. What signs/symptoms are seen at the extremities?
18. What are the main aggravations?
- What are the headache indications of this remedy?
- Does this remedy show any side of the body affinities?
- What are the nasal symptoms of this remedy?
- What are the eye symptoms?
What are the diarrhoea symptoms of this remedy like
What are the constipation symptoms of this remedy?
What is listed as a CAUSATION
What are the main mental/emotional characteristics of
31. What is the main SRP pain sensation for this remedy?
32. What are the constipation and rectal symptoms?
33. List some of the ‘plugged’sensations seen with this
34. Which bowel nosode is this remedy related to?
35. Are there any side of the body modalities?
- Arnica is the acute of which remedy?
- What are the discharges of Arnica like?
- What are the common pains of Arnica?
- After trauma what are the sensations of chairs and beds for
the person. - What is the SRP sensation in the stomach?
- What are the main skin symptoms for Arnica?
- What does Arnica want to do with the ‘doctor’?
What are the main throat symptoms of this remedy?
44. What are the main pains and sensations of this remedy?
45. What is the main time aggravation?
- What are the main mental/emotional indications?
- What does the face of the Baptisia patient look like?
- How does the body of the Baptisia patient feel?
- What are the discharges, secretions and exhalations of
Baptisia like?
- Which two remedies are the chronic of Belladonna?
- What are the main fears and imaginings of this remedy?
- What is the main time aggravation?
- What are the main pains of Belladonna?
- What are the fever symptoms of Belladonna?
- What are the main worse for modalities?
- Describe a typical Belladonna sore throa
- How does the bruising indication for Bellis differ to
Arnica? - What are the main worse for modalities for Bellis?
- What regions of the body does this remedy have a strong
affinity to? - How does this remedy relate to the back?
- What are the urinary symptoms of this remedy?
- What are the pains of Berberis like?
- When does this remedy feel nauseous?
- Cases that require this remedy often show concomitant
symptoms in which two regions of the body?
- What are the urinary symptoms of this remedy?
- What are the pains of Berberis like?
- When does this remedy feel nauseous?
- Cases that require this remedy often show concomitant
symptoms in which two regions of the body?
- Bryonia is the acute of which four remedies?
- Bryonia is the chronic of which remedy?
- Does this remedy favour a side of the body?
- How are the mucous membranes of this remedy affected?
- What is the thirst of this remedy like?
- What is the main mental/emotional feature of this remedy?
- What are the typical headache indications for this remedy?
- When coughing what does the Bryonia patient do?
- What are the main worse for modalities?
- How does the Doctrine of Signatures feature between this
plant and the remedy picture? - What are the food desires for this remedy?
- What are the fears of this remedy?
- Bryonia is the acute of which four remedies?
- Bryonia is the chronic of which remedy?
- Does this remedy favour a side of the body?
- How are the mucous membranes of this remedy affected?
- What is the thirst of this remedy like?
- What is the main mental/emotional feature of this remedy?
- What are the typical headache indications for this remedy?
- When coughing what does the Bryonia patient do?
- What are the main worse for modalities?
- How does the Doctrine of Signatures feature between this
plant and the remedy picture? - What are the food desires for this remedy?
- What are the fears of this remedy?
- How is Calendula said to affect wounds and ulcers?
- What is the main worse for weather modality?
- What are the food desires of Capsicum?
- What is the typical appearance of a person who might
require this remedy? - The remedy is often indicated in ear problems. What are
the main indications? - What is the tongue of this remedy like?
- The remedy is commonly prescribed for throat problems.
How might the throat requiring this remedy present?
- Which bowel nosode is this remedy related to?
- What is the SRP relating to the nose of the Carbo veg
patient? - Which colour is mostly associated with this remedy?
- What is this remedy generally known as amongst
homeopaths? - Arsenicum album is also a remedy frequently given to
very debilitated persons, perhaps at the end stage of their
disease. How do the mental/emotional indications for Arsenicum and Carbo veg differ? - What are the food aversions and aggravations?
- What are the main better for modalities?
- Where does Carbo veg tend to feel its fullness and
bloating in the abdomen? - What is the appetite of Carbo veg like?
- What are the discharges of this remedy like?
- What are the main worse for modalities?
- This remedy has a lot of gas associated with it. Give
some of the features of how the gas affects the patient
103. What are the characteristic pains of Caulophyllum?
104. What are the labour indications for this remedy?
- Which remedy is Chamomilla the acute of?
- Which characteristic do all the discharges of Chamomilla
share? - What is the characteristic stool of this remedy?
- What are generally accepted as being the central
keynotes of this remedy? - What is the characteristic facial appearance of a child
needing Chamomilla? - What are the typical pain characteristics of Chamomilla?
- List the main worse for modalities.
- List the main better for modalities.
- How is the capricious nature of the remedy shown
- Does this remedy have any side affinities?
- What are the time modality aggravations?
- Which organ of the body does this remedy have a huge
affinity to? - When which indicated remedy fails to act would you give
Chelidonium? - What is the characteristic ‘pain extending to’symptom
for this remedy? - What are the food and drink desires?
- Describe the stomach pains of this remedy
- Which system in the body does this remedy have a strong
affinity to? - Which physical traits are characteristics of this remedy?
- What are the main mental/emotional symptoms of
Cicuta? - What is the main appetite feature of this remedy?
- What are the characteristic menstrual symptoms of this
remedy? - Give the main causations associated with Cimicifuga.
- What are the key mental/emotional symptoms?
- List the characteristics of Cimicifuga pain.
- What is the hunger of Cina like?
- What is the face of the Cina child like? What does it do
with its nose and teeth? - What is the common mindset of the Cina child like
- Is this generally a thirsty or thirstless remedy?
- What is the main ‘ailments from’ for this remedy?
- What is the hunger of China like?
- Describe the abdominal symptoms of China.
- What are the main food aversions for this remedy?
- What are the menstrual symptoms of China?
- What are the main better for modalities
- What are the male symptoms of this remedy?
- Give the main worse for modalities.
- What are the main tissue associations for Clematis?
- Describe the characteristic skin symptoms of Clematis