Homeopathy Flashcards
Soft, timid, easily influenced. Open and malleable. Weeps easily. Sadness. Changeable moods. Needs reassurance. Bladder pain, worse at end of urination, worse w/ urine retention Menses easily suppressed, amenorrhea, short, irregular, flow changeable Dysmenorrhea Warm better cold Consolation Walk slowly in open air
Incontinence from cough or sneeze Aversion to sex in women Loss of pleasure Sincere, very intense, idealistic. Great sympathy. Anger over injustices. Religious and political. Checking and rechecking task. Worse grief, cold, drafts better cloudy, wet
Nux Vomica
Workaholic that need stimulants to function then over dose the work and becomes weakened
Ineffectual urging
Cystitis w/ constant urging for small amount better from heat
Easily offended
Suppresses emotions until they reach a breaking point and explode at others
Ailments due to suppressed anger
Cystitis which begins from the first sex or may happen after very intercourse
Many sexual fantasies
Cystitis with pain at the end of urination
Cracks of the hands and soles of the feet
Sharp stitching or colicky pain
Kidney stones with sharp pains radiating outward or downward
Pain from ureters extending to testes, urethra, thigh
Burning pain
Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis w/ tenesmus and great dysuria
Great burning before, after, during urination, each drop passes as if scalding water
Hemorrhagic cystitis
Priapism, erection excessive, continuous, painful
Excessive sexual appetite