Homeopathic Polycrests Flashcards
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: arsenic poisoning (purging from both ends—vomiting and diarrhea)
Generals: very chilly + dry, anxious/restless, perfectionist, weak
Mentals: anxiety about health, fears death, calls for reassurance, vulnerable and insecure
- better: heat, milk (think burning pains)
- worse: cold + cold drinks, after eating (esp f+v), 12-2am; exertion, seaside
- desires: SIPS of warm water
Physicals: burning pains: ulcers, gastritis, burning in esophagus; asthma, eczema; vomiting and diarrhea at the same time
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: superficial, GI + liver problems. “Full of hot air” (physical + mental).
Generals: cold remedy, right-sided or R-to-L, aversion to cold drinks/food
Mentals: low confidence, though a bully and arrogant, esp to inferiors; fear of new things/commitment, fear of failure, irritable
- better: loose clothes (Lach), open air, midnight, passing gas
- worse: spicy food, 4-8pm
- craves: sweets, warm food and drink
Physicals: wrinkled forehead, grey hair, bloated + very flatulent, early satiety + constipated, sore throat, cracks on heels
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: weepy kid, or weepy female
Generals: all sxs changeable, wandering, “no two stools alike”, thirstless, uncovers feet and sleeps w hands over head
Mentals: timid + easily influenced, indecisive, weeping + changable mood, forsaken feeling, clingy
- better: open air, cold + cold food/drink, consolation, gentle motion
- worse: heat, fatty food (though desires, esp butter)
- cough begins lying down at night, dry at night, productive in morning
Physicals: measles + mumps, cough, OM, URI + asthma, hormonal/PMS complaints
Calc carb
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: chubby, sweaty, stubborn, sour baby
Generals: cold remedy and worse cold but desires cold drinks; overweight, responsible, workaholic, obstinate
Mentals: fears heights, mice, rats; fears going insane/mind is weak
- better: heat
- worse: cold, wet weather, exertion (up stairs/hills esp.), fatty food/dairy
- craves: eggs, dairy, sweets
Physicals: swollen glands, sweaty on head, DOE, eczema, indigestion + constipation (without urge)
Nat mur
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: grief, retention (of feelings, tears, urine/stool, amenorrhea, scanty discharge)
Generals: ailments from grief or disappointed love, unable to cry, perfectionist, romantic, reserved (walls self off, keeps emotions in), thirst for ice cold drinks
Mentals: emotionally vulnerable, depression
- better: open air
- worse: sun/heat, 10am-3pm (sunny part of day)
- craves: salt, cold drinks
- averse: fat, company/consolation
Physicals: “bashful kidneys”, allergice rhinitis, migraines
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: hormonal shifts (PMS, pregnancy, menopause), nausea, weeping, irritable
Generals: involuntary weeping (Puls.), state of apathy/ indifference, irritable (yells at kids, is sarcastic, but feels bad afterwards), laxness
Mentals: introverted (aversion to company, amel. when alone), aversion to sex, touchy/easily offended
- better: strenuous exercise, evening
- worse: 2-4pm, before and during menses/preg/abortion, sex
- craves: acidic foods, pickles, vinegar
Physicals: vaginitis w/ offensive discharge, uterine prolapse, infert/miscar, PMS, menopause sxs, skin eruptions
Kali carb
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: asthma, chronic sinusitis, back pain, rigid
Generals: chilly remedy, dogmatic, conservative, proper, loyal
Mentals: dislikes change, anxious, easily startled, cannot bear to be touched
- better: pressure (back)
- worse: cold, drafts, 2-4am, lying flat (resp), menses (back pain)
- desires: sweets
Physicals: asthma + resp problems, chronic sinusitus, swollen eyelids; stitching pain (Bry) and back pain; insomnia (2-4am)
Nux vomica
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: hungover, constipated, chilly workaholic
Generals: very cold + sensitive to wind/drafts, cramps and spasms, drug use
Mentals: sensitive (light, noise), irritable/angry, ambitious
- better: warm, warm drinks
- worse: morning (think hangover), eating, cold, 3am (think waking after drinking)
- craves: spicy, fatty, coffee, alcohol (though all aggrevate)
Physicals: dyspepsia, “wants to but can’t,” constipation, hemorrhoids, cramps (muscular, GI, GU), headache
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: weakness (needs grit!); bone, tooth, and nail conditions (deficient in mineral)
Generals: chilly remedy, lack of resilience, tire quickly, enlarged glands, delicate small + thin
Mentals: lack of confidence, anxious (conscientious about trifles)
- worse: cold, thunderstorms
- desire: eggs, sweets
Physicals: constipation without urge, excessive perspiration esp. scalp and feet (can burn holes in socks), smelly feet, low resistance = abscesses, URIs
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: L-sided, throat complaints/sensitivity, circulation, hormonal (PMS + menopause)
Generals: left sided, warm blooded, purple-red, loquacious
Mentals: egotistical, malicious + jealous, lashes out, hates constriction (esp around the neck) and touch
- better: discharges (menses)
- worse: heat + warm drinks, sleep, lying on L
- fears: snakes
Physicals: circulation disorders (varicose veins, Raynaud’s, abcesses + ulcers, migraines/headaches), throat complaints (sore, lump sensation, dysphagia)
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: respiratory complaints (pneumonia, asthma), open, social people
Generals: warm, bubbly, very suggestible and sensitive to external impressions
Mentals: anxious + fears d/t wild imagination, easily reassured, scattered/spacey
- better: heat, touch, company, sleep
- worse: twilight/evening
- craves: cold drinks
Physicals: hemorrhage/bright red blood, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, paresthesias
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: lazy, greasy intellectual man
Generals: warm, aversion to bathing, headaches and hunger at 11am
Mentals: extroverted, egotistical, critical, fears: heights (calc carb), disease/infection, failure
- better: pressure, cold
- worse: 11am, standing, head of the bed, bathing
- craves: sweets, fats, alcohol (beer, whiskey), spicy foods
Physicals: skin and GI, diarrhea at 5am, offensive discharges, itchy eruptions
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: acute onset, high fever with delirium
Generals: convulsions, intense heat, sleeps on abdomen, falling dreams. Cold hands/feet, hot face.
Mentals: vivid hallucinations, fear of dogs
- better: pressure, cold
- worse: 3pm, being jarred, motion (Bry), bending forward
- craves: lemons/lemonade, sour food (sepia)
Physicals: vertigo, headache/migraines, tonsilitis
- Generals
- Mentals
- Modalities
- Physicals
Think: over-sensitive, grief, weepy, sighs a lot, hard to satisfy
Generals: dreams of water, complaints better when traveling
Mentals: ailments from grief or relationship disappointment, feelings hurt easily, aversion to consolation, jealousy (lach), defensive, touchiness
- better: traveling, rain
- worse: sweets
- craves: cheese
Physicals: cough, sighing/yawning, lump in throat