What is Holy Thursday? (Or Maundy Thursday)
- A Christian holy day that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples.
- On the Thursday before Easter Sunday
What is Ascension day?
- Ascension Day is traditionally known as Holy Thursday in the Christian calendar.
What happened on Holy Thursday?
- Jesus made a commandment to his disciples to love one another as he loved them.
- The main events associated with Holy Thursday include the washing of the disciples’ feet by Jesus.
What happens in the poem?
- It depicts the annual procession of poor children from charity schools in London to St. Paul’s Cathedral for a special service on Holy Thursday (ascension day)
Describe the structure of the poem
4 quatrains
ABCB (Fragmented rhyme scheme)
Break down of rhyme scheme- the poet tries to break down our ideas/ values
Ballad/ hymn stanza
Trochaic tetrameter (stressed/ unstressed) Seems upbeat and cheery contrasting the dark subject matter)
Anaphora/ fronted conjunctions
Describe the language used in the poem
- Emotive language
- Simple lexis
- Harsh allterative lexis (trembling of the childre)
- Omission of rhyming couplet in final stanza (break down of order)
- Rhetorical quetsion
- Anaphora
- Pathetic fallacy (material deprivison)
- synecdoche
Symbolic interpretation of the poem
1) Dismisses charity as demeaning intervention into the lives of oppressed classes, an obfuscation through which exploitation is legitimated.
2) Religion as a spectacle, focus on appearance over reality. Potential of humanity vs reality. Critical of ritual rather than mechanics of having a deeper faith.
3) A society that doesn’t provide for everyone is a society that’s working against the natural order,
4) Challenges ideas of Britain as a superpower
Influences on the broader context of social and political upheaval in the late 18th century?
- The poem is situated within a context of broader social and political change
Britain- social context
- Britain was a powerful country, particularly in terms of its colonial empire, industrialization, and cultural influence.