Holocaust Vocab Flashcards
a holocaust
Sacrifice by fire
The Holocaust
The attempted genocide of Jews (and more)
The body of ideas and beliefs of a group that, in end, direct their actions (ex. voting singing petitions)
The spreading of information in a manner that is usually inflammatory or heavily skewed to one side in attempt to persuade
The hatred of Jews and it resulting in prejudice-the thought of not liking something for no reason-
A member of the National Socialist German Workers’ party, which has become synonymous with fascism
Government that is overtly nationalistic and marked by extreme control economically and socially, usually headed by a dictator
Mein Kampf (my struggle)
Adolf Hitler’s book which details his anti-semitic beliefs along with his Aryan master race ideology (published (1922)
Descendants of the European typically fair skinned
Not fully human, types of people considered by Hitler to be “contaminating” the purity’s of the Aryans, and interfering with progress Nazis’s way of dehumanizing minorities
Purposeful regularity, methodical, well planned
The action of mercy killing (pulling the plug on an elder on hospice)
The Final Solution
The systematic program initiated by the Nazis to kill every Jew in the European countries and Russia
Special action squads (death squads) which committed mass murders in conquered areas (usually shootings)
Concentration camps
Initially established to house political prisoners eventually refitted with gas chambers and incinerators
People organizations that readily help the Nazis either by doing nothing or by actively participating in the killing of the Jews
One who is punished for the errors of others