Holocaust Flashcards
What was the Holocaust
Destruction of a vast group of people , especially Jewish people
Killing off a race of people
Aryan race
People who are from the “superior German race” blond , blue, eyes , no Jewish in the family for over 10 generations
The belief against Jewish people
Social Darwinism
The belief that some races ar better than others,
Some races are so bad they are believed to be
Subhuman (untermensche)
Who was himmler
Leader of the ss.
Who are heydrich+eichmann
They organised the holocaust . At the Wannsee conference (jan 1942) they planed the final solution (holocaust)
What was hitters book about and what was it called
It was called Mein kampf (my life)
It was about his radical beliefs and his life
What tragity allowed the nazis to take power
The Great Depression allowed them to introduce themselves and antisemitism views
Why didn’t hitler like the Jews
-he believed they are to blame for the Germans defeat in the Great War
-Jewish businessmen were plotting to take over the world
-believed they were inferior to the Aryan race
When did the first action against the Jews happen
In 1934
What was the first action against Jews
All Jewish shops were marked with a yellow star with the word ‘juden’
In parks and on buses and trains, Jews had to sit on separate seats children’s were taught antisemitic ideas
What are the Nuremberg laws
Created in 1935 to be against the Jews . The first law took away German citizenships from Jews . The second law forbade marriages between Jews and non-jews
When did the night of broken glass happen
Started on the 10th of November 1938 .
What happened in the night of broken glass
It started after Jew shot dead a nazi official. After that ss official leader and police chief were ordered the week of terror on Jews . Nearly 10,000 Jewish shops windows were smashed and looted. Jewish homes and synagogues were burned and dozens killed and thousands arrested
What happened in the Wannsee conference
It happened in January 1942 it’s the conference that chose the holocaust as the final solution. It was to send Jews in concentration camps without trial for war crimes
Hoe many Jews were thought to have been murderer by nazis
Six million Jews
What were the changes 1930’s to Jews
Jews were banned from school
Jews sacked from jobs
Jews property was stolen
Banned from playing sport, going to the cinema
How did the Jews travel to camps
The cattle trucks which were cramped, inhuman , unhygienic
Camp food + treatment
Very limited food options
Only got 1 chunk of whale meat a week
They got some sort of vegetable soups
Ss guards could kill prisoners
Doctors could experiment on prisoners
When was dachau opened
March 1933 in dachau Germany -north Munich
Who was sent to the dachau camps
-gay people
-disabled people
-priests and pastors
What is the barracks
-the inmates lived here
-it was ment to keep 200 prisoners but towards the end of the war it had 2,000 prisoners
-to get rid of people they killed them simply out of hate
-nazis made them do tedious tasks like making the best perfectly just to be superior to prisoners
What was the uniforms like
-trousers , caps , wooden clogs
Prisoners had badges that explained there reason for being in the camp + also their treatment to Jewish prisoners as also received as harsh treatments
What was the kanaka section
The section where prisoners belongings were organised to be resold for money for the funding of the war, its indoors so you can stay warm , in the pockets and stuff food could be found for extra nourishment
Less guards
What gas was used to kill the prisoners
Zyklon b
What happened to pregnant prisoners
They were sent to the gas chambers because they cannot work if pregnant
What was an example of a war job
Making bombs (munition factory’)
When were prisoners set free from Auschwitz-Birkenau
Prisoners were liberated on January 27th 1945
Where was auschwitz-Birkenau located
Located in southern Poland near the border.
When did Auschwitz-Birkenau open
June 14th 1940
What happened during selection
On arrival, prisoners are divided up by gender, then by fit and unfit
Fit go to get shaved , tattooed then showered
Unfit sent straight to gas chambers
Why were the prisoners tattooed
Dehumanised them by no identity just a number
Why did they shower all the prisoners before entering
To control body lice
Why were whistles used
Marks start of prisoners day
What were roll calls
Counting prisoners (sometimes let prisoners free)
Would kill prisoners in roll call to set example
How many prisoners share a bed and planket
8 prisoners per mattress+blanket
How was education used for Nazis benefit
They used it to spread anti semitism , just teach nazi beliefs .
How was the radio and media used for nazi benefit
Useful as it was also used constantly spread there ideas and “depriving people of independent thought”
What was the gastepo
They are secrete police . They were constantly aloud to put people in prison for minor things e,g owning a banned book this made people worried and also afraid to speak up as they could be torched for having different opinions
Why did Germans not speak up
Being taught nazi beliefs (mind penetrations)
Scared of being killed
Completely unaware due to most camps being in Poland
What does arbeit macht frei mean
“Work makes you free” written to entrance of all camps
When did the Nuremberg trials happen
What coutnries were involved in the Nuremberg trials
, Britain
The people in the trials were accused of
Crimes against humanity
War crimes
Crimes against peace
What was Hess sentenced to
He was hitlers deputy and was sent to life in prison
What was Albert speers sentence
He was a German architect and in charge of the economy and was sentenced to 20 years in prison
What was baldur von schirach’s sentance
He was Hitler’s youth leader (boys brigade or girls brigade) he was sentenced to 20 year in prison
What was hermann goering sentenced to
He was the military leader + in charge of the airforce and he was sentenced to life by hanging
What was Hans Frank’s sentenced too
German politician and lawyer he was also in charge of Poland death by hanging