Holding It Together Flashcards
Three layers of skin
Upper layer-epidermis
(Ever-regenerating defense system)
Final layer-hyperdermis
(A cushion of fat that keeps us warm, protect bones, keeps us supplied with energy)
Two types of skeleton
Axial skeleton: skull, spine, ribcage
Appendicular skeleton: upper and lower limbs, shoulder blade and pelvic girdle that attach them to the axial skeleton
How bones grow
Bone growth is controlled by growth hormone, with additional growth spurt occurring in response to sex hormones at puberty.
Joint structure
A joint forms where two bones come into close contact. Some joints are fixed, with the bones locked together, such as the suture joint in the adult skull. Some joints have a limited range of movement like the elbow, while others can move more freely like shoulder
different types of teeth
Sharp-edged. Incisor cut and bite
Canines tear
Molar and premolars have flattened, ridged surfaces that chew and grind food into tiny pieces