Hodgkins Lymphoma Flashcards
What is Hodgkins lymphoma?
Lymphoproliferative malignancy of suspected B cell origin
First cancer cured by chemotherapy
Affects young people
Age of diagnosis is bimodal
Causes are unknown but has strong association to EBV
What are the types of Hodgkinslymphoma?
Nodular sclerosis- most common, only one that affects more women than men Mixed cellularity (20-25%) Lymphocyte rich (5%) Lymphocyte depleted(<1%)
What are the most common lymph nodes involved?
Left cervical or supraclavicular-70%
Right cervical or supraclaviculat-62%
What is involved in the staging studies?
History and physical
Imaging: CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis, PET scan- required for staging
Lymph node biopsy for diagnosis
Lab data for baseline
What are the characteristics of the Ann Arbor staging system?
Staging based on lymph node involvement and presence or absence of symptoms.
Ranges from 1-4
1- single node or region
2- 2 or more nodal regions on one side of the diaphragm
3- nodal involvement on both sides of the diaphragm
4- diffuse involvement of an extranodal organ
A- no symptoms
B- fever, soaking night sweats, weight loss>10%
E- localized involvement of an extranodal site not including liver or bone marrow
When is radiation used as a treatment option?
Used in early stages
Used in asymptomatic patients
Very radio sensitive
What are the types of radiation used?
Mantle- upper body
Para aortic
Inverted Y- abdomen and pelvis
Total nodal- sum of previous 3
What are the chemotherapy combinations used?
MOPP- nitrogen mustard, vincristine,procarbazine, prednisone
ABVD- adriamycin (doxyrubicin),bleomycin, vinblastine,dacarbazine
What are the late effects related to radiation?
Radiation pneumonitis
Second malignancies ( breast, lung, stomach cancer)
What are the late effects related to chemotherapy ?
Premature CHF- adriamycin
Pulmonary fibrosis - bleomycin
Second malignancies (AML, NHL)