Hitler's rise to power Flashcards
What was Hitler’s role in growing the Nazi party?
- Wrote 25 point plan-outlining Nazi ideaology
- In charge of recruitment and propaganda;gave party an identity (anti ToV, racial ideology, Dolschtagg theory)
- Developed SA as a key tool of the party
- Hitler was a strong public speaker and gained attention for the party via speeches.
- Becomes leader of the Nazi party and develops Fuhertinzip (one strong leader)
- Incorporates swastika
What were the main methods of Nazi propaganda?
- Scapegoats
- Media
- Rallies
- Josef Goebbels
- Messages
Key features of scapegoats as a method of Nazi propaganda.
- The Nazis offered people to blame for the depression.
- Mainly blamed the Weimar government but also the Jewish Population.
Key features of Media as a method of Nazi propaganda.
- The Nazis used all available forms of media to send their messages.
- Made it seem like the Nazi’s were everywhere.
Key features of Rallies as a method of Nazi propaganda.
- The Nazis were able to attract huge crowds to rallies where there would be many speakers.
- Large crowds made them seem powerful and strong - unlike government
Key features of Josef Goebbels as a method of Nazi propaganda.
He understood how to manipulate audiences and planned simple and repeated messages to appeal to the media.
Key features of Messages as a method of Nazi propaganda.
Messages of propaganda were very simple and repeated in all forms of media all over the country.
What were the causes of the Munich putsch?
- Economic and political crisis in Germany 1923 led Hitler to believe Nazi party was in a position to overthrow regional government in Munich
- Hilter hated the Wiemar republic
- Hyperinflation and occupation of the Ruhr weakened Germany
- Mussolini’s seizure of power in Italy encouraged Hitler to try
- People hated ToV and were not supportive of the government
- Hitler thought he could count on support from Von Kahr (senior politician) and Lundendorf (Army figure)
What were the key features of the Munich putsch?
- 8th Nov. 1923 Hilter and 600 Nazis seized Burgerbraukeller
- Hitler held 3 f the leaders at gunpoint to win promises of support for his planned takeover
- Two of the released leaders changed their minds and organised Troops and police to reist Hitlers planned march
- Hitler continued the march and 16 Nazis and 4 Police were killed
- Hitler arrested two days later
What were the key features of the reichstag elections 1932?
- High levels of violence between political groups e.g SA
- July 1932-Nazis largest party
- July 1932-Hitler demands chancellorship-denied by hindenburg
- Franz von papen chancellor July 1932-schemes with hindenburg to limit hitlers influence
- Reichstag dissolved september 1932- coalition couldn’t be maintained
- Nazi’s lost votes and seats
- Von papen failed to secure majority- Hindenburg sacked him and replaced him with kurt von schleicher
How did the Nazi party begin?
- as German workers party - right wing political party, wanted classless society and nation of pure germans
- Hitler sent to a party meeting at the beer hall as army wanted to make sure they werent a threat
- Hitler disagreed with and gave passionate speech in response
- eventually joined party and was placed in charge of recruitment and propaganda
- anti-jewish, anti-government speeches began at these meetings
What was 25 point plan?
- A list of Nazi ideologies written by Hitler
- included ideas such as destroying Tov, Not allowing Jews to be german citizens, limiting growth of large companies
What was the SA?
- A group of Freikorps also known as brown shirts developed in 1921 to protect NSDAP speakers led by Ernst Kohm that disrupted Socialist and Communist meetings.
What were the reasons for decline in Nazi support 1924-1928?
- party disorganised without Hitler
- PArty banned after failure of Munich Putsch
- economy recovered under Stressemne - people happier with weimar government
What were the ky features of Mein Kampf?
- Written by hitler whilst in prison
- said Jews should be eliminated
- tToV should be abolished
- spread Hitler’s ideas and made Nazi’s well known as an alternative after wall street crash
What were the causes of the night of long knives?
- SA had many left-wing socialist views that conflicted with Nazi ideaologies
- Himmler told Hitler that Rohm was planning to seize control
- army pressuring Hitler to ‘deal’ with Rohm
What were the key features of the night of long knivess?
- leader of SS Rohm shot by SS
- approximately 400 opponents murdered
- key opponents such as Schlicher, Rohm and strasser arrested or killed
What were the consequences of the night of long knives?
- secured loyalty of SA due to fear
- wins support of key army leaders
- opponents removed or too scared to oppose - went into exile
- showed Hitler use of terror = power
- Jews blamed and fined