hitler becoming chancellor Flashcards
after the 1923 elections, the NSDAP are the largest party. They cannot take power but what can they do?
They can’t take power but they can paralyse the government.
What does Hitler demand?
Hitler demands to be chancellor
What does Hindenburg offer? And what is Hitler’s response?
Hindenburg turns him down and then Hitler demands power on his own terms.
Which two groups does Hitler seek support from and what does he say to each of them?
Buisness people and the army
Why do groups like teachers and lawyers increasingly support Hitler?
They fear a communist party will take over and tax them to feed the poor.
What do Hitler and Papen do?
makes a deal to become chancellor and vice chancellor
What does Hitler need to do to get overall majority in the March election?
Hitler needs to win over left leaning voters and communists
What happens just before the election and how does Hindenburg react?
The germany politics building called the reichstag burns down
How does Hitler take advantage of the Reichstag burning down?
Hitler took advantage of it against the communists, (communists set fire to the building),
-he can blame them and arrest them
-put them into concentration camps
The reichstag fire suspends part of the weimar constitution and ends…..
-freedom of speech
-freedom of assembly
-freedom of press
the communists are now out of the way for Hitler
February 4th 1933- curtailment of freedom of speech
article 48- used to ban newspapers and political meetings that had ‘false information’
27th February 1933- the reichstag fire
marinus van der lubbe, a dutch communist, was discovered and he was arrested
-hitler used this to claim a communist revolution had started
-van der Lubbe had no links to the KPD but hitler used this to arrest kid deputies and ban them from the reichstag
hitler enters politics
hitler was angered by the signing of the treaty of versailles as he felt stabbed in the back by the November criminals
-hitler joined the DAP, (German workers party) in 1919
nazi party beginnings
-by 1920 hitler had entered the party’s leadership and refashioned German workers party into NSDAP shortened to the nazi party
by July 21 hitler became the leader of the nazi party
what was the 25 point programme?
-Hitler and the founder of the nazi party, Anton drexler, wrote the 25 page point in 1920
-the programme had three aims
-to overturn the treaty of versailles
-to stop democracy as a political system
-to rid germany of jews who harmed the economy
what were the nationalist points of the 25 point programme
-nullifying the treaty of versailles
-lebrensraum(to expand germany’s house population)
-build up the strength of the German military
-only allowing Aryans,(german race)to be citizens
what were the socialist elements of the 25 point programme?
-nationilising industries
-giving every man employment
-giving all citizens equal rights
-giving support to mothers and children
who were the SA?
-the Sturmabteiling,(storm detachment) known as SA, was a group of ex soldiers who hated the Weimar Republic
-they asserted nazi power through fighting and intimidating people, mostly communists
the nazi party and the SA
-the nazi party got stronger through the SA
-Ernst Rohm led this group
-they were known as the brownshirts because of their brown uniform
-between 1930 and 1934, the SA grew from 400,000 to 3 million
-propaganda emphasised three things
-hitler was presented as Germany’s saviours
-secondly, volksgemeinschaft, (people’s community), the nazis wanted to restore germanys traditional values and focus on the Aryan community
-anti sementism, they blamed the jews
hitler’s flexible message to workers
-for businessmen, the nazis would solve the great depression
-for the workers, nazis would give employment and food
-for farmers, nazis would protect them from communists who seize land
for middle class, nazis would stop communism and return germany to its traditional roots
-for the youth the nazis were and exciting movement
-for the women nazis would priories family and home
between 1928-1932 votes for the nazis rocketed from 2.6 percent in 1928 to 18 percent in 1930 to 37 percent in July 1932
political turmoil
-in 1932 nazi grew larger and had power in the reichstag although those was was no stable leadership in the reichstag
-in April 1932 hindenburg was re elected as president and after burning resigned as chancellor he was replaced with von papen
-in July 1932 nazi became the largest party in the reichstag
-hitler demanded that he be made chancellor but Hindenburg refused.
von papen and von Schleicher
-in November 1932 the nazis lost votes but were still the largest party in the reichstag
-von papen was a DNVP supporter
-in December 1932 von papen resigned and was replaced with von schleicher
- von Schleicher did not have the support from the nazis or the people
von papen and Hindenburg’s secret pact
-they decided that hitler and his 196 nazi politicians should be used to create a political majority
-they decided to make hitler the chancellor and von papen the vice chancellor
what was the aim of the von papen pact?
-they hoped they would be able to use hitler as a puppet leader as the soviet union did in satellite states during the Cold War, whilst using hitlers popularity for his benefit
-hitler was too powerful to be controlled and too charismatic
when was hitler made chancellor?
in January 1933