Hitler Flashcards
- When was Hitler appointed
30 Jan, 1933
- When was WW1 armistice signed
Nov 11, 1918
- Arm reduced from
19 million to 100,000
- Treaty reparations
6.6b reparations
- Treaty terms
Germany accepted all fault
6, When was Ruhr invasion
7, German Mark value
German mark 1914 had an exchange rate of 4.2 to one American dollar, in 1923 it was 4.2 trillion to one
- When was stock crash
October 24, 1929
- n/a
- Dawes Plan
- Unemployment facts
6m registered unemployed, potentially 1-3 million more unregistered in 1933. directly affects 23 million people
- How many Jewish citizens died in the camps
- Reichstag seats increase
12 to 107 in 1930
- Votes doubled in?
- Coner quote by
“In two months we will have squeezed Hitler into a corner until he squeaks”. Franz von papen
17, When Reichstag fire
27th of February 1933
- Who lit fire
Marinus van der Lubbe
- Hitler given more power in
Law for the protection of the people and state
- How many communists were asserted from Law for the protection of the people and state
4,000 communists being arrested
- P. Hindenburg used A.48 on
5th of March 1933.
- Hitler used the meeting to join with and when
5th, March 1933 288 Nazi seats joined w/ 52 Nationalist seats.
- When was an enabling act passed
24 March 1933,
- How many passed enabling act
444 yes and no 94
- Enabling act allowed
H to make decision w/out Reichstag for 4 years. reduce Germany’s rights e.g 114 of personal freedom, article 118 of freedom of speech, article 119 which protected privacy and become dictator.
- How many Jewish citizens died in the Holocaust
6 m
- Benefits for?
26 weeks
- Holocaust Survivor
“Nothing belongs to us anymore” Primo Levi a
- -trees
“Hitler has destroyed not just branches and roots, but entire family trees, forests. All of them, gone.” by Amy Harmon
- Living space
- Jewish targeting began in
- Camps from and how many
1933 to 1945 and 44,000 ghettos or camps were established
- Killing squad
- How many Jewish citizens died in the killing squads
1.5 m
- Hunting began in
- Most well know killing sequd victim place and how many dead
33,771 and Babi Yar
- How many vitcims of the einsatzgruppen or killing squads
1.5 million deaths or ⅓ of the victims of the Holocaust.
- How many of Jewish population dead
Around ⅔ or 66% of the Jewish population died during the Holocaust.
- Jewish went to
Austria, USA, Isreal
- First international military tribunal
20 November 1945
- How many hanged and sentences
- 3 Ks
Kinder (children), Kutsche (kitchen), Kirche (church)
- How many female teachers fired
- Women were
forced to be mothers, quit
- Hitlers pov
Women not equal shows be at home, different from govts pov
- Laws
no judges law in 1938 and harsh abortion laws
- Hitler quote about Y.A
“If the older generation can not get accustomed to us, we shall take their children away from them and rear them as needful to the fatherland.”.
- How many Hitler youth members
7.2 million by 1942
- quote dangerous
“To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.”
Elie Wiesel-
- “coordination” or “synchronization” of German political, social, and cultural life rearranged to serve Nazi goals.
- Forced treaty
- Hitler quote TOV
The Treaty was made in order to bring 20 million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. - April 17, 1923
- Significance of Wiemer govt
The event holds significance due to it being discussed extensively at the time and leading to a change in the German government system and how they operate. This is significant as this was the first democratic government Germany had. The event was also remarked upon in future times in a negative light.
- What type of govt is Wiemer govt
proportional representation
- How much is needed to pass an decree
- Article 48 definition
allowed the German president to declare a state of emergency in times of national danger and effectively to rule as a dictator for short periods.
- How many times was A.48 used by govt
60 times in 1932 alone.
- A.48 used to do what with Hitler
President Hinderburg also used article 48 and called an emergency parliament meeting on the 5th of March 1933. Using this Hitler convinced the Nazis and the nationalist party to join resulting in them holding a majority in the Reichstag of a committed 288 Nazi seats and 52 Nationalist seats. Due to the dominance in the parliament
- How amny chancellors and when
Chancellors with 4 different answers between 1929 and 1933.
- the German Foreign Minister quote, who and when
“Germany is in fact dancing on the volcano”. Gustav Stresemann,
- ‘New Plan’ to improve economy by who and facts related
Hjalmar Schacht Introduce a new plan which was reduce Imports with it being at 33% of all required raw material in 1939,
- Govt facts about spending, time, money
Government spending during this time period had increased from 12 billion reichsmarks in 1928 to 30 billion in 1939.
- Unemployment time and people
Unemployment had decreased from 6 million in 1933 to 300,000 by 1939.
- Hours increased
- If unemplypoed joined army with how many members by when
reaching 1.6 million members
- if not army what to join
join National Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) which prompted them into a Nazi workers scheme.
- when was jewish citizenship taken
- when was Jewish citizenship taken
- Smoke and mirrors: chancellor prevoius (name, when/timeframe, money, unemplyoment)
.General Kurt von Schleicher (previous chancellor) Who was the previous Chancellor had also accepted a public work program 48-hours prior to resigning. The scheme How to reduce unemployment by 2 million in the first six months and also cost half a billion marks.
- Quote intro
“Germany must obey like a well-trained soldier because the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, is always right.”
Robert Ley, December 1935
- n/a dont like delete just saw5
The battle beginning today will decide the fate of the German nation for the next thousand years.
10 May 1940
- quote conclsuion
Future generations will damn you in your grave for what you have done.” Erich LUDENDORFF
- reichstag quote
. ‘Instead of working to achieve power by armed coup, we shall have to hold our noses and enter the Reichstag.’ – HITLER
- Economy quote
Germany is in fact dancing on a volcano. STRESEMANN
- german chancellors
Heinrich Bruning, Franz Von Papen, General Kurt Von Schleicher and Adolf Hilter.