Hit Parade Group 1 - Day 2 Flashcards
Eloquent (Adj)
well-spoken, expressive, articulate (Noun: eloquence)
Enervate (Verb)
to weaken; to reduce in vitality
Ennui (Noun)
dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
Equivocate (Verb)
to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent (Adj: equivocal)
Erudite (Adj)
very learned; scholarly (Noun: erudition)
Exculpate (Verb)
exonerate; to clear of blame
Exigent (Adj)
urgent, pressing; requiring immediate action or attention
Extemporaneous (Adj)
improvised; done without preparation
Filibuster (Noun)
intentional obstruction, esp. using prolonged speech making to delay legislative action
Fulminate (Verb)
to loudly attack or denounce
Ingenuous (Adj)
artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication
Inured (Adj)
accustomed to accepting something undesirable
Irascible (Adj)
easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts
Laud (Verb)
to praise highly (Adj: laudatory)
Lucid (Adj)
clear; easily understood
Magnanimity (Noun)
the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving (Adj: magnanimous)
Martial (Adj)
associated with war and the armed forces
Mundane (Adj)
of the world; typical of or concerned with the ordinary
Nascent (Adj)
coming into being; in early developmental stages
Nebulous (Adj)
vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form