Hit Parade Group 1 - Day 1 Flashcards
Abscond (Verb)
to depart clandestinely; to steal off and hide
Clandestine (Adj)
done in secrecy, usually for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious
Surreptitious (Adj)
done by stealth; secret or unauthorized
Aberrant (Adj)
deviating from the norm (Noun: aberration)
Alacrity (Noun)
eager and enthusiastic willingness
Anomaly (Noun)
deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality (Adj: anomalous)
Approbation (Noun)
an expression of approval or praise
Arduous (Adj)
strenuous, taxing; requiring significant effort
Assuage (Verb)
to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify
Audacious (Adj)
daring and fearless; recklessly bold (Noun: audacity)
Austere (Adj)
without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic (Noun: austerity)
Axiomatic (Adj)
taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth (Noun: axiom)
Canonical (Adj)
following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards (Noun: canon)
Capricious (Adj)
inclined to change one’s mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable
Censure (Verb)
to criticize severely; to officially rebuke
Chicanery (Noun)
trickery or subterfuge
Connoisseur (Noun)
an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
Convoluted (Adj)
complex or complicated
Disabuse (Verb)
to undeceive; to set right
Discordant (Adj)
conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound
Disparate (Adj)
fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
Effrontery (Noun)
extreme boldness; presumptuousness