History Yearly Exam Yr 7 Flashcards
Definition: Anachronism
an object, person, event or practice that is placed outside of it’s original time period.
Definition: Chronological order
the order in which things. Happened from first to last. time order from earliest to most recent.
Definition: Ancient History
period of time from 4000BC to 476AD between the invention of writing and the fall of the roman empire.
Definition: Conservation
means conserving our heritage for the future
Definition: AD
Anno Domini. “in the year of our lord” the period of time that occurs after the birth of christ.
Definition: decade
the measure of 10 years of time
Definition: archeologist
a person specifically trained to investigate the past by digging up and examining objects (artefacts) that have been left behind by previous people.
Definition: Dynasty
period of rule of one specific family
Definition: archeology
the study of ancient societies through the artefacts that they left behind.
Definition: empathy
the ability to appreciate how other people think and feel; to put youself in someone else’s position.
Definition: artifact
an object that has been made/ altered by humans being such as weapons, clothing, jewellery and pottery.
Definition: B.C.
Before Christ. Term for the period of time before the birth of Christ.
Definition: evidence
information gathered from sources. facts used to support conclusion.
Definition: Bias
Information that is written from one point of view and as a result is one-sided, inaccurate or incomplete.
Definition: Excavation
the method used by archeologist to dig up remains of the past.
Definition: B.C.E.
Before Common Era. The time before Christ’s birth.