History Unit 1- The Slave Trade Flashcards
Describe the case of the Zong
Showed that the court at that time was greatly in favour of the Slave Trade
166 slaves were tossed overboard so the slave traders could claim insurance
In their eyes the money was worth more than the slaves lives
The legal system turned a blind eye to these events
Why did Britain want slaves? Give four reasons
To become a wealthier country
To work on the plantations
To produce goods
For cheap labour
Describe Stage 1 of the Triangular Trade
Ships were loaded in Britain with good such as cloth, guns and gun powder
They then sailed to Africa and exchanged the cargo for slaves
Eg/ in 1700 the price of a slave could be as little as £3 however by 1800 the price was more like £25 each
Describe stage 2 of the Triangular Trade - The Middle Passage
Took around a month to complete
The ship (loaded with slaves) travelled to the Americas
The captain aimed to arrive in January during the sugar cane harvest as that was when the demand for slaves was highest
Slaves were usually sold at auctions
The traders often lied about the health and the condition of the slaves
Describe stage 3 of the Triangular Trade
With the money from the slaves the captain would buy a range of foods which were in high demand in Britain
Eg/ sugar, rum, cotton, tobacco
He would then sail home and sell the goods at a profit
What was Africa like before the slave trade? (Positive view)
They had skilled iron workers who made spearheads and farming tools
Africans also made bridles and saddles and died dear and goat skin
There were educated men Eg/ doctors, judges and priests
They had a currency
They had religion- mainly Islam
What was Africa like before the slave trade? (Negative view)
People assumed Africans were inferior to white people
Thought they had no skills at all
Europeans viewed them as lazy and idle
Many thought the Africans were frequently at war
Why chose Africans?
Strong workers
Could work well in the heat
Higher quantities of people in Africa
Did Africa benefit from the Slave Trade?
Some states (Dahomey) grew rich and powerful from the trade
Families were torn apart
Misery and suffering was created
Decline in population and wealth
Encouraged war and violence
Describe the home life of plantation slaves
Slaves had to wake at 4am to get ready
Had to be at the fields by 6am
Stayed in their own huts with their families
What did plantation slaves eat? And when?
Slaves had to grow their own food
They had 30 minutes for lunch
What is slavery?
When people have their personal freedom taken away from them and are forced to work for no pay
They cannot leave or refuse to work
Free time for plantation slaves:
Field hands occasional my got Sunday’s off
Families would spend little time together
Days off on New Year, Shrove Tuesday, and the end of Harvest
Describe the religion of plantation slaves
They mixed African religions with Christianity
Taught by missionaries from the Caribbean
No black preachers or drums
Punishments for slaves on the plantation
They were punished for no reason
Sometimes plantation owners became addicted to punishing their slaves
Many used punishments to defeat boredom
Work on the field for a plantation slave
Many slaves would die before their first week was over
Children were also taken to the fields
Hot, tiring and sharp tools with few breaks
Work in the Factories for plantation Slaves
Hard laborious work
They were constantly watched
Domestic work for plantation slaves
Mainly a woman’s job
Cleaned and cooked
Just as hard as field work
Watched all day
Why support the slave trade?
Provides jobs
Increases the wealth of Britain
Provides people with cheap tropical goods
Educated people supported it
Cities prospered and grew
People thought they were civilising Africans
Why oppose the Slave trade?
Against Christian beliefs
Gradually became less profitable
Cruel, opposed people’s morals
Why did the abolitionist movement succeed
Sugar boycott, damaged the profitability of the trade
Plays and paintings made the slave trade seem profitable
Public events made people aware
Petitions showed people wanted change
Chains and irons illustrated speeches and showed harsh realities
People listened to their religious leaders
The impact of the Slave Trade on Britain
Black people came to live in Britain
Liverpool and Britain grew into large wealthy towns
Industry and economy were stimulated
Supplied Britain with sugar, tobacco and rum
Financed British society
Encouraged racism among white people
Resistance on plantations.
Why did slaves find it hard to resist against their masters?
Slaves were under constant surveillance from the overseers and their masters.
Punishments for resistance were very serious so slaves were scared to resist their masters.
Many slaves quickly adapted to their new lives and became brainwashed into accepting plantation life.
Many islands were small so the slaves often ended up being re-captured by someone else
Slaves feared being separated from their families
The uprisings often lacked real leadership
Resistance on the plantations
How could spaces resist against their owners?
They could run away from their masters. This was resistance as they were taking their lives into their own hands and making their own decisions.
Slaves could also resist by purchasing their freedom. For example Mary Prince who saved up money for years to release herself.
By supporting Sam Sharpe, black preacher, lead the Baptist was in 1832 to help abolish the slave trade.
The maroons were a group of runaway slaves who lives in the jungles on Turks Island, slaves could attempt to live with them
They could support the abolitionist movement, the abolitionist were a group of people who campaigned against slavery. They held meetings and went to court for their cause.
The slaves could also resist by refusing to accept this new name they were given when first brought to the plantations to work