history/theory Flashcards
Homeopathy theory
What a substance causes in a susceptible healthy person, it can cure in a sick person when prepared homeopathically
Principal of Universality
What is out there can cure what is in here. Humans are not separate from the world we live in
“Through the like, disease is produced, and through the application of the like it is cured”
Samuel Hahnemann, MD
MD, botanist, naturalist, chemist
Author of Oregano of Medicine-1st published in 1810
Did not create the guiding principles and laws of homeopathy, he elucidated them. They are universal laws, similar to laws that govern physics and chemistryp
Reference books
Organic if medicine
Philosophical & Historical texts
Material Medica
God of medicine, rejuvenation, and physicians who represents the healing aspect of medicine. Carries rod of asclepius
Goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation
Goddess of Universal remedy
Goodness of the healing process
Rational medicine
Scientific medicine must conform to 3 requirements
- Based on fact
- It must be rational, that is logical
- It must be demonstrably true
First substance proven
Cinchona-Quinine extracted to treat Malaria
Also known as China Officinalism
Physicians highest calling
Is to make sick people healthy - to heal
Highest ideal of cure
Rapid, gentle, and permanent. To remove the totality of disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way according to clearly comprehensible principles