history test 2 Flashcards



the 10 plagues


1- nile turned into blood
2- Frogs
3- Lice and Gnats
4- Flies
5- Livestock
6- Boils
7- Hail and Fire
8 - Locusts
9- Darkness for 3 days
10- Death of the firstborn

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Scientific reasoning for the 10 plagues


Water Turned to Blood
Scientific Explanation: The first plague, where the waters of the Nile turn to blood, could be the result of a red algae bloom (known as a red tide). These blooms are caused by a rapid increase in certain types of algae, which can turn the water red or brown and create toxins that make the water undrinkable. The dead fish in the Nile would further support this theory, as red algae blooms can deplete oxygen in the water, leading to fish kills.

  1. Frogs
    Scientific Explanation: The second plague, where frogs swarm out of the Nile, could be a consequence of the algae bloom or an ecological imbalance in the Nile. The pollution of the water might cause frogs and other amphibians to leave the river and invade the land. Frogs are sensitive to water quality, and such a disruption could cause them to flee the contaminated areas in large numbers.
  2. Gnats (or Lice)
    Scientific Explanation: The third plague, where gnats or lice infest the land, could be a result of the disruption in the ecosystem caused by the earlier plagues. With the Nile’s waters contaminated and fish dead, insect populations might have exploded. The conditions may have also encouraged the spread of parasites, including lice and other biting insects, which could have affected both humans and animals.
  3. Flies
    Scientific Explanation: The fourth plague, where flies swarm over the land, is another consequence of ecological disturbance. The rotting carcasses of fish and frogs, along with the accumulation of waste from the previous plagues, would create ideal conditions for fly breeding. The flies could have spread disease, which would have made the situation even more catastrophic for the Egyptians.
  4. Pestilence (Livestock Disease)
    Scientific Explanation: The fifth plague, which affects Egyptian livestock, might be explained by the spread of diseases such as anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, or other infections that could have been transmitted by the flies, insects, or contamination from the water and environment. These diseases often spread quickly through animal populations and could lead to widespread death among livestock.
  5. Boils
    Scientific Explanation: The sixth plague, which causes boils on the Egyptians’ bodies, could be a result of the spread of bacterial or viral infections, possibly exacerbated by the unsanitary conditions created by the previous plagues. Diseases like smallpox or anthrax, which can cause skin sores, could have been triggered by the contamination of the environment, poor hygiene, and the weakened immune systems of both humans and animals.
  6. Hail and Fire
    Scientific Explanation: The seventh plague, where hail mixed with fire destroys crops, could be explained by a severe weather event such as a violent thunderstorm, potentially combined with volcanic activity. A volcanic eruption could release ash into the atmosphere, which might create the conditions for unusual thunderstorms, including hailstorms. The fiery element could be a result of lightning strikes starting fires during such storms.
  7. Locusts
    Scientific Explanation: The eighth plague, where locusts swarm over the land and consume everything in their path, is often seen as a natural phenomenon. In some regions, particularly during certain times of year, swarms of locusts can devastate crops. The disruption of the ecosystem caused by the previous plagues—such as the death of plants from the hailstorm—could have encouraged a locust infestation.
  8. Darkness
    Scientific Explanation: The ninth plague, where a thick darkness covers Egypt for three days, might be the result of a dust storm, volcanic eruption, or an eclipse. A volcanic eruption, for example, could have released massive amounts of ash into the atmosphere, blocking the sun and creating a period of darkness. Similarly, a dense sandstorm could have caused similar conditions of darkness, especially in regions close to deserts.
  9. Death of the Firstborn
    Scientific Explanation: The tenth and final plague, the death of the firstborn of Egypt, is the most difficult to explain through natural causes, but some hypotheses have been proposed. One possible explanation involves a disease, such as a strain of Bacillus cereus or a similar pathogen, which could be transmitted through contaminated food or water. The firstborns, who may have had more exposure to specific foods or substances, could have been more vulnerable. Alternatively, a natural environmental factor combined with a psychological or social contagion (where the threat of divine punishment led to heightened stress and physical symptoms) could be considered.
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The 10 commandments


No Other Gods Before Me
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
This commandment emphasizes the worship of the one true God and prohibits idolatry or the worship of other gods.

  1. No Graven Images or Idols
    “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters beneath the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.”
    This commandment forbids the creation of idols or images to be worshipped, and rejects any form of idol worship.
  2. Do Not Take the Name of God in Vain
    “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”
    This commandment stresses the importance of reverence for God’s name and forbids its misuse, including swearing or using it thoughtlessly.
  3. Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep It Holy
    “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work.”
    This commandment requires setting aside the seventh day (the Sabbath) as a day of rest and worship.
  4. Honor Your Father and Mother
    “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
    This commandment emphasizes the importance of honoring and respecting one’s parents.
  5. Do Not Murder
    “Thou shalt not kill.”
    This commandment forbids the unlawful taking of human life, often interpreted as prohibiting murder.
  6. Do Not Commit Adultery
    “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
    This commandment forbids infidelity and the violation of the sanctity of marriage.
  7. Do Not Steal
    “Thou shalt not steal.”
    This commandment prohibits taking someone else’s property without permission.
  8. Do Not Bear False Witness
    “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
    This commandment forbids lying or giving false testimony, particularly in a legal or judicial context.
  9. Do Not Covet
    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
    This commandment prohibits desiring or coveting what belongs to others, particularly with the intention of taking it.
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