History Tellers Up To Britan Rules Flashcards
First: Aboriginal Nations
- Anisnabe, Mi’kmaq, & Howdenosaunee were the first to encounter the Europeans
- believed that the earth was made of the creator or the “great spirit”
- each tribe had a leader
- lived in tipis and howdenosaunee lived in long houses
- hunted deer, moose, bears, beavers,etc.
- aboriginals we’re here way before the Europeans
Friends of the earth
FN believed everything had feelings
The faces on the clouds show the connection the FN had with the earth
Valued all earths natural resources
Thought earth was made by the “creator”
Had a very peaceful life before the Europeans arrived
Masters of the land
FN lived all across Canada in different tribes
They all have different modes and styles of living depending on their tribes
FN were the masters
Howdenosunee lived in longhouses
FN lived of the land & hunted animals
England & France began to arrive at the east coast of Canada 1400s/1500s
In 1497 Giovanni Caboto landed in Newfoundland & found the fishing grounds full of cod
The ship shows new technologies that Europeans had & they sailed with it across the ocean to explore
Vikings- Vinland
Silk & spices became very popular
Needed to get to Asia
European Powers
Their playing Rock Paper Scissors which shows that they had compotion
The Europeans wanted glory(fame)to search for riches (gold) & to spread the word of god to the FN
They came from the late 1400 to 1500s
English coming to North America
Came to create colonies and get wealthy
*New technologies
Samuel de Champlain retracted Jacques Cartier voyages his mission was to establish the First colony in North America- port royal in Acadia
French coming to North America
The cross shows that the French were catholic
*overland trade routes blocked between Europe & Asia
Europeans need to find new routes to Asia to acquire their silks and spices
Shows the Spanish coming to North America
came to find gold in establish colonies
They wanted to be famous and they wanted happiness
The countries followed God‘s wishes
This is the believes of the first nations France and Britain and how France and Britain tried to change the first nations religion
Spread the word of god
The countries all wanted to gain wealth and land for their mother countries
They all wanted to be the best and they fought over wealth
The fish represented that fish contributed to the fair trade by providing food and money
Fur & fish fights
The new fashion of Beaverhead scamp Explorers coming to
Canada in search of beaver felt and helped establish the foundation of the for trade
Fur & fish brought great wealth to the merchants & the homeland countries for both the French and British
The for trade develop relationships among people and layed down partners in the movement of peoples
The new colonies had direct impact on the first nations some are good and some were bad
The company of the fur trade brought the interest of first Nations French and British people sometimes in conflict sometimes in harmony
Moreland meant more power and wealth for homeland countries
The French created alliances with the first nations well the British just wanted land and furs
Mountains represent that the for trade was moving in land (more west)
The gun represents the wars that happened in the first nations had to become Catholic to get guns
The beavers represent that they contributed by providing furs and money
Hurons Crushed
Acadia was in a strategic position allowing a view of the ocean and approaching ships
After the treaty of Utrecht in 1713
The first nations lost everything including loss of family friends etc. The first nations are kicked off their land
Acadians scattered
The Acadians lost every single thing they had
British and the French one at Acadia due to its strategic position and mouth of the Saint Lawrence river
The British man standing on the Acadian sign represents Britain taking over Acadia and by Putting the British flag in front of the Acadia one
New France falling
British gained control and kicked new France off their land
The three British flags represent the three years war
Battle of the Plains of Abraham Queen Annes war and the seven years war
Deaths of wolf and Montcalm
The fighting between Britain and France continued and in 1759 Britain conquered the French in the battle of the Plains of Abraham seizing Quebec. General James Wolf leader of the British and Merqois Montcalm leader of the French both died in the battle.
The French flag on the ground in the British flag standing tall represents that Britain won the battle
Britain rules
The French lost their land and power to the British
Britain gained control of most of North America
The flags in the picture represent who the British and French are
The French man bowing to the British queen represents that the French lost the battle to the British
Name all the History Tellers in this deck
First aboriginal nation Friends of the earth Masters in a land Exploration colonization Vikings Vineland European powers England France Spain Glory God Gain Fur and fish fights Confrontations Hurons crushed Acadian scattered New France falling Deaths of Wolf and Montcalm Britain rules