Chp. 6 Flashcards
A rapid violent change in government
Becoming part in a diffierent culture group
Ask for something in a formal way
No monarch
Someone who researches family trees
United Empire loyalists
Any of the American colonists who settled in Canada during or after the war of American independence because of their loyalty to Britain
In debt
To owe money
People who opposed the rebellion
13 colonies
In North America that joint together and became the United States of America
Person who seeks protection in another country to escape danger in their own country
Add descendant of the settlers of New France
Two or more peoples of diverse cultures living together peacefully
To ask for something in a formal way
A rapid often violent change my system of government
from monarchy to republic for example
A system of government that does not have a monarch
usually a democracy
Republican government
A government that has no monarch and that is usually elected
The process of people establishing homes and citizenship in a country that is not their native country
Reserve/ Reservation
An area of land set aside by a treaty (agreement )
for the use of a first Nations
The process of becoming part of a different cultural group
Chp. 6 summary
The American Revolution American war of independence what is the struggle of the 13 colonies to cut their ties with Britain.The British government tax the American colonies to help pay for that expensive wars. This high taxes along with a few other events begin to upset the people living in the 13 colonies. They decided they want to rule them selves and be completely cut off from Britain. People who supported the rebellion or called Patriots. Those that wanted to stay loyal to Britain did not support the rebellion and they were called lawyer with many loyalist left the 13 colonies and travel to the British colonies in Nova Scotia in Quebec. The right the arrival of approximately 40,000 loyalists into Canada had impacts on the first Nations French and British already living in these areas. Many loyalists felt that since they remain loyal to Britain Britain owe them something. They petition the government for more British laws and customs rather than the France ones put in place during the Quebec act of 1774 no Britain had a problem last grave because it needed to keep these new wireless happy along with the French British and the French nations people. To do this the government decided to divide the settlement of Nova Scotia of Nova Scotia the several new colonies New Brunswick keep Breton Island and St. John island. And 17 nine do you want on the government then pass the constitutional act of 1791 which divided quad back into upper and lower lower Canada lower Canada mostly French Catholic settlers was re-firmed that arrangement under the Quebec act of 1774. The upper Canada Connie was given an elected assembly for the represented government. The war of 1812 because of the grieving ounces in the US had against the Britain they declared war against that. Great Britain was busy in Europe with that napolenoic wars. Britain had shut down trade between the US and France and had even started boarding American ships for British disasters. To retaliate the US declared war on Britain is the nearest piece of land Canada the Americans invaded expecting the colonist to join them in their fight against British rule instead the colonist French Britain and first Nations and loyalist all that back.
Why did the Americans in the 13 colonies real against the British
Britain was in debt because of seven years war so they were looking for ways to save money they wanted to keep troops stationed in the 13 colonies so they decided to make the colonies pay for the troops they wanted to become an independent country written raise the 13 colonies help recover after the seven years war Britain attack the Americans too much and war started
The war divided the colonists into groups. What were the groups called and who did they support
Patriots- people who supported the rebellion
United empire loyalists- people who opposed the rebellion who wanted to remain united to the British empire and loyal to Britain 🇬🇧
What is tarring and feathering why might this happen to a person
Touring is covering seven with hotter feathering is dumping a sack full of feathers over his head his or her head after they’ve been tired. This might happen because of a persons beliefs or religion they did this to get more people to become patriots
What was the loyalist migration other than colonists and Britain ancestry who was also part of this group
Black slaves British people first Nations migrating to Canada during the American war of independence many people living in the 13 colonies wanted to remain loyal to you and support the British rule they became refugees are keeping to their territories that we’re still under the British rule in North America these people are called loyalists many had British background
How did the lawyers migration impact the Canadians
Increase the number of British people in Quebec by 1790 the British made at 10% of Quebec. Which concern many Canadians about their rights