History taking in Psychiatry Flashcards
What components make up a psych assessment?
Psych Hx (detailed history) + MSE (snapshot of patient today) + risk assessment (summising key ppints from Hx and MSE/like a systems review related to psych risk) –> formulate/summary Px
What are the parts of a psych history that are different to a normal history?
- circumstances of referral (sectioned etc) - what did the patient say happened
- Past Psychiatric history - understanding previous hospital admissions, what helped / what didn’t
- Development history
- Personal history (Inc. early life, education, occupation and sexual history & pre-morbid personality)
- Forensic history
- Collateral Hx
What are the components of the MSE?
ABS MAT PCI and sleeping and appetite - Appearance - Behaviour - Speech - Mood - Affect - Thoughts - Perceptions - Cognition - Insight \+ Sleep and Appetite
What does a risk assessment entail?
Looking at summarising the key points of the Psych history and MSE –> relating them to psychiatric risk including:
- To self
- From others
- Too others
- Accidents (e.g. neglecting personal safety)
and any other risk behaviours
What is the total psychiatric history?
1) Presenting complaint
2) History from others
3) Past psychiatric history
4) Premorbid personality
5) Past medical history
6) Family history
7) Personal history
8) Social History
9) Current medication
10) Tobacco, alcohol and drugs
11) Forensic history
What is a useful way to explore a patients presenting complaint?
N.O.T. S.A.D
Nature Onset Treatment [+ outcomes] Severity [+ functional impact] Alleviating / Aggravating Duration [+ progression]
The PC may be regarding details of an episode indicative of risk
If someone has a PC of self harm/suicide - what are useful questions to ask?
How did you come to be here/get to A&E?
Did you want to die?
Do you know why you did it?
How dangerous did you think this may have been?
Did you want to die or escape your current situation?
Were you ordered to do it by voices / ideas put in your head / other persons or agencies? - are the voices saying you should kill yourself expressing what YOU actually think of yourself?
Are you sorry to survived?
Act Circumstances:
Did anybody see you take the overdose? - Did you tell anyone about it?
(were you expecting a visitor when you did it?)
Did you try to make sure you weren’t found?
Why do you think your suicide attempt failed?
Background to the act:
Did you plan this? For how long?
Do you feel you deserve punishment as you hate yourself?
Does harming yourself give you some relief?
What response were you hoping for from other people to your self harm?
What questions for PC could you ask someone about their current episode of depression?
- Appetite?
- energy?
- enthusiasm?
- Enjoyment?
- Concentration?
- Sleep?
- Confidence?
- hope?
- Self esteem
- Tears (how often in last week)
- Guilt
- Dinural variation in mood (gets better throughout day compared to in morning)
- Social: withdrawal & avoidance
- Rumination
- Anxiety / panics
- Self-care
- Suicidal thoughts and intent
- Ask patient to rate depression on a scale of 1:10 - 1 = immediate suicidal intent and 10 = completely fine
What questions could you ask about the PC of a current episode of psychosis?
Insight -
do other people think you have a mental illness?
Concentration - do you have trouble keeping to the subject?
- do you feel comfortable walking in a crowd? - do people seem to be looking at you in the street? any difficulties with the neighbours? - do you think you might be being oversensitive?–> that sounds unusual to me, what do you think?
Thought block / insertion / echo?
What do the voices say? Talking to you/each other/ how many?
an they control or influence you in any way?
What PC questions can you ask someone in a current hypomanic episode?
How much sleep are you getting?
Can you get what you want to say out?
Are your thoughts going at a good place?
Got plenty of good ideas?
Are people a bit slow for you?
Have you lost your temper with people?
been overfriendly, over familiar, said things you may regret later? Told your boss what you really think of him?
Have you been very witty, creative, realised your own very high potential,
/driving your car better, did you crash, could you be hurt?
What particularly is useful to ask regarding a history from others/collateral?
~ Useful for issues where the patient may not be aware of them: weight loss, social withdrawal, thought disordered speech, inappropriate affect etc
Timeline: When did you first notice something wrong?
Was he like this months/years ago/ as a young man?
Condition (psychosis, depression, substance abuse): does he make you feel responsible for him?
Does he appear to hear voices / be perplexed / go off the point / smile or cry for no reason/appear suspicious/believe things which are not true/make odd movements?
Have they ever assaulted anyone? Self-harm?
Can you trust his reassurance that he wont attempt suicide?
Could he be using drugs without you knowing? ~that’s what he says but what’s your opinion?
What information should be gleaned from the past psychiatric history?
should give a chronic account of duration, nature & management of ALL past psychiatric illness
episodes which were not brought to the attention of doctors or treated should also be
[If episodes are the same illness then this can be abbreviated to the dates and which treatments tried with what effects]
inc. Dx, syx, date, treatments, hospital / dr and outomes for each episode is required + clarify: compliance, benefits, side effects
What are useful questions in the past psychiatric history?
Have you ever had any mental health problems before?
Have you ever seen anyone for mental health problems?
Have you ever suffered from ongoing or severe:
- Anxiety: nervousness, depression,
- Mania: extreme prolonged excitement/ elation, altered sense of reality,
- Psychosis: seeing /hearing things that others couldn’t/
- alcohol or drug abuse,
- Depression: deliberate self harm, suicide
Admission - or hospitalisation for any psychiatric illness?
What is a pre-morbid personality?
The patients personality and functioning before the onset of illness should be elicited. Could also be good that the history comes from others with long term knowledge
Personality = enduring characteristics of behaviour and includes:
- Cognitions (way of thinking)
How did you cope when something went wrong?
- Affectivity (emotions and feelings)
What was your temperament like?
- Behaviour (interpersonal, reaction, self-control)
How did you get along with other people?
- Talents (music, public speaking, wit, sporting ability)
- Interests (politics, reading, music, religion, TV, films)
What activities did you do, what interest did you have?
What questions are useful / should be asked in a past medical history?
*usually the same as any standard med or surg patient history, including: Diagnosis / syx / date / effect on patient / hospital / doctor / outcome. Inc. surgery and any non-medical treatment / interventions and their outcomes. NOTE: The psychological effects of medical illnesses and those which can cause psychiatric syx e.g. hypothyroidism and SLE
PMH - have you had any serious illnesses, hosp admissions, operations or health problems (that have affected you a lot?)
have you had any prescription medicines?
are you currently seeing a doctor or receiving any treatment?
have you ever been admitted to hospital or had any operations?
In psych what should you ask about family history?
Hx of illness particularly psychiatric
Has anyone in the family ever had any psychiatric illness? - dx, tx, admissions & outcomes
What is in a personal history?
upbringing: who brought them up?
and any changes to this / ages they took place
Were you separated from the family at any stage?
family structure with genogram
changes of residence and school
note the relationships between parents/guardians/carers themselves
How did they treat eachother? treat you?
& how the child was treated by each of them up till adulthood
e.g. hit, frightened, spoilt, disapproved of, loved, belonged, abused sexually/physically, ignored, punished, criticised,
How old when:
age of finishing school and academic achievements, age of leaving home.
Employment history - what was the longest job held?
Significant (romantic) relationships: What’s the longest relationship you’ve had?
How long (e.g. age 25-29), how did they treat each other, why did it end, children of the union (names and ages and who they live with)
other pregnancies
What should be asked in a social history for a psychiatric hx?
"How would you spend a normal day?" Accommodation Activities of daily living Finances Social support network - Fam, friends, colleagues and neighbours
How do you ask about current meds?
ALL current drug intake needs to be recorder including prescribed, alternative, OTC, psych and non psych. + allergies + drug rxns
any meds?
injections on a regular basis? (depo)
health supplements? herbal remedies? alternative medicine?
had any reaction to any medication or anything?
How to ask about tobacco, alcohol and drugs?
Record now - current use, amount, freq, periodicity/binging and triggers “what do you think makes you use substances in this way?”
record prev - age of first use, fluctuations in use, (“when was the last time you had a day/week/month without…?” periods of abstinence “why did you stop?” or lack of them, syx of physical dependence
How did you pay for them?