History Questions Flashcards
Morbid Jealousy
- Who are they having the affair with?
- What makes them suspect this? Gathering evidence/searching?
- Confronted either party?
- Degree of conviction?
- Plans for confrontation/situation?
- Intend to hurt? Have a weapon?
- Risk to self?
- Relationship history?
- Forensic history?
- EtOH/drugs
Body Dysmorphia
- What is their concern about their body?
- Degree of conviction?
- Doing research?
- How much time spent worrying about?
- Steps to conceal?
- Steps to fix? Risk
- Avoidance? Impact on life?
- Future plans?
- ABC of event
- What were their plans?
- On what evidence is affection based?
- How did they come to know?
- How long have they known for?
- Tried to make contact with victim? Contact returned?
- Degree of conviction?
- What are your plans for the relationship?
- Research?
- Where lives? Where works?
- Contact details?
- Movements?
- Time spent thinking about?
- Sexual fantasies/masturbation?
- Violent fantasies?
- What if they reject you?
- Carrying a weapon?
- Current plans?
- Threats to X
- Tryied to follow
- Thoughts of harming self?
- Relationship history?
- Forensic history?
- Violence in the past?
- Made any threats?
- Psychiatric history?
- Drug/EtoH use?
- Antecedents
- What happened before?
- Feeling tense? Did something upset you?
- Planned or impulsive?
- Behaviour
- How was fire set?
- Use of fuel?
- How did it progress?
- Did you alert anyone?
- How did it end?
- Consequences
- Feelings of relief?
- Feelings of arousal?
- Concern over consequences for self/others?
- What did you think would happen?
- Feelings now?
- History of firesetting?
- When started?
- Biggest fire?
- Previously in trouble?
- History of trauma?
- Past psychiatric history?
- Mood recently?
- Hearing voices?
- Current stressors?
- Drug/EtOH use?
- Forensic/police history?
- Ever been in trouble with the police before?
- Risk?
- Desire to end life?
- Plans to set further fires again?
Child Sexual Offence - Incident History
- Before starting - calrify confidentiality unless risk but will inform if breaking
- Antecedent?
- Relationship to victim?
- Behaviour?
- Where?
- Step by step - what happened?
- What where their intentions?
- How did the victim respond? Did they become upset?
- How did it end?
- Aroused? Masurbated during or after?
- Consequences?
- Feelings now?
- Regret?
- Plans?
- History of traumatic event
- Intrusion Symptoms
- Flashback memories
- Nightmares?
- Avoidance of reminders
- People/places/activities?
- Difficulty discussing event?
- Arousal
- More irritable/on edge?
- Feeling tense?
- Difficulty sleeping?
- Poor concentration?
- Affective flattening
- Low mood?
- Less emotion?
- Screen for suicidality
- Screen for drug/EToH use
Alcohol Abuse
- How much consumed per day?
- What?
- When during day?
- Difficulty controlling consumption?
- Craving for alcohol?
- Increasing amounts for same effect?
- Impact on
- Work
- Relationships
- Health
- Functioning
- Finances?
- Who is at home?
- Trouble with the police?
- Driving?
Conversion Disorder
- ABC of symptoms
- When did they start?
- Patients beliefs about cause?
- Specific idea?
- Stressors?
- Work?
- Relationships?
- Other?
- Gains from being ill?
- Feelings about illness?
- Future hopes?
Conduct Disorder
- Defiance
- Argumentative?
- Violates rules?
- Truancy/staying out?
- Aggression
- Getting into fights?
- Violence towards others?
- Sexually coercive?
- Cruelty to others/animals?
- Property
- Stealing?
- Vandalism?
- Situation at home?
- Onset?
- Obsessive thoughts
- Recurrent? How much time spent thinking about?
- Intrusive in nature?
- From self or external?
- Able to resist?
- Impact on life?
- Compulsions?
- Repetitive behaviours?
- Mental rituals?
- Relieve of anxiety? What happens if ignores?
- Impact on life?
- Lucky numbers?
- Need for symmetry?
- Hoarding?
- Motor + Vocal
- Onset?
- Frequency?
- Severity?
- Simple or complex?
- Vocal - noise vs words
- Motor - movement vs whole gesture
- Triggers?
- Offensive?
- Funny feeling before? (aura)
- Able to suppress?
- Impact?
- Bullying? - risk
- Attention
- Difficulty paying attention?
- Careless mistakes?
- Forgetful?
- Gives up easily?
- Disorganised?
- Hyperactive
- Difficulty sitting still?
- Sit through a class/movie/meal?
- Fidgety?
- Prone to interrupting?
- Sleep?
- Difficulty sitting still?
- Impulsivity
- Risky behaviours:
- Dangerous activities
- Drugs
- Sex
- Bullying
- Risky behaviours:
- Impact?
- Trigger?
- Situations?
- Outside? - need to escape?
- Social? - fear of judgement? fear of vomiting/micturation?
- Specific phobias
- Autonomic symptoms?
- Avoidance?
- All the time or discrete?
- Panic attacks = 30-60 mins with no trigger - associated with sense of impending doom
- Impact on life?
- Screen for low mood/sucidality/substance misuse
Eating Disorders
- How do you feel about current weight?
- Are you trying to lose weight?
- Do you have a target weight?
- Current rules/methods to achieve?
- Restriction
- Vomiting
- Laxatives
- Exercise
- Do you ever lose control and binge? How often? On what?
- How do you cope with social eating?
- How is your physical health at the moment?
- Physical problems:
- Low libido
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Oligomenorrhea
- Digestive problems
- Sensitivity to cold
- Impact on education, career, relationships?
- What do your friends/family think?
- Social
- Eye contact?
- Reciprocal affection?
- Friends?
- Plays games?
- Language
- Delays in language development?
- Repeats things?
- Restrictive/repetitive behaviours
- Unusual interests?
- Fixation on certain toys
- Imaginative play?
- Repetitive movements?
- Difficulty with routine changes?
- Sensitivity to things?
- Sensory seeking?
- Age of onset of symptoms?
- Pregnancy/birth complications?
- Developmental milestones?
- History of seizures?
- Hearing and vision okay?
- Self-harming behaviours/aggression?
Child Sexual Offence - Past and Risk History
- Relationship history?
- Sexual history?
- Age of first sexual experience?
- First relationship?
- Attracted to children?
- Fantasise about children?
- Watch child pornography?
- Forensic history/trouble with police?
- Has anything like this happened before?
- Have you been in trouble with the police before?
- Have you had any charges related to sexual offences that were later dropped.
- Past psychiatric history?
- Have you ever been treated for a mental health problem in the past
- Risk:
- Occupation?
- Who is at home? Any children?
- Other contact with children?
- Thoughts about doing something similar again? How likely?
- Why do you think people are concerned about what happened?
- Thoughts of harming self/others?
- Drugs/EToH
Hypochondriasis History
- History of medical complaint:
- Exacerbating and relieving factors?
- What was going on when symptoms started - any major stress?
- What tests have you had so far?
- Extent of belief?
- How convinced are you that its X?
- Could it be something else?
- How do you explain the negative tests?
- Could there be another explanation for what you are experiencing?
- Differential
- Are you concerned you have other illnesses?
- How has your mood been recently
- Are you a very anxious person?
- Impact on life - relationships, work, functioning?
- Past medical history?
- Did you have any illnesses as a child?
- Risk:
- Thoughts of harming self?
- Plans now results are negative
Conversion Disorder - History
- Presenting symptoms:
- Exacerbating/relieving factors
- Onset
- Identifying triggering stressor:
- Any particular stressors/worries at the moment?
- How are things at home?
- How are things at work?
- Any recent friends/relatives unwell
- La belle indiferrence:
- Do these symptoms worry you?
- How do you feel about what is happening?
- Secondary gain:
- Has the illness had any benefits? More support?
- Past psychiatric history?
- Family history?
- Medical history?
Opioid Misuse - History
- History of drug use:
- When did you first start using drugs?
- What drugs do you take?
- Including legal highs
- How much per day/week? Cost?
- How long for?
- How taken?
- If injecting sharing needles?
- Any recent changes in consumption? e.g. amount, type or route?
- Tolerance/dependance/withdrawal
- Need for increasing amounts for same effect
- Tried going without? Withdrawal symptoms?
- Prioritise over other needs?
- Social history
- Currently in a relationship?
- At work at the moment?
- Financial situation?
- Children at home? Where now?
- How much ETOH in a week?
- Psychiatric history
- Current mood?
- Hearing voices?
- Feeling paranoid
- Physical health?
- Caused any physical health problems?
- If injecting - abscesses/DVTs/heart problems
- Caused any physical health problems?
- Reflection - how do they feel about drug use?
Exposure Incident - Risk Assessment
- ABC of event
- Antecedents
- Behaviour
- What happened?
- Did you masturbate?
- Were you aroused at the time
- How did the other person respond?
- Consequences
- How do you feel about what happened?
- Do you regret what happened?
- Past history - psych/forensic
- Has something like this happened in the past?
- Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition?
- Psychosexual History:
- Current and previous relationships
- Sexual preferences?
- Paraphilias?
- Sexual fantasies?
- Sexual thoughts about children?
- Watches pornography?
- What type?
- Involving children?
- Social:
- EToH/drugs
- Whats home situation like? Any significant stressors?
- Risk:
- Plans to do this again?
- How do you feel about what has happened?
- Would you accept treatment for this problem?
Violence Risk Assessment
- ABC of event:
- Circumstances leading up to event?
- How were you feeling?
- What heppened in the event?
- How do you feel about it now?
- Did you use a weapon? Had you planned to? Where is it now?
- Current violence risk
- Thoughts to harm others?
- Plans and means?
- Thoughts to harm self?
- Thoughts to harm others?
- Past psychiatric history?
- Complying with medication?
- Forensic?
- Previous trouble with the police?
- Previous incidents of violence?
- Personality?
- How do you deal with stress?
- How would you describe yourself?
- Social history
- Are you in a relationship at the moment?
- What is your houising situation (homelessness increases risk)
- Drugs/EToH?
Morbid Jealousy - Discussion with Partner - Background Questions
- Explain diagnosis
- What do you know about partners condition so far?
- Whats your understanding of this?
- How have things been at home recently?
- Have they behaved like this in the past?
- What do you know about partners condition so far?
- Risks to partner
- Do you feel safe around them?
- Have their been previous incidents when he has been violent?
- Has he done anything else out of character recently?
- Risks to third party
- Have they made threats towards any other people?
- Have they been carrying any weapons?
Patient Requesting Methadone
- History of methadone use:
- When did you start taking?
- How long have you been taking it for?
- How myuch to you take?
- Where do you collect it from?
- How frequently do you collect it?
- Daily/weekly
- Supervised/unsupervised
- How frequently do you collect it?
- Do you take it all?
- Do you sell or give away excess?
- Do you ever top up with heroin or other drugs?
- On any other medications?
- Past drug history
- What drugs have you used in the past?
- How much?
- For how long?
- Dependence symptoms:
- Tolerance - more for same effect?
- Withdrawal - what happens if you miss a dose?
- Compulsion - difficulty controlling amount you use?
- Cravings - do you get cravings?
- Risks:
- Ever overdosed?
- Physical health problems?
- Tested for HIV/heptatitis?
- Unprotected sex?
- Addiction services:
- How long under?
- Plans for detox?
- Any periods of abstinence?
- Other mental health conditions?
- Forensic?
- History of trouble with the police/convictions?
- Social
- Who is at home?
- Anyone else at home use drugs?
- Do you have any children?
- Currently at work?
- Finances?
Treatment Resistant Depression
- 4As of treatment resistance:
- Adequate dose
- Adherence
- Alcohol/drugs
- Axis II/III disorders
- History of depression
- Physical health problems - hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis
- Suggest tests to investigate
- Medications
- Comorbid psychiatric problems
- PTSD, grief reaction, psychosis
- Drug and alcohol use
- Psychosocial stressors
- Social support
- Premorbid personality
Pregnant Woman Using Heroin
* How does she know she is pregnant?
* Feelings about pregnancy?
* Establish level of current opioid use:
* Amount
* Frequency
* Type
* Duration and extent of problem?
* How much spending on?
* How is she administering? If injecting where? Sharing/reusing needles?
* Other risky behaviours - unprotected sex? overdoses?
* Use of alcohol and other drugs?
* Medical problems?
* Psychiatric problems?
* Legal problems?
* Insight and motivation to stop?
* Social support? Relationship with partner?
* Any other children at home?
Sexual Side Effects Antidepressants
* Onset
* Duration
* Precipitating and relieving factors
* Sex life pre-depression?
* Pre-antidepressant use?
* Differential for sexual dysfunction:
* Performance anxiety
* Physical health issues - diabetes, CVD
* Marital stress
* Impact on relationships
* Advise on risks of cessation too early
* Treatment options:
* Switch to alternative antidepressant
* Sexual counselling
* Wait and see - may improve with depression
* Viagra
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* Onset
* Frequency
* Progression
* Triggers - sleep deprivation, stress, strobe lighting
* Associated with a particular change - medication?
* ABC of seizures:
* Before - aura?
* Visual
* Smell
* Gastric sensations
* Deja Vu
* During:
* Unresponsive?
* Involuntary movements?
* Tongue biting?
* Incontinence?
* Duration of episodes?
* Injuries?
* After:
* Sleepy or confused (post-ictal)
* Past medical history - head injury?
* Medications - seizure inducing?
* Drugs/ETOH?
* Driving?
* Work - with machinery?
Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia - Assessment
* Start with open questions
* Existing diagnosis? History?
* Onset and progression?
* Trigger/link with anything\>
* ABC of behaviours
* Organic causes - intake and elimination, pain, new complaints/unwell, recent falls, fevers?
* Psychiatric - changes in mood? irritability? emotional lability? anhedonia? actively responding or talking to himself?
* Medication - any recent changes to medication?
* Environmental - any changes to staff, routine, activities, visitors?
Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia - Assessment
* Start with open questions
* Existing diagnosis? History?
* Onset and progression?
* Trigger/link with anything\>
* ABC of behaviours
* Organic causes - intake and elimination, pain, new complaints/unwell, recent falls, fevers?
* Psychiatric - changes in mood? irritability? emotional lability? anhedonia? actively responding or talking to himself?
* Medication - any recent changes to medication?
* Environmental - any changes to staff, routine, activities, visitors?
Wandering History - Dementia (Carer)
* When did this begin?
* How many episodes?
* Getting more frequent?
* Daytime/ night-time?
* Does she go for a walk every day?
* Where does she go? Same place? Doing what?
* Drinking/spending lots of money?
* Who has been bringing her back and at what time?
* Medical history?
* Medications?
* Risks:
* To self - Crossing roads/falls
* To others - Agression to others/disinhibition
* From others - Exploitation by others including carers
* Neglect - not taking medications? Eating and drinking? Exposure?
Dementia - History Taking
* Onset of problem, any trigger, progression - gradual or stepwise?
* 5As - memory, skills, disorientation, speech, personality
* Memory
* Misplaces things?
* Forgets appointments?
* What about the past?
* Disorientation:
* Muddled up with day and dates?
* Gets confused at times?
* Difficulty recognising people?
* Speech:
* Difficulties word finding?
* Able to follow conversations?
* Differential:
* Low in mood before the onset of problems? (pseudementia due to depression)
* Visual hallucinations? Movement difficulties? Falls? Fluctuating? (suggests LBD)
* Cardiac risk factors - HTN, diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, CVD? (suggests vascular)
* Increased apathy? Impulsivity? Irritability? Insight? - (suggests frontal lobe)
* Impact on functioning?
* What is he having difficulties with?
* Dressing, washing/toilet, walking, shopping, cooking, transport, finances?
* Risk
* Are there concerns about his behaviour?
* Risk to self:
* Episodes of wandering
* Falls
* Accidents due to fire/flooding at home?
* Risk to others:
* Episodes of aggression?
* Risk from others:
* Risk of exploitation/abuse by caregivers
* Physical health
* Past psych history
* Medications
* Drugs/ETOH
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)
* Orientation:
* Year, season, month, date, time
* Country, town, district, hospital, ward
* Registration:
* I would like you to remember three objects and repeat them to me immediately, then again in 5 minutes:
* Apple, table, penny
* Attention and Calculation:
* Can you spell the word WORLD for me?
* Could you spell it backwards?
* Recall:
* Please repeat the three words I told you earlier back to me
* Language:
* Please name the objects I point at (pen, watch)
* Please repeat the phrase: 'no ifs, ands or buts'
* Please follow my instructions (three stage command):
* Place the index finger of your right hand on your nose, on your forehead then on your ear
* Can you please read this sentence and do what it says: write 'close your eyes' on a piece of paper.
* Could you give me a sentence with a subject and a verb
* Copying:
* Draw two intersecting pentagons and then ask patient to copy
24-30 = no cognitive impariment
18-23 = mild cognitive impairment
0-17 = severe cognitive impairment
Delerium - Assessment
* Clarify presenting complaint
* Onset and duration?
* Fluctuating with time of day?
* Aware of surroundings?
* More alert or subdued?
* Possible causes:
* Any underlying medical conditions?
* Seen recently by GP
* Any new medications
* Elimination
* Complaints of constipation?
* Difficulties PU? New odour, pain or increased frequency?
* Comorbid psychiatric symptoms
* Mood over the past 2 weeks?
* Decreased interest in doing things recently?
* Changes in appetite or sleep?
* Responding to things that aren't there?
* More suspicious than usual?
* Risk:
* More agitated than usual?
* Done anything to risk harming himself or others?
* Wandering?
* Underlying memory issues:
* Prior to onset of confusion how was memory?
* Issues with short term memory? Long term?
* Word finding difficulties?
* Not orientated to time?
* Not recognising people?
* Functioning and ADLs?
* Grooming, dressing and finances?
ADHD - History Background
* Age?
* Current education?
* Onset of problems? How long for? (ADHD \>6 months and onset before age of 7)
* Birth/developmental issues?
Autism Assessment - Core Symptoms - Abnormal Reciprocal Social Interactions
* Do they make eye contact when being spoken to?
* Reciprocates when hugged?
* Does he come to you when hurt?
* Able to make friends with other children?
* Can he play games and share toys with other children?
Autism Assessment - Core Symptoms - Communication Problems
* Any difficulties using language?
* Able to sustain a conversation?
* Delay in speech/first words?
* Tends to repeat things?
Autism Assessment - Core Symptoms - Restricted, stereotyped or repetitive behaviour
* Any unusual interests?
* Any unusual interactions with toys?
* Able to have imaginative play?
* Does he do anything repeatedly?
* Any rituals?
* Repetitive movements? e.g. hand flapping
* How does he react to changes in his environment/routine?
* Sensitivity to certain stimuli?
Autism Assessment - Developmental History
* How was the pregnancy? Any complications before/during/after?
* Did he meet developmental milestones?
* When did he first smile, turn over, crawl, sit and walk?
* Any skills he used to have he has now lost?
* Any unusual physical characteristics?
* Past medical history? Any history of seizures or head injury?
* Has he had his hearing and vision checked?
Autism Assessment - Comorbidities
* How has mood been recently? Any loss of interest in things he used to enjoy?
* Any things he is specifically afraid of?
* How has sleep and appetite been?
* Any agressive behaviour to others? Any self-harming behaviour?
Conduct Disorder - Assessment D
* Frequently argumentative?
* Violated set rules by adults?
* Staying out after dark? Running away? Truanting?
* Evidence of stealing?
* Involvement in any crimes?
* Relationship with peers?
Conduct Disorder - Assessment Core AVD
* Getting into fights?
* Physically agressive to others?
* Sexually coercive?
* Cruel to others/animals?
Destruction of property
* Any incidents of deliberately destroying things?
Conduct Disorder - Assessment Risk Factors
* Family history of mental health problems?
* Crimes/substance use in family?
* Financial situation at home?
* Severe physical/verbal punishments when growing up?
Conduct Disorder - Differentials/Comorbidities
* How has mood been recently? Any loss of interest in normal things they used to enjoy?
* Any evidence of increased anxiety?
* Can they focus on things? Are they always on the go? Do they interrupt a lot?
* Problems during infancy/growing up?
* What was previous academic perfomance like? Always struggling? Paricular areas?
* Any possibility using alcohol or drugs at the moment?
Conduct Disorder - Follow-Up Qs
* Impact - at home, at school, socially, bullying?
* Past psych history
* Past medical history
* Medication