History People and Places You Need to Know 753 BC - 201 BC Flashcards
Describe the following
7 Hills of Rome
Palatine, Aventine, Esquiline, Capitoline, Caelian, Quirinal, and Viminal
Describe the following
Alba Longa
City where the founders of Rome (Romulus and Remus) were from.
Describe the following
Evil king of Alba Longa; grand-uncle to Romulus and Remus
Describe the following
Shepherd who raised Romulus and Remus
Describe the following
Grandfather of Romulus and Remus
Describe the following
Brother of Romulus; founded his city on the Aventine Hill
Describe the following
Rhea Silvia
Mother of Romulus and Remus with Mars
Describe the following
First King of Rome; established his city on the Palatine Hill; becomes deified as Quirinus
Describe the following
Woman who betrayed the Romans for the Sabines; asked for “What was on their left arms” (assuming to be bracelets) and she would let the Sabines into the city; Sabines gave her their shields instead (as in they bashed her with their shields, which were technically on their left arms)
Describe the following
Titus Tatius
Sabine king who co-ruled with Romulus
Describe the following
Numa Pompilius
Second king of Rome; peace bringer; brought religion to Rome; established the calendar; brought the cult of Vesta; established Temple of Janus; said to have a nymph consort named Egeria
Describe the following
Horatii & Curiatii
Two sets of triplets who fought during the reign of Tullus Hostilius; Horatii=Roman, Curiatii=Alba Longan; Horatii win
Describe the following
Tullus Hostilius
Third King of Rome; destroyed Alba Longa; built the Curia
Describe the following
Ancus Marcius
4th King of Rome; built the first bridge across the Tiber at Rome (the Pons Sublicius), captured the salt pits at the Tiber’s mouth from the Etruscans, and founded the port city of Ostia.
Describe the following
Wife of Tarquinius Priscus; associated with detected several prophesies, namely of Tarquinius Priscus and Servius Tullius
Describe the following
Tarquinius Priscus
Fifth King of Rome; while on his way to Rome, and eagle took his cap, flew off, and then returned it; Tanaquil interpreted this as a sign; Priscus=”The Elder”; he is known to have drained the Forum, begun construction of the Circus Maximus, and begun construction of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Describe the following
Servius Tullius
Sixth King of Rome; son of slave woman Ocrisia; his hair appeared to burn without harming him; Tanaquil sees omen and declares him Priscus’ successor; built a wall around Rome (Servian Wall) and a Temple of Diana on the Aventine
Describe the following
Tarquinius Superbus
Seventh King of Rome; Superbus = “The Proud”; Finished construction of Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus; His son, Sextus, led to the fall of the Monarchy because he raped a woman by the name of Lucretia
Describe the following
Daughter of Servius Tullius who murdered her first husband, married Tarquinius Superbus, and then helped Superbus murder her father
Describe the following
Husband of Lucretia; one of the first consuls of Rome
Describe the following
Region in Italia slightly north of Latium (area where Rome is)
Describe the following
L. Junius Brutus
One of the first consuls of Rome
Describe the following
Horatius Cocles
Cocles=”One-Eyed”; single-handedly fought off the Etruscans on the Pons Sublicius
Describe the following
Lars Porsenna
King of Etruria; Helped Tarquinius Superbus when Superbus was exiled from Rome
Describe the following
Mucius Scaevola
prisoner of Lars Porsenna who became known as “Lefty” because he thrust his right hand into a fire to show his courage to Lars Porsenna, and so Lars released him
Describe the following
swam across the Tiber River to escape Lars Porsenna
Describe the following
Lake Regillus
Battle in 496 BC where the Romans defeat the Latin League
Describe the following
Defeated Volscians at Corioli; Later becomes the Volscian general and marches on Rome after Rome exile him; Coriolanus’ wife (Volumnia) and mother (Veturia) convince him to stop
Describe the following
Italian tribe who Coriolanus first defeats, then becomes their general after Rome exiles him
Describe the following
Tribe that fought Cincinnatus on Mount Algidus in 458 BC
Describe the following
fought the Aequi at Mount Algidus in 458 BC; “left his plow” to be dictator for only 16 days, then returned to his plow
Describe the following
Mt. Algidus
Battle of 458 BC where Cincinnatus defeated the Aequi
Describe the following
Appius Claudius Decemvir
Head of Decemviri, group designed to construct Laws of the 12 Tables; wrongfully attempted to enslave the plebeian maiden Verginia
Describe the following
Name of woman who Appius Claudius the Decemvir tried to enslave
Describe the following
Father of Verginia; murders her so that Appius Claudius cannot enslave her
Describe the following
City near Rome who fought with Rome on several occasions in the early Republic
Describe the following
M. Furius Camillus
“Second Founder of Rome”; captures Veii in 396 BC
Describe the following
Gallic Chieftain who defeats Rome at the Battle of Alia River in 390 BC; famously said “Vae Victis” (“Woe to the Conquered”)
Describe the following
Roman term for the Celtic people of the north; Senones were the tribe that sacked Rome at the Battle of Allia River in 390 BC
Describe the following
M. Manlius
heard the “cackling geese of Juno” and alerted everyone of the attack on Rome in 390 BC
Describe the following
Lex Licinia-Sextia
Law of 367 BC which required there to be one plebian and one patrician consul each year
Describe the following
Italian tribe who fought three wars against Rome
Describe the following
Caudine Forks
Roman defeat against Samnites in 321 BC during Second Samnite War
Describe the following
Appius Claudius Caecus/Censor
Builder of the Appian Way in 312 BC as well as fist high-level aqueduct, Aqua Appia; Caecus means “the Blind”
Describe the following
Decius Mus
General at Battle of Sentinum; perfored act of “devotio” to win battle
Describe the following
Battle in 295 BC during the Third Samnite War; Roman victory after Decius Mus performs an act of devotio to encourage his troops
Describe the following
Q. Hortensius (dictator)/ Lex Hortensia
wrote Lex Hortensia to resolve the last secession of the plebs. Lex: all resolutions passed by plebians were binding on all citizens
Describe the following
First battle of Pyrrhic War in 280 BC
Describe the following
King of Epirus (city in Greece) who came to the aid of Tarentum to fight the Romans in the Pyrrhic War
Describe the following
City in Italy that sought the aid of Pyrrhus of Epirus against the Romans, thus initiating the Pyrrhic War
Describe the following
Second Battle of Pyrrhic War in 279 BC; Pyrrhus wins but at too great a price; known as a “Pyrrhic Victory”
Describe the following
refused a bribe from Pyrrhus
Describe the following
Final battle of the Pyrrhic War in 275 BC; Rome wins
Describe the following
group of mercenaries in Sicily whose aid Rome came to, thus causing the First Punic War
Describe the following
Messana/Straits of Messana
Area between Sicily and the tip of Italy where the First Punic War began
Describe the following
Fought 3 wars with Rome: 1st Punic War (264 BC - 241 BC), 2nd Punic War (218 BC - 201 BC), and 3rd Punic War (149 BC - 146 BC)
Describe the following
C. Duilius
Successful general at the Battle of Mylae in 260 BC; used corvus (a spiked gang plank) to win
Describe the following
First naval victory for Rome in 260 BC during the First Punic War
Describe the following
Roman commander during the First Punic War; was captured by Carthaginians; they asked him return to Rome, tell Rome to stop fighting, and come back to be executed; Regulus did everything except tell Rome to stop fighting, he instead encouraged them to keep on fighting
Describe the following
Hamilcar Barca
Carthaginian general towards the end of the First Punic War
Describe the following
Major city in Sicily
Describe the following
Battle in 249 BC during the First Punic War; Roman defeat; before battle Claudius Pulcher threw sacred chickens overboard, thus ensuring their defeat
Describe the following
P. Claudius Pulcher
Romen general who threw the sacred chickens overboard and thus ensured the Roman defeat of Drepanum in 249 BC during the First Punic War
Describe the following
Spartan mercenary who the Carthaginians hire during the First Punic War
Describe the following
Aegates Islands
Last battle of the 1st Punic War; Rome wins.
Describe the following
One of the two islands to become Rome’s second province
Describe the following
Lutatius Catulus
Victorious Roman general at Battle of Aegates Islands in 241 BC
Describe the following
One of the two islands two become Rome’s second province after the First Punic War
Describe the following
M. Claudius Marcellus
Third and final receiver of the spolia opima; did so at the Battle of Clastidium in 222 BC by defeating Viridomarus in hand-to-hand combat
Describe the following
Queen of Illyria during the Illyrian War, a minor war between the First and Second Punic Wars
Describe the following
Ebro River
River that Carthaginians were not allowed to cross; Hannibal crosses it and thus begins the Second Punic War
Describe the following
Carthaginian general during Second Punic War
Describe the following
City sacked by Hannibal in 218 BC which initiates the Second Punic War
Describe the following
Lake Trasimene
Battle in 217 BC during the Second Punic War; Romans lose to Carthaginians
Describe the following
Major Roman defeat during 2nd Punic War; known as Rome’s greatest defeat
Describe the following
Q. Fabius Maximus Cunctator
Known as the “delayer” for his delaying tactics during the former half of the Second Punic War
Describe the following
P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus
Roman general during the latter half of the Second Punic War who had several victories
Describe the following
Numidian king who assisted Carthaginians during Second Punic War
Describe the following
Brother of Hannibal; dies at Battle of Metaurus River in 207 BC
Describe the following
Metaurus River
Battle of 207 BC during the Second Punic War where the Romans defeat the Carthaginian general Hasdrubal
Describe the following
Final Battle in 202 BC during the Second Punic War
Describe the following
C. Flaminius
Consul of 198 BC; took command in Macedonia; defeated Philip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae in 197 BC; declared all Greeks to be free