History Maia's National Outlne Cards Flashcards
Parents of Romulus?
Rhea Silvia and Mars
Grandfather of Romulus?
Who stole the throne of Alba Longa from the father of Rhea Silvia?
What river were Romulus and Remus thrown into?
the Tiber River
Who raised Romulus?
Who was the wife of Faustulus?
Acca Laurentia
Which hills did Romulus and Remus settle on?
Romulus- PalatineRemus- Aventine
How many vultures did Romulus and Remus each see?
Romulus- 12Remus- 6
Why did Romulus kill Remus?
Remus overslept the boundaries of Romulus’ hill
What is the exact date of Rome’s founding?
April 21, 753 BC
How did Romulus populate Rome with males?
he opened the city to criminals and other outcasts and made it though they are safe from arrest within Rome
What did Romulus make 100 of the most noble and wealthy fathers?
patricians and senators
How did Romulus populate Rome with women?
The Rape of the Sabine Women
Whose daughter let the Sabines into Rome?
The Capitoline citadel commander, Spurrius Tarpeius
Who let the Sabines into Rome?
What did Tarpeia want in exchange for letting the Sabines into the city?
she asked for “what they wear on their left arms”
What did Tarpeia intend to happen, and what actually happened?
she intended to receive their gold bracelets, but was instead crushed by their shields
Who eventually stopped the fighting between the Romans and Sabines?
Wife of Romulus?
Who did Romulus co-rule with?
Titus Tatius
What supposedly happened to Romulus?
he disappeared in a storm or whirlwind during or shortly after offering a public sacrifice near or at the Quirinal Hill
What probably happened to Romulus?
the senators probably killed him
What was Numa Pompilius’ origin?
Who was Titus Tatius’ son-in-law?
Numa Pompilius
What was one major difference between Romulus and Numa Pompilius?
Numa was not warlike
Who was Numa Pompilius’ lover?
the nymph Egeria
What religious organization did Numa Pompilius bring to Rome from Alba Longa?
Vestal Virgins
Where were the Vestal Virgins from?
Alba Longa
What months did Numa Pompilius add to the calendar?
January and February
What priest did Numa Pompilius instate?
Pontifex Maximus, the high priest
What temple did Numa Pompilius found?
Temple of Janus
What different ways did the Temple of Janus represent Rome’s situation
Doors closed- peace, Doors open- wartime
How did Numa Pompilius die?
simply of old age
What was Tullus Hostilius’ origin?
What three brothers did Rome pick to fight Alba Longa?
What three brothers did Alba Longa pick to fight Rome?
Which triplets won?
The Horatii
Who was the Alban king during Romulus’ reign?
Mettius Fufettius
What town did Mettius Fufettius incite against Rome?
What happened to Mettius Fufettius and why?
drawn and quartered for his treachery against Rome
Where did the Alban population settle after Alba Longa was destroyed?
the Caelian Hill
All of Alba Longa was destroyed except for what?
the temples
What government building did Tullus Hostilius build the first of?
the Curia Hostilia (the first senate house)
How did the gods voice their displeasure at Tullus Hostilius’ ignoring of religion?
through a shower of stones on the Alban Mountain and voices insulting the Albans for abandoning their ways
During which king’s reign does a plague fall on Rome?
Tullus Hostilius
How does Tullus Hostilius die?
his house is struck by lightning (he does in the fire)
Ancus Marcius is the grandson of who?
Numa Pompilius
What was Ancus Marcius’ origin?
What priesthood did Ancus Marcius establish?
What was the purpose of the Fetiales?
to mediate disputes and declare war
Which hills were settled during Ancus Marcius’ reign?
Aventine and Janiculum
What salt water port did Ancus Marcius establish?
Who built the Pons Sublicius?
Ancus Marcius
What was the Pons Sublicius?
the first (wooden) bridge over the Tiber
What happened to Tarquinius Priscus that meant he would become king?
an eagle took his cap and returned it shortly after
Where was Tarquinius Priscus originally from?
What was Tarquinius Priscus originally named?
Who was the father of Tarquinius Priscus?
Who did Tarquinius Priscus marry?
an Etruscan woman named Tanaquil
Whose sons were Tarquinius Priscus made the guardian of?
Ancus Marcius
What did Tarquinius Priscus double the size of?
the equites (cavalry)
By how much did Tarquinius Priscus increase the senate by?
What structure on the Capitoline Hill did Tarquinius Priscus begin construction on?
the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus
What did Tarquinius Priscus begin construction on after draining the forum?
the Circus Maximus
Who killed Tarquinius Priscus?
assassins hired by the sons of Ancus Marcius
What did Tanaquil interpret about Servius Tullius that meant he should be king?
he was covered in flame but felt no harm (red head)
Where was Servius Tullius supposedly from?
Who was Servius Tullius’ mom?
Ocrisia from the Etruscan town of Corniculum
Who did Servius Tullius marry?
What temples did Servius Tullius establish?
the Temple of Diana (main one) and the Temple of Fortuna
What did Servius Tullius create, dividing the Roman people?
the census
What was Rome divided into by the census?
5 classes
Who introduced coinage to Rome?
Servius Tullius
Who built the first defensive wall around Rome?
Servius Tullius
What was the first defensive wall of Rome called?
the Servian Wall
Who was Servius Tullius assassinated by?
his daughter Tullia the younger and her husband, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
What temple did Tarquinius Superbus either build or complete?
the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus
Who most likely built the Cloaca Maxima?
Tarquinius Superbus (maybe Tarquinius Priscus)
Which king finished building the Circus Maximus?
Tarquinius Superbus
What son of Tarquinius Superbus caused the downfall of the monarchy in Rome?
Sextus Tarquinius
Who did Sextus rape?
Who was Lucretia’s husband?
Lucius Junius Brutus
Where did Tarquinius Superbus flee to?
the Etruscan cities
Who did the Etruscans unite under?
Lars Porsenna
What city was Lars Porsenna king of?
Who defended the Pons Sublicius against the Etruscans?
Horatius Cocles
Who thrust his hand into the coals to impress Lars Porsenna?
Mucius Scaevola
Who lead the hostages to freedom (but later returned)?
Give the years of the monarchy
753-510 BC
Give the years of the republic
509-27 BC
Who replaced the kings after the monarchy fell?
Who were the first two consuls?
Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus
Why did Collatinus step down?
because his family name was “Tarquinius”
Who did Brutus die while fighting with?
Arruns, son of Tarquinius Superbus
The sons of Tarquinius Superbus, Titus and Tiberius, were part of what group?
a rebellion within Rome that tried to reinstall Tarquinius Superbus as king
Who were the sons of Tarquinius Superbus who rebelled?
Titus and Tiberius
What happened to the sons of Tarquinius Superbus that rebelled?
Who became consul in place of Brutus?
Publius Valerius Publicola (or Poplicola)
What hill did Publicola try to build his house on?
Velian Hill
Why couldn’t Publicola build his house on the top of the hill?
the people became upset, thinking he was trying to become king
Where did Publicola end up building his house?
the foot of the Velian Hill
How many times was Publicola consul?
What does the agnomen Publicola mean?
“friend of the people”
What occurred in 494 BC?
the First Secession of the Plebs
How many secessions of the Plebs occur throughout Roman history?
Where did the Plebs succeed to and threaten to build a new town?
the Mons Sacer (Aventine Hill)
Who convinced the plebs to return form succession?
Menenius Agrippa
What created the office of tribune for the plebs?
the Lex Sacrata
What battle occurred in 496 BC?
Lake Regillus
Who was involved in the Battle of Lake Regillus?
Romans vs. Latin League + Tarquinius Superbus
According to legend, who led the Romans in the Battle of Lake Regillus?
the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux
Who was the Roman commander at Lake Regillus?
Aulus Postumius Albinus
Who was the first dictator?
Aulus Postumius Albinus
What battle occurred in 458 BC?
Battle of Mt. Algidus
Who was involved in the Battle of Mt. Algidus?
Romans vs. Aequi
Who led the relief effort to rescue a trapped army at Mt. Algidus?
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Whose army was trapped during the Battle of Mt. Algidus?
What happened during 493 BC?
Coriolanus took the Volscian town of Corioli
How did Gaius Mucius Coriolanus earn his cognomen?
by taking the Volscian town of Corioli (493 BC)
Who convinced Coriolanus not to attack Rome with the Volscians he had earlier defeated?
his wife Volumnia and his mother Veturia
What were established in 451-450 BC?
Laws of the Twelve Tables
Who completed the twelve tables?
the Decemviri
What event was the completion of the twelve tables associated with?
the second secession of the plebs
Who was the chief of the Decemviri?
Appius Claudius Crassus
What caused Appius Claudius’ death?
his lust for Verginia
What was made in 445 BC?
Lex Canuleia
What did the Lex Canuleia do?
allowed for the intermarriage between the plebeians and the patricians
Who proposed the Lex Canuleia?
Gaius Canuleius
Who was responsible for capturing the Etruscan city of Veii in 396 BC after a ten year siege?
Marcus Furius Camillus
What two things were Camillus proclaimed to be after his events with Brennus?
“Pater Patriae” and “Second Founder of Rome”
What occurred in 390 BC?
Battle of Allia River
Who led the Gauls against Rome at Allia River?
the Senonian chieftain Brennus
Where was the only place in Rome Brennus did not capture?
The Capitoline Hill
Who was woken by the sacred geese of Juno and rallied the Romans on the Capitoline?
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus
What did Brennus famously say after conquering Rome and what does it mean?
“Vae Victis”- Woe to the Conquered
What was formed in 367 BC?
Lex Licinia-Sextia
Who passed the Lex Licinia-Sextia?
tribunes Licinius and Lucius Sextius
What does the Lex Licinia-Sextia do?
it makes it so one of the two consuls can be a plebeian
Who was the first plebeian consul in 366 BC?
Lucius Sextius
Who was the first plebeian dictator?
Gaius Marcius Rutilus
In what year did Rome have its first plebeian dictator?
356 BC
Who was Rome’s first plebeian censor?
Gaius Marcius Rutilus
In what year did Rome have its first plebeian censor?
351 BC
Who was the first plebeian praetor?
Publilius Philo
In what year did Rome have its first plebeian praetor?
337 BC
What were the years of the Great Latin War?
340-338 BC
Who won the Battle of Vesuvius?
Who lost the Battle of Vesuvius?
the Latins
What year was the Battle of Vesuvius?
340 BC
Who were the Roman leaders at the Battle of Vesuvius?
Publius Decius Mus and Titus Manlius Torquatus
What did Decius Mus famously do to help the Roman army at the Battle of Vesuvius?
devotio (sacrificed himself)
What town did Rome capture in 340 BC?
What did the Romans take from Antium?
rostra (prows of enemy ships)
What did the Romans do with the rostra from Antium?
attached them to the speakers platform in the Forum
What war took place during 343-341 BC?
First Samnite War
What land regions were the First Samnite War centered around?
the city of Capua and the land of Campania
What were the years of the First Samnite War?
343-341 BC
What war took place from 326-304 BC?
Second Samnite War
What battle occurred in 321 BC?
Claudine Forks
Who was the Samnite chieftain at Caudine Forks?
Gavius Pontius
Who were the Roman leaders at Caudine Forks?
Titus Veturius and Spurius Postumius Albinus
What happens to the Romans at Caudine Forks?
They are trapped under a mountain pass and forced to pass under a yoke
What year did Caudine Forks take place?
321 BC?
What battle took place in 315 BC?
What are the years of the Third Samnite War?
298-290 BC
What battle occurs in 295 BC?
Battle of Sentinum
Who were the Roman leaders at Sentinum?
Publius Decius Mus and Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus
Who was the Samnite leader at Sentinum?
Gellius Egnatius
Who sacrifices himself in an act of devotio?
Publius Decius Mus
Where was King Pyrrhus from?
What city brought in King Pyrrhus to help them fight the Romans in the Pyrrhic War?
What battle took place in 280 BC?
Battle of Heraclea
What battle took place in 279 BC?
Battle of Asculum
What did the battles between Pyrrhus and Rome become known as?
Pyrrhic victories
What are “pyrrhic victories”?
Victories that cost so much to win it is no longer worth it
What battle takes place in 275 BC?
Battle of Beneventum
Who was the Roman leader at the Battle of Beneventum?
Curius Dentatus
In what year did Tarentum surrender for good?
272 BC
How did Pyrrhus die?
in a street fight when a woman throws a roof tile on his head
Where did Pyrrhus die?
Argos in Greece
In what year did the Battle of Beneventum take place?
275 BC
What law was made in 287 BC?
Lex Hortensia
Where did the fifth and final secession of the plebs take place?
Janiculum Hill
Who passed the Lex Hortensia?
the dictator Quintus Hortensius
What did the Lex Hortensia do?
made all resolutions passed by the plebeians binding on all citizens
When was the Lex Hortensia passed?
287 BC
What were the years of the First Punic War?
264-241 BC
Who was being attacked to start the First Punic War?
the Mamertines from Messana
Who was attacking the Mamertines to start the First Punic War?
Hiero (II) of Syracuse
Who did the Mamertines ask for help to fight the Syracusans?
Who did the Mamertines ask for help to fight the Carthaginians?
What battle took place in 260 BC?
Battle of Mylae
Who lead the Romans at Mylae?
Gaius Duilius
Where was Rome’s first naval victory?
Battle of Mylae
What was made in Duilius’ honor?
A column in the Forum
In what year did the Battle of Mylae take place?
260 BC
What battle took place in 256 BC?
The Battle of Cape Ecnomus
Who was the Roman commander at the Battle of Cape Ecnomus?
Atilius Regulus
Who lost the Battle of Cape Ecnomus?
the Carthaginians
What battle took place in 255 BC?
Battle of Bagradas Valley
Who were the Romans defeated by at Bagradas Valley?
Xanthippus, the Spartan mercenary
Why did Regulus return to Rome by the Carthaginians?
to convince Rome to surrender
What did Regulus tell the Romans to do when he came back to Rome from Carthage?
fight on
Where does Regulus die?
he is brutally killed when returns to Carthage from Rome
What battle took place in 249 BC?
Battle of Drepana
Who is the consul who supposedly doomed the Romans at the Battle of Drepana?
Publius Claudius Pulcher
What did Claudius Pulcher do that was a bad omen?
throw the sacred chickens into the ocean (because they wouldn’t eat)
Who is the victorious Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Drepana?
What battle takes place in 241 BC?
Battle of Aegates Island
Who led the Romans at the Battle of Aegates island?
Lutatius Catulus
Who led the Carthaginians at the Battle of Aegates Islands?
Hanno the Great
What battle ended the First Punic War?
Battle of Aegates Islands
What was Rome’s first province?
What province did Rome gain control of at the end of the First Punic War?
What provinces does Rome take after the First Punic War while Carthage has an internal fight?
Sardinia and Corsica
Where does Carthage get the silver to pay Rome did the huge war debt they owed?
the Iberian Peninsula
What are the years of the Second Punic War?
218-202 BC
Who did Rome sign a treaty with in 226 BC?
What treaty was signed in 226 BC?
Ebro Treaty
What did the Ebro treaty do?
says Carthage won’t go north of the Ebro River in Spain
What what year was the Ebro Treaty made?
226 BC
In what year did Hannibal gain control of Spain?
221 BC
What town did Carthage lay siege to in 219 BC, starting the Second Punic War?
What battles took place in 218 BC?
Battle of Ticinus River and Battle of Trebia River
Who is the Roman leader at Ticinus River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder)
Who is the Carthaginian leader at Ticinus River?
Who was the winner at Ticinus River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who saves Publius Cornelius Scipio’s life at the Battle of Ticinus River?
his son, the future Africanus
When was the Battle of Ticinus River?
218 BC
Who were the Roman commanders at Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Trebia River?
Who was the winner at Trebia River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
When was the Battle of Trebia River?
218 BC
What battle took place in 217 BC?
The Battle of Lake Trasimene
Who is the Roman commander at Lake Trasimene?
Gaius Flaminius
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Lake Trasimene?
Who won the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Where does Gaius Flaminius die?
He dies in the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
Who was appointed dictator after the disaster at Trasimene?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
How did Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator earn the agnomen “cunctator”?
for the delaying tactics he used against Hannibal
What is Quintus Fabius Maximus known as?
the “shield of Rome”
What battle took place in 216 BC?
Battle of Cannae
Who were the Roman commanders at Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Tarentius Varro
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Cannae?
Who won the Battle of Cannae?
Hannibal (Carthage)
What Roman commander died at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What did Tarentius Varro receive when he returned to Rome?
a warm reception despite the disaster
What city was recaptured in 211 BC?
Who recaptured Syracuse in 211 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What famous scientist was accidentally killed when the Romans rushed Syracuse?
Who received the spolia opima in the Second Punic War?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What was Claudius Marcellus known as?
the “sword of Rome”
What battle took place in 207 BC?
Metaurus River
Who were the Roman commanders at Metaurus River?
Gaius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius Salinator
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Metaurus River?
Hasdrubal Barca
Who won at Metaurus River?
What happened to Hasdrubal Barca?
he was decapitated and his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
When was Metaurus River?
207 BC
What battle took place in 206 BC?
Who is the Roman commander at Ilipa?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
What did Scipio Africanus do at Ilipa?
cut off Iberia from the Carthaginians
What was the result of Ilipa?
Spain was given to Scipio
What battle took place in 203 BC?
Battle of Campi Magni (Great Plains)
Who were the Roman commanders at Campi Magni?
Scipio (the future) Africanus and Gaius Laelius
Who was the Numidian cavalry commander on the Roman side at Campi Magni?
Who was the Numidian commander on the side of the Carthaginians at Ilipa?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Hasdrubal (son of) Gisgo
Who won at the Battle of Campi Magni?
What battle took place in 202 BC?
Battle of Zama
Who were the Roman commanders at Zama?
Scipio Africanus and Masinissa
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Zama?
Who lost at Zama?
What battle ended the Second Punic War?
Battle of Zama
What were the years of the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What city did Rome lay siege to, beginning in 149 BC?
When was Carthage stormed?
146 BC
Who stormed Carthage, destroying it?
Scipio Aemilianus
What was Cato the Elder famous for saying?
“Carthago delenda est.” (Carthage must be destroyed)
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
Who are the three winners of the spolia opima?
Romulus, Cossus, and Marcellus
Who did Rome fight with from 146-140 BC?
Lusitanian chieftain, Viriathus
What is Viriathus called?
the “first national hero of Portugal”
What siege took place in 133 BC?
the siege of Numantia
Who captured the Celtiberian city of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What war took place from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates during the first Illyrian War?
Queen Teuta
What war took place from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
Who lead Illyria in the Second Illyrian War?
Demretrius of Pharos
What war took place from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
What battle took place in 197 BC?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
Who was the Roman commander at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Who was the Macedonian leader at Cynoscephalae?
Phillip V
Who declared peace and freedom for Greece in 196 BC?
Where did Flamininus declare peace and freedom for Greece?
the Isthmian games of 196 BC
What did the Battle of Cynoscephalae show?
the superiority of the Legion over the Phallanx
What war took place from 192-188 BC?
Seleucid War
Who did Rome make war with in 192 BC?
Antiochus III of the Selecuid Empire
Who did Antiochus III ally with during the Seleucid War?
the Aetolian League and Hannibal
What battle took place in 191 BC?
Battle of Thermopylae
Who was the Roman commander at Thermopylae?
(Manius Acilius) Glabrio
Who did Glabrio defeat at Thermopylae?
Antiochus III
What battle took place in 190/189 BC?
Battle of Magnesia
Who were the Roman commanders at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus and brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiastucus
Who did the Romans defeat at the Battle of Magnesia?
Antiochus III
What treaty ends the Seleucid War?
Treaty of Apamea
What war took place from 171-168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
Who was the Roman leader at Pydna?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Who was defeated at the Battle of Pydna?
King Perseus of Macedon
What was took place from 150-148 BC?
Fourth Macedonian War
Who was the Roman leader during the Fourth Macedonian War?
(Quintus Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus
Who was defeated in the Fourth Macedonian War?
Who was Andriscus?
a pretender to the throne of Macedon
When does Macedonia become a province?
148 BC
What battle takes place in 146 BC?
Battle of Corinth
Who is the Roman leader at the Battle of Corinth?
Lucius Mummius
Who was defeated at the Battle of Corinth?
Achaean League?
What city was destroyed by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC?
What battle marks the end of the Roman-Greek conflict?
Battle of Corinth
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
Who was the daughter of Scipio Africanus?
Who were the sons of Cornelia?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
“Gemae” (her jewels)
Who was elected tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What law did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to push?
land law
What did Tiberius Gracchus’ land law do?
reinstate that no citizen should be able to hold over 500 iugera of land
What tribune vetoed Tiberius Gracchus’ land law?
Marcus Octavius
Who lead the senate in a revolt to kill Tiberius Gracchus?
Scipio Nasica
In what year was there a revolt against Tiberius Gracchus?
133 BC
What was Scipio Nasica’s relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
they were cousins
How did Tiberius Gracchus convince the senate to revolt against Tiberius?
said Tiberius was trying to become king
Who was elected tribune in 123 and 122?
Gaius Gracchus
Which political enemy of Gaius was elected consul in 121 BC?
Lucius Opimius
What did the senate pass that gave Opimius the power to stop Gaius at all costs?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Where did Gaius Gracchus flee to?
the grove of Furina on Janiculum
How did Gaius Gracchus did?
What became the Roman province of Asia?
When was Pergamum given to Rome?
133 BC
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
Who held the consulship seven times?
Gaius Marius
Where was Marius from?
What was Marius known as?
a novus homo (he’s not the only one but one of the most famous)
What consul reformed the Roman army in 1st century BC?
How many consecutive consulship a did Marius hold?
When was Marius’ first consulship?
107 BC
When was Marius’ last consulship?
86 BC
Who died in 118 BC, causing a division in his kingdom?
Micipsa, King of Numidia
Who was the kingdom of Numidia divided between when its king died?
between Micipsa’s sons Hiempsal and Adherbal and his step-son (and nephew) Jugurtha
Who finally defeated Jugurtha?
Marius and his quaestor Lucius Cornelius Sulla “Felix”
When did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
105 BC
How did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
Sulla convinced the Mauritanian ruler Bocchus I to betray Jugurtha to the Romans
Where was Jugurtha killed?
When was Jugurtha killed?
104 BC
What battle took place in 105 BC?
Battle of Arausio
Who were the Roman commanders at Arausio?
Servilius Caepio and Mallius Maximus
Who defeated the Romans at Arausio?
the Cimbri and Teutones
What battle took place in 102 BC?
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Who was the Roman commander at Aquae Sextiae?
Gaius Marius
Who was defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
What battle took place in 101 BC?
Battle of Vercellae
Who were the Roman commanders at Vercellae?
Gaius Marius and Lutatius Catullus
Who was defeated at Vercellae?
the Cimbri
What war was ended by the Battle of Vercellae?
War with Cimbri and Teutons
What enemy of Marius was a tribune killed in 100 BC?
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
How many times did Saturninus serve as tribune?
3 times
What did the senate pass against Saturninus and why?
a Senatus Consultum Ultimum for mob violence
What did the Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Saturninus do?
gave Marius the right to stop him
What war took place from 91-88 BC?
the Social War
What are two other names for the Social War?
the Italian War or the Marsic War
Why was the Social War also known as the Marsic War?
because the Romans were fighting the Marsi
What was the Social War fought over?
whether or not the non-Roman Italians should have citizenship
What law was passed in 90 BC?
Lex Iulia
What did the Lex Iulia do?
Julius Caesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of Italy who had not raised arms against Rome in the Social War
What law was passed in 89 BC?
Lex Plautia Papiria
What did the Lex Plautia Papiria do?
citizens of Italian communities that had previously rebelled can now gain Roman citizenship
What war took place from 89-85 BC?
The First Mithridatic War
Who was the First Mithridatic War against?
Mithridates VI of Pontus
What did Mithridates VI do to start the First Mithridatic War?
he took territory in the east and massacred Italian residents there
What is Mithridates’ massacre called and when did it occur?
Asiatic Vespers- 88 BC
Who had been chosen by the senate to fight Mithridates?
Who transferred command against Mithridates from Sulla to Marius?
the tribune Sulpicius Rufus
What was the result of Sulla’s command transferring to Marius?
Sulla’s first march on Rome
What siege took place in 86 BC?
Siege of Athens
What was Sulla’s most famous feat in the First Mithridatic War?
the siege of Athens
What treaty ended the First Mithridatic War?
Treaty of Dardanus
When was the Treaty of Dardanus finished?
85 BC
What was Rome divided by?
the Populares and the Optimates
What were the Populares?
popular assemblies and tribunate
What were the Optimates?
richer traditionalists wishing to limit the power of the popular assemblies and tribunate
Who were the big leaders in Rome when Sulla was in Greece fighting Mithridates?
Papirius Carbo and Cornelius Cinna
How does Cinna die?
by a mutiny of his own troops
When did Cinna die?
84 BC
Who was the consul of 82 BC?
What battle took place in 82 BC?
Battle of Colline Gate
What did the Battle of Colline Gate do?
solidify Sulla’s control of Rome
Which of Marian’s proconsuls of Hispania held out against Sulla’s forces until 72 BC?
When was Sertorius assassinated?
72 BC
Who assassinated Sertorius?
Marcus Perperna
What was Sulla’s list of people he wanted killed called?
Sulla’s prescriptions
What did Sulla’s second march on Rome basically accomplish?
remodeled the Republican government
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
Second Mithridatic War
Who was the Second Mithridatic War between?
Licinius Murena vs. Mithridates VI
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
War with Spartacus
Who started a slave revolt in 73 BC?
the Thracian slave Spartacus
Where did Spartacus start a slave revolt?
Who eventually subdued Spartacus’ revolt?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Where was the slave revolt subdued?
In what two years are Pompey and Crassus consuls?
70 BC and 55 BC
What law was passed in 67 BC?
Lex Gabinia
Who passed the Lex Gabinia?
the tribune Aulus Gabinius
What did the Lex Gabinia do?
gave Pompey command against the pirates in the Mediterranean
How long did it take Pompey to clear the Mediterranean of pirates and in what year?
3 months in 66 BC
What war took place from 73-63 BC?
Third Mithridatic War
Who had command against Mithridates for the first part of the Third Mithridatic War?
Lucius Licinius Lucullus
What battle took place in 69 BC?
Battle of Tigranocerta
What Armenian king did Lucullus defeat at the Battle of Tigranocerta?
Tigranes the Great
What law was passed in 66 BC?
Lex Manilia
Who passed the Lex Manilia?
the tribune Gaius Manlius
What did the Lex Manilia do?
transferred command against Mithridates from Lucullus to Pompey
What battle took place in 66 BC?
Battle of Nicopolis
What happens at the Battle of Nicopolis?
Pompey decisively defeats Mithridates
How does Mithridates die?
Where does Mithridates die?
When does Mithridates die?
63 BC
What conflict occurs in Rome in 63 BC?
Conspiracy of Catiline
Who tried to overthrow the Republic in 63 BC?
Lucius Sergius Catilina
What did Catilina have passed against him?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Who is most responsible for Catiline’s fall?
What is Cicero rewarded for his speeches against Catiline?
“Pater Patriae”
What year does the First Triumvirate form?
69 BC
What was the First Triumvirate?
a powerful political alliance
Who was the First Triumvirate between?
Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey the Great
How was the First Triumvirate cemented?
when Caesar’s daughter Julia married Pompey
What did Pompey get from the First Triumvirate?
land for his veterans
When was Julius Caesar born?
100 BC
When was Julius Caesar quaestor?
69 BC
When was Julius Caesar pontifex maximus?
63 BC
When was Julius Caesar consul?
59 BC
Who was Julius Caesar consul with?
Marcus Bibulus
What did Julius Caesar receive from the First Triumvirate?
a five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul
What did Julius Caesar’s five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul allow him to do?
wage his Gallic Wars
How was Marcus Tullius Cicero exiled?
Clodius Pulcher (a tribune under Caesar) passed a law against him
How was Clodius Pulcher killed?
in a gang fight against his rival, Milo
When was Clodius Pulcher killed?
53 BC
What war lasted from 58-51 BC?
Caesar’s Gallic Wars
When did Caesar cross into Britannia?
55 and 54 BC
Who was Caesar’s most important enemy during the Gallic Wars?
Vercingetorix of the Arveni
Who defeated Caesar’s forces during the Gallic Wars?
Where was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
When was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
Battle of Alesia
When did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet?
When did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet at Luca?
56 BC
What happens at the triumvirs’ meeting at Luca?
Caesar’s command is extended for 5 more years
When do Crassus and Pompey hold the consulship for the second time?
55 BC
When does Julius Caesar’s daughter, Julia, die?
54 BC
Who did Crassus campaign against in the final years of his life?
Where and when does Crassus die?
Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC
What war takes place from 49-45 BC?
Civil War of Caesar
What act of Caesar ignited the civil war?
crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC
What does Julius Caesar say when passing the Rubicon?
“Alea iacta est”- the die is cast
What battle took place in 49 BC?
Battle of Ilerda
What happened at the Battle of Ilerda?
Caesar marches to Spain and defeats Pompey’s commanders
What battle occurs in 48 BC?
Battle of Dyrrachium
Who defeated Caesar at the Battle of Dyrrachium?
What battle decides the result of the Civil War in 48 BC?
Battle of Pharsalus
What happens at Pharsalus?
Caesar decisively defeats Pompey
Where does Pompey flee after Pharsalus?
Who kills Pompey?
the orders of Ptolemy XIII
What battle takes place in 47 BC?
Battle of Zela
Who does Caesar defeat at Zela?
Pharnaces (II), son of Mithridates VI of Pontus
What battle takes place in 46 BC?
Battle of Thapsus
Who were the forces of Pompey led by at Thapsus?
Metellus Scipio and the African Juba I
Who commits suicide after Thapsus?
Cato the Younger
Where does Cato the Younger commit suicide?
What is Cato the Younger called after committing suicide?
Cato Uticensis
What battle took place in 45 BC?
Battle of Munda
What former lieutenant does Caesar defeat?
Titus Labienus
Which of Pompey’s family members are later defeated by Julius Caesar?
Pompey’s sons
In what years was Caesar a dictator?
49, 48, and 46 BC
When was Caesar elected dictator for life?
44 BC
What temple did Caesar build?
Temple of Venus Genetrix
What did Caesar reform?
the calendar
Who put his own face on coins?
Julius Caesar
Who was Julius Caesar planning a campaign against before his assassination?
What title did Julius Caesar receive at one point?
Pater Patriae
Who led the conspiracy against the life of Julius Caesar?
Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus
How was Caesar killed?
stabbed to death by senators
Where was Caesar killed?
at the foot of the statue of Pompey
On what day was Julius Caesar killed?
March 15, 44 BC
What is Caesar said to have muttered while dying?
“Et tu, Brute?” “And you, Brutus?” or in Greek, “Kai su, teknon?”
Who was named the sole heir of Julius Caesar?
Gaius Octavius (future Augustus)
What was Julius Caesar’s relationship to Octavius?
Octavius was his grand-nephew (and adopted son)
When was the Second Triumvirate formed?
43 BC
Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
Gaius Octavius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony (Marcus Antoninus)
Who married Mark Antony?
Octavia (sister of Octavius)
Where is Cicero killed?
What legalized the Second Triumvirate?
Lex Titia
What battle took place in 42 BC?
Battle of Philippi
Who were the winners at Philippi?
Octavian and Mark Antony
Who were the losers at Philippi?
Brutus and Cassius
How did Brutus and Cassius die?
they kill themselves
What treaty is formed in 49 BC?
Treaty of Brundisium
What did Octavian get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the west empire
What did Antony get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the east empire
What did Lepidus get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
Hispania and Africa
What battle occurred in 36 BC?
Battle of Naulochus
What kind of battle was the Battle of Naulochus?
Who was the winner at Naulochus?
Marcus Agrippa, famous general of Octavian
Who was the loser at Naulochus?
Sextus Pompeius (son of Pompey)
Where did the Battle of Naulochus take place?
off of Sicily
Why did Marcus Agrippa go to battle against Sextus Pompeius?
Sextus had been preventing the grain supply on Sicily from reaching Rome
Who does Mark Antony have an open affair with?
Cleopatra VII of Egypt
What does Augustus use to make Antony look bad?
What battle took place in 31 BC?
Battle of Actium
Who were the winners at Actium?
Octavian and Agrippa
Who were the losers at Actium?
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
How did Mark Antony and Cleopatra die?
Who did Rome sign a treaty with in 226 BC?
What treaty was signed in 226 BC?
Ebro Treaty
What did the Ebro treaty do?
says Carthage won’t go north of the Ebro River in Spain
What what year was the Ebro Treaty made?
226 BC
In what year did Hannibal gain control of Spain?
221 BC
What town did Carthage lay siege to in 219 BC, starting the Second Punic War?
What battles took place in 218 BC?
Battle of Ticinus River and Battle of Trebia River
Who is the Roman leader at Ticinus River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder)
Who is the Carthaginian leader at Ticinus River?
Who was the winner at Ticinus River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who saves Publius Cornelius Scipio’s life at the Battle of Ticinus River?
his son, the future Africanus
When was the Battle of Ticinus River?
218 BC
Who were the Roman commanders at Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Trebia River?
Who was the winner at Trebia River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
When was the Battle of Trebia River?
218 BC
What battle took place in 217 BC?
The Battle of Lake Trasimene
Who is the Roman commander at Lake Trasimene?
Gaius Flaminius
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Lake Trasimene?
Who won the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Where does Gaius Flaminius die?
He dies in the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
Who was appointed dictator after the disaster at Trasimene?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
How did Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator earn the agnomen “cunctator”?
for the delaying tactics he used against Hannibal
What is Quintus Fabius Maximus known as?
the “shield of Rome”
What battle took place in 216 BC?
Battle of Cannae
Who were the Roman commanders at Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Tarentius Varro
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Cannae?
Who won the Battle of Cannae?
Hannibal (Carthage)
What Roman commander died at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What did Tarentius Varro receive when he returned to Rome?
a warm reception despite the disaster
What city was recaptured in 211 BC?
Who recaptured Syracuse in 211 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What famous scientist was accidentally killed when the Romans rushed Syracuse?
Who received the spolia opima in the Second Punic War?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What was Claudius Marcellus known as?
the “sword of Rome”
What battle took place in 207 BC?
Metaurus River
Who were the Roman commanders at Metaurus River?
Gaius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius Salinator
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Metaurus River?
Hasdrubal Barca
Who won at Metaurus River?
What happened to Hasdrubal Barca?
he was decapitated and his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
When was Metaurus River?
207 BC
What battle took place in 206 BC?
Who is the Roman commander at Ilipa?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
What did Scipio Africanus do at Ilipa?
cut off Iberia from the Carthaginians
What was the result of Ilipa?
Spain was given to Scipio
What battle took place in 203 BC?
Battle of Campi Magni (Great Plains)
Who were the Roman commanders at Campi Magni?
Scipio (the future) Africanus and Gaius Laelius
Who was the Numidian cavalry commander on the Roman side at Campi Magni?
Who was the Numidian commander on the side of the Carthaginians at Ilipa?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Hasdrubal (son of) Gisgo
Who won at the Battle of Campi Magni?
What battle took place in 202 BC?
Battle of Zama
Who were the Roman commanders at Zama?
Scipio Africanus and Masinissa
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Zama?
Who lost at Zama?
What battle ended the Second Punic War?
Battle of Zama
What were the years of the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What city did Rome lay siege to, beginning in 149 BC?
What is Cato the Younger called after committing suicide?
Cato Uticensis
What battle took place in 45 BC?
Battle of Munda
How did Mark Antony and Cleopatra die?
Who were the losers at Actium?
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Who were the winners at Actium?
Octavian and Agrippa
What battle took place in 31 BC?
Battle of Actium
What does Augustus use to make Antony look bad?
Who does Mark Antony have an open affair with?
Cleopatra VII of Egypt
Why did Marcus Agrippa go to battle against Sextus Pompeius?
Sextus had been preventing the grain supply on Sicily from reaching Rome
Where did the Battle of Naulochus take place?
off of Sicily
Who was the loser at Naulochus?
Sextus Pompeius (son of Pompey)
Who was the winner at Naulochus?
Marcus Agrippa, famous general of Octavian
What kind of battle was the Battle of Naulochus?
What battle occurred in 36 BC?
Battle of Naulochus
What did Lepidus get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
Hispania and Africa
What did Antony get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the east empire
What did Octavian get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the west empire
What treaty is formed in 49 BC?
Treaty of Brundisium
How did Brutus and Cassius die?
they kill themselves
Who were the losers at Philippi?
Brutus and Cassius
Who were the winners at Philippi?
Octavian and Mark Antony
What battle took place in 42 BC?
Battle of Philippi
What legalized the Second Triumvirate?
Lex Titia
Where is Cicero killed?
Who married Mark Antony?
Octavia (sister of Octavius)
Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
Gaius Octavius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony (Marcus Antoninus)
When was the Second Triumvirate formed?
43 BC
What was Julius Caesar’s relationship to Octavius?
Octavius was his grand-nephew (and adopted son)
Who was named the sole heir of Julius Caesar?
Gaius Octavius (future Augustus)
What is Caesar said to have muttered while dying?
“Et tu, Brute?” “And you, Brutus?” or in Greek, “Kai su, teknon?”
On what day was Julius Caesar killed?
March 15, 44 BC
Where was Caesar killed?
at the foot of the statue of Pompey
How was Caesar killed?
stabbed to death by senators
Who led the conspiracy against the life of Julius Caesar?
Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus
What title did Julius Caesar receive at one point?
Pater Patriae
Who was Julius Caesar planning a campaign against before his assassination?
Who put his own face on coins?
Julius Caesar
What did Caesar reform?
the calendar
What temple did Caesar build?
Temple of Venus Genetrix
When was Caesar elected dictator for life?
44 BC
In what years was Caesar a dictator?
49, 48, and 46 BC
Which of Pompey’s family members are later defeated by Julius Caesar?
Pompey’s sons
What former lieutenant does Caesar defeat?
Titus Labienus
Where does Cato the Younger commit suicide?
Who commits suicide after Thapsus?
Cato the Younger
Who were the forces of Pompey led by at Thapsus?
Metellus Scipio and the African Juba I
What battle takes place in 46 BC?
Battle of Thapsus
Who does Caesar defeat at Zela?
Pharnaces (II), son of Mithridates VI of Pontus
What battle takes place in 47 BC?
Battle of Zela
Who kills Pompey?
the orders of Ptolemy XIII
Where does Pompey flee after Pharsalus?
What happens at Pharsalus?
Caesar decisively defeats Pompey
What battle decides the result of the Civil War in 48 BC?
Battle of Pharsalus
Who defeated Caesar at the Battle of Dyrrachium?
What battle occurs in 48 BC?
Battle of Dyrrachium
What happened at the Battle of Ilerda?
Caesar marches to Spain and defeats Pompey’s commanders
What battle took place in 49 BC?
Battle of Ilerda
What does Julius Caesar say when passing the Rubicon?
“Alea iacta est”- the die is cast
What act of Caesar ignited the civil war?
crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC
What war takes place from 49-45 BC?
Civil War of Caesar
Where and when does Crassus die?
Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC
Who did Crassus campaign against in the final years of his life?
When does Julius Caesar’s daughter, Julia, die?
54 BC
When do Crassus and Pompey hold the consulship for the second time?
55 BC
What happens at the triumvirs’ meeting at Luca?
Caesar’s command is extended for 5 more years
When did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet at Luca?
56 BC
Where did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet?
When did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
Battle of Alesia
When was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
Who defeated Caesar’s forces during the Gallic Wars?
Who was Caesar’s most important enemy during the Gallic Wars?
Vercingetorix of the Arveni
When did Caesar cross into Britannia?
55 and 54 BC
What war lasted from 58-51 BC?
Caesar’s Gallic Wars
When was Clodius Pulcher killed?
53 BC
How was Clodius Pulcher killed?
in a gang fight against his rival, Milo
How was Marcus Tullius Cicero exiled?
Clodius Pulcher (a tribune under Caesar) passed a law against him
What did Julius Caesar’s five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul allow him to do?
wage his Gallic Wars
What did Julius Caesar receive from the First Triumvirate?
a five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul
Who was Julius Caesar consul with?
Marcus Bibulus
When was Julius Caesar consul?
59 BC
When was Julius Caesar pontifex maximus?
63 BC
When was Julius Caesar quaestor?
69 BC
When was Julius Caesar born?
100 BC
What did Pompey get from the First Triumvirate?
land for his veterans
How was the First Triumvirate cemented?
when Caesar’s daughter Julia married Pompey
Who was the First Triumvirate between?
Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey the Great
What was the First Triumvirate?
a powerful political alliance
What year does the First Triumvirate form?
69 BC
What is Cicero rewarded for his speeches against Catiline?
“Pater Patriae”
Who is most responsible for Catiline’s fall?
What did Catilina have passed against him?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Who tried to overthrow the Republic in 63 BC?
Lucius Sergius Catilina
What conflict occurs in Rome in 63 BC?
Conspiracy of Catiline
When does Mithridates die?
63 BC
Where does Mithridates die?
How does Mithridates die?
What happens at the Battle of Nicopolis?
Pompey decisively defeats Mithridates
What battle took place in 66 BC?
Battle of Nicopolis
What did the Lex Manilia do?
transferred command against Mithridates from Lucullus to Pompey
Who passed the Lex Manilia?
the tribune Gaius Manlius
What law was passed in 66 BC?
Lex Manilia
What Armenian king did Lucullus defeat at the Battle of Tigranocerta?
Tigranes the Great
What battle took place in 69 BC?
Battle of Tigranocerta
Who had command against Mithridates for the first part of the Third Mithridatic War?
Lucius Licinius Lucullus
What war took place from 73-63 BC?
Third Mithridatic War
How long did it take Pompey to clear the Mediterranean of pirates and in what year?
3 months in 66 BC
What did the Lex Gabinia do?
gave Pompey command against the pirates in the Mediterranean
Who passed the Lex Gabinia?
the tribune Aulus Gabinius
What law was passed in 67 BC?
Lex Gabinia
In what two years are Pompey and Crassus consuls?
70 BC and 55 BC
Where was the slave revolt subdued?
Who eventually subdued Spartacus’ revolt?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Where did Spartacus start a slave revolt?
Who started a slave revolt in 73 BC?
the Thracian slave Spartacus
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
War with Spartacus
Who was the Second Mithridatic War between?
Licinius Murena vs. Mithridates VI
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
Second Mithridatic War
What did Sulla’s second march on Rome basically accomplish?
remodeled the Republican government
What was Sulla’s list of people he wanted killed called?
Sulla’s prescriptions
Who assassinated Sertorius?
Marcus Perperna
When was Sertorius assassinated?
72 BC
Which of Marian’s proconsuls of Hispania held out against Sulla’s forces until 72 BC?
What did the Battle of Colline Gate do?
solidify Sulla’s control of Rome
What battle took place in 82 BC?
Battle of Colline Gate
Who was the consul of 82 BC?
When did Cinna die?
84 BC
How does Cinna die?
by a mutiny of his own troops
Who were the big leaders in Rome when Sulla was in Greece fighting Mithridates?
Papirius Carbo and Cornelius Cinna
What were the Optimates?
richer traditionalists wishing to limit the power of the popular assemblies and tribunate
What were the Populares?
popular assemblies and tribunate
What was Rome divided by?
the Populares and the Optimates
When was the Treaty of Dardanus finished?
85 BC
What treaty ended the First Mithridatic War?
Treaty of Dardanus
What was Sulla’s most famous feat in the First Mithridatic War?
the siege of Athens
What siege took place in 86 BC?
Siege of Athens
What was the result of Sulla’s command transferring to Marius?
Sulla’s first march on Rome
Who transferred command against Mithridates from Sulla to Marius?
the tribune Sulpicius Rufus
Who had been chosen by the senate to fight Mithridates?
What is Mithridates’ massacre called and when did it occur?
Asiatic Vespers- 88 BC
What did Mithridates VI do to start the First Mithridatic War?
he took territory in the east and massacred Italian residents there
Who was the First Mithridatic War against?
Mithridates VI of Pontus
What war took place from 89-85 BC?
The First Mithridatic War
What did the Lex Plautia Papiria do?
citizens of Italian communities that had previously rebelled can now gain Roman citizenship
What law was passed in 89 BC?
Lex Plautia Papiria
What did the Lex Iulia do?
Julius Caesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of Italy who had not raised arms against Rome in the Social War
What law was passed in 90 BC?
Lex Iulia
What was the Social War fought over?
whether or not the non-Roman Italians should have citizenship
Why was the Social War also known as the Marsic War?
because the Romans were fighting the Marsi
What are two other names for the Social War?
the Italian War or the Marsic War
What war took place from 91-88 BC?
the Social War
What did the Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Saturninus do?
gave Marius the right to stop him
What did the senate pass against Saturninus and why?
a Senatus Consultum Ultimum for mob violence
How many times did Saturninus serve as tribune?
3 times
What enemy of Marius was a tribune killed in 100 BC?
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
What war was ended by the Battle of Vercellae?
War with Cimbri and Teutons
Who was defeated at Vercellae?
the Cimbri
Who were the Roman commanders at Vercellae?
Gaius Marius and Lutatius Catullus
What battle took place in 101 BC?
Battle of Vercellae
Who was defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
Who was the Roman commander at Aquae Sextiae?
Gaius Marius
What battle took place in 102 BC?
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Who defeated the Romans at Arausio?
the Cimbri and Teutones
Who were the Roman commanders at Arausio?
Servilius Caepio and Mallius Maximus
What battle took place in 105 BC?
Battle of Arausio
When was Jugurtha killed?
104 BC
Where was Jugurtha killed?
How did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
Sulla convinced the Mauritanian ruler Bocchus I to betray Jugurtha to the Romans
When did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
105 BC
Who finally defeated Jugurtha?
Marius and his quaestor Lucius Cornelius Sulla “Felix”
Who was the kingdom of Numidia divided between when its king died?
between Micipsa’s sons Hiempsal and Adherbal and his step-son (and nephew) Jugurtha
Who died in 118 BC, causing a division in his kingdom?
Micipsa, King of Numidia
When was Marius’ last consulship?
86 BC
When was Marius’ first consulship?
107 BC
How many consecutive consulship a did Marius hold?
What consul reformed the Roman army in 1st century BC?
What was Marius known as?
a novus homo (he’s not the only one but one of the most famous)
Where was Marius from?
Who held the consulship seven times?
Gaius Marius
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
When was Pergamum given to Rome?
133 BC
What became the Roman province of Asia?
How did Gaius Gracchus did?
Where did Gaius Gracchus flee to?
the grove of Furina on Janiculum
What did the senate pass that gave Opimius the power to stop Gaius at all costs?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Which political enemy of Gaius was elected consul in 121 BC?
Lucius Opimius
Who was elected tribune in 123 and 122?
Gaius Gracchus
How did Tiberius Gracchus convince the senate to revolt against Tiberius?
said Tiberius was trying to become king
What was Scipio Nasica’s relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
they were cousins
In what year was there a revolt against Tiberius Gracchus?
133 BC
Who lead the senate in a revolt to kill Tiberius Gracchus?
Scipio Nasica
What tribune vetoed Tiberius Gracchus’ land law?
Marcus Octavius
What did Tiberius Gracchus’ land law do?
reinstate that no citizen should be able to hold over 500 iugera of land
What law did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to push?
land law
Who was elected tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
“Gemae” (her jewels)
Who were the sons of Cornelia?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Who was the daughter of Scipio Africanus?
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What battle marks the end of the Roman-Greek conflict?
Battle of Corinth
What city was destroyed by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC?
Who was defeated at the Battle of Corinth?
Achaean League?
Who is the Roman leader at the Battle of Corinth?
Lucius Mummius
What battle takes place in 146 BC?
Battle of Corinth
When does Macedonia become a province?
148 BC
Who was Andriscus?
a pretender to the throne of Macedon
Who was defeated in the Fourth Macedonian War?
Who was the Roman leader during the Fourth Macedonian War?
(Quintus Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus
What was took place from 150-148 BC?
Fourth Macedonian War
Who was defeated at the Battle of Pydna?
King Perseus of Macedon
Who was the Roman leader at Pydna?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
What war took place from 171-168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
What treaty ends the Seleucid War?
Treaty of Apamea
Who did the Romans defeat at the Battle of Magnesia?
Antiochus III
Who were the Roman commanders at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus and brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiastucus
What battle took place in 190/189 BC?
Battle of Magnesia
Who did Glabrio defeat at Thermopylae?
Antiochus III
Who was the Roman commander at Thermopylae?
(Manius Acilius) Glabrio
What battle took place in 191 BC?
Battle of Thermopylae
Who did Antiochus III ally with during the Seleucid War?
the Aetolian League and Hannibal
Who did Rome make war with in 192 BC?
Antiochus III of the Selecuid Empire
What war took place from 192-188 BC?
Seleucid War
What did the Battle of Cynoscephalae show?
the superiority of the Legion over the Phallanx
Where did Flamininus declare peace and freedom for Greece?
the Isthmian games of 196 BC
Who declared peace and freedom for Greece in 196 BC?
Who was the Macedonian leader at Cynoscephalae?
Phillip V
Who was the Roman commander at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
What battle took place in 197 BC?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
What war took place from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
Who lead Illyria in the Second Illyrian War?
Demretrius of Pharos
What war took place from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates during the first Illyrian War?
Queen Teuta
What war took place from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who captured the Celtiberian city of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What siege took place in 133 BC?
the siege of Numantia
What is Viriathus called?
the “first national hero of Portugal”
Who did Rome fight with from 146-140 BC?
Lusitanian chieftain, Viriathus
Who are the three winners of the spolia opima?
Romulus, Cossus, and Marcellus
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What was Cato the Elder famous for saying?
“Carthago delenda est.” (Carthage must be destroyed)
Who stormed Carthage, destroying it?
Scipio Aemilianus
When was Carthage stormed?
146 BC
Who did Rome sign a treaty with in 226 BC?
What treaty was signed in 226 BC?
Ebro Treaty
What did the Ebro treaty do?
says Carthage won’t go north of the Ebro River in Spain
What what year was the Ebro Treaty made?
226 BC
In what year did Hannibal gain control of Spain?
221 BC
What town did Carthage lay siege to in 219 BC, starting the Second Punic War?
What battles took place in 218 BC?
Battle of Ticinus River and Battle of Trebia River
Who is the Roman leader at Ticinus River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder)
Who is the Carthaginian leader at Ticinus River?
Who was the winner at Ticinus River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who saves Publius Cornelius Scipio’s life at the Battle of Ticinus River?
his son, the future Africanus
When was the Battle of Ticinus River?
218 BC
Who were the Roman commanders at Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Trebia River?
Who was the winner at Trebia River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
When was the Battle of Trebia River?
218 BC
What battle took place in 217 BC?
The Battle of Lake Trasimene
Who is the Roman commander at Lake Trasimene?
Gaius Flaminius
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Lake Trasimene?
Who won the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Where does Gaius Flaminius die?
He dies in the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
Who was appointed dictator after the disaster at Trasimene?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
How did Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator earn the agnomen “cunctator”?
for the delaying tactics he used against Hannibal
What is Quintus Fabius Maximus known as?
the “shield of Rome”
What battle took place in 216 BC?
Battle of Cannae
Who were the Roman commanders at Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Tarentius Varro
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Cannae?
Who won the Battle of Cannae?
Hannibal (Carthage)
What Roman commander died at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What did Tarentius Varro receive when he returned to Rome?
a warm reception despite the disaster
What city was recaptured in 211 BC?
Who recaptured Syracuse in 211 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What famous scientist was accidentally killed when the Romans rushed Syracuse?
Who received the spolia opima in the Second Punic War?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What was Claudius Marcellus known as?
the “sword of Rome”
What battle took place in 207 BC?
Metaurus River
Who were the Roman commanders at Metaurus River?
Gaius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius Salinator
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Metaurus River?
Hasdrubal Barca
Who won at Metaurus River?
What happened to Hasdrubal Barca?
he was decapitated and his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
When was Metaurus River?
207 BC
What battle took place in 206 BC?
Who is the Roman commander at Ilipa?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
What did Scipio Africanus do at Ilipa?
cut off Iberia from the Carthaginians
What was the result of Ilipa?
Spain was given to Scipio
What battle took place in 203 BC?
Battle of Campi Magni (Great Plains)
Who were the Roman commanders at Campi Magni?
Scipio (the future) Africanus and Gaius Laelius
Who was the Numidian cavalry commander on the Roman side at Campi Magni?
Who was the Numidian commander on the side of the Carthaginians at Ilipa?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Hasdrubal (son of) Gisgo
Who won at the Battle of Campi Magni?
What battle took place in 202 BC?
Battle of Zama
Who were the Roman commanders at Zama?
Scipio Africanus and Masinissa
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Zama?
Who lost at Zama?
What battle ended the Second Punic War?
Battle of Zama
What were the years of the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What city did Rome lay siege to, beginning in 149 BC?
When was Carthage stormed?
146 BC
Who stormed Carthage, destroying it?
Scipio Aemilianus
What was Cato the Elder famous for saying?
“Carthago delenda est.” (Carthage must be destroyed)
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
Who are the three winners of the spolia opima?
Romulus, Cossus, and Marcellus
Who did Rome fight with from 146-140 BC?
Lusitanian chieftain, Viriathus
What is Viriathus called?
the “first national hero of Portugal”
What siege took place in 133 BC?
the siege of Numantia
Who captured the Celtiberian city of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What war took place from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates during the first Illyrian War?
Queen Teuta
What war took place from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
Who lead Illyria in the Second Illyrian War?
Demretrius of Pharos
What war took place from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
What battle took place in 197 BC?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
Who was the Roman commander at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
Who was the Macedonian leader at Cynoscephalae?
Phillip V
Who declared peace and freedom for Greece in 196 BC?
Where did Flamininus declare peace and freedom for Greece?
the Isthmian games of 196 BC
What did the Battle of Cynoscephalae show?
the superiority of the Legion over the Phallanx
What war took place from 192-188 BC?
Seleucid War
What does Augustus use to make Antony look bad?
How did Mark Antony and Cleopatra die?
Who were the losers at Actium?
Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Who were the winners at Actium?
Octavian and Agrippa
What battle took place in 31 BC?
Battle of Actium
Who does Mark Antony have an open affair with?
Cleopatra VII of Egypt
Why did Marcus Agrippa go to battle against Sextus Pompeius?
Sextus had been preventing the grain supply on Sicily from reaching Rome
Where did the Battle of Naulochus take place?
off of Sicily
Who was the loser at Naulochus?
Sextus Pompeius (son of Pompey)
Who was the winner at Naulochus?
Marcus Agrippa, famous general of Octavian
What kind of battle was the Battle of Naulochus?
What battle occurred in 36 BC?
Battle of Naulochus
What did Lepidus get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
Hispania and Africa
What did Antony get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the east empire
What did Octavian get from the Treaty of Brundisium?
the west empire
What treaty is formed in 49 BC?
Treaty of Brundisium
How did Brutus and Cassius die?
they kill themselves
Who were the losers at Philippi?
Brutus and Cassius
Who were the winners at Philippi?
Octavian and Mark Antony
What battle took place in 42 BC?
Battle of Philippi
What legalized the Second Triumvirate?
Lex Titia
Where is Cicero killed?
Who married Mark Antony?
Octavia (sister of Octavius)
Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
Gaius Octavius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony (Marcus Antoninus)
When was the Second Triumvirate formed?
43 BC
What was Julius Caesar’s relationship to Octavius?
Octavius was his grand-nephew (and adopted son)
Who was named the sole heir of Julius Caesar?
Gaius Octavius (future Augustus)
What is Caesar said to have muttered while dying?
“Et tu, Brute?” “And you, Brutus?” or in Greek, “Kai su, teknon?”
On what day was Julius Caesar killed?
March 15, 44 BC
Where was Caesar killed?
at the foot of the statue of Pompey
How was Caesar killed?
stabbed to death by senators
Who led the conspiracy against the life of Julius Caesar?
Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus
What title did Julius Caesar receive at one point?
Pater Patriae
Who was Julius Caesar planning a campaign against before his assassination?
Who put his own face on coins?
Julius Caesar
What did Caesar reform?
the calendar
What temple did Caesar build?
Temple of Venus Genetrix
When was Caesar elected dictator for life?
44 BC
In what years was Caesar a dictator?
49, 48, and 46 BC
Which of Pompey’s family members are later defeated by Julius Caesar?
Pompey’s sons
What former lieutenant does Caesar defeat?
Titus Labienus
What battle took place in 45 BC?
Battle of Munda
What is Cato the Younger called after committing suicide?
Cato Uticensis
Where does Cato the Younger commit suicide?
Who commits suicide after Thapsus?
Cato the Younger
Who were the forces of Pompey led by at Thapsus?
Metellus Scipio and the African Juba I
What battle takes place in 46 BC?
Battle of Thapsus
Who does Caesar defeat at Zela?
Pharnaces (II), son of Mithridates VI of Pontus
What battle takes place in 47 BC?
Battle of Zela
Who kills Pompey?
the orders of Ptolemy XIII
Where does Pompey flee after Pharsalus?
What happens at Pharsalus?
Caesar decisively defeats Pompey
What battle decides the result of the Civil War in 48 BC?
Battle of Pharsalus
Who defeated Caesar at the Battle of Dyrrachium?
What battle occurs in 48 BC?
Battle of Dyrrachium
What happened at the Battle of Ilerda?
Caesar marches to Spain and defeats Pompey’s commanders
What battle took place in 49 BC?
Battle of Ilerda
What does Julius Caesar say when passing the Rubicon?
“Alea iacta est”- the die is cast
What act of Caesar ignited the civil war?
crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC
Who did Rome make war with in 192 BC?
Antiochus III of the Selecuid Empire
Who did Antiochus III ally with during the Seleucid War?
the Aetolian League and Hannibal
What war takes place from 49-45 BC?
Civil War of Caesar
Where and when does Crassus die?
Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC
Who did Crassus campaign against in the final years of his life?
When does Julius Caesar’s daughter, Julia, die?
54 BC
When do Crassus and Pompey hold the consulship for the second time?
55 BC
What happens at the triumvirs’ meeting at Luca?
Caesar’s command is extended for 5 more years
When did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet at Luca?
56 BC
Where did the three people in the First Triumvirate meet?
When did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
Battle of Alesia
When was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
52 BC
Where was Caesar defeated by Vercingetorix?
Who defeated Caesar’s forces during the Gallic Wars?
Who was Caesar’s most important enemy during the Gallic Wars?
Vercingetorix of the Arveni
When did Caesar cross into Britannia?
55 and 54 BC
What war lasted from 58-51 BC?
Caesar’s Gallic Wars
When was Clodius Pulcher killed?
53 BC
How was Clodius Pulcher killed?
in a gang fight against his rival, Milo
How was Marcus Tullius Cicero exiled?
Clodius Pulcher (a tribune under Caesar) passed a law against him
What did Julius Caesar’s five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul allow him to do?
wage his Gallic Wars
What did Julius Caesar receive from the First Triumvirate?
a five year governship of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyracium, and later Transalpine Gaul
Who was Julius Caesar consul with?
Marcus Bibulus
When was Julius Caesar consul?
59 BC
When was Julius Caesar pontifex maximus?
63 BC
When was Julius Caesar quaestor?
69 BC
When was Julius Caesar born?
100 BC
What did Pompey get from the First Triumvirate?
land for his veterans
How was the First Triumvirate cemented?
when Caesar’s daughter Julia married Pompey
Who was the First Triumvirate between?
Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey the Great
What was the First Triumvirate?
a powerful political alliance
What year does the First Triumvirate form?
69 BC
What is Cicero rewarded for his speeches against Catiline?
“Pater Patriae”
Who is most responsible for Catiline’s fall?
What did Catilina have passed against him?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Who tried to overthrow the Republic in 63 BC?
Lucius Sergius Catilina
What conflict occurs in Rome in 63 BC?
Conspiracy of Catiline
When does Mithridates die?
63 BC
Where does Mithridates die?
How does Mithridates die?
What happens at the Battle of Nicopolis?
Pompey decisively defeats Mithridates
What battle took place in 66 BC?
Battle of Nicopolis
What did the Lex Manilia do?
transferred command against Mithridates from Lucullus to Pompey
Who passed the Lex Manilia?
the tribune Gaius Manlius
What law was passed in 66 BC?
Lex Manilia
What Armenian king did Lucullus defeat at the Battle of Tigranocerta?
Tigranes the Great
What battle took place in 69 BC?
Battle of Tigranocerta
Who had command against Mithridates for the first part of the Third Mithridatic War?
Lucius Licinius Lucullus
What war took place from 73-63 BC?
Third Mithridatic War
How long did it take Pompey to clear the Mediterranean of pirates and in what year?
3 months in 66 BC
What did the Lex Gabinia do?
gave Pompey command against the pirates in the Mediterranean
Who passed the Lex Gabinia?
the tribune Aulus Gabinius
What law was passed in 67 BC?
Lex Gabinia
In what two years are Pompey and Crassus consuls?
70 BC and 55 BC
Where was the slave revolt subdued?
Who eventually subdued Spartacus’ revolt?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Where did Spartacus start a slave revolt?
Who started a slave revolt in 73 BC?
the Thracian slave Spartacus
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
War with Spartacus
Who was the Second Mithridatic War between?
Licinius Murena vs. Mithridates VI
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
Second Mithridatic War
What did Sulla’s second march on Rome basically accomplish?
remodeled the Republican government
What was Sulla’s list of people he wanted killed called?
Sulla’s prescriptions
Who assassinated Sertorius?
Marcus Perperna
When was Sertorius assassinated?
72 BC
Which of Marian’s proconsuls of Hispania held out against Sulla’s forces until 72 BC?
What did the Battle of Colline Gate do?
solidify Sulla’s control of Rome
What battle took place in 82 BC?
Battle of Colline Gate
Who was the consul of 82 BC?
When did Cinna die?
84 BC
How does Cinna die?
by a mutiny of his own troops
Who were the big leaders in Rome when Sulla was in Greece fighting Mithridates?
Papirius Carbo and Cornelius Cinna
What were the Optimates?
richer traditionalists wishing to limit the power of the popular assemblies and tribunate
What were the Populares?
popular assemblies and tribunate
What was Rome divided by?
the Populares and the Optimates
When was the Treaty of Dardanus finished?
85 BC
What battle took place in 191 BC?
Battle of Thermopylae
Who was defeated at the Battle of Corinth?
Achaean League?
What treaty ended the First Mithridatic War?
Treaty of Dardanus
What was Sulla’s most famous feat in the First Mithridatic War?
the siege of Athens
What siege took place in 86 BC?
Siege of Athens
What was the result of Sulla’s command transferring to Marius?
Sulla’s first march on Rome
Who transferred command against Mithridates from Sulla to Marius?
the tribune Sulpicius Rufus
Who had been chosen by the senate to fight Mithridates?
What is Mithridates’ massacre called and when did it occur?
Asiatic Vespers- 88 BC
What did Mithridates VI do to start the First Mithridatic War?
he took territory in the east and massacred Italian residents there
Who was the First Mithridatic War against?
Mithridates VI of Pontus
What war took place from 89-85 BC?
The First Mithridatic War
What did the Lex Plautia Papiria do?
citizens of Italian communities that had previously rebelled can now gain Roman citizenship
What law was passed in 89 BC?
Lex Plautia Papiria
What did the Lex Iulia do?
Julius Caesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of Italy who had not raised arms against Rome in the Social War
What law was passed in 90 BC?
Lex Iulia
What was the Social War fought over?
whether or not the non-Roman Italians should have citizenship
Why was the Social War also known as the Marsic War?
because the Romans were fighting the Marsi
What are two other names for the Social War?
the Italian War or the Marsic War
What war took place from 91-88 BC?
the Social War
What did the Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Saturninus do?
gave Marius the right to stop him
What did the senate pass against Saturninus and why?
a Senatus Consultum Ultimum for mob violence
How many times did Saturninus serve as tribune?
3 times
What enemy of Marius was a tribune killed in 100 BC?
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
What war was ended by the Battle of Vercellae?
War with Cimbri and Teutons
Who was defeated at Vercellae?
the Cimbri
Who were the Roman commanders at Vercellae?
Gaius Marius and Lutatius Catullus
What battle took place in 101 BC?
Battle of Vercellae
Who was defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
Who was the Roman commander at Aquae Sextiae?
Gaius Marius
What battle took place in 102 BC?
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Who defeated the Romans at Arausio?
the Cimbri and Teutones
Who were the Roman commanders at Arausio?
Servilius Caepio and Mallius Maximus
What battle took place in 105 BC?
Battle of Arausio
When was Jugurtha killed?
104 BC
Where was Jugurtha killed?
How did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
Sulla convinced the Mauritanian ruler Bocchus I to betray Jugurtha to the Romans
When did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
105 BC
Who finally defeated Jugurtha?
Marius and his quaestor Lucius Cornelius Sulla “Felix”
Who was the kingdom of Numidia divided between when its king died?
between Micipsa’s sons Hiempsal and Adherbal and his step-son (and nephew) Jugurtha
Who died in 118 BC, causing a division in his kingdom?
Micipsa, King of Numidia
When was Marius’ last consulship?
86 BC
When was Marius’ first consulship?
107 BC
How many consecutive consulship a did Marius hold?
What consul reformed the Roman army in 1st century BC?
What was Marius known as?
a novus homo (he’s not the only one but one of the most famous)
Where was Marius from?
Who held the consulship seven times?
Gaius Marius
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
When was Pergamum given to Rome?
133 BC
What became the Roman province of Asia?
How did Gaius Gracchus did?
Where did Gaius Gracchus flee to?
the grove of Furina on Janiculum
What did the senate pass that gave Opimius the power to stop Gaius at all costs?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Which political enemy of Gaius was elected consul in 121 BC?
Lucius Opimius
Who was elected tribune in 123 and 122?
Gaius Gracchus
How did Tiberius Gracchus convince the senate to revolt against Tiberius?
said Tiberius was trying to become king
What was Scipio Nasica’s relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
they were cousins
In what year was there a revolt against Tiberius Gracchus?
133 BC
Who lead the senate in a revolt to kill Tiberius Gracchus?
Scipio Nasica
What tribune vetoed Tiberius Gracchus’ land law?
Marcus Octavius
What did Tiberius Gracchus’ land law do?
reinstate that no citizen should be able to hold over 500 iugera of land
What law did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to push?
land law
Who was elected tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
“Gemae” (her jewels)
Who were the sons of Cornelia?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Who was the daughter of Scipio Africanus?
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What battle marks the end of the Roman-Greek conflict?
Battle of Corinth
What city was destroyed by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC?
Who is the Roman leader at the Battle of Corinth?
Lucius Mummius
What battle takes place in 146 BC?
Battle of Corinth
When does Macedonia become a province?
148 BC
Who was Andriscus?
a pretender to the throne of Macedon
Who was defeated in the Fourth Macedonian War?
Who was the Roman leader during the Fourth Macedonian War?
(Quintus Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus
What was took place from 150-148 BC?
Fourth Macedonian War
Who was defeated at the Battle of Pydna?
King Perseus of Macedon
Who was the Roman leader at Pydna?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Who was the Roman commander at Thermopylae?
(Manius Acilius) Glabrio
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
What war took place from 171-168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
What treaty ends the Seleucid War?
Treaty of Apamea
Who did the Romans defeat at the Battle of Magnesia?
Antiochus III
Who were the Roman commanders at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus and brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiastucus
What battle took place in 190/189 BC?
Battle of Magnesia
Who did Glabrio defeat at Thermopylae?
Antiochus III
Who did Rome sign a treaty with in 226 BC?
What treaty was signed in 226 BC?
Ebro Treaty
What did the Ebro treaty do?
says Carthage won’t go north of the Ebro River in Spain
Who were the Roman commanders at Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Trebia River?
When did Cinna die?
84 BC
How does Cinna die?
by a mutiny of his own troops
Who were the big leaders in Rome when Sulla was in Greece fighting Mithridates?
Papirius Carbo and Cornelius Cinna
What were the Optimates?
richer traditionalists wishing to limit the power of the popular assemblies and tribunate
What were the Populares?
popular assemblies and tribunate
What was Rome divided by?
the Populares and the Optimates
When was the Treaty of Dardanus finished?
85 BC
What treaty ended the First Mithridatic War?
Treaty of Dardanus
What was Sulla’s most famous feat in the First Mithridatic War?
the siege of Athens
What siege took place in 86 BC?
Siege of Athens
What was the result of Sulla’s command transferring to Marius?
Sulla’s first march on Rome
Who transferred command against Mithridates from Sulla to Marius?
the tribune Sulpicius Rufus
Who had been chosen by the senate to fight Mithridates?
What is Mithridates’ massacre called and when did it occur?
Asiatic Vespers- 88 BC
What did Mithridates VI do to start the First Mithridatic War?
he took territory in the east and massacred Italian residents there
Who was the First Mithridatic War against?
Mithridates VI of Pontus
What war took place from 89-85 BC?
The First Mithridatic War
What did the Lex Plautia Papiria do?
citizens of Italian communities that had previously rebelled can now gain Roman citizenship
What law was passed in 89 BC?
Lex Plautia Papiria
What did the Lex Iulia do?
Julius Caesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of Italy who had not raised arms against Rome in the Social War
What law was passed in 90 BC?
Lex Iulia
What was the Social War fought over?
whether or not the non-Roman Italians should have citizenship
Why was the Social War also known as the Marsic War?
because the Romans were fighting the Marsi
What are two other names for the Social War?
the Italian War or the Marsic War
What war took place from 91-88 BC?
the Social War
What did the Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Saturninus do?
gave Marius the right to stop him
What did the senate pass against Saturninus and why?
a Senatus Consultum Ultimum for mob violence
How many times did Saturninus serve as tribune?
3 times
What enemy of Marius was a tribune killed in 100 BC?
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
What war was ended by the Battle of Vercellae?
War with Cimbri and Teutons
Who was defeated at Vercellae?
the Cimbri
Who were the Roman commanders at Vercellae?
Gaius Marius and Lutatius Catullus
What battle took place in 101 BC?
Battle of Vercellae
Who was defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
Who was the Roman commander at Aquae Sextiae?
Gaius Marius
What battle took place in 102 BC?
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Who defeated the Romans at Arausio?
the Cimbri and Teutones
Who were the Roman commanders at Arausio?
Servilius Caepio and Mallius Maximus
What battle took place in 105 BC?
Battle of Arausio
When was Jugurtha killed?
104 BC
Where was Jugurtha killed?
How did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
Sulla convinced the Mauritanian ruler Bocchus I to betray Jugurtha to the Romans
When did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
105 BC
Who finally defeated Jugurtha?
Marius and his quaestor Lucius Cornelius Sulla “Felix”
Who was the kingdom of Numidia divided between when its king died?
between Micipsa’s sons Hiempsal and Adherbal and his step-son (and nephew) Jugurtha
Who died in 118 BC, causing a division in his kingdom?
Micipsa, King of Numidia
When was Marius’ last consulship?
86 BC
When was Marius’ first consulship?
107 BC
How many consecutive consulship a did Marius hold?
What consul reformed the Roman army in 1st century BC?
What was Marius known as?
a novus homo (he’s not the only one but one of the most famous)
Where was Marius from?
Who held the consulship seven times?
Gaius Marius
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
When was Pergamum given to Rome?
133 BC
What became the Roman province of Asia?
How did Gaius Gracchus did?
Where did Gaius Gracchus flee to?
the grove of Furina on Janiculum
What did the senate pass that gave Opimius the power to stop Gaius at all costs?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Which political enemy of Gaius was elected consul in 121 BC?
Lucius Opimius
Who was elected tribune in 123 and 122?
Gaius Gracchus
How did Tiberius Gracchus convince the senate to revolt against Tiberius?
said Tiberius was trying to become king
What was Scipio Nasica’s relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
they were cousins
In what year was there a revolt against Tiberius Gracchus?
133 BC
Who lead the senate in a revolt to kill Tiberius Gracchus?
Scipio Nasica
What tribune vetoed Tiberius Gracchus’ land law?
Marcus Octavius
What did Tiberius Gracchus’ land law do?
reinstate that no citizen should be able to hold over 500 iugera of land
What law did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to push?
land law
Who was elected tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
“Gemae” (her jewels)
Who were the sons of Cornelia?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Who was the daughter of Scipio Africanus?
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What battle marks the end of the Roman-Greek conflict?
Battle of Corinth
What city was destroyed by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC?
Who was defeated at the Battle of Corinth?
Achaean League?
Who is the Roman leader at the Battle of Corinth?
Lucius Mummius
What battle takes place in 146 BC?
Battle of Corinth
When does Macedonia become a province?
148 BC
Who was Andriscus?
a pretender to the throne of Macedon
Who was defeated in the Fourth Macedonian War?
Who was the Roman leader during the Fourth Macedonian War?
(Quintus Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus
What was took place from 150-148 BC?
Fourth Macedonian War
Who was defeated at the Battle of Pydna?
King Perseus of Macedon
Who was the Roman leader at Pydna?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
What war took place from 171-168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
What treaty ends the Seleucid War?
Treaty of Apamea
Who did the Romans defeat at the Battle of Magnesia?
Antiochus III
Who were the Roman commanders at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus and brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiastucus
What battle took place in 190/189 BC?
Battle of Magnesia
Who did Glabrio defeat at Thermopylae?
Antiochus III
Who was the Roman commander at Thermopylae?
(Manius Acilius) Glabrio
What battle took place in 191 BC?
Battle of Thermopylae
Who did Antiochus III ally with during the Seleucid War?
the Aetolian League and Hannibal
Who did Rome make war with in 192 BC?
Antiochus III of the Selecuid Empire
What war took place from 192-188 BC?
Seleucid War
What did the Battle of Cynoscephalae show?
the superiority of the Legion over the Phallanx
Where did Flamininus declare peace and freedom for Greece?
the Isthmian games of 196 BC
Who declared peace and freedom for Greece in 196 BC?
Who was the Macedonian leader at Cynoscephalae?
Phillip V
Who was the Roman commander at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
What battle took place in 197 BC?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
What war took place from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
Who lead Illyria in the Second Illyrian War?
Demretrius of Pharos
What war took place from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates during the first Illyrian War?
Queen Teuta
What war took place from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who captured the Celtiberian city of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What siege took place in 133 BC?
the siege of Numantia
What is Viriathus called?
the “first national hero of Portugal”
Who did Rome fight with from 146-140 BC?
Lusitanian chieftain, Viriathus
Who are the three winners of the spolia opima?
Romulus, Cossus, and Marcellus
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What was Cato the Elder famous for saying?
“Carthago delenda est.” (Carthage must be destroyed)
Who stormed Carthage, destroying it?
Scipio Aemilianus
When was Carthage stormed?
146 BC
What city did Rome lay siege to, beginning in 149 BC?
What were the years of the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What battle ended the Second Punic War?
Battle of Zama
Who lost at Zama?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Zama?
Who were the Roman commanders at Zama?
Scipio Africanus and Masinissa
What battle took place in 202 BC?
Battle of Zama
Who won at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Hasdrubal (son of) Gisgo
Who was the Numidian commander on the side of the Carthaginians at Ilipa?
Who was the Numidian cavalry commander on the Roman side at Campi Magni?
Who were the Roman commanders at Campi Magni?
Scipio (the future) Africanus and Gaius Laelius
What battle took place in 203 BC?
Battle of Campi Magni (Great Plains)
What was the result of Ilipa?
Spain was given to Scipio
What did Scipio Africanus do at Ilipa?
cut off Iberia from the Carthaginians
Who is the Roman commander at Ilipa?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
What battle took place in 206 BC?
When was Metaurus River?
207 BC
What happened to Hasdrubal Barca?
he was decapitated and his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
Who won at Metaurus River?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Metaurus River?
Hasdrubal Barca
Who were the Roman commanders at Metaurus River?
Gaius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius Salinator
What battle took place in 207 BC?
Metaurus River
What was Claudius Marcellus known as?
the “sword of Rome”
Who received the spolia opima in the Second Punic War?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What famous scientist was accidentally killed when the Romans rushed Syracuse?
Who recaptured Syracuse in 211 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What city was recaptured in 211 BC?
What did Tarentius Varro receive when he returned to Rome?
a warm reception despite the disaster
What Roman commander died at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Who won the Battle of Cannae?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Cannae?
Who were the Roman commanders at Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Tarentius Varro
What battle took place in 216 BC?
Battle of Cannae
What is Quintus Fabius Maximus known as?
the “shield of Rome”
How did Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator earn the agnomen “cunctator”?
for the delaying tactics he used against Hannibal
Who was appointed dictator after the disaster at Trasimene?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
Where does Gaius Flaminius die?
He dies in the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Who won the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Lake Trasimene?
Who is the Roman commander at Lake Trasimene?
Gaius Flaminius
What battle took place in 217 BC?
The Battle of Lake Trasimene
When was the Battle of Trebia River?
218 BC
Who was the winner at Trebia River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
When was the Battle of Ticinus River?
218 BC
Who saves Publius Cornelius Scipio’s life at the Battle of Ticinus River?
his son, the future Africanus
Who was the winner at Ticinus River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who is the Carthaginian leader at Ticinus River?
Who is the Roman leader at Ticinus River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder)
What battles took place in 218 BC?
Battle of Ticinus River and Battle of Trebia River
What town did Carthage lay siege to in 219 BC, starting the Second Punic War?
In what year did Hannibal gain control of Spain?
221 BC
What what year was the Ebro Treaty made?
226 BC
Who did Rome sign a treaty with in 226 BC?
What treaty was signed in 226 BC?
Ebro Treaty
What did the Ebro treaty do?
says Carthage won’t go north of the Ebro River in Spain
What what year was the Ebro Treaty made?
226 BC
In what year did Hannibal gain control of Spain?
221 BC
What town did Carthage lay siege to in 219 BC, starting the Second Punic War?
What battles took place in 218 BC?
Battle of Ticinus River and Battle of Trebia River
Who is the Roman leader at Ticinus River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder)
Who is the Carthaginian leader at Ticinus River?
Who was the winner at Ticinus River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Who saves Publius Cornelius Scipio’s life at the Battle of Ticinus River?
his son, the future Africanus
When was the Battle of Ticinus River?
218 BC
Who were the Roman commanders at Trebia River?
Publius Cornelius Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Trebia River?
Who was the winner at Trebia River?
Hannibal (Carthage)
When was the Battle of Trebia River?
218 BC
What battle took place in 217 BC?
The Battle of Lake Trasimene
Who is the Roman commander at Lake Trasimene?
Gaius Flaminius
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Lake Trasimene?
Who won the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
Hannibal (Carthage)
Where does Gaius Flaminius die?
He dies in the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
When was the Battle of Lake Trasimene?
217 BC
Who was appointed dictator after the disaster at Trasimene?
Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
How did Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator earn the agnomen “cunctator”?
for the delaying tactics he used against Hannibal
What is Quintus Fabius Maximus known as?
the “shield of Rome”
What battle took place in 216 BC?
Battle of Cannae
Who were the Roman commanders at Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Tarentius Varro
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Cannae?
Who won the Battle of Cannae?
Hannibal (Carthage)
What Roman commander died at the Battle of Cannae?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What did Tarentius Varro receive when he returned to Rome?
a warm reception despite the disaster
What city was recaptured in 211 BC?
Who recaptured Syracuse in 211 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What famous scientist was accidentally killed when the Romans rushed Syracuse?
Who received the spolia opima in the Second Punic War?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
What was Claudius Marcellus known as?
the “sword of Rome”
What battle took place in 207 BC?
Metaurus River
Who were the Roman commanders at Metaurus River?
Gaius Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius Salinator
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Metaurus River?
Hasdrubal Barca
Who won at Metaurus River?
What happened to Hasdrubal Barca?
he was decapitated and his head was thrown into the Carthaginian camp
When was Metaurus River?
207 BC
What battle took place in 206 BC?
Who is the Roman commander at Ilipa?
Scipio (the future) Africanus
What did Scipio Africanus do at Ilipa?
cut off Iberia from the Carthaginians
What was the result of Ilipa?
Spain was given to Scipio
What battle took place in 203 BC?
Battle of Campi Magni (Great Plains)
Who were the Roman commanders at Campi Magni?
Scipio (the future) Africanus and Gaius Laelius
Who was the Numidian cavalry commander on the Roman side at Campi Magni?
Who was the Numidian commander on the side of the Carthaginians at Ilipa?
Who was the Carthaginian commander at the Battle of Campi Magni?
Hasdrubal (son of) Gisgo
Who won at the Battle of Campi Magni?
What battle took place in 202 BC?
Battle of Zama
Who were the Roman commanders at Zama?
Scipio Africanus and Masinissa
Who was the Carthaginian commander at Zama?
Who lost at Zama?
What battle ended the Second Punic War?
Battle of Zama
What were the years of the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What city did Rome lay siege to, beginning in 149 BC?
When was Carthage stormed?
146 BC
Who stormed Carthage, destroying it?
Scipio Aemilianus
What was Cato the Elder famous for saying?
“Carthago delenda est.” (Carthage must be destroyed)
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
Who are the three winners of the spolia opima?
Romulus, Cossus, and Marcellus
What war took place from 73-71 BC?
Second Mithridatic War
What did Sulla’s second march on Rome basically accomplish?
remodeled the Republican government
What was Sulla’s list of people he wanted killed called?
Sulla’s prescriptions
Who assassinated Sertorius?
Marcus Perperna
When was Sertorius assassinated?
72 BC
Which of Marian’s proconsuls of Hispania held out against Sulla’s forces until 72 BC?
What did the Battle of Colline Gate do?
solidify Sulla’s control of Rome
What battle took place in 82 BC?
Battle of Colline Gate
Who was the consul of 82 BC?
When did Cinna die?
84 BC
How does Cinna die?
by a mutiny of his own troops
Who were the big leaders in Rome when Sulla was in Greece fighting Mithridates?
Papirius Carbo and Cornelius Cinna
What were the Optimates?
richer traditionalists wishing to limit the power of the popular assemblies and tribunate
What were the Populares?
popular assemblies and tribunate
What was Rome divided by?
the Populares and the Optimates
When was the Treaty of Dardanus finished?
85 BC
What treaty ended the First Mithridatic War?
Treaty of Dardanus
What was Sulla’s most famous feat in the First Mithridatic War?
the siege of Athens
What siege took place in 86 BC?
Siege of Athens
What was the result of Sulla’s command transferring to Marius?
Sulla’s first march on Rome
Who transferred command against Mithridates from Sulla to Marius?
the tribune Sulpicius Rufus
Who had been chosen by the senate to fight Mithridates?
What is Mithridates’ massacre called and when did it occur?
Asiatic Vespers- 88 BC
What did Mithridates VI do to start the First Mithridatic War?
he took territory in the east and massacred Italian residents there
Who was the First Mithridatic War against?
Mithridates VI of Pontus
What war took place from 89-85 BC?
The First Mithridatic War
What did the Lex Plautia Papiria do?
citizens of Italian communities that had previously rebelled can now gain Roman citizenship
What law was passed in 89 BC?
Lex Plautia Papiria
What did the Lex Iulia do?
Julius Caesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens of Italy who had not raised arms against Rome in the Social War
What law was passed in 90 BC?
Lex Iulia
What was the Social War fought over?
whether or not the non-Roman Italians should have citizenship
Why was the Social War also known as the Marsic War?
because the Romans were fighting the Marsi
What are two other names for the Social War?
the Italian War or the Marsic War
What war took place from 91-88 BC?
the Social War
What did the Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Saturninus do?
gave Marius the right to stop him
What did the senate pass against Saturninus and why?
a Senatus Consultum Ultimum for mob violence
How many times did Saturninus serve as tribune?
3 times
What enemy of Marius was a tribune killed in 100 BC?
Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
What war was ended by the Battle of Vercellae?
War with Cimbri and Teutons
Who was defeated at Vercellae?
the Cimbri
Who were the Roman commanders at Vercellae?
Gaius Marius and Lutatius Catullus
What battle took place in 101 BC?
Battle of Vercellae
Who was defeated at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae?
Who was the Roman commander at Aquae Sextiae?
Gaius Marius
What battle took place in 102 BC?
Battle of Aquae Sextiae
Who defeated the Romans at Arausio?
the Cimbri and Teutones
Who were the Roman commanders at Arausio?
Servilius Caepio and Mallius Maximus
What battle took place in 105 BC?
Battle of Arausio
When was Jugurtha killed?
104 BC
Where was Jugurtha killed?
How did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
Sulla convinced the Mauritanian ruler Bocchus I to betray Jugurtha to the Romans
When did Marius and Sulla beat Jugurtha?
105 BC
Who finally defeated Jugurtha?
Marius and his quaestor Lucius Cornelius Sulla “Felix”
Who was the kingdom of Numidia divided between when its king died?
between Micipsa’s sons Hiempsal and Adherbal and his step-son (and nephew) Jugurtha
Who died in 118 BC, causing a division in his kingdom?
Micipsa, King of Numidia
When was Marius’ last consulship?
86 BC
When was Marius’ first consulship?
107 BC
How many consecutive consulship a did Marius hold?
What consul reformed the Roman army in 1st century BC?
What was Marius known as?
a novus homo (he’s not the only one but one of the most famous)
Where was Marius from?
Who did Rome fight with from 146-140 BC?
Lusitanian chieftain, Viriathus
Who held the consulship seven times?
Gaius Marius
Who bequeathed Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
When was Pergamum given to Rome?
133 BC
What became the Roman province of Asia?
How did Gaius Gracchus did?
Where did Gaius Gracchus flee to?
the grove of Furina on Janiculum
What did the senate pass that gave Opimius the power to stop Gaius at all costs?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Which political enemy of Gaius was elected consul in 121 BC?
Lucius Opimius
Who was elected tribune in 123 and 122?
Gaius Gracchus
How did Tiberius Gracchus convince the senate to revolt against Tiberius?
said Tiberius was trying to become king
What was Scipio Nasica’s relation to Tiberius Gracchus?
they were cousins
In what year was there a revolt against Tiberius Gracchus?
133 BC
Who lead the senate in a revolt to kill Tiberius Gracchus?
Scipio Nasica
What tribune vetoed Tiberius Gracchus’ land law?
Marcus Octavius
What did Tiberius Gracchus’ land law do?
reinstate that no citizen should be able to hold over 500 iugera of land
What law did Tiberius Gracchus attempt to push?
land law
Who was elected tribune in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What did Cornelia call her sons?
“Gemae” (her jewels)
Who were the sons of Cornelia?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Who was the daughter of Scipio Africanus?
What becomes a Roman province in 146 BC?
What battle marks the end of the Roman-Greek conflict?
Battle of Corinth
What city was destroyed by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC?
Who was defeated at the Battle of Corinth?
Achaean League?
Who is the Roman leader at the Battle of Corinth?
Lucius Mummius
What battle takes place in 146 BC?
Battle of Corinth
When does Macedonia become a province?
148 BC
Who was Andriscus?
a pretender to the throne of Macedon
Who was defeated in the Fourth Macedonian War?
Who was the Roman leader during the Fourth Macedonian War?
(Quintus Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus
What was took place from 150-148 BC?
Fourth Macedonian War
Who was defeated at the Battle of Pydna?
King Perseus of Macedon
Who was the Roman leader at Pydna?
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
What battle took place in 168 BC?
Battle of Pydna
What is Viriathus called?
the “first national hero of Portugal”
What war took place from 171-168 BC?
Third Macedonian War
What treaty ends the Seleucid War?
Treaty of Apamea
Who did the Romans defeat at the Battle of Magnesia?
Antiochus III
Who were the Roman commanders at Magnesia?
Scipio Africanus and brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiastucus
What battle took place in 190/189 BC?
Battle of Magnesia
Who did Glabrio defeat at Thermopylae?
Antiochus III
Who was the Roman commander at Thermopylae?
(Manius Acilius) Glabrio
What battle took place in 191 BC?
Battle of Thermopylae
Who did Antiochus III ally with during the Seleucid War?
the Aetolian League and Hannibal
Who did Rome make war with in 192 BC?
Antiochus III of the Selecuid Empire
What war took place from 192-188 BC?
Seleucid War
What did the Battle of Cynoscephalae show?
the superiority of the Legion over the Phallanx
Where did Flamininus declare peace and freedom for Greece?
the Isthmian games of 196 BC
Who declared peace and freedom for Greece in 196 BC?
Who was the Macedonian leader at Cynoscephalae?
Phillip V
Who was the Roman commander at Cynoscephalae?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus
What battle took place in 197 BC?
Battle of Cynoscephalae
What war took place from 200-196 BC?
Second Macedonian War
Who lead Illyria in the Second Illyrian War?
Demretrius of Pharos
What war took place from 220-219 BC?
Second Illyrian War
Who was the leader of the Illyrian pirates during the first Illyrian War?
Queen Teuta
What war took place from 229-228 BC?
First Illyrian War
Who captured the Celtiberian city of Numantia?
Scipio Aemilianus
What siege took place in 133 BC?
the siege of Numantia