history part2 module1 Flashcards
First phase of industrialization social changes?
1: women and children worked in factories
2: new work methods
National policy platforms?
1: increase customs duties
2: build transCanada railway
3: encourage immigration
National policy consequences?
1: creation of a domestic market
2: expansion and development of western Canada
3: higher customs duties limited foreign imports protecting Canadian products
Shared powers?
1: agriculture
2: immigration
Constitutional conferences dates?
British North America act (B.N.A) date?
British north America act. Proposals?
1: federation
2: shared powers
3: central government
4: provincial government
Before confederation to 1896?
1: birth of Canada (1867)
2: trans-Canada railway completed
3: threat of American expansion
4: Britain relaxed ties with its colonies
5: french Canadian emigration. New colonization areas
6: Britain’s colonies achieved domestic autonomy
7: fenians metis uprising
National policy cause?
1: world wide recession
2: customs duties too low. Foreign imports could enter Canada easily
Confederation causes?
1: threat of American invasion
2: end of reciprocity treaty
3: political instability
End of reciprocity treaty? “rep by pop”? date?
Provincial powers?
1: education
2: hopitals
3: civil law
Second phase of industrialization?
1: American Capital
2: Hydroelectric power
Second phase of industrialization consequence?
Dependence on American market.
Start of the great depression?