What was the key idea in the 5th Century BC and who was it made by?
It was made by Democritus and it was that Atoms cannot be split
What was the key idea in the Early 1800s and who made it up
It was made up by Dalton and his idea was that each substance was made up of atoms that were like tiny spheres. He also though that each chemical element had its own mass
What was the key idea in 1897-1906 and who made it up
It was made up by Thomson and he discovered electrons
What was the key idea in 1909 and who made it up
It was made up by Rutherford and he proposed that electrons must be orbiting around the nucleus
What was the key idea in 1913 and who made it up
It was made up by Bohr and he suggested that they must be orbiting at different lengths
What was the key idea in 1932 and who made it up
It was made up by Chadwick and he suggested that there were neutrons through his experiment