History of Norway Flashcards
Historical Eras
- Prehistoric times (10 000 BC - 800 AD)
- The viking age (800 - 1066)
- The middle ages (1066 - 1537)
- Denmark-Norway (1537 - 1814)
- Union with Sweden (1814 - 1905)
- Modern times (1905 - )
First immigrants
- Immigrated around 9 000 - 10 000 BC (Ice sheets melted)
- Came through Sweden/Finland/Germany
- Lived in tent like constructions or natural shelters
- Ate meat, birds, eggs
- Hunter and gatherers
The Bronze Age
1800 - 500 BC
-Used for status items and weapons (Limited effects for majority)
- Bronze had to be imported –> improved contact to south
The Iron Age
500 BC - 1066 AC
- Celts introduced Scandinavians to Iron
- Farms and Families became bedrock of society –> First villages
-Influence by romian culture
- Western romian empire crumbled –> Power vacuum –> many petty kingdoms
The Sami People
- Close to Finland/Russia
- Also strong presence in inland
- Not known when tey settled in northern Scandinavia
- Taxed from the 10th century
The Viking Age (Sequence of events)
800 - 1066
- The raid of Lindisfarne 793 (first contemporary description of a viking raid) marks start of the Viking age
- First pillage raids (Monasteries were easy targets, wealthy, poorly defended)
- Later settlement and trading
The Viking age (Fun Facts)
- Trade routes have been established long before
- Improved weapons and shipbuilding
- More people fighting for same resources
Unification and Christianity
~880 to ~1050/1240
- From petty kingdoms to a unified country
- Christianity became a tool from 10th century
- Typical european medivial kingdom was christian
The End of the Viking Age
-When english king Edward the Confessordied, King Harald Hardråde attacked
- Norsemen lost in Septe,ber, won in October –> english interests shift from Scandinavia to european continent
The Transition from the Viking Age to the MIddle Ages
- From adventures abroad t odomistic consolidation
- More centralised christian kingdom
Church brought writing to the court - Urban growth
- Integratio into a european cultural sphere
Norwegian Civil Wars
1130 - 1240
- Håkun Håkunsson wins last battle
- Wars contributed to growth of the state and bureaucracy
The Norwegian Golden Age
1240 - 1319
-Largest geographical extent
- Increased international trade (esp. Germany)
- Music. literature, cultural production
- Kalmar Union (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) in 1397
- Unstable from 1450, Sweden breaks loose in 1523
The Plague
- Arrives around 1349
- Extreme mortality
-Black Death in Europe around 1350 - Returning plagues
- pOpulation decreased from 450-500 to 180 thousand
- Number of deaths not certain
Establishment of Denmark-Norway
1537 - 1814
- King Christian III brought reformation to Denmark/Norway
- Arcbishop fled –> loss of indepandance
- Catholic council state of Norway lost against reformation –> loss of sovereignty
The End of the Middle Ages
- Royals stayed in Denmark, visits to Norwaz became rare –> Church filled power vacuum
- Lutheran reformation was brought to Norway
– Arcbishop escapes from Trondheim marking the end of the middle ages (among other events)