History of MT Profession, PAMET, and PASMETH Flashcards
Intestinal parasites, hookworm, ascaris, and taenia
Vivian Herrick (1550 BC)
Book for treatment that describes the 3 stages of bookworm infection and who wrote this book
Ebers Papyrus; Vivian Herrick
4 humors, black bile, urinalysis, listening to the lungs and observing skin color
Hippocrates (300-180 AD)
Bile that is related to earth with cold and dry properties
Black bile
Bile that is related to fire, with dry and warm properties
Yellow bile
humor that is related to air, with moist and warm qualities
humor that is related to water, with moist and cold qualities
tasting patient’s urine; oldest known test on body fluids
inventor of stethoscope
rene theophile hyacinthe laenec
utilizes the wheel diagram (medieval europe)
physician hated him because of the stethoscope which prevented them to have close contact with the patient
rene theophile hyacinthe laenec
color of the urine correspond to a particular disease
wheel diagram
the first book for urinalysis was written (color, density, and quality)
900 AD
introduced the profession of MT; he said that urinalysis was a fad practice and done by quack doctors
m. ruth william (1096-1438)
they started diabetes detection through ants (urine has a sweetish taste)
hindu doctors
italian physician at university of bologna who perform the first public dissection of human cadavers
mondilin de luzzi
prefers to date the profession from the 14th century
anne fagelson
first woman to practice anatomy and pathology; died of laboratory acquired infection due to lack of PPE and laboratory safety protocols
alessandra gillani
invented handwasing
ignaz semmelweis
father of microbiology; animalcules; invention of microscope 50-300x; rbc, protozoa, and bacteria (shape)
anton van leeuwenhoek (17th century 1632-1723)
old term for bacteria
greatest early microscopist; anatomy, histo, and physio embroyology
marcelo malphigi (1628-1694)
founder of pathology
marcelo malphigi w/ the help of robert hooke (enhanced the microscope)
father of modern pathology; founded the archives of pathology in Berlin; works on cell theory
rudolf ludwig carl virchow (1821-1902)
first one to perform fehling’s test
hermann von fehling
quantitative test for the presence of reducing sugar in urine (brick red turbid solution)
fehling’s test
first dye that was used to stain bacteria
aniline dyes (19th century)
acid alcohol or iodine, carbol fuschin, methylene blue
acid fast staining
identify the gram stain:
all purple
g + - purple
g - colorless
g- - red
all purple: crystal violet and iodine
g + -purple: alcohol and safranin
g - colorless: alcohol
g- - red: safranin
year of the birth of clinical laboratory
process of collecting evidence (history taking); laboratory findings (diagnostic lab test); “definite patient diagnosis”
dr. william ocam
who pioneered and where is the
first chemistry laboratory
dr. silas douglas (1884); university of michigan
he established another laboratory at bellevue medica college; first laboratory course in pathology offered in american school
dr william henry welch (1878)
first professor in pathology and in what university
dr william henry welch; at john hopkins university
laboratory methods in the practice of medicine; laboratory animals for experimentation
sir john scott burden-sanderson (1885)
first clinical laboratory happened here; 12x12 m^2 equipment cost at 50 dollars
john hopkins hospital
first pathologist in the john hopkins hospital
dr simon flexner
publication of laboratory guide manual
dr james c. todd (1908)
authors of clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods
dr todd and dr arthur sanford (editors: davidson and henry)
- one of the first school to train medical laboratory worker
- degree in MT for clinical and lab techniques (1922-1923)
- 2 year collegiate educ and 12 month training in the lab (1940)
- bachelor of science degree was standardized (1950)
university of minnesota
medical technology in the PH is introducted by the?
26th infantry of the 6th united states army
the first PH lab established
(208) quiricada st., sta. cruz, manila
a well-known bacteriologist in the PH; preserved the Manila Pulic Health lab; went to see dr. mariano c. icasiano
dr. alfredo pio de roda
manila public health lab (oct 1, 1945); accepted the proposal of roda to establish med lab under the city health dept.; training started at 1944 and ended at 1945
dr mariano c. icasiano (city health officer)
she began the training of medical technicians in Feb 1947; highschool and paramedic departments
dr. prudencia sta ana
she is responsible for the creation of syllabus (1954)
dr. prudencia sta ana
a formal 6 months training and a certificate of completion
the creation of syllabus (1954)
she pioneered the manila sanitarium and hospital & the philippine union college MT course
mrs. willa hilgert hedrick
founder of the medical technology in the philippines and prepared the course curriculum
willa hilgert-hedrick
this is where willa hilgert-hedrick established the first complete laboratory in the philippines
manila sanitarium and hospital (currently called the manila adventist medical center)
she helped resolved the problems of hedrick and to establish the first complete lab; she was trained under who?
antoinette mckelvey; dr. papanicolaou (pap smear)
they had trouble establishing microbiology, parasitology, and histopathology due to having difficulty in finding an expert of microscopy
- willa hilgert-hedrick
- dr reuben g. manalysay
- dr manual l. careon
- rev meritt c. warren
the school of medical technology was later on absorbed by?
the philippine union college
MT school with a five-year curriculum leading to the degree of BS in MT was approved by?
Bureau of Education (1954)
earth signifies?
blood and brain
air signifies?
phlegm and lungs
fire signifies?
black bile and spleen
water signifies?
yellow bile and gall bladder
first school of medical technology in the country was opened
manila sanitarium and hospital
PUC produced its first graduate after 2 years which is who
dr. jesse umali (1956) (studied med and became OB-Gyne)
these two doctors offered MT as an elective suject to 4th and 5th year BS Pharma students and in what university
dr. antonio gabriel and dr gustavo reyes (faculty of pharma); university of sto tomas
because of the popularity of MT among pharma students, he offered it as a course
fr. lorenzo rodriguez
this is when a temporary permit was issued by the department of education for first to third year students
june 17, 1957
this is when the permit for the internship program was issued
june 1960
the full recognition of the 4-year bs medtech course was given
june 14, 1961
there are approx. ____ colleges and universities offering the course MT
what is the course the UP offers similar to BS in MT
BS Public Health
graduates of MT that followed dr jesse umali
avelino oliva and adoracion yutuc (1955 summer)
AUP shifted the course from BSMT to BSMLS in what year
internship program in UST for 4th year MT was approved on?
june 12, 1961
1st year MT course was approved in UST by deped on?
June 30, 1960
dean of CEU; feasibility of offering a MT course
mrs. purificacion sunico-sucao unico hijo
first graduate of CEU in MT course was on?
on what year was the first graduate of FEU
dr horacio a ylagan and seragin j juliano
feu (1961)
father of PAMET
mr crisanto gomez almario
national organization of all registered MT
Philippine Association of Medical Technology (PAMET)
the need to standardize the profession and increase the moral of the MT and MLS
birthday of PAMET
Sept 15, 1963 (10 AM) at the public hhealth lab at 208
1st national convention of PAMET
conference hall FEU hospital; sept 20, 1964
elected the first PAMET president
chaerlemagne tamondong
in the pamet logo, it symbolizes continuous involvement where practice and education must always be integrated
in the pamet logo, it is the trilogy of love, respect, and integrity
in the pamet logo, it symbolizes the science of MT profession
mircoscope and snake
in the pamet logo, it is the color of health
year of the 1st pamet electives
PAMET shall be the constant prime mover in advancing the Medical Laboratory Science profession for the continuous growth and development of its members
PAMET Vision
to realize its vision, PAMET shall be an association that will uphold professional core values; develop and sustain comprehensive programs to enhance competencies of the Medical Laboratory Science professionals; collaborate with the different stakeholders of health and make its services important to the beneficiaries of its services
PAMET Mission
high-quality performance by advocating and adhering to international standards making services globally comparable competence
refers to the positive traits and values, moral responsibility, social responsiveness and behavioral outlook which makes one highly respectable and credible
the strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty, truthfulness, accuracy, accountable of one’s actions and complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and does
the unconditional, unwavering, and selfless dedication that one build-in into the practice of the profession characterized by initiative, creativity, and resourcefulness to bring about quality health care and service to the public
the necessary linkage, support, involvement, and sharing that will increase the success and advancement of every individual member and the association in general
1st president of PAMET; UP Graduate; house bill. no 7682 9may 10, 1965
charlemagne t. tamondong (emergence of the profession; 1964-1967)
- 2nd president of PAMET
- father of the profession
-graduate of FEU-NRMF
- authored the philippine laws of medical technologist (the medical technology profession)
- director of pioneer educational review center (PERC)
narlito d. moraleta (professional recognition; 1967-1970)
served the association for 5 years as president; 3rd and 6th president; UST graduate
felix e. asper (legislative agenda; 1970-1971 and 1973-1977)
current PAMET president; FEU-NRMF Graduate; 17th president
Rommel F. Saceda
first lady; 5th president; shortest term of office; UST Graduate
Angelina R. Jose (1973)
8th president; 9 year term; college of holy spirit graduate
carmencita p. acedera (1982-1991)
most outstanding MT of the year award
crisanto g. almario memorial award
music and lyrics of beloved PAMET hymm
francis j. pefanco (music) and hector g. gayares jr. (lyrics) - novv 22, 1989
1st president of AAMLT
marilyn r. atienza
revision and approval of the 1997 code of ethics of the medical technology profession
norma nunez chang
president of PAMET-USA
shirley i. fabian cruzada
first member, continuing professional development council, PRC
ronaldo e. puno
empowering medical technologists towards global advancement
one pamet by ronaldo e. puno
national organization of all registered schools
of Medical Technology in the Philippines
when was pasmeth formed
first organization meeting of PASMETH was held at?
UST; june 22, 1970
they were appointed by director narciso albarracin to organize and association of deans/heads of school of medtech and hygiene
Dr. Serafin J. Juliano and Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes (may 13, 1970)
first president of PASMETH
dr. gustavo u. reyes
first annual meeting
UST; may 7, 1971
first set of the officers were re-elected for `second term on?
april 30, 1972
pasmeth was finally registered with the securities and exchange commission on?
oct 6, 1985
registration of pasmeth with SEC through committe on legislation chaired and with the help of?
chaired by mr cirilo s. cajucom and help of a legal counsel atty. dexter bihis