FINALS - Intro to Bioethics and Professional Ethics Flashcards
greek word that means characteristic way of acting
latin word that means tradition or custom
“mos” ; “mores”
includes CULTURAL MANNERISMS, religion, politics, laws, and social aspirations of a group of people
refers to those CHARACTERISTICS belonging to man as a RATIONAL BEING, being endowed with intellect and free-will
man is endowed by nature with a MORAL SENSE
he is self-conscious of his dignity and SUBMITS to the study of DOING WHAT IS GOOD and avoiding what is wrong
defined as the SCIENCE of the MORALITY of human acts and because actions reflect te motives of the doer
the study of HUMAN MOTIVATION, and ultimately of HUMAN RATIONAL BEHAVIOR
these are actions PERFORMED BY MAN, knowingly and freely
human acts
also called deliberate, intentional action, or VOLUNTARY ACTION
human acts
human acts differentiated from the so called ______ which are instinctive and involuntary
acts of man
the QUALITY of human acts by which they are constituted as good, bad, or indifferent
That which is good is described as _____
That which is bad is ______
That which is indifferent is ____
moral; immoral; amoral
true or false:
amoral is in between moral and immoral
those we do VOLUNTARILY
human acts
the STANDARDS of morality
standard or NORMS of morality ethics or ethics in general
MANIFESTATIONS of one’s CHARACTER or moral conduct
human acts
reveal the thoughts and INCLINATIONS of a person doing them
human acts
a person who has the habit or inclination to do GOOD is said to be ______ and the one who has the habit of doing WRONG is _____
virtuous; vicious
this pronounces on individual human acts in a word of CONSCIENCE
human reason
this is the DIVINE REASON
eternal law
this is the HUMAN REASON
the conscience
human acts are _____ when they agree with the dictates of reason
human acts are ____ when they do not agree with the dictates of divine and human reasons
the human standard based on the NATURAL LAW which is embedded in man’s conscience and which GUIDES him to do good or avoid evil
doing an act which is CONTRARY to GOOD CONSCIENCE
includes everything which is done CONTRARY TO JUSTICE, or GOOD MORAL
moral turpitude
defined as “the CONDUCT which is willful, FLAGRANT, and which shows a moral influence to the opinion of the good and respectable member of the community
immoral conduct
distinguished from GOOD REPUTATION
moral character
is not a subjective term, but one which corresponds to OBJECTIVE REALITY
moral character
is what A PERSON REALLY IS not what he or other people think he is
moral character
the basis of medical technology ethics is the ____
1968 code of ethics of medical technology or the PAMET
code of ethics of medtech is revised under the presidency of ____ in year ____
marilyn atienza; 1992
the SUPREME LAW of the land, to which all laws, rules, and regulations must conform
philippines constitution
revised medtech code of ethics in 1997 by _____
norma nunez chang (march 7, 1997)
in-depth review and analysis done by the PRC committee ____
hon. marian tantingco, hon. marilyn atienza; year 2012
presented the analysis based on ethical principles and theories
zenaida cajucom
current president of the PASMETH
bernard ebuen
the branch of MORAL SCIENCE that treats the duties of a MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST owes to his patient, colleagues in the profession and in the public
medical technology ethics
etymologically is related to anglo-saxon word from which are derived not only “healing” but also “holiness and wholeness”
considered dynamically as FUNCTIONAL WHOLE, in which all necessary functions are present and acting cooperatively and harmoniously
the state of being in which an individual does the best with the CAPACITIES he has and acts in ways that maximizes capacities
the RANGE from one individual is SMALL
not the exact CONTRARY TO HEALTH
disease and infirmity
less than optimal functioning soon leads to _____
this regards diseases as SEPARATE ENTITIES that can be classified and named like plants and animals
it supports the theory that the organism constantly fights to THROW OFF SUCH DISEASES as alien invaders which disturb its homeostasis
this views disease as a BREAKDOWN OF THE INTERNAL HARMONY of the organic system due to hyperfunctioning or hypofunctioning
the central tradition of medicine usually identified with that of the greek physician ______ has always tried to reconcile the ontogical and physiological concepts of disease
the physiologists are correct in thinking of health as an internal _____ or harmony within the organism and ______ disease as an imbalance
homeostasis; disease
from the physiological POV, this is always the result of disease
true or false:
death is said to be NATURAL
false; it cannot be natural
true or false:
death is due to INJURIES done to organism from the environment, not from any intrinsic tendency
this is one that MAINTAINS itself perpetually when NOT DISTURBED
homeostatic system
ethics is ____ because it implies DIRECTION
ethics is ____ because it deals with complete and systematically arranged BODY OF DATA and presents the reason which show these data to be true
ethics is _____ because it is related to the dictates of REASON, how it should be
ethics is of _____ because it deals with deliberate and FREE HUMAN ACTIVITY and how one should act
human conduct
bio means
ethics means
the branch of ethics which deals directly with the problems of LIFE AND DYING, of HEALTH and of HEALING
an attempt to rationalize application and use of the many advances in medicine and paramedical sciences
division of ethics that relates to HUMAN LIFE
bioethics/health ethics
______ is more limited as it continues itself to the MORAL BEHAVIOR in relation to HEALTH
health ethics
the division of ethics that relates to PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR
professional ethics
____ is creative because he possesses tremendous BODILY and SPIRITUAL POWERS
acts TRANSFORMING HIMSELF in the world around him every minute of his life
the acts of man
to do or leave it undone WITHOUT COERCION or constraint
implies VOLUNTARINESS which is to rationally choose the object by deliberate will
true or false:
voluntariness implies freedom
false: does not necessarily imply freedom
performed by an agent that is by his OWN VOLITION and powers
must be performed by an agent who DECIDES willfully to perform the act
proximate norm of morality because it is what DIRECTLY CONFRONTS an action as good or bad
conscience is derived from the latin work “conscientia” which means?
trial of oneself
the PERSONAL PRACTICAL JUDGEMENT of reason upon a particular individual act as good and to be performed or as evil and to be avoided
this is called a reproving conscience
guilty conscience
involved in making balanced moral decisions
affection, will, and reason
judges CORRECTLY that what is good as good and what is evil as evil
correct/true conscience
judges INCORRECTLY that what is good as evil and what is evil is good
erroneous/false conscience
erroneous conscience whose error is NOT WILLFULLY INTENDED (ignorance)
inculpable conscience
whose error is DUE TO NEGLECT or MALICE (voluntary error)
culpable conscience
a SUBJECT ASSURANCE of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of a certain act
certain conscience
is a VACILLATING CONSCIENCE, unable to form definite judgement on a certain action
doubtful conscience
is a RIGOROUS CONSCIENCE, extremely afraid of committing evil
scrupulous conscience
a meticulous and wants incovertible PROOFS before it acts
scrupulous conscience
is one which REFUSES TO BE BOTHERED about the distinction of good and evil
lax conscience
_____ explains profession in terms of social value
robert merton
the value placed upon SYSTEMATIC knowledge and intellect
the value placed upon technical SKILLS and trained capacity
the value upon putting his CONJOINT knowledge and skill to word in the service of others
they used scale to define professional based 6 operational attributes
moore and rosenblum
a CARING RELATIONSHIP wherein healthcare provider and receiver have a sense of loneliness, fulfillment, and growth, assisting eac other and at the same time recognizing each other’s importance, uniqueness, complexity feeling and needs
the OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE HEALTHCARE belonging to the individual patient, the individual healthcare professional or society/government
healthcare provision
based on the conviction that GOD HAS ENDOWED all human beings with one common nature, which remains essentially the same throughout all history from Adam and Eve to the last judgement
christian ethics
this demanded that human b eing SHOULD NOT DESTROY the garden of the world and the template of their own bodies which were given to cultivate and care for
it refers to the WHOLE
to promote human dignity in community, every person must develop, use, care for and preserve ALL OF HIS/HER NATURAL PHYSICAL AND PSYCHIC FUNCTIONS in such a way that lower functions are never sacrificed except for the better functioning of the whole person and even then with an effort to compensate for this sacrifice
principle of totality
contribute to HIGHER FUNCTIONS, not only physiologic brain functions but also part of the human experience
human body functions
develops one’s SELF-AWARENESS and relation to the community
bodily feelings
these can always be sacrificed for more basic ones
secondary functions
cannot be destroyed to promote even more important capacities except when it is the only way to preserve the life of the WHOLE person
primary/basic functional capacities
to form a good conscience when an act is foreseen to have BOTH ETHICALLY BENEFICIAL and PHYSICALLY HARMFUL EFFECTS
effect (double effect)
the PARTICIPATION of one agent with another agent to produce a particular effect or joint effect
formal cooperation
SECONDARY AGENT DOES NOT willingly participate
the action of the secondary agent is INHERENTLY BOUND
material immediate
action of the secondary agent is NOT INHERENTLY bound
material mediate
regulates and harmonizes the exercise of rights between MAN AND MAN
commutative justice
regulates the exercise of between the INDIVIDUAL AND THE COMMUNITY
distributive justice