History of Microbiology Flashcards
What is the earliest account of microbiology?
caused by Mycobacterium leprae
The cause of 80% being gone in a span of 5 years during the Aztec civilization.
(Salmonella, food and water borne)
The cause of the Black Plague.
Approximately 15m died.
Yersinia pestis
Transmitted via fleas on rats
Inventor of first compound microscope.
Allowed scientists to explore “invisible” microscopic world.
Zacharias Janssen
Coined the term cell and the first to draw molds.
Robert Hooke
Anton van Leeuwenhoek contribution:
1st description of bacteria (animalcules) from environmental samples and food
Who disproved the spontaneous generation theory?
Francesco Redi
Maggot Theory
Nature of infection explained by
Germ Theory of Diseases
through Swan Neck Flask Experiment
Louis Pasteur studied immunology and made vaccines against:
Chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
What did Louis Pasteur study that led to GToD?
Ferdinand Cohn found that bacteria may form (blank) when it encounters extreme environment.
Also the father of Bacterial Classification
Who made use of agar and improved lab techniques?
Robert Koch
Pure culture - each colony arose from a single cell
What bacteria was used in Koch’s Postulate?
Bacillus anthracis
What bacteria was used in Koch’s Postulate?
Bacillus anthracis
True or false. Association of bacteria and disease is proof of cause and effect.
Who discovered puerperal fever or childhood fever?
steptococcus pyogenes
Ignaz Philip Semmelweis
Antiseptic medicine, carbolic acid (phenol)
Joseph Lister
Father of smallpox vaccine
Edward Jenner
How was smallpox vaccine developed?
Blister fluid from cowpox
Father of natural immunity
Elie Metchnikoff
Who formulated the enrichment culture technique?
Martinus Beijerinck
Who described the 1st virus (tobacco mosaic virus) using a modified ECT?
Martinus Beijerinck