History of Israel: E-G Flashcards
Joseph sold into slavery
Gen 37
Joseph in prison
Gen 39
Joseph exalted
Gen 41
14 years of abundance and hunger in Egypt
Gen 41 / Gen 47
Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt
Gen 42
Joseph’s brothers return to Egypt
Gen 43-44
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers
Gen 45
Jacob comes to Egypt
Gen 47
Jacob blesses his sons
Gen 48-49
Jacob’s burial
Gen 50
Israel oppressed in Egypt
Exodus 1
Moses’ birth until Midian
Exo 2
The burning bush
Exo 3
Moses appears before Pharaoh
Exo 4-7
The Ten Plagues
Exo 7-11
1) Water to blood
2) Frogs
3) Gnats
4) Flies
5) Plague on cattle
6) Boils
7) Hail
8) Locusts
9) Darkness
10) Firstborn
Passover event
Exo 11-12
Exo 12-13
Crossing the Red Sea
Exo 14-15
From Red Sea to Sinai
Gen 15-18
At Sinai
Exo 19-24
Marah and Elim
Exo 15
Wilderness of Sin, beginning of Manna
Exo 16
Rephidim (water from the rock)
Exodus 17
Defeat of Amelek
Exo 17
Jethro’s visit
Exo 18
Arrival at Sinai
Exo 19
Ten Commandments
Exo 20
Confirmation of Mosaic Cov’t
Exo 24
The Golden Calf event
Exo 32
Command to leave Sinai
Exo 33
Tabernacle Erected
Exo 40
Sinai to Kadesh
Num 10-12
Departure from Sinai
Num 10
Elders appointed & Quail given
Num 11
Miriam and Aaron oppose Moses
Num 12
At Kadesh
Num 13-14
First spies sent to Canaan, people rebel
Num 13 - 14
Korah, Dathan, Abiram’s rebellion
Num 16
Budding of Aaron’s staff
Num 17
Moses’ sin - water from the rock
Num 20 (Miriam’s death, Aaron’s death)
Edom forbids passage
Num 20
Bronze serpent; commencement of conquest east of Jordan
Num 21
Balak and Balaam
Num 22-25
Reuben, Gad, half-Manasseh’s allotment
Num 32
Joshua chosen as Moses’ successor
Num 27, Deut 31
Moses blesses Israel’s tribes
Deut 33
Moses’ death
Deut 34
Second spies to Canaan
Josh 2
Crossing the Jordan
Josh 3
Circumcision of Israel in Canaan
Josh 5
Central Campaign
Josh 6-9
Fall of Jericho
Joshua 6
Capture of Ai
Joshua 7-8
Gibeonite deception
Joshua 9
Southern Campaign - 5 Amorite kings & Adonizedek defeated (sun stands still)
Joshua 10
Northern Campaign
Joshua 11
Division of the Land
Joshua 13-22
Covenant renewed at Shechem
Joshua 23
Joshua’s death
Joshua 24