History of education Flashcards
What was education like before 1870/1880?
There were no state schools. Education was available only to a minority of the population. It was provided by fee-paying schools for the well off, or by churches and charities for the poor. Before 1883, the state spent no public money on education.
What happened in 1880?
Education was made compulsory for ages 5-13
What was education like in 1880?
The type of education a child received depended on their class background. MC pupils were given an academic curriculum to prepare them for careers in the professions or office work. However, WC pupils were given a schooling to equip them with the basic numeracy and literacy skills needed for routine factory work and to instil in them an obedient attitude to their superiors.
What happened in 1944?
The Butler Act
What did the 1944 Butler Act do?
Brought in the tripartite system, in which the 11+ exam was used to identify pupils’ attitudes and abilities and to allocate them to the appropriate type of secondary school.
What 3 types of school did the tripartite system consist of?
Grammar Schools = for more academic students
Secondary Technical Schools = for those with talent in mechanical, engineering or scientific areas
Secondary Modern Schools = those not suited for either
What happened to pupils who passed the 11+ exam?
Went to grammar schools
What happened to pupils who didn’t pass the 11+ exam?
Went to secondary modern schools
What was wrong with the tripartite system?
- Education remained class divided: MC mainly going to grammar schools and WC mainly going to secondary modern schools
- Discriminated against girls, who had to get higher marks than boys to get a grammar school place
When was the comprehensive system introduced and why?
1965 - to overcome the class divide
What did the comprehensive system do?
Abolished selection at age 11 and replaced grammar schools and secondary modern schools with comprehensive schools that all pupils would attend. They also introduced a further qualification CSE - to cater for those who didn’t sit the GCE.
What did comprehensive systems aim to do?
Educate all pupils, regardless of background or aptitude, under one roof. They wanted to ensure all children had access to the same level and quality of education.
What happened in 1988?
The Education Reform Act
What did the 1988 Education Reform Act do?
Attempted to marketise education. Parents were given choice over where to send their children, and schools were encouraged to compete in hope that the quality of education would rise, as schools improved to attract children.
What did the 1988 Education Reform Act introduce?
- A range of different information sources to inform choice e.g. league tables, OFSTED reports.
- Specialist schools in technology, languages and sports were set up to cater for the needs of different pupils.
- The National Curriculum
- SATs and GCSEs
What does David describe this phase as?
A parentocracy (rule by parents)
What do critics argue about these changes?
Many of these changes have served to increase inequalities between pupils because middle-class parents are better placed to take advantage of the available choices.
What happened in education from 1997-2010?
New Labour were elected in 1997. Their education reforms retained commitment to parental choice and expanding the diversity of available schools.
What 3 schools did New Labour place emphasis on?
Specialist Schools, originally established by the Conservatives, were expanded
Faith Schools - NL were committed to expanding the number of religious schools and faiths represented.
Trust Schools were introduced
In what ways has New Labour tried to address systematic underachievement in some schools?
- delivering extra funding through schemes such as ‘Excellence in Cities’ and the creation of ‘Education Action Zones’ [providing deprived areas with additional resources]
- attempted to foster cooperation between schools where good schools are given money to help their less successful neighbours
- Curriculum changed to split A-level into AS and A2
- EMA and Sure Start [provided extra help for pre-school children in deprived areas e.g. play centres]
- The Aim Higher Programme to raise the aspirations of groups who are under represented in higher education.
What happened in 2010?
The Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government was elected.
What are the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government’s decisions heavily influenced by?
Neoliberal and New Right ideas about reducing the role of the state in the provision of education through marketisation and privatisation.
How did the Coalition government reduce the role of the state?
Cuts were made to the education budget to reduce state spending.
Reduced the role of the state through policies such as academies and free schools.
Describe Academies
- From 2010, all schools were encouraged to leave local authority and become academies.
- Funding was taken from local authority budgets and given directly to academies by central government, and academies were given control over their curriculum.
Describe free schools
- Although they are funded directly by the state, free schools are set up and run by parents, teachers, faith organisations or businesses rather than local authority
How do supporters claim free schools improve educational standards?
By taking control away from the state and giving power to parents. They give parents and teachers the opportunity to create a new school if they are unhappy with the state schools in their local area.
How does Rebecca Allen criticise free schools?
Research from Sweden, where 20% of schools are free schools, shows that they only benefit children from highly educated families.
What does research from England show about free schools?
Free Schools take fewer disadvantaged pupils than nearby pupils. E.g. in 2011 only 6.4% of pupils at Bristol Free School were eligible for free school males, compared with 22.5% of pupils across the city as a whole.
How has marketisation created an ‘education market’?
- reducing state control over education
- increasing both competition between schools and parental choice of school
Which policies promote marketisation?
- Publication of league tables and Ofsted inspection
- Business sponsorship of schools
- Open enrolment (allowing successful schools to recruit more pupils)
- Specialist schools (widen parental choice)
- Formula funding (schools receive the same amount of funding for each pupil)
- Schools have to compete to attract pupils
- Allowing parents and others to set up free schools
- Introduction of tuition fees for higher education
How do Ball and Whitty criticise marketisation?
Note how marketisation policies i.e. exam league tables and funding formula reproduce class inequalities by creating inequalities between schools. MC children get into better schools.
What does Bartlett say publication of good league tables encourages?
Cream skimming and Silt shifting
What is cream skimming?
‘Good’ schools can be more selective, choose their own customers and recruit high achieving, mainly middle class pupils. As a result, these MC pupils gain an advantage due to schools becoming more popular = increase in funding and facilities = school gets better results.
What is silt shifting?
‘Good’ schools can avoid taking less able pupils who are likely to get poor results and damage the school’s league table position.
What happens to schools with poor league tables?
They can’t afford to be selective and have to take less able, mainly WC pupils = poor results and means they remain unattractive to MC parents.
What is the funding formula?
Schools are allocated funds by a formula based on how many pupils they attract.
- Popular schools = more funds to afford better teachers and facilities and to be more selective.
- Unpopular schools = lose income, it’s difficult to match the teacher skills and facilities of their more successful rivals –> means they fail to attract pupils and their funding is further reduced.
Describe Gerwitz’s study
Studied 14 London Secondary schools and found that differences in parents’ economic+cultural capital lead to class differences in how far they can access choice of secondary school.
What 3 types of parents does Gerwitz identify?
Privileged skilled choosers
Disconnected Local choosers
Semi skilled choosers
Describe Privileged skilled choosers
Mainly professional middle class parents who used their economic and cultural capital to gain educational capital for their children. Cultural capital - knew how school admissions systems worked e.g. importance of putting a particular school as first choice Economic capital - could afford to move and pay extra travel costs
Describe Disconnected Local choosers
Working class parents whose choices were restricted by their lack of economic and cultural capital. e.g. found it difficult to understand school admissions procedures, limited funds so couldn't move around, unaware of options/ how to manipulate the system, restricted by distance and travel costs.
Describe Semi skilled choosers
Mainly working class and very ambitious for their children. Lacked cultural capital and found it difficult to make sense of the education market/ often relied on other people's opinions of schools. They were often frustrated at their inability to get their children into the schools they wanted.
What does Ball say about the myth of parentocracy?
The education system makes it appear that all parents have the same freedom to choose which school to send their children to. In reality, mc parents are better able to take advantage of the choices available. The myth of parentocracy makes inequality in education appear fair and inevitable.
What is the New Labour paradox?
New Labour continued the NR ideas of marketisation and parentocracy but also tried to make education more equal and reduce the educational gap between the rich and poor. E.g. despite introducing EMAs to encourage poorer students to stay in education, Labour also introduced tuition fees that may deter them from going to UNI.
What 4 issues are most educational policies a response to?
Equal Opportunities
Selection and Choice
Control of Education
Marketisation and Privatisation
What do Functionalists say about Comprehensive Schools?
- argue they promote social integration by bringing children of different social classes together in one school
- see them as more meritocratic because it gives pupils a longer period to develop and show their abilities (unlike the tripartite system)
What do Marxists say about Comprehensive Schools?
- they aren’t meritocratic. They reproduce class inequality from one generation to the next through the continuation of streaming and labelling, which deny WC children equal opportunity.
- This ‘myth of meritocracy’ legitimates class inequality by making unequal achievement seem fair and just, because failure looks like it is the fault of the individual rather than the system.
What policies have the conservative government put in place after 2015?
- maintenance grants for poorer students were removed and replaced by loans
- growth of academies and free schools
How has conservative policies been criticised?
- cutting support for poor students
- increasing the costs of staying on in education
- making it possible for elitist free schools and academies to develop within the state education system.