History great dep Flashcards
“New Deal”
a series of programs, such as social assistance for the aged and unemployed, introduced by the US president Roosevelt in the 1930’s to deal with the Depression. They restructured American industries and infrastructures and funded 10,000 projects.
amending formula
the process by which changes can legally be made to the Canadian Constitution
- discrimination or hostility toward Jewish people
assembly line-
a series of workers and machines in a factory by which a succession of identical items is progressively assembled.
- adoption of the customs and language of another cultural group so that the original culture disappears
the power to govern oneself and make ones own decisions
Balfour Report
the conclusions of the 1926 Imperial Conference that acknowledged Canada as an autonomous community within British Empire.
Bennett blanket
car which had its engine, window and sometimes frame work taken out and pulled by a horse.
Black Tuesday-
Oct 29th 1929, when the New York Stock Exchange collapsed.
Blind Pig/Speakeasy-
places to buy illegal liquor
Bloody Saturday-
June 21, 1919, when the Royal North-West Mounted Police charges a crowd of protesters during the Winnipeg General Strike.
those who sold illegal liquor
Branch plant-
factories, offices or other operations set up in Canada but owned or controlled by US or other foreign companies.
British Commonwealth-
an association of nations that were formerly colonies of the British Empire.
a formal alliance of political parties
collective bargaining-
-negotiation of a contract between unions and management regarding such things as wages and working conditions
the ability or power to obtain goods before paying for them.
opposite of inflation, deflation occurs when the price of goods and services falls
depression (+ cycle)-
a long period of severe economic and social hardships. Massive unemployment and suffering
benefit paid by the government to unemployed
historically, the process by which an Aborigianl person lost his or her Indian Status and became a Canadian citizen,
equalization payments-
a federal transfer of funds from richer to poorer provinces
Famous Five-
five Alberta woman who fought for the political status of woman
young woman who demonstrated their independence often by having jobs making/spending their own money, going out to dance halls, makeup, sleeveless dresses hemmed to the knee and short hair.
free trade-
trade between countries without tariffs, export subsidies or other government intervention
general strike-
massive strike by workers in Winnipeg in 1919
governor general-
the person represents the British crown in Canada
Group of Seven-
group of landscape painters in the 1920’s
shanty town built during Great Depression by the homeless in the US
Imperial Conference
-a meeting of the leaders of the countries in the British Empire
the rise in prices of goods and services that increases the cost of living and triggers demand for higher wages
King-Byng Crisis-
a situation that occured in 1926 when Governor General Byng refused Prime Minister king’s request to dissolve parliament and call an election.
an economic condition in which industry is free of government intervention