History & Epi Of Infectious Agents Flashcards
What are Koch’s 4 postulates? Koch’s Postulates are criteria that must be met in order to link a particular organism with the matching infection of disease
- Organisms must always be found in the diseased animal but NOT in healthy ones
- Organism must be isolated from diseased animals and grown in pure culture away from the animal
- Organism located in pure culture must initiate and reproduce disease when re-inoculated into susceptible animals
- Organism should be re-isolated from the experimentally infected animals
Who invented “magic bullets” (forerunners of antibiotics)?
Paul Ehrlich
Infections not transmitted by direct person to person or animal to person contact. Caused by normal flora, organisms common in nature (gangrene, legionnaires), ingestion of preformed toxins (Botulism).
Non-communicable infections
Infections spread by person to person, animal to person, or vector to person contact. Infection must be able to replicate in infected organism and then leave body to infect others/
Communicable infections
Vector to person means…
Insect to person
Disease present in low but fairly constant levels in population
A level of infection above that normally found in a specific population
Widespread disease in a large region, or worldwide with high attack rates
Multiplication of organism in host
Clinically apparent response of host infection characterized by typical and atypical manifestations
Infectious agent establishing itself as part of patients indigenous micro flora may cause low grade or chronic disease after initial acute infection
Two names
Sub clinical infection/carrier state
Mammalian carriers of infectious agents
Principal living reservoir of human disease, clinical and sub clinical states
Human reservoir
Animal reservoir
Wild and domestic animal mammalian reservoirs
Diseases that occur mainly in animals and can be transported to humans
The freq with which an infection is transmitted when there is contact btw the agent and a susceptible individual
The number of persons who develop disease divided by the total number infected
The number of fatal or severe cases divided by the total number of cases
A number of people get infected from eating the potatoe salad at a BBQ. What type of epidemic would this be considered
Common source epidemic