Wag to. Doon ka sa "Midterm"
Perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the desk.
Operating System
Knowledge given, to a computer’s brain in order for it understand how to function. ex: ATM, Windows, OS X, Ubuntu.
Operating System
Generation: Created without Os
1st Gen
Generation: all program done by machine language
1st Gen
Generation: Used to solve simple math calculations, OS not needed.
1st Gen
Generation: Called GMOS by General Motors for IBM machine 701
2nd Gen
Generation: Called single-stream batch processing system.
2nd Gen
Generation: Called mainframe
2nd Gen
Generation: Multiprogramming, perform multiple jobs at the same time. Multitask
3rd Gen
Generation: Mini computers
3rd Gen
Generation: creation of personal computer
4th gen
Generation: affordable af
4th gen
Generation: birth of microsoft and windows OS
4th gen
Founders of MS DOS
Paul Allen and bill gates
Founder of Apple
Steve Jobs
founder of Apple Macintosh
Steve Jobs
picked up by the OS into main memory is called
New process
Process is created, waits CPU to be assigned OS picks new processes from second memory to main memory
Ready for execution and reside
Ready State Process
One of the processes from the ready state will be chosen by the OS depending upon the schedueling algorithm. One CPU one Time.
from running state, process can make the transition to block or wait DEPENDS on scheduling algorithm
Block or wait
process waits for certain resource to be assigned or for input from the user then move to block or wait
Block or wait
process waits for certain resource to be assigned or for input from the user then move to block or wait
Block or wait
when process finished its execution.
Completion or termination
deleted process
Process control Block
a process in ready state, moved to secondary memory from main due to lack of resources
suspend ready state
a process in ready state, moved to secondary memory from main due to lack of resources
suspend ready state
if main memory (ram) is full the OS makes room by throwing lower priority process out 2nd memory.
suspend ready
removing blocks process already waiting complete their execution once the main memory gets available and their wait is finished.
suspend wait
Operation on the Process.
- Creation
- Scheduling
- Execution
- Deletion/Killing
Once the process is created it will be ready and come into the ready queue and will be ready for execution.
Out of many processes present in ready queue OS chooses are process ans start executing.
Selecting the process which is to be exeuted next is called…
once the process is schedule for execution, the processor starts executing it.
Once the purpose gets over then Os kills.