History and Civilization Flashcards
Hindu god of creation
Who led the Apaches in their efforts to resist Army attempts to force them onto a barren reservation in the American Southwest?
______ was an American philosophical movement that contended that organized religion and political parties were detrimental to individualism, and that people should be self-reliant.
Ptolemy I started the
Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt - Ancient Greek State with Alexandria as capital, lasted until conquered by Rome after Actium
Which two rivers formed the European frontier of the Roman Empire?
Rhine and Danube
Code of the Japanese warrior class, the samurai
Reagan officials ______ and _____ were blocked from contributing funds to the _______, so they sold weapons to ____ to raise cash.
Oliver North and John Poindexter
Nicaraguan Contras
Posited supply and demand
David Ricardo
The most popular of the Wild West shows was led by _____ _____.
Buffalo Bill Cody
political liberalization of communist Czechoslovakia between January and August, 1968.
Prague Spring
______ used the telescope to conduct systematic observations of the heavens and confirmed ______ model.
In the Pacific Theater of WWII, General _____ used a strategy known as _____ _____, which bypassed heavily defended Japanese positions and attacked weaker ones.
Douglas MacArthur
Negotiations to end the Vietnam War, occurring primarily between Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese diplomat _____, took place in which city?
Lê Ðức Thọ
In 1922, Great Britain granted Ireland _____ status, making the island the equivalent of Canada, New Zealand, or Australia.
In 1942, the United States achieved two naval victories which proved crucial to victory against Japan. What were they?
The Battle of the Coral Sea & Battle of the Midway
Who seized power of the Mexican government in 1834?
Santa Anna
1947 act passed by Republican Congress to outlaw closed shop and require right-to-work.
Taft-Hartley Act
_____ refers to the removal of the Papacy from Rome to Avignon, France in 1305. The next seven Popes would sit in Avignon, where the French King could dominate the Church. Damaged church’s prestige.
The Babylonian Captivity
maverick carmaker who built only 51 of the cars named for him
Preston Tucker
In 1952, _____ ran for President against _____.
Republican Eisenhower against Dem Adlai Stevenson
_____were Enlightenment thinkers and writers who were dedicated to discovering social problems and positing resolutions by the implementation of natural law.
1848 Italian revolutions, ____ declared a republic.
Who led American troops in the South during the War of 1812?
Andrew Jackson
____ was currency printed by a bank (today’s bills are printed by the federal government).
Coined by Gertrude Stein, the ______ was a term used for that generation that came of age during World War I, became disillusioned with life, and demonstrated a lack of cultural or emotional stability.
Lost Generation
What system of defense characterized warfare on the Western Front?
trench warfare
Active in the early years of the 20th century, the _____ were a group of journalists and authors who exposed corruption in business and government.
Concerned about skyrocketing debt, _____ ____ ran as an independent candidate for President in 1992.
Ross Perot
Dominated by the _____, the National Convention of France organized an emergency government in 1793 called ______.
The Committee of Public Safety
Published abolitionist newspaper
William Lloyd Garrison
1800s employers often shared the names of union agitators amongst themselves, with each agreeing not to hire the agitator, a tactic known as _____.
1932 presidential election
FDR defeated Hoover
_____refers to paying the Catholic Church for appointment to Holy Offices, such as Cardinal or Bishop. The practice was prevalent during the late Medieval period, and was a significant source of revenue for the Church.
What was Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan in 1916?
“He kept us out of the War.”
Swiss city of Calvin’s later life
_______ specialized in painting the Frontier, and his most famous paintings are of evocative scenes of the lives of fur traders and pioneers, and of political activities in rural areas.
George Bingham
What follower of Plato advocated empiricism?
Biden Secretary of HHS
Xavier Becerra
paper currency, issued by the North during the Civil War
Asked to leave Massachusetts, ______ established _______ in 1636, granting his fellow colonists complete religious freedom.
Roger Williams
Jeremy Bentham founded
The signatories of the _____-____ Pact of 1928 pledged not to use military force as an aggressive means.
Began around 3000 B.C. and marks man’s first significant use of metals, writing, and the development of city-states.
the Bronze Age
The purchase of ____ from Catholic Church allowed a person to shorten their (or a deceased loved one’s) time in purgatory, and in some cases forgave sins before they were committed.
Andrew Jackson’s successor
Martin Van Buren
The first Chinese civilization was the ____ Dynasty, which rose along the banks of the Huang He River around 1750 B.C.
Title adopted by Hitler
Which Byzantine Emperor attempted to re-conquer the lands of the Western Roman Empire, beginning in the 530s?
In 1617, Ferdinand II was named King of Bohemia, and sent his representatives to Prague. Bohemian Protestants, concerned that Ferdinand II would remove their religious rights, ______, beginning the Bohemian Revolt and the ______.
threw them out the window
Thirty Years War
____ refers to the sharing of cultures between societies.
cultural diffusion
_____ was located on the banks of the Mississippi River, near modern-day St. Louis, and was characterized by massive burial mounds.
In 1965, who published Unsafe at Any Speed, which detailed efforts by American automakers to resist measures designed to increase user safety?
Ralph Nader
_______ required the purchase of a revenue mark for newspapers, advertisements, and legal documents.
The Stamp Act
UK reign 1830-37, son of George III, no legit heir
William IV
_____ was a Dutch Renaissance humanist who wrote In Praise of Folly, which criticized the hypocrisy and immorality of the Catholic Church.
Erasmus (1466-1536)
sought to reform church from inside.
______ contended that although government was supreme, it was required to follow certain natural laws; rights to which all human beings were entitled, simply by virtue of their humanity. Any infringement of these rights justified the overthrow of that government.
Locke - Treatises on Government
Succeeded Henry VI
Edward IV, 1461-83 - died suddenly, princes in the tower
Justinian’s forces re-conquered North Africa by defeating the ___, and Spain, by defeating the ____.
Vandals, Ostrogoths
Who was the chief playwright of Spain’s Siglo d’Oro, reportedly writing over 1,000 plays?
Lope de Vega (1562-1635) was the key playwright in Spanish culture. De Vega was also a poet and novelist, and was considered so comic that Cervantes nicknamed him “The Phoenix of Wits.”
Tecumseh’s army was defeated by ______ at the Battle of _____ in 1811.
William Henry Harrison
City of Minotaur’s labyrinth
In 1831, _______ ______ led a band of slaves in a revolt in Virginia.
Nat Turner
UK Reign 1422-1461, 1470-71. Hundred Years War, in which his uncleCharles VIIcontestedhis claim to the French throne.
Henry VI
Preceded Gordon Brown as UK PM
Tony Blair
The _____ Doctrine held that the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any European country that signaled a shift from communism to capitalism. The Doctrine was announced retroactively to justify the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
During the Battle of _____, the United States annihilated Japanese naval forces, ending the Japanese Navy as a fighting force and paving the way for U.S. forces to retake the Philippines.
Leyte Gulf
The _____ was the first complete codification of French law. While it provided for freedom of conscience and property rights, the law disallowed female equality.
Code Napoleon
Italian immigrants and Anarchists who were arrested, tried and convicted for the murder of a payroll clerk in 1927. The case generated protest.
Sacco and Vanzetti
Real name of Deep Throat
Mark Felt
In 1961, President Kennedy met with Premier ____ of the U.S.S.R. in Vienna to discuss West Berlin.
What Florentine is considered the father of modern historical study?
Modern history’s father is Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444), who composed The History of the Florentine People. Although he probably didn’t mean to, Bruni was the first historian to secularize history by concentrating on human endeavors rather than theology.
_____ published _____ holding that man was born with natural rights superior to government rights.
John Locke
Second Treatise of Government
US policy against USSR pushing up against the edge of war
Under the _____, the United States announced that it would use preemptive strikes against any nation known to be aiding or abetting a terrorist group hostile to the United States.
Bush Doctrine
Succeeded Zachary Taylor
VP Millard Fillmore after Taylor died in office.
UK reigned 1558-1603, Virgin Queen, religion was ____, daughter of ____
Elizabeth I
Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
Continued impressment by the British Navy, the blockade of the American coast, and the pressure of the War Hawks led to _____’s request that Congress declare the ______.
War of 1812
During the _____, man and man’s predecessors began using stone tools and mainly lived in small roving groups of hunter-gatherers.
Paleolithic Era
Religion adopted by the Persian empire to justify continued conquest
Year of Magna Carta
______, a prominent newspaper publisher, accused _____ of being a Communist spy.
Whitaker Chambers
Alger Hiss
The ____ were Jesus’ close group of followers, who claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Preceded Margaret Thatcher as PM
James Callaghan
1566 - Calvinist mobs broke into churches and destroyed statues in _____. King _____ was furious and dispatched _____ to suppress.
Philip II
Duke of Alba
Negotiated Treaty of Versailles for France
Beginning with _____, who ruled from 284 to 305 B.C., the Roman empire was ruled as two separate halves, normally under two separate emperors who were ostensibly pledged to mutual defense.
What term best describes the United States’ foreign policy towards Europe in the 1930s?
Biden Ambassador to UN
Linda Thomas-Greenfield
Preceded David Cameron as UK PM
Gordon Brown
In 1870, Kaiser Wilhelm sent a telegram from Ems, a German resort, to Bismarck, detailing the French government’s request, under threat of war, that the Kaiser not allow his relative to accept the offer of the vacant Spanish throne. Telegram was leaked by _____ leading to _____.
Franco-Prussian War
The _____ issued the Port Huron Statement, which called for university decisions to be made through student participatory democracy.
Students for a Democratic Society
The central text of Daoism is the _____, reputedly composed by ____.
Tao-Te Ching
Biden Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin
William Henry Harrison political party
In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella completed the conquest of Spain from the _____ by successfully capturing _____.
Chinese name for Yellow River
Huang He
Some 25,000 Indians served in the armed forces during World War II, the most famous of which were the ______.
Navajo Code Talkers
The introduction of what currency triggered the Berlin Crisis of 1948?
Deutsche Mark
UK reign 1760-1820, House Hanover, defeated France in Seven Years War, lost American Revolution, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
George III
Churchill’s predecessor as PM
Clement Attlee
Confucius attributed societal harmony to following the Rules of _____.
Group of military officers dedicated to modernizing the Ottoman state in the early 1900s
Young Turks
About 40,000 years ago, migrants began arriving in the Americas over the _____ _____ _____.
Bering Land Bridge
The Treaty of _____ ended the Spanish-American War
Biden Secretary of State
Antony Blinken
Which emperor became a Buddhist convert, ensuring the widespread influence of Buddhism?
Ashoka, ruled a state in southern India
Native American tribes along the upper Atlantic seaboard were known as
Woodland Tribes
President who established the Peace Corps
Ruled Britain as Lord Protector under Parliament
Oliver Cromwell, 1653-58
Author of All Quiet on the Western Front
Erich Maria Remarque
lands between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, stretching down into Palestine.
the Fertile Crescent
The principal religious text of Ancient Egypt was the ____, which was a guide to navigating the afterlife.
Book of the Dead
In August of 1789, France’s new National Assembly issued the ______, a statement of principles of the new government.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Reagan 1980 campaign question
Are you better off than you were four years ago?
First temporary and permanent English colonies in New World
Roanoke and Jamestown
_____ advocated for human treatment and separate asylums for criminals and insane.
Dorothea Dix
In 1966, Chairman Mao commenced the _____, which attempted to remake the Chinese society along pure Communist lines.
Cultural Revolution
Biden Secretary of the Interior
Deb Haaland
A member of the Creole class in Venezuela, _____ led revolutions against Spanish authority in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia, beginning in 1815.
Simon Bolívar
takes place when many customers withdraw their money simultaneously
bank run
What were the Wars of the Roses
(1455-1485) were a long-running English civil war between two noble families, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, for control of the English Crown.
Woodrow Wilson was governor of ___
Armed with chariots and compound bows, the ____ conquered Egypt and brought the Middle Kingdom (circa 2040 B.C. to 1640 B.C.) to an end.
The _____ __ _____ resolved the French and Indian War in 1763.
Treaty of Paris
_____ _____ led a revolution against the Ottoman Empire in Egypt in the 1805s.
Muhammad Ali
Dutch explorer of New York
Henry Hudson
What 1454 treaty ended the near ceaseless wars which had dominated northern Italy for decades?
The Peace of Lodi ended military conflict between Milan, Venice, and Florence, and military conflict did not arise between the three powers until the 1490s.
The era of peace marked the pinnacle of the Italian Renaissance.
The _____allowed Johnson to vastly increase the scope of U.S. operations in Vietnam; from a few thousand troops in 1964 to 450,000 troops in 1967.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
In late 1989, President George H.W. Bush ordered 24,000 troops into _____ to remove ____ from power.
Manuel Noriega
Theodore Roosevelt’s chosen successor
_____ advocated deductive methodology of reason and logic, unlike Bacon.
The region of Renaissance Italy, directly under the control of the Catholic Church, was known as the _____ _____.
Papal States
In 1630, faced with defeat by Ferdinand II’s forces, the desperate Protestant states of the Holy Roman Empire called upon which monarch for assistance?
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden (Thirty Years War)
1863 battle marking end of Union offensive in Tennesee and Georgia
Battle of Chickamauga
The ______ offered 160 acres of free land upon the Great Plains to anyone who was willing to farm it for five years.
Homestead Act
In 1928, the Democratic Party nominated _____ for President.
Al Smith
In 1772, colonists disguised as Indians set fire to the _____, a British ship which ran aground off Rhode Island.
Both the ____ (1450) and the ____ (1480) enabled sailors to determine latitude by measuring the altitude of heavenly bodies, and thus better chart their course.
quadrant, astrolabe
Pennsylvania was a _____ colony, granted by_____ to _____, a prominent _____, in 1681.
proprietary colony
King Charles II
William Penn
____ is a school of thought which places primary importance on the individual, rather than on God.
In 1898, the sinking of the _____ in Havana Harbor provided the excuse for an American declaration of war on ____.
At the _____ _____ in 1885, the Great Powers set in place the rules for African colonialism.
Berlin Conference
_____ drafted the US Constitution.
James Madison
LBJ’s vice president
Hubert Humphrey
What did the colonists term the Coercive Acts and the Quebec Act?
Intolerable Acts
Soviet government agency that administered detention camps where political dissidents and criminals were worked to death in a brutal system of oppression.
At the _____, Holy Roman Emperor _____, who had the power to execute Luther for heresy, called upon Luther to renounce his beliefs. Luther refused to do so and was condemned to banishment.
Diet of Worms
Charles V
First Tudor monarch
Henry VII
Latin term meaning “family father” and refers to the common Roman tradition wherein the father of the family (its eldest male) had the right to dominate the family
Mother of Henry VIII’s male heir
Jane Seymour
____ refers to the exchange of animals, plants, human population, and communicable diseases between the Old and New Worlds.
Columbian Exchange
________ such as Kit Carson and Jim Bridger were primarily fur trappers and hunters. They were some of the earliest explorers of the American West, following in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark.
Mountain Men
In the Cuban Missile Crisis, ______ backed down when JFK vowed not to _______.
Invade Cuba
UK reign 1547-1553, succeeded Henry VIII, Protestant reforms
Edward VI
Which Florentine is considered the father of modern political science?
Which Dutch Renaissance painter was the first to use oil paint successfully?
Jan van Eyck (1390-1441) was the first to take full advantage of the availability of oil paint, which allowed him to employ incredible amounts of detail in his work.
Britain’s Prime Minister after WWII, nationalized industries and established NHS
Clement Attlee
_______, a Catholic priest whose radio show attracted a nationwide audience, established the National Union for Social Justice.
Father Charles Coughlin
In 1984, _____ _____ sought the Democratic Party’s nomination for President and received a historic 21% of the vote
Jesse Jackson
_______ by ______ takes place in gulag camps
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Who turned Italy into a battleground by inviting the French to enter the peninsula in 1494?
Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan, invited the French to intervene in the affairs of his neighbor and hated rival, the Kingdom of Naples.
In response, the Papal States and Venice joined with Spain, which dispatched an army to halt the French conquests. A trend had begun, and for the next three centuries Italy would be a battleground for larger foreign powers.
The 1852 election was the last time the ____ Party fielded a presidential candidate.
1534 _____ deliberately contravened the Pope’s authority in England, and marked an expansion of ____’s power at the expense of the Church.
Act of Supremacy
Henry VIII
English Civil War arose from conflict between _____ and Parliament
Charles I
wrote The Second Sex, which addressed human history from a feminist perspective.
Simone de Beauvoir
UK reign 1685-1688, brother of Charles I, Catholic, deposed in Glorious Revolution 1688
James II/VII
During the end of the Zhou Dynasty, a series of civil wars broke out throughout China, known as the _____ .
Warring States Period
Who signed English Bill of Rights in 1689?
William and Mary
The ______, prominent throughout much of the 19th century, held that women were the moral leaders of the home and ensured children were raised with principle.
cult of domesticity
_____ refers to the acquisition of colonies in Africa during the late 19th century. The largest colonial powers were Britain, France, and Germany.
Scramble for Africa
theory which appealed to reason as the source of knowledge about the universe.
President who dispatched federal troops to force Little Rock Central High to integrate
James Buchanan’s VP
John C. Breckenridge
Under the _____, the newly elected President appointed those who’d helped him to federal office, such as Postmaster.
Spoils System
French finance minister under Louis XIV, a staunch mercantilist
In 1801, Napoleon and the Pope reached an agreement known as the _____ _____ _____.
Concordat of 1801
In 1521, ______ conquered the ____in modern-day Mexico, and in 1534, ______completed the conquest of the ____ of Peru.
Hernán Cortés, Aztecs
Pizarro, Incas
Congress of Vienna surrounded _____ with independent nations; established cooperative agreement between 39 _____ states called.
Period of rebirth, outgrowth of culture after medieval period
In 1688, _____’s son ensured a _____ lineage, leading to the _______ in which ______ crowned ______.
James II/VII's Catholic Glorious Revolution Parliament William and Mary
What group was formed in 1940 to support isolation and mobilize American public opinion against involvement in WWII?
The America First Committee
In 1555, ____ abdicated and permanently divided the Hapsburg domains. His brother _______ (1503-1564) was named Holy Roman Emperor and given direct control of the dynastic Hapsburg lands in Austria. His son ______ (1527-1598) inherited the rest of the Empire, including Spain and its colonies in the New World, the Netherlands, and territories in Italy.
HRE Charles V
Ferdinand I
Philip II
In 1954, the United Fruit Company asked President Eisenhower for assistance in protecting their assets in _____.
After the Tet Offensive, “most trusted” reporter _______ declared the war was lost.
Walter Cronkite
______ was an Egyptian leader who dominated Egypt upon its independence in the early 1950s.
Andrew Jackson’s _____ was a group of informal advisors.
Kitchen Cabinet
The ____ conquered much of Mesopotamia between 900 and 500 B.C. and developed a powerful empire that rivaled the Babylonians.
Ancient Greek state in Egypt
Ptolemaic Kingdom
He published the first American dictionary
Noah Webster
Russian ____ were “Councils of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies,” who were to serve as local governments under the Provisional Government that could hold national elections.
diplomacy or politics based not on idealistic, moral, and ethical principles, but upon practical and material factors.
During the Reformation, contemporaries said that _____ “laid the egg that Luther hatched.”
In 1911, a fire at the ______ _____ ______ led to improved workers’ safety laws.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
anti-competitive measure that takes place when competitors agree that they will match prices
price fixing
In the spring of 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference sought to draw attention to segregation in which Southern city?
Birmingham, Alabama
_____’s works dwell on dark themes as their characters struggle to make sense of surreal, nightmarish surroundings that are incomprehensibly complex or nonsensical.
Inventor of the internet
Tim Berners-Lee
One of the most popular Romantic writers, Sir _____ _____ set his stories in the Scottish Highlands.
Walter Scott
____ is a pronounced use of chiarorusco in which there are intense contrasts of dark and light, with darkness dominating the painting. Employed by artists such as _____ (1571-1610) during the Baroque period.
Parisian workers and students reacted to _____’s Four Ordinances restricting civil liberties and the suspension of the French Constitution in July 1830 by _____.
Charles X
Barricading the streets
From 1600 until the Meiji Restoration, Japan was under the control of the ____ Shogunate.
William the Conqueror defeated ____
Harold II
President 1923-29
In 1973, Israel, supported by an American airlift, turned back a surprise attack by Egypt and Syria, known as the _____.
Yom Kippur War
Political party led by Nelson Mandela
African National Congress
coined money (typically silver or gold)
Presidential election of 1908
Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan, yet again
Although President Nixon released redacted transcripts, he still refused to release the tapes themselves, citing _____.
executive privilege
Japanese word meaning “divine wind”
____ is the codification of Muslim law and bars such activities as eating pork and drinking alcohol.
In addition to doubling the size of the Prussian Army to 80,000 men, _____ was an Enlightened Despot; he improved education, allowed freedom of the press and religion, and devoted attention to scientific agriculture.
Frederick II/Frederick the Great
Active during the late 19th century, the _____ fielded James G. Weaver as a Presidential candidate in 1892. They sought to build a coalition of urban workers and farmers in the Midwest
Populist Party
Unlike the Transcendentalists, _____’s writings convey a belief in original sin and that man was inherently imperfect.
A powerful chief, ____, united the Zulu into a single tribe beginning in the early 1800s, and successive rulers gradually expanded the Zulu state.
Ran for President in 1924 on the Progressive Party ticket
Robert La Follette
In ______’s Social Contract, published in 1762, he contended that individuals entered into social contracts with one another.
Thus, the will of the people was the sovereign power in a state, and rulers were subservient to that sovereign power.
Battle where Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra
Battle of Actium
Who was Frederick the Great
Frederick II of Prussia, ruled 1740-1786
John D. Rockefeller’s company
Standard Oil Company
Which royal family ruled Russia, beginning in 1613?
After President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became President. What phrase summarized Roosevelt’s foreign policy?
“Walk softly, and carry a big stick.”
1520s - Holy Roman Emperor & Europe’s most powerful monarch
Charles V, Habsburg
What action did Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher take to revitalize the British economy?
Nickname of Attila the Hun
“Scourge of God”
Who led the New York Journal, a rival to Pulitzer’s New York World?
William Randolph Hearts
The _____ civilization rose to prominence in modern-day Cambodia and Laos beginning in the 500s, achieving its peak between 889 and 1454.
Leader of Russian Provisional Government in 1917 after abdication
____ refers to the time between when man first emerged and the existence of written records.
Result of synthesis in Marx’s philosophy.
dictatorship of the proletariat
_____ emphasized vibrant colors which were sometimes unrealistic, and placed less emphasis on accurate description and minute detail in their paintings. Most famous artist was _____.
1975 - 35 nations signed the ________ and formerly ratified the European territorial boundaries put in place after World War Two, and set up “watch committees” to conduct surveillance on human rights violations in the countries which had signed the agreement.
Helsinki Accords
The _____ Dynasty replaced the Ming in 1644.
Under ____, a landowner provided land, seed, and needed farm implements to poor black and white farmers in exchange for a portion of the harvested crop (usually 50%).
In a speech, Gerald Ford announced his WIN campaign. What did WIN stand for?
Whip Inflation Now
Ruled Russia 1762-1796
Catherine the Great
What organization was founded to aid Southern blacks migrating north during the First Great Migration?
National Urban League
Who ran against Grant in the presidential campaign of 1872?
Horace Greeley
In 1680 a group of Pueblo Indians in modern-day New Mexico, led by _____, a Pueblo religious leader, revolted against Spain, driving the Spanish from the colony of Santa Fe de Nuevo México.
Wrote Critique of Pure Reason
Strom Thurmond ran for president as a ____
The ______ asserted that no further European colonization would be allowed in the New World and any attempt to do so would result in American intervention.
Monroe Doctrine
______ such as Frederick the Great were encouraged to allow religious freedom and freedom of speech, the press, and private property while still maintaining an absolute hold on power.
Enlightened despots
In 1895, ____, with arms and ammunition smuggled in from the United States, began a revolution against the Spanish government in _____.
José Martí
UK reign 1485-1509, culmination of the War of the Roses.
Henry VII
In three separate phases between 1750 and 1800, what country was divided between Austria, Russia, and Prussia?
_____ were the wealthy class of Romans, who dominated the Roman Republic throughout much of its history through their dominance of the Roman Senate.
In a speech before Congress in January, 1941, Roosevelt announced his Four ____
In Confucianism, the _____ is the path upon which one travels to learn virtue.
In 1994, U.S. troops were dispatched to ____ as part of Operation Uphold Democracy
Epic poem written down around 400 B.C, describes the interaction between a warrior and the god Krishna, in which Krishna lays out the principles of reincarnation and atman, the eternal self.
The Bhagavad Gita
Henry VIII’s son who was crowned at 9 and died at 15
Edward VI
______ is a belligerent nationalist foreign policy. The term was used in the 1890s to describe those who supported continued American expansion, by diplomatic means if possible, but by war if necessary.
_____ introduced tobacco to Virginia.
John Rolfe
What was the target of the initial American attack during the War of 1812?
nickname given by German children to the American bomber pilots who carried food into Berlin in 1948-1949
Raisin Bombers
Author of “Civil Disobedience” essay saying individuals should disobey immoral laws
Mau Mau rebels were in
Hundred Years War between which two countries?
England and France, 1337
The Treaty of Paris (1898), ending the Spanish-American War, provided for American annexation of _______.
the Philippines
Active between 1865 and 1869, the _____ was a federal agency that assisted newly freed blacks.
Freedmen’s Bureau
Which Macedonian emperor conquered Greece in 338 B.C.?
Philip II of Macedon
The French government’s Ambassador to the United States, _____ _____ , violated diplomatic protocols by directly requesting that the American people support the French Revolution, despite Washington’s declaration of neutrality.
Citizen Genet
In Eastern Europe, where did the collapse of Communism first begin?
Poland, Lech Walesa as head of trade union Solidarity
1820 arrangement admitting a slave state, a free state, and disallowing slavery north of a line.
Missouri Compromise
First general of Union Army
George McClellan
Under the ______ Doctrine the U.S. provided aid to anti-communist resistance movements in an effort to supplant Soviet-backed communist governments in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
Reagan Doctrine
The process of readying a nation for war is known as _____.
_______ was the only woman to rule over Hapsburg lands.
Maria Theresa (1717-1780)
Republican President and VP candidates in 1880
James Garfield and Chester Arthur
Who led the combined United Nations Command (the anti-Communist forces) during the early years of the Korean War?
General Douglas MacArthur
Japanese suicide pilots who, after minimal training, flew their planes directly into American ships or naval vessels
philosophical belief that absolute truth doesn’t exist, but rather that truth is changeable
Pocahontas married _____
John Rolfe
US operation in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait
Operation Desert Storm
Under the command of Grand Inquisitor _______, the Spanish Inquisition burned some 2,000 suspected Muslims and Jews at the stake between 1480-1530.
Tomas de Torquemada
In ____, the Greek philosopher ___ adopted much of ____’ methods and applied them to examine the ideal means of governing a society.
The Republic
Biden Secretary of the Treasury
Janet Yellen
King ______ relied on ______ to guide French foreign policy through the Thirty Years War
Louis XIII
Cardinal Richelieu
The actions of what monarch brought about the decline of the Dutch Republic?
Louis XIV - wars drove the Dutch bankrupt and made them flood their farmland
Venice is located on the
Adriatic Sea
What was the underlying reason behind the three Anglo-Dutch Wars of 1652-1674?
Trade dominance
Nixon’s White House Counsel, attempted to organize coverup
John Dean
Martin Van Buren’s successor
William Henry Harrison
President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, ______, announced a strategy known as ______ in the United States’ dealings with the Soviet Union.
John Foster Dulles
Principle established in Plessy v. Ferguson
separate but equal
Party made up of states’ rights Southern Democrats, who opposed President Truman’s support for civil rights
These Laws removed the citizenship of all German Jews, and prohibited all marriages and sexual intercourse between Jews and Germans.
Nuremberg Laws
The _____ arrived in the Indian subcontinent around 1700 B.C., quickly conquering the native inhabitants.
Whose forces sacked Rome in 1527?
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V’s forces sacked Rome as part of the Italian wars which had begun in the 1490s.
First Vice President to become President following the death of a sitting President.
John Tyler
Beginning around 550 B.C., _____ began expanding the Persian Empire, conquering much of the Middle East.
Cyrus the Great
radical Protestant sect that rejected infant baptism, the concept of the Trinity, and supported polygamy.
1920 presidential election
Warren G. Harding (R) defeated Dem James G. Cox (with FDR as VP nominee)
Britain passed the ______ in August 1775 in response to the Olive Branch Petition. The Act was virtually a declaration of war against the American colonies. All commerce and trade with the colonies was forbidden.
Prohibitory Act
The _____ restored the status quo antebellum after the War of 1812, no decisive victory.
Treaty of Ghent
Fate of Charles I of England
Executed by Parliament
German word for a sudden attempt to overthrow the government
Author of Utopia
Thomas More
Agreement resolving the Balkan Wars in 1990s
Dayton Accords
In 1959, Vice President Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev engaged in the _____ _____ about the merits of communism and capitalism.
Kitchen Debate
President Theodore Roosevelt summed up his labor policy by the term
Square Deal
Chief of Birmingham, AL Police in 1963
Bull Connor
Unsecured loans led to repeated bailouts of which entities in the 1980s?
Savings and Loans Banks (S&L)
In March 1918, Germany launched the ______ _____, with forces transferred from the Eastern Front.
Ludendorff offensive
Irish Home Rule advocate rebellion in 1916
Easter Rising
In April 1961, Cuban dissidents, funded by the CIA, invaded Cuba in the _____ operation approved by President Kennedy.
Bay of Pigs
Marx work emphasizing the economic interpretation of history
Das Kapital
Under the _____ of 1887, lands belonging to the Indian tribes were surveyed and allotted to individual Indians and lands deemed to be “excess” were confiscated and sold to white settlers by the government.
Dawes Act
Lincoln’s first choice to lead Union Army
Robert E. Lee
A _______ was a grant from the King of England giving special privileges, such as self-government, to a colony.
royal charter
During the early days of the French Revolution, the _____ were those members of the National Assembly who demanded that the King be removed and a republic declared.
Preceded John Major as PM
Margaret Thatcher
Which Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D.?
Constantine the Great issued the Edict of Milan, which not made Christianity legal throughout the Empire.
Lincoln took advantage of the Union victory at the Battle of ____ to make what announcement?
Emancipation Proclamation
Bill Clinton kept a card with him during the campaign that read:
It’s the economy, stupid.
one-legged governor of New Netherland
Peter Stuyvesant
While Italian humanism looked to classical Greco-Roman texts for inspiration, the Northern Renaissance was influenced by the writings of Church Fathers, such as ____. Historians call this reconciled version _____.
St. Augustine
“Christian Humanism”
Biden Secretary of Commerce
Gina Raimondo
Inventor of phonograph
Thomas Edison
Founder of Daoism
In 1701 the Spanish King died without an heir and left his throne to Louis XIV of France, leading to _______ which was ended by _______.
War of Spanish Succession
Treaty of Utrecht
1337: In addition to being the King of England, ____ was the Duke of Normandy, and as such was required to pay homage to _____ of France.
Edward III, Philip VI
In the 1960s, ____ was identified with the rejection of conventional societal norms
UK reign 1625-1649, fought armies of Parliament during English Civil War, lost, executed by Rump Parliament —> Commonwealth of England.
Charles I
Booker T. Washington institute
Which artists are considered the Trinity of Italian Renaissance art?
Raphael, Michelangelo, and da Vinci
During a process known as _____, European nations provided independence to former colonies throughout the globe.
End of the Thirty Years War
Peace of Westphalia in 1648
Who did voters elect as President of the French Republic in December 1848?
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew)
_____ _____, a Bohemian church reformer, was burned at the stake for heresy in 1415. considered as one of the Reformation’s forbearers.
Jan Hus
A _____ is the opposite of a strike, whereby unionized workers are prevented from coming into the workplace.
French scientist who discovered diseases were caused by germs
Between 1405 and 1433, ____, a Chinese admiral and diplomat, commanded several expeditions that sailed as far as the eastern coast of Africa.
Zheng He
In an effort to shore up South Vietnam as the United States cut troop levels, Nixon ordered U.S. troops to attack which ostensibly neutral country?
geographical unit, under one form of government, in which the populace shares a common ethnic and cultural background.
The Qin Empire’s focus on construction such as roads, canals, and the Great Wall, as well as the large army, was expensive and taxation was heavy. After Shi Huangdi’s death, a series of tax revolts broke out and brought the ___ Dynasty to power.
Chiang Kai-Shek captured Beijing in 1928 and drove Mao’s troops north on the _____.
Long March
_____ wrote _____, a pamphlet advocating for immediate independence?
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Preceded Tony Blair as PM
John Major
Killed at Battle of Trafalgar
Admiral Horatio Nelson
In response to a 1964 North Vietnamese attack on the USS Turner Joy and the USS Maddox, Congress passed which measure that allowed the President to conduct all necessary measures to ensure that South Vietnam survived?
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
His opposition to the Reformation brought about his death by beheading when England broke with the Catholic Church.
Thomas More, 1478-1535
In a deal brokered by President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister _____ returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt’s _____ in exchange for diplomatic recognition.
Menachem Begin
Anwar Sadat
Between 1989 and 1991, President George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev negotiated START I. What did START stand for?
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties
rose to power in the early 1920s by promoting fascist solutions for Italy’s problems.
Period of peace and prosperity throughout much of the Mediterranean world that began with the reign of Augustus Caesar that lasted more than 200 years
Pax Romana
______ (1321-1384) was an English advocate for Catholic Church reforms. Contending that the Church should follow Scriptural law, he denounced the extravagance of bishops, cardinals, and the Papacy. Translated Bible into English.
John Wycliffe
French Calvinists
Around 2200 B.C., Sargon conquered several of the Sumerian city-states of Mesopotamia, merging them into the ____ Empire
These two nonbinding laws stated that the Alien and Sedition Acts were invalid as being against the Constitution.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Princes of Brandenburg-Prussia, which would become the Kingdom of Prussia after the War of the Austrian Succession.
____ who published Being and Nothingness in 1943, denied the existence of the divine.
In 1877, the _____ _____ Tribe refused to vacate their lands in the Pacific Northwest and move to an Idaho reservation.
Nez Perce
Current President of Italy
The Turks captured _____ in 1453, bringing an end to the _______.
Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
_____ refers to a total abstention from alcohol.
Ruled Russia 1672-1725
Peter the Great
During the 1960 presidential election, Kennedy contended that the U.S. had significantly fewer weapons than the Soviet Union, a _____ that he promised to remedy in the event he was elected.
“Missile Gap”
Who proposed the Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
During the Korean War, President ____ replaced General _____ with General _____
Which culture invented the alphabet?
William the Conqueror said ______, who came before Harold II, had promised him the throne
Edward the Confessor
Head of the Committee of Public Safety
Biden Chief of Staff
Ron Klain
religion that arose in Iran around 1000 B.C., and was formalized around 600 B.C.
The Holy Roman Emperor was typically from the _____ familial line and ruled directly over his hereditary lands in ____.
nickname for Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War and supported the South
_____ led the Mormons to Utah, where it was hoped that their isolated location in the Utah desert would provide some degree of protection.
Brigham Young
_____ were peace discussions between Israel and Egypt in 1978. President Carter served as a mediator between the two sides and they signed a peace treaty in 1979.
The Camp David Accords
Who did the Populist Party support in the 1896 presidential election?
William Jennings Bryan
First Lancaster king
Henry IV
In approximately 100 A.D., ___ nomads began trading across the Sahara Desert using camels as pack animals.
As his favorability waned, Carter gave his famous “____ Speech” in 1979.
____ sought to reintroduce Catholicism in England after Henry VIII
Bloody Mary
What enabled Polynesian sailors to traverse the vast distances of the Pacific?
The outrigger canoe
As promised in the Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934), what country received independence from the United States on July 4, 1946?
The Philippines
Term for laws that govern both human society and the universe, discoverable by reason and determined by nature.
Natural law
The term “____” comes from the Greek words for “the love of wisdom.”
In 1937, the Japanese invaded China and by December had laid siege to ______. The Japanese ruthlessly slaughtered civilians.
Term for the “common man” of the 1950s commuting to white-collar job
Man in the gray flannel suit
Founded around 1451, the ______ was a loose political alliance of five Indian nations.
Iroquois Confederacy
Beginning in 1956, the United States embarked upon the largest public construction project since the erection of the Great Pyramids. What was the project?
Interstate Highway System
_______ by _______ is the story of a Russian doctor in first half of 20th century, unfavorably depicted Russian Revolution
Dr. Zhivago by Pasternak
Led by ______, the _____
deposed ______, the U.S.-backed President of Cuba.
Fulgencio Batista
The Treaty of _____ ended the Revolutionary War.
UK reigned 1911-1936, grandson of Victoria, WWI, married Mary of Teck, first cousin of Nicholas II of Russia and Kaiser Wilhelm
George V
Luther viewed salvation as stemming from _____, as opposed to the Catholic belief that _____ and _____ would lead to salvation. Thus, Luther’s views stood directly against those of the Pope and the Catholic Church.
faith alone
taking the seven sacraments
good works
Ghanaian UN Secretary General
Kofi Annan
Ancient Greek battle to repel second Persian invasion
Long-running English civil war between two noble families, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, for control of the English Crown.
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
During his Presidency, Richard Nixon focused primarily on foreign policy efforts, and was assisted by his National Security Advisor _____ _____.
Henry Kissinger
Elected president in 1888
Benjamin Harrison (R), defeated Cleveland (D)
Cultural reaction to Enlightenment, emphasized emotion and feeling.
Who said “L’etat c’est moi”
Louis XIV
______ was a nativist party, with membership limited to Protestants of British-American ancestry. Sought to bar further immigration.
With the assistance of the United States, ______ seized power in Chile in 1973, deposing the country’s democratically elected Marxist government.
Augusto Pinochet
The _____ were a group of small city-states on the north coast of Africa that demanded tribute from the American government to refrain from attacking American ships.
Barbary Pirates
______ refers to an artistic technique, developed during the Renaissance, that used darkness and light to create the illusion of depth.
UK PM who succeeded Churchill
Anthony Eden
The sun god _____ was the primary god in the Egyptian pantheon.
Who was known as “The Wizard of Menlo Park”?
Thomas Edison
Flemish painter of the 16th and 17th centuries, noted for extravagant Baroque style. He is famous for his Counter-Reformation pieces depicting mythological and religious subjects.
Preceded Boris Johnson as UK PM
Theresa May
Ronald Reagan’s 1984 campaign slogan
Morning in America
What was the dominant religion of the Dutch Republic during the 16th and 17th centuries?
Nixon asked for the support of the ______, those Americans who did not participate in the counterculture, did not agitate in the protests against the Vietnam War, and did not actively engage in politics.
silent majority
To raise money to build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Pope Leo X (1475-1521) authorized the sale of ____.
Dutch painter and etcher of the 17th century, during the Dutch Golden Age of artistic and cultural achievements best known for portraits and Biblical scenes.
Which French King conquered Burgundy, eliminating a longstanding threat from France’s east?
Louis XI (1423-1483) conquered Burgundy, a duchy to the east of his territories. With the exception of Brittany and the English-controlled city of Calais, most of France was under the control of France’s Valois monarchy.
Who became the General Secretary of Russia’s Communist Party in 1985?
France’s Fifth Republic was led by
de Gaulle
1stLord Protectorof theCommonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland(1653–1658). Served as the commander of theNew Model Armyduring theFirstandSecond English Civil WarsagainstKing Charles I. Succeeded by son Richard Cromwell, who was weak —> restoration.
Oliver Cromwell
Who was the first black student to attend the University of Mississippi?
James Meredith
In 1520, Pope _____ sent a ______ demanding that Luther recant his statements or risk excommunication.
Leo X papal bull (an edict)
American antebellum _____ were suspicious of the new German and Irish immigrants.
Hitler’s annexation of Austria was known as the _____
UK PM during Suez Crisis
Anthony Eden
What WWII General was placed in charge of the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force?
Farming innovations such as ______’s reaper and ______’s plow fuel the growth of US urban centers?
Cyrus McCormick
John Deere
Hitler’s desire for a portion of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland led to what international conference in 1938?
Munich Conference
Premier French diplomat from the 1790s through the 1830s, and represented his government at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15.
_____ published his three laws of planetary motion in 1605.
Nine Days Queen - nominated by ____, died at 17 in Tower of London
Lady Jane Grey
Edward VI
Jimmy Carter fended off 1980 primary challenge from ____
Edward Kennedy
National assembly of France was the ______, summoned by _____ to resolve government fiscal crisis in 1788.
Louis XVI
Preceded Theresa May as UK PM
David Cameron
Although it took centuries, the remnants of the Akkadian Empire combined into ____ in the north and _____ in the south
During the Glorious Revolution of 1688, Catholic King _____ was deposed, and Protestants ______ were named by Parliament as co-regents.
James II
William and Mary
The _____, signed by _____, forcibly ejected Indians from lands east of the Mississippi.
Indian Removal Act
The process of pumping air through molten iron is known as the _____ _____.
Bessemer Process
Confederate capitals
Montgomery AL and then Richmond VA
What was the most famous battle of the Spanish-American War?
On July 1, 1898, Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders launched a successful attack against Spanish forces on San Juan Hill.
Richard the Lionheart succeeded
Henry II, his father
Which empire was the first to introduce coined money?
In October 1973, in response to _____’s subpoena requesting that he turn over White House tapes, Nixon ordered his Attorney General ______ to fire him. After the AG refused, Nixon got ______ to do it. Situation known as ______.
Archibald Cox
Elliot Richardson
Robert Bork
Saturday Night Massacre
Author _____ _____’s books such as Ragged Dick, which told “rags to riches” stories, were best-sellers during the late 1800s.
Horatio Alger
In 1903 this man introduced his 15-hp Arrow model car
George Pierce
In Hinduism, _____, how one behaved in an earlier life, determines the station into which rebirth takes place.
Under the _____ System, international trade is denominated in dollars.
Breton Woods
His first act as president pardoned all Vietnam War draft evaders.
British king captured and ransomed on the way back from a Crusade
Richard the Lionheart
In 1814, after Napoleon’s first surrender, the British launched a counterattack in the ______ region of the US and attempted to take ______.
Fort McHenry
______ wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Who assassinated MLK?
James Earl Ray
a system of credit, whereby a good is purchased for a fixed amount of payments spread over an extended period
installment plan
____ on Long Island was the first large-scale planned community
What French realist artist painted The Absinthe Drinker and Olympia?
The ____ Empire controlled Persia from 1501 to 1722. The shahs were devoted Shiites, and much of the Persian population followed their example.
During the last week of December 1944, the Germans launched their last major offensive of the War in the Ardennes forest, known as the Battle of the _____?
The ________ were a set of three conflicts between the Roman Republic and Carthage that began in 264 B.C. and lasted until 146 B.C., when Carthage was defeated.
Punic Wars
Who seized control of the Roman state after the assassination of Julius Caesar and renamed himself ____.
Caesar’s nephew Octavian, renamed himself Augustus Caesar.
wandering bands of people who move from place to place to support their livelihood
Washington Post reporters who did much of the reporting on the Watergate scandal
Woodward and Bernstein
What English author composed Utopia, a blueprint for a perfect society brought about by mixing civic humanism with religious ideas?
A chief writer in the English Renaissance, Sir Thomas More composed Utopia in 1516. More was also a prominent advocate for Church reform and opposed any break with the Catholic Church.
What Prussian Prime Minister stated in 1862 that a unified Germany would only be achieved through “blood and iron”?
Otto von Bismarck
The ____, published by ____, was the first to reach the 1,000,000 mark in the 1890s.
The New York World, published by Joseph Pulitzer
Two members of the ______ Party tied in the electoral college in the 1800 election
Jefferson and Burr
workers sit down on the job, and refuse to work until their demands are granted.
sit-down strike
The ____ Empire arose in the Turkish areas of Central Asia and gradually expanded westward. By the 1400s, the armies had occupied much of Anatolia and were poised to conquer Constantinople and expand into Europe.
Thomas Edison’s main competitor in the field of electricity products during the late 1800s, and successfully manufactured machinery for alternating current (AC) transformers.
George Westinghouse
name of symbolic Englishman who personifies the nation
John Bull
New Amsterdam was taken from the Dutch by _____
James, Duke of York (later King James II), brother of Charles II
The ____ Empire conquered much of Mesopotamia between the 1300s and 1200s B.C. They were among the first to use iron weapons and pioneered the use of chariot warfare.
The ____ were the landed aristocracy who dominated the Prussian social order and comprised the officer corps of Frederick William’s and Frederick II’s expanded Prussian army.
Location of Magna Carta signing
In 1775, the _______ started the Revolutionary War.
Battles of Lexington and Concord
How did U.S. President Truman and the Western powers respond to Stalin’s 1948 closure of road and rail traffic to their enclaves in Berlin?
Berlin Airlift
What ____ author used his novels, such as Hard Times, to point out societal ills?
Charles Dickens
Biden Secretary of Transportation
Pete Buttigieg
The events behind Passover are recounted in the book of ____
Truman’s VP
____ refers to the importance of this to Southern agriculture in the 19th century.
King Cotton
A Florentine painter under Lorenzo de’ Medici’s patronage, most of ____’s works dealt with themes from classical mythology, rather than the religious themes which had characterized art before the Renaissance.
Buddhist belief and refers to the state of being liberated from the wheel of life.
Taking realism one step further, _____ writers such as _____ sought not only to describe their subjects, but also find the underlying causes which influenced their subjects’ actions.
British monarch ascended and abdicated in 1936
Edward VIII
It took almost a year for the United States to mobilize fully for war, but in November 1942 a joint Anglo-American force launched ______, landing in ______.
Operation Torch
1572 - French Catholics killed thousands of _____ in the ______ Massacre.
Huguenots (French Calvinists)
St. Bartholomew’s Day
When their convention deadlocked between Martin van Buren and John C. Calhoun, which candidate was the Democratic Party’s nominee in 1844?
James K. Polk
_____ is considered the founding father of humanism, as well as the first modern writer.
Petrarch deliberately looked back to the Greco-Roman period with his Letters to the Ancient Dead, and was heavily influenced by the Roman orator Cicero.
Buddhism includes these three numbered things.
Four Noble Truths
Five Moral Rules
Eightfold Path
UK reign 1820-1830, son of George III, no legit heir, emergence of empire
George IV
_______ were general search warrants, designed to stop smuggling. They allowed British customs agents to search wherever they pleased, and without having to pay for any damages.
Writs of Assistance
What prompted Britain to declare war on Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914?
German invasion of France through Belgium violated Belgian neutrality treaty.
_____ was a mythical Christian king, who purportedly lived somewhere in Ethiopia. In addition to searching for access to Asian and Middle Eastern markets, the Portuguese exploration effort was driven by a desire to find him and seek an alliance against the Muslim states of the Middle East.
Prester John
In 1942, an agreement with Mexico allowed Mexican farmers, known as ___, to enter the United States to work on American farms, without complying with formal immigration requirements.
Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda
Josef Goebbels
The ______ was the name given to American Army units serving in France in WWI, under General ______.
American Expeditionary Force
On July 3, 1898, American naval forces crushed the Spanish Navy at _____ _____ _____, the largest naval battle of the Spanish-American War.
Santiago de Cuba
Passed by Parliament, the _____ Acts required that all trade with the American colonies was to take place in Britain.
Navigation Acts
Directed originally at royalists, the _____ soon consumed anyone denounced as a counter-revolutionary as Robespierre sought to remake France into a Republic of Virtue.
Reign of Terror
Socialist Party nominee for president in 1912
Eugene Debs
inexpensive method for making steel from iron
Bessemer Process
Authors of the Federalist Papers
Jay, Hamilton, Madison
_____ advocated for the use of carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instruments.
In the period’s worst massacre, some 900 Jews were burned at the stake in _____ in 1348
Who founded the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies?
Puritan separatists
Author of Summa Theologica
St. Thomas Aquinas
______ hoped to keep the Mexican Cession free of blacks so that whites could provide the labor force on small farms, known as homesteads, sold to them by the federal government.
Free Soilers
In the Monkey Trial, ____ was on trial for teaching evolution, which was illegal under Tennessee law. The trial pitted legendary lawyer ______ vs. ______.
John Scopes
Clarence Darrow
William Jennings Bryan
After winning the French and Indian War, the _____ controlled these two regions.
Canada and the Mississippi Valley
Foreign minister of Austria ______ hosted the _____ in 1814-15, conservative opponent of liberalism and nationalism. Results:
Congress of Vienna
Restored monarchies
anti-materialistic literary movement that began in the late 1940s and stretched into the 1960s
Beat Generation
Japan 1923 disaster
Great earthquake
_______ occurred in the late Stone Age, when early man began food production rather than merely gathering food.
The Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution
The ______ were Wilson’s attempt to make clear that American entry into the First World War was for a moral cause, and to ensure a just postwar peace through League of Nations etc.
Fourteen Points
Nixon called for _____ and contended that he had a “secret plan” to end the war in Vietnam.
“Peace with Honor”
Under ______, all the aspects of production for a manufactured good are owned by a single person or trust.
vertical integration
UK reign 1660-1685, Merry Monarch popular, ruled from 1660 Restoration onward
Charles II
Which colony was established as a refuge for Catholics who refused to join the Church of England?
What conduct was the Fifteenth Amendment (1869) designed to protect?
Right to vote
What was the primary dietary staple for Indians in both North and South America?
A 1983 bombing by an Islamic suicide bomber in _____ killed 241 American servicemen.
Bismarck speech - unify Germany through ___ and ____.
blood and iron.
Greek biographer and essayist, priest at Delphi
_____ was the leader of the Parliamentary forces in English Civil War
Oliver Cromwell
Beginning shortly after the Revolutionary War, American architects drew inspiration from the buildings of the ancient world. What was this architectural movement called?
Greek Revival
What Catholic religious order was founded to provide reform within the Catholic Church and prevent Protestantism’s further spread.
system in which factory owner agrees only to employ workers who belong to a union.
closed shop
____ led China’s Nationalist Party (the _____) following the collapse of the Qing (or Manchu) Dynasty in 1912.
Sun Yat-Sen
In 1576, the 17 provinces of the Spanish Netherlands signed the _____ _____ ____, an internal treaty which pledged them to work together against the Spanish army.
Pacification of Ghent
Name for US support for non-Communist nations resisting Communist forces
Truman Doctrine
This 4-armed son of Shiva & Parvati in Hinduism has a big-bellied human body with the head of an elephant
____, _____, and other Italian architects drew their inspiration from the Roman ruins that littered Italy. Arches, columns, capitals, and domes came into fashion once again, first in Florence and then throughout Italy.
Brunelleschi, Alberti
The _____ targeted alcohol and by the late 1890s had almost half a million members.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Colony in Newfoundland settled by Leif Ericson and the Norsemen (modern-day Scandinavians) in 1000 A.D.
What was John Winthrop’s vision for the Puritan colonies of Massachusetts?
City on a Hill
_____ was Prime Minister of Great Britain between 1763-1765. As Prime Minister, he was responsible for the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and Quartering Act.
Lord George Grenville
Philosopher who proposed the dialectic
Battle of _______, Lee beats back repeated assaults by _____
Fredericksburg, Ambrose Burnside
Dixiecrat candidate for president
Strom Thurmond
Alexandria is named for
Alexander the Great, who conquered it
Three of the 15 largest cities in US in 1860 were in the South:
New Orleans, St. Louis, Louisville
Confederate general at First Battle of Bull Run
Stonewall Jackson
_____ established the American System of high tariffs, national bank, internal improvements.
Henry Clay
The Russian Civil War was fought between the Russian _____, known as the ____, and a conglomeration of forces with little in common except being anti-Bolshevik, known as the _____.
White Movement/Army
Pragmatic UK PM from 1957-63
Harold Macmillan
Muckraking journalist who attacked Standard Oil
Ida Tarbell
Under _____, a person’s passage to the New World was paid in advance and in exchange for several years of labor.
indentured servitude
Treaty that ended Mexican-American War
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Lincoln’s first VP
Hannibal Hamlin
Republican politician from Wisconsin, who served as the leader of the Progressive wing of the Republican party after Theodore Roosevelt’s death in 1919.
Robert La Follette
What Ayatollah Khomeini called the United States
the Great Satan
______ and _____ railroads united to form _____ railroad.
Central Pacific and Union Pacific
Transcontinental Railroad
President Franklin Roosevelt’s advisors, many of them professors from elite universities, were known as the _____ _____.
Brain Trust
The______ was the journey of slaves from Africa to the Caribbean or North American plantations as part of ____ trade.
Middle Passage
triangular trade
The _____ were established during the Revolutionary War by the Continental Congress.
Articles of Confederation
The four religious texts brought into India by the Aryans around 1500 B.C.
The Vedas
______ succeeded ______ as head of the Chinese Nationalist Party in the 1920s
Chiang Kai-Shek
Sun Yat-Sen
Which innovation in campaigning debuted during the 1960 presidential elections,
Televised debates
Western PA farmers’ rebellion at taxation policy in 1791
Whiskey Rebellion
At _________ in 1890, US soldiers killed 135 Sioux ______ practitioners.
Battle of Wounded Knee
Ghost Dance
In the 1950s, ____ attempted to retain control of Vietnam, but were defeated by Vietnamese communists under _____.
Ho Chi Minh
In 1937, rising tensions led to a Japanese declaration of war against _____.
Which general led the troops of Free France?
Charles de Gaulle
central tenet of European diplomacy for centuries, dedicated to ensuring that a single nation did not dominate the Continent.
balance of power
Created by Congressional legislation in 1933 and 1934 to oversee the operations of the country’s stock exchanges
Securities and Exchange Commission
On behalf of the United States, President Pierce purchased a small strip of land from Mexico in 1853 called the ______.
Gadsden Purchase
After the Stamp Act, _______ spoke out in Virginia and ______ organized a congress in Massachusetts
Patrick Henry
James Otis
_____ attributed China’s chaos in the Warring States Period to the unethical behavior of both China’s rulers and its people
Minoan capital
1660 return of Charles II to end the Interregnum
During the 1968 Democratic Convention, young anti-war Democrats rioted in the streets in protest of Johnson’s handling of the Vietnam War. The group who was tried was known as _____
The Chicago Seven
German President ______ named Hitler ____ in 1933
Paul von Hindenburg
1972 election
Nixon v. McGovern
The sudden influx of thousands of Mexicans provoked enmity and suspicions; in 1943 a riot in Los Angeles broke out between whites and Mexicans, known as the _____.
Zoot-Suit Riot
Which two French leftist groups competed for power in the early National Assembly?
Jacobins and Girondists
The _____ were groups organized in 1772, by Samuel Adams, in several Massachusetts towns to keep an eye on British activities.
Committees of Correspondence
Another religion begun in upstate New York was Mormonism, founded by ________.
Joseph Smith
___ preached predestination, contending that an omniscient God knew in advance who was going to heaven and hell.
John Calvin
____ actively campaigned for the Presidency in 1896, ending a long tradition of candidates staying quietly at home and letting surrogates make their case for them.
William Jennings Bryan
1940 Presidential Election
FDR defeated Wendell Willkie
In 1488, _____ rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and in 1498, ______ reached India.
Bartolomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
The ___ was a civilization that steadily populated much of Sub-Saharan Africa, beginning around 2000 B.C. in modern-day Nigeria.
In 1946, _____ took power in Argentina through the assistance of the Argentine military.
Juan Peron
_____ _____, an Italian explorer funded by the Portuguese, demonstrated that the Americas were a separate continent, and established Portuguese claims to Brazil.
Amerigo Vespucci
Rome’s lower classes
Democratic-Republicans split after the election of _____ into the _____ and _____ parties
What author is widely credited as the founder of French realism?
His death ensured passage of the Compromise of 1850
Zachary Taylor - VP Millard Fillmore then signed the laws.
Shortly after Reagan began his second term, a new Soviet leader came to power in the U.S.S.R. Who was he?
After _____ overthrew the _____, Carter instituted an ____ on Iranian oil imports.
Ayatollah Khomeini
Shah of Iran
After a series of provocations, Sparta and her allies declared war on Athens and her allies in a conflict known as the _______, which lasted until 404 B.C.
Peloponnesian War
During the ______ (10,000 B.C. to 4,000 B.C.), agriculture became prevalent, and semi-permanent small villages were established.
Mesolithic Era
____ were large wooden sailing vessels that dominated the spice trade during the Age of Exploration.
______ is having excessive interest in one’s own local region over the country as a whole.
In The Rise of Silas Lapham and A Modern Instance, _____ _____ ______ examined the role of wealth and industrialization on the American family.
William Dean Howells
Large numbers of defaults on ______ triggered the 2008 financial collapse.
subprime mortgages
In 1492, Ferdinand’s and Isabella’s forces conquered the last Moorish territory in Spain, _____.
_____ circumvented Africa and sailed directly to India, breaking Italian monopoly on trade with the east. He returned with Indian spices, earning a handsome profit for his investors.
Vasco da Gama (1469-1524) -
Fleeing a civil war in England, Puritans under ______ established numerous settlements in Massachusetts, including Boston.
John Winthrop
Founded in 1565, close to the location where ______ first discovered Florida as he sought the ______, _______ was the oldest continually occupied city in North America.
Ponce de Leon
Fountain of Youth
St. Augustine
What organization emerged to contest the establishment of the state of Israel? Who led it?
The Palestinian Liberation Organization led by Yasser Arafat
______ was the patron of Portuguese exploration. He funded sailing schools, directed the invention of the caravel, and employed cartographers.
Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
Elected President in 1896
Dem William McKinley beat R William Jennings Bryan
What term is given to the efforts of Italian thinkers in the late Renaissance to meld religious scholarship with their rediscovery of Greek philosophers such as Plato?
After the fall of Constantinople, Italian thinkers attempted to create a synthesis between the writings of the ancient Greeks and the ideas of Christianity, a movement known as Neo-Platonism.
___ issued the Declaration of Breda in 1660, a general pardon for all crimes committed during the English Civil War. Parliament promptly proclaimed him as King, restoring the Stuart monarchy.
Charles II
What did Johnson nickname the set of domestic programs he championed?
The Great Society
18th Brumaire, 1799
Abbé Sieyès and Napoleon Bonaparte led the coup which deposed the Directory
Nickname for helicopters in Vietnam
Generals in Mexican American war under Polk
Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott
Who published The Feminine Mystique in 1963?
Betty Friedan
The _____ sought further reforms than those which resulted from England’s break with Catholicism in the 1500s.
In the 1948 election Republicans chose _____ _____, the Governor of New York, to run for President.
Thomas Dewey
Election of 1852, _____ defeated ______.
Franklin Pierce (D) defeated Winfield Scott.
During the 1930s, Stalin launched the ____ _____, designed to rid the country of any undesirable elements.
Great Purge
Alone among the Italian Renaissance states, the Kingdom of _____ had a king, rather than a prince, duke, marquise, or other ruler.
_______ , the author of Nature and Self-Reliance, argued in favor of individualism and contended that America should develop its own literary style and culture distinct from Europe.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Preceded James Callaghan as PM
Harold Wilson
In 1890, Congress passed the _______, which prohibited all restraints of trade and unfair methods of competition. The new act was ambiguously written and rarely enforced.
Sherman Antitrust Act
What act caused the Hundred Years’ War?
1337, Edward III refused to pay homage to Philip VI, and Philip VI confiscated Edwad’s lands in Aquitaine
In Marx’s view, socialism would lead to a _____ society.
Between 1922-1923, President ______’s Secretary of the Interior accepted bribes to grant oil leases on federal lands at _____.
Teapot Dome
Capital of Assyrian Empire
UK reign 1461-1470, 1471-83, central figure in Wars of the Roses
Edward IV
Between 1815 and 1848, the major European powers often acted together to resolve European diplomatic and political issues. What was this system called?
Concert of Europe
_____ required each subject to take a loyalty oath, recognizing Henry VIII as the head of the Church in England.
Act of Succession
The _____ posits that modern man (Homo sapiens) first arose in Africa and began migrating to other parts of the earth approximately 50,000 years ago.
Out of Africa Thesis
Israel’s two most powerful ancient kings
David and Solomon
political ideology that began in the late 19th century and became influential after the Second World War calling for the extension of Christian principles into politics.
Christian Democracy
What was General Eisenhower’s biggest campaign promise during the 1952 election?
Ending war in Korea
What Chinese dynasty expelled the Mongols and reestablished an independent China?
The _____ were communist rebels from the government of America’s South Vietnamese allies. They were aided in their struggle by the North Vietnamese, Chinese, and Soviet Union.
Việt Cộng
Invented internal combustion engine
______ is where a single person or trust owns virtually all of one aspect in the production process.
horizontal integration
____ is in southern Anatolia and was one of the first city-states, dating from the late Neolithic Era.
Catal Huyuk
_____ refers to the devotion of a country’s or region’s natural resources to the growth and export of a small set of products.
The ______ movement, which achieved its zenith in the 1890s, was an Indian spiritual movement that incorporated numerous Indian belief systems.
Ghost Dance
He initiated English Reformation separating Church of England from papal authority, divine right of kings
Henry VIII
In 509 B.C., the Roman monarch ______ was overthrown and a republic established.
Tarquinius Superbus
fear that Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, and labor agitators were plotting to take over the US government and major industries
Red Scare
In 1813, Napoleon was defeated by the combined forces of Prussia, Russia, Austria, Sweden, and Saxony at the ______. In early 1814 he resigned and was exiled to the island of _____.
He returned briefly in 1815, only to be defeated at the _______ by a combined Anglo-Prussian force. Napoleon was sent to _____.
Battle of Leipzig
Battle of Waterloo
St Helena
After the conquest of North Africa concluded in May 1943, where did the Allies launch their next attacks?
Sicily and Italy
Henry VII defeated ____ at the _____
Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth
What artist proved instrumental in bringing down Boss Tweed’s political machine in New York City?
Thomas Nast political cartoons in Harpers Weekly
The influx of gold miners to South Dakota during the Black Hills Gold Rush in 1876 led to the outbreak of _______, including ______’s defeat by ______ at ________.
Great Sioux War
Custer’s defeat by Crazy Horse at Battle of Little Bighorn
Founder of Utilitarians
Jeremy Bentham
The _____, which stretched from 4,000 B.C. to 2,000 B.C., saw the development of more permanent villages and early cities, many of which contained walls and defensive fortifications.
Neolithic Era
The ______, the first organized women’s rights conference, was called in 1848 by these two women.
Seneca Falls Convention
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Tweed and other political bosses represented the corruption that led Mark Twain to call the period ______.
The Gilded Age
UK reign 1837-1910, Victorian Era, new technology & great expansion of empire, inherited throne after father’s older brothers died, House of Hanover, married Prince Albert
Practice most condemned by Luther’s 95 Theses
sale of indulgences
_______ broke with the National American Woman Suffrage Association (led by _______) to form the National Women’s Party.
Alice Paul
Carrie Chapman Catt
Arising around 250 A.D.., the _____, a civilization comprising some 40 city-states in Central America, developed advanced written language as well as a startlingly accurate calendar.
During the 1900 presidential election, the Democratic Party nominated
William Jennings Bryan, again
He was elected President in 1848, defeating these two.
Zachary Taylor (Whig) defeated Martin Van Buren (Free Soil) and Lewis Cass (Democrat)
Louis XIV revoked the _____, removing protection for Huguenots
Edict of Nantes
In 1919 the U.S. Department of Justice launched ______ which deported many communists and socialists.
Palmer Raids
UK reign 1702-1714, Great Britain united under her
Composer of L’Orfeo
Monteverdi - first true opera
After the end of the Second World War, who set up democracy in Japan?
General Douglas MacArthur
Commanders at Gettysburg
Meade and Lee
_____ _____ invented the steamboat, revolutionizing travel on the US waterways.
Robert Fulton
Peruvian UN Secretary General
In 1916, President Wilson directed General John Pershing to lead American troops into Northern Mexico, in an attempt to capture _____ _____.
Pancho Villa
Which side won the Spanish Civil War?
Franco’s Nationalist forces beat the Republicans
During his first inaugural address, President Franklin Roosevelt announced the _____ in his relations with Latin America.
“Good Neighbor Policy”
The Papacy dispatched theologian _____ who debated Luther at Leipzig, Germany in 1519. During the debate, Luther contended that the Pope was neither ____ nor did he have the exclusive right to interpret Scripture.
John Eck
In what primary way did Judaism differ from other early religions?
Amendment that defined citizenship to include all persons born or naturalized in the United States
After President ____declined to run, the Republicans nominated Secretary of ______, ______, for President in 1928
armed Italian groups that supported the use of armed force to establish a unified Italian state in 1830s
In 1951, the nations of France, West Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands signed the Treaty of Paris, which established the _____
European Coal and Steel Community
A Spanish rabbi living in Cairo, ______ wrote The Guide for the Perplexed.
In the 1896 election, the ____ marked those Democrats who were loyal to _____ and who supported the gold standard (as opposed to silver coinage).
Gold Bugs
President Cleveland
Philosophers distinguish between 2 kinds of knowledge: a priori, by thinking, & this, from experience
a posteriori (or empirical)
Native Americans who survived disease were enslaved under the ________ System.
Encomienda System.
Thomas Jefferson dispatched _____ ___ _____ to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.
Lewis and Clark
King who was a prince in the tower
Edward V
In 1935, Italy attacked what fellow member of the League of Nations?
______ philosopher _______ suggested that the “will to power” was mankind’s main driving force, and manifested itself in striving to reach the highest possible position in life.
Leader of the Chinese Republican forces after WWII
Chiang Kai-Shek
The belief that the United States was intended by God to rule the entirety of North America.
Manifest Destiny
First civilization to arise in Mesoamerica
British King called the “Lion of Justice”
Henry I, 1100-1135
Who broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier in 1947?
Jackie Robinson
Biden Secretary of Labor
Marty Walsh
Bronze-Age civilization south of Greece
While meditating in the mountains near Mecca, Muhammad had a spiritual encounter with the angel ____, during which the angel revealed the word of Allah (God) to him.
North Korean leader ____ crossed the 38th parallel in 1950, starting the ___
Kim Il-sung
Korean War
Hundred Years War ending
1453 - French drove England out and emerged as strong monarchic state
Under the ______, the U.S. government lent money to Germany to pay reparations to Britain and France after WWI.
Dawes Plan
Only Democrat to become president between the Civil War and 1912
Grover Cleveland
In 1939, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with which country?
Soviet Union
British monarch 1936-1952, Father of Elizabeth II, King’s Speech, WWII
George VI
Who was the most popular bandleader of the early 20th century?
John Philip Sousa
Samuel Gompers founded the
______ is a term popularized by Martin Luther, and holds that all believers are priests in God’s eyes.
Priesthood of All Believers- struck at power of pope hierarchy to intercede
bacteria carried into Europe by fleas that lived on black rats.
Bubonic plague
_____ was a nickname given to the colonial militia, who were trained to respond at a moment’s notice.
The Minutemen
British author Rudyard Kipling wrote of the _______ to extend the benefits of European civilization around the world
White Man’s Burden
The __ was the British colonial authority that ruled India in the 1700s and 1800s.
French-American ornithologist and painter who specialized in illustrating birds.
mountain pass used to invade India
Khyber Pass
Longest serving English monarch
Elizabeth II
Who was Gandhi’s chief political ally?
Period between Alexander the Great and emergence of Roman Empire after Battle of Actium
Hellenistic Period
Biden Secretary of Agriculture
Tom Vilsack
_______ (__th century) was an Italian priest and influential philosopher and theologian. His teaching and writings were the bedrock of late Medieval philosophy, and sought to reconcile faith and reason by using logic to support Christian doctrine. His reliance on logic would be countered by humanists during and after the Renaissance.
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
James K. Polk political party
Jacksonian Democrat
Patented steam engine in 1769
James Watt
Beginning in the 1960s, the US ____saw a large population influx, driven by temperate weather, cheaper land, and lower taxes.
____ popularized the Scientific Method in the early 1600s.
Francis Bacon
Ferdinand of ____, Isabella of ____
Aragon, Castile
The ______ met in 1774 and agreed to petition Parliament for relief from the Intolerable Acts.
First Continental Congress
a political organization is controlled by a “boss” or small leadership group, which can motivate a large “get out the vote” effort
machine politics
________ began with James Monroe’s election to the Presidency in 1816. Renewed optimism brought about by a revived American economy and peace in Europe.
The Era of Good Feelings
A large-scale slave revolt broke out in what Caribbean country in 1791?
Current President of Mexico
Lopez Obrador
Present-day Carthage
Islamic religious group that stresses Islam’s mystical traditions and places an emphasis on meditation, fasting, and devout prayer.
Published after the English Civil War, _______’s book _____ argued for absolute monarchy to prevent chaos.
Thomas Hobbes
Lincoln’s second VP
Andrew Johnson
King who was son of James I of England
Charles I
What author composed The Decameron, 100 stories detailing the comic sexual and economic improprieties of the clergy and nobles as well as other lighthearted stories?
Lenin ally in instituting Bolshevik control
art movement that systematically break down objects and reassemble them in an abstract geometric formula.
Who emerged as the leader of Russia after Gorbachev’s resignation?
Standard Oil Company controlled all of the _____ capability of US
oil refining
In California, the Spanish founded San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and under ____ planted religious missions along the California coast.
Father Junipero Serra
In June 1941, Hitler turned on Stalin and attacked the U.S.S.R., conquering hundreds of square miles of territory. What battle proved a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front?
UK reign 1483-1485, last of ____ kings, supposed to protect Edward V and brother princes in the tower but did not
Richard III
______ took place in 1815, when _____ and the royalists purged office holders from the government suspected of loyalty to Napoleon.
The White Terror
______ was popularized by German conservatives in the 1920s and 1930s, and contended that it was not battlefield defeat which led to Germany losing World War One, but the actions of German liberals on the Home Front.
The Stab in the Back myth
Freudian part of psyche that suppresses desire
_____ was the President of the New York Central Railroad during the 1860s and 1870s.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Although Clinton had proved unable to pass universal healthcare coverage, he did provide healthcare coverage for what vulnerable group?
First person to introduce printing press into England
William Caxton
Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac are two ____
Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs)
UK reign 1603-1625, James VI of Scotland, son of Mary Queen of Scots and nephew of Elizabeth I, Catholic. Jacobean Era. Sponsored translation of Bible.
James I
The Second Continental Congress sought to restore peace with Great Britain by sending the _____ _____ Petition.
Olive Branch
Although strictly against the terms of the Versailles Treaty, in 1933 Hitler’s Germany annexed _____, an event known as the Anschluss.
In 622, Muhammad and his band of followers were forced to leave Mecca and flee to _______ in a journey called the _____.
Former baseball player and fundamentalist preacher _____ ______ used colorful language and a return to “fire and brimstone” preaching to advocate for a return to religious principles.
Billy Sunday
Full name of Rhode Island
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
_____ contended that individuals, companies, and nations were governed by the same rules as biological natural selection; for instance, strong companies thrive while weak companies go bankrupt, theory known as _____.
Herbert Spencer
Social Darwinism
The Aryans introduced a social structure known as a _____ _____ into India around 1700 B.C.
caste system
Published in 1953, the novel _____ _____ presented a cynical critique of bureaucratic reasoning, presaging much of the attitude of the 1960s.
What war started in 1337?
Hundred Years War
______ is a planetary system under which the Earth is the center of the galaxy.
geocentric universe
What three countries did the George W. Bush Administration call “The Axis of Evil.”
Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
US economic aid to Europe after WWII
Marshall Plan
_____, which can loosely be translated as “duty,” refers to those deeds that must be fulfilled for improved reincarnation.
Only English Monarch who was also crowned King of France
Henry VI
Elected president in 1884
Grover Cleveland (D), defeated Blaine (R)
After William Henry Harrison died in office (after one month), _____ succeeded to the Presidency.
John Tyler
Turkish horsemen who arrived in Asia Minor as mercenaries against the Byzantine Empire.
The signatories of the _____-____ Pact of 1928 pledged not to use military force as an aggressive means.
Soviet alliance created in response to NATO
Warsaw Pact with Eastern European communist states
Proponents of the ____ contended that it was their Christian duty to improve the lives of the less fortunate.
Social Gospel
belief prominent in the 1840s and 1850s that emphasized cooperation, not competition, as being the best means of organizing society.
utopian socialism
The _____ Empire emerged as the most powerful of the separate states that arose in the wake of the Tang Dynasty’s collapse.
_______ in Massachusetts shut down the county courts to prevent land seizures and imprisonment for debt.
Shays’ Rebellion
First coined by Adam Smith during the Enlightenment, the _____ refers to the competition between buyers and sellers, each of which are motivated by their own self-interested desires for profit.
Invisible Hand
In 1912, U.S. Secretary of State ____ announced that no nation would be permitted to acquire meaningful territory in the Western Hemisphere.
Henry Cabot Lodge
______, former Governor of Louisiana and that state’s Senator from 1932 until he was killed in 1935, opposed Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation by proposing his “Share the Wealth” program.
Huey Long
Overwhelming naval superiority enabled the British navy to conduct what form of naval warfare in WWI?
_____’s natural laws appear in the Declaration of Independence, which states that “mankind is endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
John Locke
In 1767, the British government passed the _____ _____, which established new taxes on paper, tea, and glass, suspended New York’s colonial government, and gave British customs officials the power to issue writs of assistance.
Townshend Acts
1844 presidential election was between
James Polk (Democrat) and Henry Clay (Whig)
In addition to eliminating private noble armies, Henry VII, whose reign lated 1485 to 1509 used the _____ to break the power of the landed gentry.
Court of the Star Chamber
What 1994 document outlined the actions Republicans promised to take if they became a majority party in the House of Representatives?
Contract with America
Persian King who invaded Greece for the second time
After the Second Continental Congress “adopted” the New England troops surrounding Boston, who did they dispatch to take command?
George Washington
Islamic term for Jews and Christians.
People of the Book
In early 1947, President Truman announced that the United States would provide aid to _____, where pro-Western forces were involved in a civil war with Communist troops.
Name for supporters of Parliament during English Civil War
Andrew Jackson political party
The 1863 capture of _____ under _____ completed the Union conquest of the Mississippi River.
Combining the techniques of the Renaissance and Mannerism with his own innovative style, ____ created a distinctive Spanish art style that influenced Picasso, Manet, Cézanne, and countless others.
El Greco
Which religious leader founded Presbyterianism?
John Knox
In 1919, alcohol became illegal through the passage of the ______ Amendment.
During the Dutch Renaissance, _____ _____ painted fantastical images that focused on death and the consequences of sin, such as The Garden of Earthly Delights.
Hieronymus Bosch
Bosch (1450-1516) painted scenes (such as those contained within the triptychs of The Garden of Earthly Delights or Death and the Miser) often conveying the consequences of sin in allegorical and symbolic form.
What Romantic British poet’s works include Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage?
Lord Byron
At ______ on November 6, 1869, the tracks of the Central Pacific Railway were joined to those of the Union Pacific Railway
Promontory Point, Utah
First Catholic to run for presidency on a major ticket
Al Smith
______ artists primarily painted nature and wilderness scenes of upstate NY
Hudson River School
Recognized as King of France but died before he could succeed to the throne
Henry V
In Marx’s _______, the thesis was the _____ and the antithesis was the _____.
dialectical materialism
Latino civil rights activist who founded the National Farm Workers of America in 1962
Cesar Chavez
The _____ challenged mercantilism and contended that the amount of productive work in a society, rather than gold and silver, demonstrated national wealth.
1960s religious movement that preached black separatism, black nationalism, and self-improvement.
Nation of Islam
Political scandal in France in late 19th Century where Jewish General Staff member was accused of being a spy
Dreyfus Affair
________ preached that she had received revelations from God, which ran contrary to Puritan teaching. Banned from Massachusetts in 1638, she founded ______.
Anne Hutchinson
Confederate VP
Alexander Stephens
Election of 1856, _____ defeated ____ and ____.
Buchanan (Dem) defeated Fremont (Rep) and Fillmore (Know-Nothing)
Current UN Secretary General
Antonio Guterres, Portugal
Most US immigration between 1845 and 1852 can be attributed to _____.
the Irish Potato Famine
In 1598, French King _____ issued the _____ _____ _____, which officially established toleration of the Huguenots and ended France’s religious civil wars.
Henry IV
Edict of Nantes
Freudian part of psyche from which sexual urges and aggressiveness dervice
In the wake of France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, what group seized power in Paris?
Paris Commune - socialists
olish astronomer, who published On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres in 1543. Copernicus posited a heliocentric universe in which the sun was the center of the solar system and all the planets revolved around it in a circular path.
The “destroyer” in Hindu mythology
Ran against Lincoln in 1864 election
George McClellan (Dem)
Inventor of the light bulb
Thomas Edison
In 1936, the Republicans ran _____ against Franklin Roosevelt.
Governor Alf Landon
UK reign 1698-1727, Jacobitesattempted, but failed, to depose George and replace him withJames Francis Edward Stuart, Anne’sCatholichalf-brother.
George I
Biden Secretary of HUD
Marcia Fudge
Ronald Reagan, former Governor of California, received the Republican presidential nomination in 1980, running with the campaign slogan ______.
“Make America Great Again.”
In 1911, a revolution in Mexico ousted President ______. For the next 10 years, Mexico was chaotic as rivals, including _____, jockeyed for power.
Porfirio Diaz
Pancho Villa
Four-way presidential election contest in 1912
- -Republican Taft (incumbent)
- -Socialist Debs
- -Progressive (“Bull Moose”) party nominated Teddy Roosevelt
- -Democrat Woodrow Wilson
Portuguese funder of 1400s navigation expeditions
Prince Henry the Navigator
The Declaration of Independence established the right of the people to declare independence when their government violates the people’s _____.
natural rights
_______’s ______ argued that the government’s only role was to defend the state from external enemies, protect the citizens’ property, and enforce contracts. In advocating a ______ economic approach, he contended that government interference in the market hindered trade.
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations
Negotiated Treaty of Versailles for Great Britain
David Lloyd George
Fundamentalist preacher who reached her highest popularity during the 1920s, taking advantage of the newly available radio
Aimee Semple McPherson
In 1798, the Federalists won a majority of seats in the Senate and House due to anti-French sentiments after the XYZ affair. What three laws did they pass?
Alien, Sedition, and Naturalization Acts
In 1429, the French defeated English forces laying siege to the town of Orleans. Who led the French forces?
Joan of Arc, Hundred Years War - captured by England and burned at stake
Between February 19 and March 15, 1945, American forces took the island of _____ _____ in one of World War II’s fiercest battles.
Iwo Jima
Henry II is best known for
quarrel with Thomas Becket
_____ is an economic theory which posits that because the world’s wealth is limited, trade is a “zero-sum” game, i.e. that the balance of trade in one nation’s favor is another nation’s loss.
Signed in 1992, the ________ established the European Union
Maastricht Treaty
succeeded Stalin
In 1685, ____ died, and was succeeded by ______ as King of England.
Charles II
James II/VII
What was the governing document of the Plymouth Colony?
The Mayflower Compact
Henry VIII asked ____ for a divorce from _____
Pope Clement VII
Catherine of Aragon
Egyptian UN Secretary General
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
What did Chairman Mao term his plan to rapidly improve China’s industrial capabilities?
Great Leap Forward
First of the Norman Kings of UK
William the Conqueror
According to most anthropologists, how did the first humans arrive in North and South America?
Over the Bering Land Bridge
3 major plants to Europe from Columbian exchange
maize, tomatoes, potatoes
Most influential philosophe
What internal improvement marked the high point of engineering during the Sui and Tang Dynasties?
Grand Canal linking Yellow and Yangtze Rivers
_____ were Northerners who came South after the War to operate the Reconstruction governments; _____ were Southerners who cooperated with them.
The ____ Project, led by _____, was US effort to develop atomic weapons.
Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer
Which act of Congress, passed during World War One made it illegal to make “disloyal” or “abusive” remarks about the government?
The Sedition Act
Biden Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Denis McDonough
Who wrote A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies in 1542?
Bartolomé de las Casas, a Spanish priest, wrote A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies.
UK reign 1727-1760. In 1745 supporters of theCatholicclaimant to the British throne,James Francis Edward Stuart(“The Old Pretender”), led by James’s sonCharles Edward Stuart(“The Young Pretender” or “______”), attempted and failed to depose George in thelast of the Jacobite rebellions.
George II
Bonnie Prince Charlie
______ created a law code containing various punishments, including the famous “an eye for an eye.”
quintessential example of Cubist art
Marchel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase
Congress strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by passing the ____, which increased the number of impermissible business activities.
Clayton Act
Shortly before the end of World War II, in February of 1945, the Big Three met at _____
Romantic writer of Faust
Sculptor of Ecstasy of St. Teresa
Under ____, who ruled from 1279 B.C. to 1213 B.C., Egypt’s _____ (circa 1550 B.C. to 1070 B.C.) reached its height of power and influence.
Ramses II
New Kingdom
Seven Years’ War
1756-1763, Prussia. Frederick the Great held off France, Russia, and Sweden. Included French and Indian War.
Trickle-down economics is part of a larger economic theory, _____ economics.
Jane Addams founded
Hull House
______ hired _____ to lead a vast project to redesign Paris.
Napoleon III
Baron George Haussmann
Soviet expert in the State Department who first articulated the doctrine of containment in a 1946 cable to the State Department.
George Kennan
In 1948, HUAC investigated allegations of spying against _____, a high-ranking State Department official.
Alger Hiss
Following the declaration of war against Spain in 1898, Assistant Secretary of the Navy ____ resigned and formed his own cavalry unit called ______.
Teddy Roosevelt
Rough Riders
During an 1880s _____ rally in ______, an unknown anarchist threw a bomb, which injured seven policemen.
Knights of Labor
Haymarket Square in Chicago
First Plantagenet King of UK
Henry II - Henry of Anjou, 1154-89
In 1893, historian ______ published his essay The Frontier in American History.
Frederick Jackson Turner
At a ______ at Versailles, the Third Estate declared themselves France’s National Constituent Assembly and swore an oath not to disband until they’d composed and adopted a written constitution.
tennis court
The three most important Mesoamerican Indian empires
the Aztecs (Mexico), the Olmec (Mexico), and the Maya (Mexico).
Proposal put forward in the United Nations in 1946 that proposed a complete elimination of all nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear power only for peaceful means.
Baruch Plan
After the Berlin Airlift, the Soviet sector of Germany became the ________ and the western portion became the _______.
German Democratic Republic
Federal Republic of Germany
Arising from small states around the Ganges River in 320 A.D., the _____ _____ established control over much of northern India.
Gupta Empire
Alamo Siege took place during the _____.
Mexican-American War
In response to the South’s _____ _____, Congress passed the first _____ _____ Act in 1866.
Black Codes
Civil Rights
Two sons of Henry II
Richard I (Lionheart) and John
Last phase of Bronze-Age Greece
Mycenaean Greece
automaker who profited from VW beetle sold under the Nazis
Ferdinand Porsche
Russia and Britain divided Persia into _____ of _____ in the 1800s
spheres of influence
During his 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan called for tax breaks and tax cuts for wealthier Americans in a policy known as ______.
trickle-down economics.
President Franklin Roosevelt conducted radio broadcasts known as ____
fireside chats
Maryland was a _____ colony of ______, who received a charter from ______.
proprietary colony
Lord Baltimore
King James I
U.S. Navy Commodore _____ forcibly opened _____ to American trade in 1853.
Matthew Perry
1618-1648, started as a Civil War within Holy Roman Empire (various German provinces vying for power), then expanded out
Thirty Years War
Large musical composition resembling an opera but without interaction.
Hitler’s desire for a portion of Czechoslovakia led to what international conference in 1938?
The Munich Conference
Oldest operable steam locomotive
“John Bull,” operated by Smithsonian
First capital of ancient Egypt
Biden Secretary of Energy
Jennifer Granholm
Who were the candidates of the two major political parties in the 1876 presidential election?
Dem Samuel Tilden vs. Republican Civil War General and OH Congressman/Gov Rutherford B. Hayes
_____ founded the Church of Christ, Scientist in the late 19th century.
Mary Baker Eddy
1914 - the German ____ Plan sought to take advantage of the time it would take the slow-moving Russian Army to mobilize, and sought to conquer France first by amassing troops on the Western Front, before transferring troops to the Eastern Front to fight Russia.
Schlieffen Plan
In 1649, Parliament authorized Oliver Cromwell to invade _____ to quash royalist sentiment.
Wives of Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr
flight of the Hebrews out of Egypt around 1400 B.C.
the Exodus
Controlled the Standard Oil Company in late 1800s
John D. Rockefeller
UK reign 1901-1910, son of Victoria, married to Alexandra of Denmark, namesake of ____ era - post Boer war, new technology
Edward VII
US constitution gives power over foreign policy to _____
The President
In 1485, ______ defeated _____ and seized the Crown, inaugurating the ____ Dynasty that would rule England for 117 years.
Lancastrian Henry Tudor (Henry VII)
Richard III
wedge-shaped writing developed by the ancient Sumerians around 3300 B.C.
The issue of free silver split the Democratic Party in 1896, which nominated free silver advocate _____.
William Jennings Bryan
What did the Seventeenth Amendment establish?
As part of the reforms of the Progressive Era, the Seventeenth Amendment established the direct election of Senators, and was passed in 1913.
Beginning in the 1880s, black journalist ______ devoted herself to investigating and exposing what societal ill?
Ida B. Wells
Term for the entire Hebrew Bible
Babur, a descendant of the Turks and Mongols, led a large force southward from Central Asia to conquer northern India beginning in the late 1520s and established the _____ Empire.
The term ______ refers to the imperial powers exercised by the Japanese Emperor after the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, beginning in 1867.
Meiji Restoration
The _____ was a radical leftist group, organized as an offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society. Conducted bombings.
Weather Underground
The ____ were a set of Bantu-speaking clans residing to the east of British South Africa and the Boer Republics.
The _____ was an intercepted communication between Germany and Mexico, with the Germans asking for Mexican assistance in the event of an American declaration of war against Germany.
Zimmermann Telegram
By 858, the powerful ____ clan had gained permanent control of the Japanese chancellorship, which they held into the 1100s.
By 1000 B.C., the ____had established a kingdom known as _____ in Palestine.
collective name for laws passed in the South after Reconstruction to discriminate against and disenfranchise blacks
Jim Crow laws
What two men vied for political power in Great Britain between the 1860s and 1880s?
Liberal Party’s William Gladstone and the Tory Party’s Benjamin Disraeli.
What was the first US institute of higher learning to admit women?
Oberlin College
Gandhi’s successor
Jamaican immigrant who created the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in the 1920s to further black pride and to promote black separatism and a return to Africa.
Marcus Garvey
The ____ are the first four books of the New Testament and contain the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
Who was the most well traveled man of the 1300s?
Ibn Battuta
The first historian
Religious temples that dominated Mesopotamian cities
Who replaced Nikita Khrushchev as leader of the Soviet Union in 1964?
Brezhnev - hardline communist, ended Khrushchev Thaw reforms
What were the two most well-known Greek city-states during classical Greek civilization?
Athens and Sparta
Special prosecutor for Watergate
Archibald Cox
Tennesse folk hero Congressman, died at the Alamo
Davy Crockett
In 1897, early in President McKinley’s first term, gold was discovered in _____
In WWII, ______ policy allowed countries engaged in war to purchase arms and ammunition in the United States, provided they carried it back to their country aboard their own ships.
Cash and Carry
Name and nationality of assassin of RFK
Sirhan Sirhan, Palestinian
Written summary of Protestant beliefs presented in 1530
Augsburg Confession
The first civilization was
The _______ investigated the death of President Kennedy in Dallas, in November 1963.
Warren Commission
What was the final major island to be conquered as part of the War in the Pacific during WWII?
In July and August of 1945, representatives from the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain divided up Germany into zones of occupation at the _____ _____.
Potsdam Conference
Lao-Tse, a wandering scholar who lived in China in the 600s B.C., gave birth to ____.
Biden Attorney General
Merrick Garland
French ministers tried to bribe John Adams’ diplomats who were negotiating over search of ships, called the ____
XYZ Affair
During October of 1929, Congress debated the _____ Tariff, which would establish the highest tariff rate in history.
Current Prime Minister of Japan
His safety elevator made large buildings practical
Elisha Otis
a community that experiences exponential growth in population and wealth in a short period.
During the early 1970s, U.S. President Richard Nixon negotiated two arms control treaties with the Soviet Union. What were they?
- Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT): froze the number of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
- Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty: ABMs were capable of destroying inbound missiles, and their use would have started a new arms race; both sides agreed not to further develop them
_____ was a Shawnee, who tried to unite the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River in a confederacy to resist white expansion.
First three American universities
Harvard, William & Mary, Yale
1846 measure introduced in House of Representatives to ban slavery in territory conquered from Mexico
Wilmot Proviso
In 1882, Congress banned immigration from ______ for a period of 10 years, which was extended an additional 10 years in 1892.
US presidential election of 1828 was between
JQ Adams and Andrew Jackson
Author of the Aeneid
Eighteenth Amendment
Succeeded Lenin as head of Soviet Union
Swiss humanist and pastor, who developed an independent form of Protestantism through the influence of Luther and Erasmus.
_____ challenged _____ for Senator from Illinois in 1858
Lincoln, Douglas
Who is considered the Father of Texas?
Stephen Austin
War that began when Ottoman Sultan granted French the role as protector of holy places in Palestine, conflicting with arrangements between Turks and Russians
Crimean War
Arrangement to admit California as a free state, ban slave trading, Fugitive Slave Act, and more.
Compromise of 1850
According to legend, the first Pope
Who was America’s first popular writer?
Washington Irving
Santa Anna’s troops were defeated at the Battle of _______.
San Jacinto
____ was a 1760s attack by a group of allied Indian tribes against British outposts west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Working class reform movement in 1830s Britain demanding electoral reforms
Wilson called his foreign policy ______, and appointed ______ as Secretary of State
“Moral Diplomacy.” William Jennings Bryan
Biden Secretary of Education
Miguel Cardona
Current President of China
Xi Jinping
Current President of Russia
In 1491, _____ contracted a bold marriage with Anne of Brittany while she was formally engaged to the Holy Roman Emperor. The marriage cemented the territory of modern France.
Charles VIII of France
_____ limited child labor for those under the age of 16. In addition, it established a minimum wage and the 40-hour work week.
The Fair Labor Standards Act
Current President of France
In the ______, the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia dissolved, and the country held democratic elections in December 1989, electing democracy advocate ______ as President.
Velvet Revolution
Vaclav Havel
Beginning in the 1860s and continuing until the birth of radio in the 1920s, what was the most popular form of entertainment in the United States?
In one of his most controversial moves, President Carter signed a treaty giving away control of what U.S.-controlled territory?
The Panama Canal Zone
_____was a newspaper publisher who printed statements critical of New York’s governor in 1734 and was tried for libel.
John Peter Zenger.
What author’s Book of the Courtier, published in 1528, was a guidebook on how to be a Renaissance Man?
Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529) published The Book of the Courtier, which specified the qualities necessary to be a true Renaissance Man. Castiglione described the magnificence of the court in the small Duchy of Urbino and emphasized its members’ intellectual and physical activities.
Who wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848?
Marx and Engels
_____, the head of the United Mine Workers, formed the ______, which concentrated on textile, automobile, and steel workers.
John L. Lewis
In Eastern Europe, where did the collapse of Communism first begin?
Poland, which broke free from the control of the Soviet Union in 1989.
At the Battle of _______, Lee defeated _____’s Army of the Potomac
The _____, signed in 1941, was a US policy that allowed Great Britain to purchase arms on credit.
Lend-Lease Act
Current King of Spain
Felipe VI
Detroit-reared heavyweight champ of the ’30s & ’40s
Joe Louis
Sumeria was located in
In 1850, the _____ _____ broke out in China, begun by Hong Xiuquan, who’d become convinced that he was Jesus Christ’s younger brother.
Taiping Rebellion
Wrote “Gospel of Wealth” arguing the wealthy had to better society by aiding the poor
Andrew Carnegie
On October 31, ____, Martin Luther, a priest and professor of theology, nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a Catholic church in _____.
Wittenberg, Germany
Had the “City on a Hill” vision for Puritan colonies
John Winthrop
The Cedar Revolution (2005) was in
What artistic development in the early Italian Renaissance allowed for the creation of more visually accurate paintings?
Florentine artists grasped the importance of linear perspective, which required making more distant objects smaller. Henceforth, painters would focus not on two-dimensional representations of objects, but on making their art appear three-dimensional.
British King who died falling off his horse
William the Conqueror
____ employed the Impressionists’ use of color and light, but employed more sharply defined geometric shapes.
As a result of the Russian Revolution, which branch of the Communist Party seized power?
_____’s admission to the US as a _____ state threatened to upset the even numbers in the Senate
slave state
the clearing of a parcel of land by fire, farming it until the soil becomes exhausted, and then moving on to the next parcel of land.
slash-and-burn agriculture
Although not a Lutheran, Prince _____ _____ of Saxony was Luther’s chief protector.
Frederick III
______ was the first black person elected to Congress, and represented Mississippi in Congress in 1870 and 1871.
Hiram Revels
1820s: ____ and ____, younger members of the Tory Party, advocated reform over reaction. The two led the way in reforming Britain’s criminal code, liberalizing trade, and eliminating religious qualifications from government participation.
Peel and Canning
Roman term for the Germanic and Asiatic tribes that began to launch attacks on the Roman lands beginning in the 300s.
Other name for Qing Dynasty
individuals chosen by the community for their ability to intercede with the spirit world on the community’s behalf
Hundred Years War difference between English and French monarchs
English had to ask Parliament for taxing power; French didn’t so absolute monarchs, l’etat c’est moi
The ______ was chartered to respond to the inflation that resulted from the end of the War of 1812 by tightening public credit. As a result, the economy collapsed.
Second Bank of the United States
Announced in 1492, the _______ announced that all Jews must leave Ferdinand’s and Isabella’s territory unless they renounced Judaism and became Roman Catholics.
Alhambra Decree
Current Fed Chair
Jerome Powell
A _____ is a small sailing ship that, unlike other ships of the Age of Exploration, was able to sail into the wind. Invented by the ____ during the late Medieval period.
Who are generally considered the most powerful political figures in the late Medieval period?
Pope and Catholic Church
_____ describes the hands-off policy the British adopted towards the colonies prior to 1763. The British did not enforce parliamentary law or interfere in trade.
salutary neglect
Britain, France, and Russia in WWI
Triple Entente
Preceded and followed Harold Wilson as PM
Edward Heath
The ____ were Republicans who were dissatisfied with the nomination of James G. Blaine in 1884 and supported Dem nominee _____.
Grover Cleveland
Austrian UN Secretary General
Kurt Waldheim
Who do most scholars consider the first painter of the Italian Renaissance?
Giotto - beautiful pictures representing accurate human forms.
What Romantic Polish composer wrote his “Revolutionary Étude” in support of his country’s November Uprising of 1831?
US policy of _______ focused on keeping Communism where it already existed, suggested by ______ and led to formation of
Secretary of State George Kennan
In 1957, Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg signed the _____, which established the _____ _____ _____.
Treaty of Rome
European Economic Community
______ published _____ in 1687, mathematically derived theories leading to the development of physics and ____.
Isaac Newton
Where was the first nuclear device detonated?
New Mexico
The ____ dynasty followed the Shang as China’s rulers, arising out of nomads from the west and conquering much of China by 1045 B.C.
Philosopher who was one of Alexander the Great’s teachers
In 1983, a bloody military coup in which island nation prompted U.S. intervention and the restoration of the democratically elected government?
First US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize
Theodore Roosevelt, for efforts in resolving Russo-Japanese War
The Virginia Company, a joint-stock company, received a charter from ______.
King James I
In October, 1856, a force of 800 pro-slavery forces attacked ________, Kansas.
The War of ____ was resolved under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, _____ remained on the Hapsburg throne, and Prussia gained control of ____, a rich and populous territory that allowed Prussia to compete with Austria as an equal.
Austrian Succession
Maria Theresa
In the _____, Congress established a lottery system to ensure that all segments of the population were democratically drafted into the Army for WWI.
Selective Service Act
English Reformation sequence from Elizabeth I to Anne
Elizabeth, James I/VI, Charles I, (Cromwell), Charles II, James II/VII, William and Mary, Anne
The Free Soil Party ran _______ as their candidate in 1848.
Martin Van Buren
Who ran against President Johnson in the 1964 presidential election?
On _____ _____, October 24, 1929, investors sold 13 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange, and the market lost some 11% in value.
Black Thursday
In an effort to acquire natural resources and expand its territory, Japan invaded ____ in 1931
In January 1968, Việt Cộng and North Vietnamese launched a massive attack called _____, capturing Saigon.
Tet Offensive
1972 Nixon won every state but
theory contending that USSR and US would avoid nuclear confrontation
Mutual Assured Destruction
Italy’s strongest naval power in Renaissance
Formed in 1645 to serve as the military arm of the Parliament, the _____ contained a professional officer corps and a well-disciplined rank and file.
New Model Army, led by Oliver Cromwell
Southern-oriented organization headed by Jerry Falwell, a Baptist preacher, and it appealed to evangelical Christians.
Moral Majority
art movement sought to portray and evoke emotion by distorting the representation of the physical world. Most common example is ____
Munch’s The Scream
The _____ _____ _____ _____ guaranteed workers’ rights to join unions, and established the right of employers to negotiate collectively.
National Labor Relations Act (1935)
As the second governor of the Plymouth Bay Colony, _____ _____ guided the colony through its early years.
William Bradford
In 1973 Congress passed the ______ Act, aimed at preventing another Vietnam War.
War Powers
1941 agreement between FDR and Churchill describing the Allies’ war objectives
Atlantic Charter
In 1494, ______’s forces invaded Italy in alliance with the Duchy of Milan, shattering 50 years of peace on the Italian peninsula.
Charles VIII of France
____ gave rise to the concept of absurdism by arguing that man’s search for meaning was futile because the vast realm of the unknown was doomed to fail.
Alliance of Southern Democrats and Republicans that dominated Congress in the 1940s and 1950s
Conservative Coalition
Only Japanese city that westerners were allowed to enter during the Tokugawa Shogunate
the scientific process by which metals are extracted from their ores, purified, and made into useful objects.
Whose world map of 1569 was primarily designed to aid sailors by marking compass courses as straight lines?
His company by the late 1880s supplied half of all steel used worldwide.
Andrew Carnegie
What action did Louis Napoleon take in 1852?
threw off all trappings of being a democratically elected leader and named himself the Emperor of France, ruling as Napoleon III.
What dynasty brought an end to China’s Warring States Period?
Qin Dynasty
____ and ____ Egypt were unified under pharaoh’s rule in 3100 BC
Upper and Lower
Which religion arose from a Chinese government official’s thoughts on the proper relationship between society and the individual?
In a _____, funds are contributed into a common pool by investors who share in the company’s profits and losses. Proved an effective way to meet the large upfront costs of trading missions and colonial settlements.
joint stock company
_____ is the presentation of information artificially skewed to persuade the audience of a certain viewpoint.
Reagan’s Federal Reserve chair
Paul Volcker
______ is a theory which asserted that knowledge came from sensory experience.
Swedish UN Secretary General
Dag Hammarskjold
Persian King who invaded Greece for the first time
_____ marked the intellectual high point of the Counter-Reformation. As a gathering of Catholic leaders which continued under a number of Popes, it refined and systematized Catholic belief, and remedied most of the excesses which had provoked the Reformation, including banning indulgences, pluralism, and simony.
Council of Trent
1905 - Demonstrators peaceably assembled near the Tsar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to present the Tsar with a list of grievances. Tsarist troops opened fire on the crowd, killing 96. Event known as _____
Bloody Sunday
Siddhartha Gautama, who lived from around 560 B.C. to 480 B.C., is better known by the name of ____
In 1948, North Korea formed a Communist government under ____
Kim Il-sung
Published in 1890, _____ by ______ contained photographs of the living conditions in New York’s tenements and slums.
How the Other Half Lives
Jacob Riis
The “preserver” in Hindu mythology
Architect who mentored Frank Lloyd Wright
Louis Sullivan
What country posed the first significant challenge to the Spanish and Portuguese exploration?
The Dutch East India Company
English Reformation sequence from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I
Henry VIII (severed link with Rome) His son Edward VI (age 9) ascended and established Protestantism, named teenage Lady Jane Grey, Mary I deposed her after nine days and reinstated Catholicism, then she died five years later --> Elizabeth I
Southern euphemism for slavery
Peculiar Institution
After the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized what group to coordinate desegregation efforts throughout the South?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
______ were artists who reacted against the Renaissance ideals of balance, symmetry, and simplicity by depicting figures with elongated forms and irregular colors.
British King at the end of the Hundred Years War
Henry VI, lost all French lands except Calais
The ____ Amendment, passed in 1804, allowed electors to cast two separate votes for President and Vice President.
First solo flight around the world
Wiley Post
Last significant battle of Wars of the Roses
Bosworth Field
____ was a kingdom to the south of Egypt, which was eventually conquered by the Egyptians around 1500 B.C. Served as a trade conduit between Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa.
In 1867, Austria granted the Hungarians’ demands for independence. Although ____ would rule over both Austria and Hungary (hence the name _____) and the two states would share an army and have a single foreign policy, both nations were administered separately.
Franz Joseph I
Dual Monarchy
Clinton dispatched ______ to reach the ______ Agreement trying to resolve Northern Ireland conflict
George Mitchell
Good Friday
UK reigned 1553-58, Bloody Mary, married and ruled with Philip of Spain, deposed/beheaded Lady Jane Grey, Catholic and wanted to reverse the Reformation
Mary Tudor/Mary I/Bloody Mary
Following the death of Tsar Alexander I in 1825, a group of moderately liberal military officers, the _____, demonstrated against the autocratic regime of the new Tsar Nicholas I.
In 1944, in anticipation of the return of millions of servicemen and servicewomen, Congress passed the ___
GI Bill
In contrast to his predecessors’ focus on détente, President Reagan took a hard-line stance on the Soviet Union. What term did he apply to the U.S.S.R. in 1983?
Evil Empire
In 1886, ______ founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Samuel Gompers
King who introduced Calvinism as official religion of England
Edward VI
____ established binomial nomenclature for plants and animals.
Although scholastic writers in the Late Middle Ages typically wrote in Latin, authors such as Dante and Chaucer wrote in Italian and English respectively, allowing a wider audience to enjoy their work. During the Renaissance, ________ writing became the norm for writers of works for popular consumption.
Freudian part of psyche that provides organizing and rational functions
The vigorous expansion of the U.S. armed forces in anticipation of eventual involvement in World War I was known as _____.
Located in modern-day Arizona and New Mexico, the ____ peoples created sophisticated networks of pueblos, cliff dwellings, roads, and canals for irrigation. The civilization collapsed after 1150 due to severe and long-lasting droughts.
President who requested declaration of Spanish American War
During _____, which was fought in North America 1739-1748 by the British against France and Spain, American forces fought by the side of the British and endured many casualties.
King George’s War
German for “lightning war,” referred to a tactic of using tanks and planes to create a hole in the enemy’s line of troops, then use that hole to cause a collapse of the enemy’s forces.
During the 1872 campaign, the Republicans relied upon ____ a tactic they’d employed since 1866, by referring to those who had fought and died in the Civil War to justify their re-election.
“waving the bloody shirt”
Who won the popular vote in the 1876 presidential election?
Samuel J. Tilden (over Hayes) - eventually resolved by Commission
What event led to the collapse of France’s Fourth Republic?
Algerian civil war and revolt
_____’s plan was popular around the US and prompted FDR to suggest the Social Security Administration.
Dr. Francis Townsend
President from 1877 to 1881, ____ advocated civil service reform rather than ______.
Rutherford Hayes
Spoils System
Harding’s VP
Calvin Coolidge, president after Harding died
Date of storming of Bastille
July 14, 1789
Raphael’s best known work
The School of Athens
Twenty-First Amendment
Repealed the 18th Amendment and ended Prohibition
Founded University of Pennsylvania
Ben Franklin
Following American victory at the Battle of ___ (1777), ____ recognized the United States and provided naval assistance, supplies, and monetary aid to the fledgling nation.
To establish a protective containment barrier against communism, President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, _____, established what international organization modeled on NATO?
John Foster Dulles
_____ is a policy of extending a country’s power, territory, or influence by diplomacy, force, or a combination of both.
What prompted Portugal and Spain to begin their voyages of exploration?
Portugal and Spain were both eager to break the Italian monopoly on the profitable Asian and Middle Eastern trade.
Panamanian President _____ was a well-known drug trafficker who had annulled an election that had ousted him.
Manuel Noriega
In an effort to resolve the question of slavery in the Mexican Cession, Henry Clay proposed ______.
The Compromise of 1850.
Dutch Renaissance painter _____ _____ painted both religious and secular scenes, including genre paintings populated by peasants.
Pieter Bruegel (1525-1569)
To differentiate him from his son who was also a painter, he is commonly referred to as Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Bruegel’s secular scenes portray everyday Dutch life and heavily influenced genre painting and depictions of commoners (rather than royal portraits).
Three most famous ancient Greek playwrights
Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles
Who did the Republicans nominate at the 1866 Republican Convention?
nickname for the shantytowns built by homeless people during the Great Depression
In 1894 _____ announced a reduction in wages, but not a corresponding reduction in rents at his company town. Workers struck and sought the assistance of ______, head of the American Railway Union.
George Pullman
Eugene Debs
period of low economic growth but rapidly increasing prices
UK reign 1509-1547
Henry VIII
Vietnamese UN Secretary General
U Thant
Most prominent Romantic composer
Soviets created their own alliance with the Eastern European Communist states called ___
the Warsaw Pact
Enlightenment thinker, edited first Encyclopedia
In May 1860, Sardinian ally _____ _____ landed in Sicily with his _____, and by September had conquered most of Southern Italy.
Red Shirts
In 1493, the Pope divided the world between Portugal and Spain by drawing a line down a map of the known world, giving Spain everything west of the ______, and Portugal everything to the east.
Papal Line of Demarcation
Having contended that the Pope had no jurisdiction over Christians, Luther argued that the authority to regulate the rights of Christians belonged to ____.
secular rulers
–> used to justify Divine Right of Kings
Germany exacerbated European relations in the early 20th century by commencing an expansion in what branch of her armed services?
a labor system in which jobs are not restricted solely to union members
open shop
______ wrote Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer. In it, he argued that even though the Townshend Acts were indirect taxes, they violated English law.
John Dickinson
The _____, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, desired a weak central government with limited powers as clearly enumerated in the Constitution.
Democratic-Republican Party
What literary form was invented by French Renaissance writer Michel de Montaigne?
The essay
Reagan supported the _____, dubbed ______ by pundits, which would use ground and space-based systems to protect US from nuclear attack
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Star Wars
hired during a strike to keep a company’s production flowing
the period between roughly 2.6 million years ago and 5,000 B.C.
Stone Age
The Articles of Confederation established a _____ legislature.
Current President of Brazil
Inventor of the movie camera
Thomas Edison
What two groups made up Russia’s Social Democrat Party?
The Social Democrat Party was comprised of the Mensheviks, who favored more gradual social reform, and the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, who favored a revolution spearheaded by professional revolutionaries.
Founder of the KKK
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Gorbachev twin goals
glasnost (greater political freedom) and perestroika (moderate economic freedoms).
During the Johnson Administration, what counter-insurgency tactic did the United States use against the Việt Cộng and the North Vietnamese?
“search and destroy.”
_____ were Spanish soldiers, sent to explore, pacify, and colonize the New World. In Mexico, _____ conquered the Aztecs by 1524, and ____ completed the conquest of Peru in 1532.
Receiving a federal charter in May of 1933, the _____ _____ _____ provided rural electrification in six Southern states.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
The _____ _____ required that Americans house and feed British troops.
The Quartering Act
The ____ were urban left-wing radicals who dominated Paris during the French Revolution, included laborers, small artisans, and shopkeepers.
Many historians consider the Ottoman’s defeat at ____ one of history’s most decisive naval defeats, and it ended Ottoman dominance of the Mediterranean.
In February of 1848, riots erupted in Paris, eventually leading to the abdication of _____ and the declaration of the _____.
Louis Phillippe
Second French Republic
In 1988, ____ soundly defeated _____ in the presidential election
George Bush
Michael Dukakis
Biden Secretary of Homeland Security
Alejandro Mayorkas
The appeal of James Buchanan as a candidate
Had been ambassador to UK and out of country for slavery wrangling so hadn’t taken a position.
Woodrow Wilson’s detailed list of war aims
The Fourteen Points
Jamestown was established by the _____ Company
The _______ War (1754-1763) was fought for control of the colonial frontier.
French and Indian War
General of Argentina’s independence 1816
San Martin
The _________ was the first lawmaking body in the New World.
Virginia House of Burgesses
Candidates in 1968 US Presidential Election
Nixon, Humphrey, Wallace
In his The Spirit of the Laws, published in 1748, _____ argued against absolute monarchies, and contended that the rights of individuals could best be protected by a three-branch government.
With the apropos title of Reflections on the Revolution in France, _____’s work predicted that the French Revolution would devolve into chaos, before giving rise to a military dictatorship.
Edmund Burke
Philosophy that the well-being of the individual is the reason for society
Classical liberalism
Although a titular republic, Florence was under the domination of the ____ family for decades. _____ and his grandson _______ were both patrons of the arts.
Cosimo de’ Medici
Lorenzo “the Magnificent” de’ Medici
Current PM of UK
Boris Johnson
_____ were organizations in various Southern cities during Reconstruction, mostly headed by Northern blacks. Provided education and political discussions
Union Leagues
Short for “engine,” the ____ automatically separated cotton fibers from cotton seed
cotton gin
French finance minister believed to be sympathetic to National Assembly.
In 1890, a new Kaiser, ____, forced German Chancellor ______ to _____.
Wilhelm II
4 slave states that did not secede
Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky
Practice where government gave land to railroads, which then sold land to settlers to finance construction
land grants
Arkansas Governor ______ used troops from the Arkansas National Guard to block nine black students from registering at Little Rock’s Central High
Orval Faubus
____ is the belief that various gods and spirits inhabit the natural world and are responsible for human events.
Who followed Luther as the dominant figure of the Protestant Reformation?
John Calvin
French term referring to the easing of a strained relationship.
UK reign 1689-1702, staunchly Protestant, took throne from Catholic James II/VII
William and Mary
Assassinated Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip
British commander at Battles of Lexington and Concord.
General Gage
_____ were American Loyalists who fought on the side of the British, or otherwise aided them in their war against the American colonists.
After _____ fell, many of its leading scholars fled west to the Italian city-states. They brought with them many of the classics of Greco-Roman literature.
_____ is a belief that God, having established the universe, does not intervene in its functioning. Instead, the universe functions according to natural laws set in place by God.
______ arose after Babylonian Captivity when College of Cardinals chose two popes at the same time.
Great Schism
The ______ Compromise established US bicameral legislature with different apportionment.
______ was a chief of the Wampanoag tribe, led 1675 attack on New England settlements.
King Philip
Under the _____, the Spanish government provided grants of land and Indians to individual Spaniards who were supposed to care for the Indians and convert them to Catholicism.
Encomienda System - resulted in slavery and death from disease. Replaced with African slaves.
In 1954, the Central Intelligence Agency, with the knowledge of President Eisenhower, incited a coup d’etat in an effort to access which country’s oil supplies?
Profoundly angered by the Boston Tea Party, the British government passed the _____ in 1774 to punish the colonies, specifically Massachusetts.
Coercive Acts
What city-state emerged near modern-day Mexico City around 100 B.C.?
During decolonization, a French force attempted to retake French Indochina and was defeated at ______ in Vietnam.
Dien Bien Phu
In the ______, Christianity split into _____ in the East and ______ in the West
Great Schism
Orthodox Church in Constantinople
Roman Catholic Church
Large amounts of gold and silver from the New World, plus the influence of the Italian Renaissance, helped inaugurate what period in Spanish culture?
Beginning after Spain was united in 1492, the Siglo d’Oro (Spanish for the Golden Century) took place, marking the high point of Spanish culture.
Life in the late Middle Ages could be nasty, brutish, and short, with famines, plagues, and wars emphasizing that death could be sudden and painful. _______ style was featured in many works of art during the late Medieval period as well as the earliest printed texts.
Dance Macabre
During the Second World War, the _____ were Army and Navy units, respectively, that were filled with women.
WACs (Women’s Army Corps) and the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service)
____ sought to break with traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization, and daily life, feeling that these traditions had become outdated in a fully industrialized society.
After six months of negotiations, the new Soviet Union signed this treaty with the Central Powers in March 1918. The treaty ended World War One on the Eastern Front, freeing the German forces to concentrate on the war in France and allowing the Soviets to turn their attention to the Russian Civil War.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
______ was a rightward shift of the French government after Robespierre’s fall.
Thermidorian Reaction
Term for the ideological and economic divide between the countries of Western Europe and those countries of Eastern Europe under Communist control.
Iron Curtain
Signed into law during the Hoover Administration, the _____ sought to lower the cost of home ownership by providing funds to federal savings and loans to be used to fund home mortgages.
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
Coolidge’s VP
Charles Dawes
Predominant from the 11th through the 16th centuries, ____ were associations of artisans who governed the practice a given craft in a particular town.
attacks on Jews directed by Russian state