Books, Lit, Bible, Mythology, News Flashcards
Sid Fleischman Newberry for
The Whipping Boy
Author of Candide
Author of “Tristram Shandy”
Laurence Sterne
Syracuse and Ephesus
Comedy of Errors (brother/servant pair from each)
“Now is the winter of our discontent”
Richard III
Sign of God’s covenant after the flood
A rainbow
Author of “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie”
Muriel Spark
“The Fifth Season” author
NK Jemisin
Pulitzer for “The Yearling”
Marjorie Rawlings
Bible book with philosophical exploration of the meaning of life
“When I have crossed the bar” poet
Author of “The Things They Carried”
Tim O’Brien
Costard is the comic figure in Shakespeare’s
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Shakespeare plays with ghosts
Hamlet (his father King Hamlet); Macbeth (Banquo); Julius Caesar (Caesar); Richard III (parade)
Austen novel with John Willoughby
Sense and Sensibility
Bible book describing Adam and Eve
Midsummer Night’s Dream setting
Last book of the Old Testament
The Lords Prayer is part of the
Sermon on the Mount
“Drink to me Only With Thine Eyes” poet
from Celia by Ben Jonson
Novel with Heathcliff
Wuthering Heights
Deceived to steal his father’s blessing
Jean Craighead George children’s book
Julie of the Wolves
Lafeu is a Shakespeare character in
All’s Well that Ends Well
Othello’s wife
Valentine and Proteus are characters in
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
George Selden children’s book
A Cricket in Times Square
Raskolnikov is the murderer in
Crime and Punishment
How long was Jesus in the desert after being baptized
40 days and 40 nights
“Burr” and “Lincoln” author
Gore Vidal
Author of “The Thin Man”
Dashiell Hammet
“Angle of Repose” author
Wallace Stegner
Author of Mike Hammer private eye novels
Mickey Spillane
Shakespeare play about the Trojan War
Troilus and Cressida
King Hrothgar is a character in
“Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war”
Marc Antony in Julius Caesar
“School for Scandal” author
Richard Birnsley Sheridan
Pulitzer for “Dragon’s Teeth”
Upton Sinclair
Pulitzer for “The Goldfinch”
Donna Tartt
Prospero is a character in
The Tempest
Place where Jacob had his dream
Bethel - house of god
Author of “a dance to the music of time” cycle
Anthony Powell
Where did Jesus change water into wine?
At a wedding in Cana
All the King’s Men author
Robert Penn Warren
Author of “The Assistant” about Jewish grocer getting robbed
Bernard Malamud
Marguerite Henry children’s books
“Misty of Chincoteague” and “King of the Wind”
“Faust” author
“Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart”
Shakespeare play where ____ takes the credit for killing Hotspur
Henry IV part 1, Falstaff
3 couples in Merchant of Venice
Bassanio and Portia, Gratiano and Nerissa (Portia’s maid), Lorenzo and Jessica
Susan Cooper children’s series
The Dark is Rising
Death in Venice author
Thomas Mann
Author of “A Death in the Family”
James Agee
“Piranesi” author
Susanna Clarke
“Ozymandias” poet
“The Three-Body Problem” author
Cixin Liu
What happens to Queen Margaret’s army in Henry VI? part 3
Richard Neville defeats them, seizes throne and proclaims Edward IV the new king
Author of mystery novels with Siamese cats
Lillian Jackson Braun
Lion in Winter is about
Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine
Author of The Island of Doctor Moreau
HG Wells
“The City & the City” author
China Mieville
“Eugene Onegin” author
Alexander Pushkin
Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with
Perfume from an alabaster jar
Author of “Slaughterhouse-Five”
Kurt Vonnegut
Bible book describing Moses delivering his people from Pharaoh
The Life and Opinions of _____, Gentleman
Tristram Shandy
Odysseus’s son
What do donkeys and goats eat out of?
A manger
Bible book describing Tower of Babel
Author of “Number the Stars”
Lois Lowry
Author of “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”
John Fowles
Absalom and Achitophel poet
John Dryden
Historian of the Roman emperors
Author of USA Trilogy
John Dos Passos
“Last of the Mohicans” author
James Fenimore Cooper
Le Morte d’Arthur
Thomas Malory
’ it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’
Rosalind is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Author of “Housekeeping”
Marilynne Robinson
Eleanor Estes children’s book about clothes
The Hundred Dresses
“Democracy” American novel author
Henry Adams
“The Lady of Shalott” poet
John Carter creator
Edgar Rice Burroughs
early 20th trilogy about English “new money” family
The Forsyte Saga
Novel where writer becomes obsessed with a beautiful youth
Death in Venice
Two sisters flee court persecution into the forest
As You Like It
Descendants of Ham
Bible book describing creation of universe and man
Play with Battle of Agincourt
Henry V
Caius Martius is the original name of
The fishermen of the miraculous catch
Peter, James and John
Shakespeare play where nobleman’s generosity to his friends is not reciprocated so he moves to a cave
Timon of Athens
Oronooko author
Aphra Behn
The Chronicles of Narnia books
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – 1950 Prince Caspian – 1951 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – 1952 The Silver Chair – 1953 The Horse and His Boy – 1954 The Magician's Nephew – 1955 The Last Battle – 1956
Who is your personal spiritual caretaker
Guardian angel
Bible book describing building of the temple and its destruction by Babylonians
2 Chronicles
‘The course of true love never did run smooth.’
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Too busy cooking to listen to Jesus
Book narrated by Sal Paradise
On The Road
Author of “Unbearable Lightness of Being”
Milan Kundera
Who told Namaan to go wash in the Jordan River to be healed
Author of “Naked Lunch”
William Burroughs
“Color Purple” author
Alice Walker
Pulitzer for “The Underground Railroad”
Colson Whitehead
Author of The Senator’s Wife
Sue Miller
Pulitzer for “The Orphan Master’s Son”
Adam Johnson
Bible book in which God prescribes laws governing sacrifices and festivals
Play where Prince Hal slays Hotspur in battle
Henry IV part 1
Why did pharaoh want to kill the baby boys
Joseph was dead and his descendants, the Hebrews, were too numerous and powerful
Sam Spade novels author
Dashiell Hammett
Collective name for “blessed are the ______, for they shall”
“Woman in White” author
Wilkie Collins
Book in which Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead
Protagonist of this novel is befriended by the Peggotty family
David Copperfield
Wife of Priam, Queen of Troy
Matthew 5:13 says that “ye are” this mineral phrase, meaning representative of the best of society
Salt of the earth
Book about Bigger Thomas
Native Son by Richard Wright
Bible book in which author lists stories of signs and miracles to convince readers to believe
Gospel of John
“Because i could not stop for Death”
Emily Dickinson
Shakespeare’s landlady of the Boar’s Head Tavern
Mistress Quickly
Phillip the Bastard is a Shakespeare character in
King John, son of Richard the Lionheart
Protagonist of Great Expectations
Bible book with a letter encouraging Christians to cling to Christ despite persecution, because he is greater.
Richard III is defeated by
Henry Tudor at the Battle of Bosworth, then becomes Henry VII
Speak, for your servant is listening
What Samuel said after he realized it was God calling his name
Playwright of Lysistrata
Leader of the Achaeans
Taming of the Shrew setting
“The quality of mercy”
Merchant of Venice
“How Do I Love Thee?” poet
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Bible book in which a righteous man argues with friends about faith
Where was Jesus baptized
He kills Achilles
Paris (arrow through the foot)
Author of “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Helen and Diana perform the bed trick
All’s Well that Ends Well
Brother of Menelaus
Thrown in a pit by brothers
Bible book in which Moses dies
Chief Norse god
Caesar conspirators
Brutus, Cassius, Casca
Who kills Tybalt?
“I will maintain my love to him forever, my covenant with him will never fail” is from
“Brevity is the soul of wit”
Hamlet, Polonius
Pulitzer for “The Overstory”
Richard Powers
National Book Award for “Charming Billy”
Alice McDermott
“Fiddler on the Roof” inspiring stories
Sholom Aleichem
Who attempted Jesus in the desert?
Triumvirate ruling Rome in Antony and Cleopatra
Antony, Octavius Caesar, Lepidus
Shakespeare play where King Ferdinand wants the Princess of France
Loves Labour’s Lost
Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is ________’s lover
Author of “The heart of the Matter”
Graham Greene
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler author
EL Konigsburg
Shakespeare play featuring Joan of Arc
Henry VI part 1
Author of “The Maltese Falcon”
Dashiell Hammet
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Author of “Dog Soldiers” about heroin smuggling post Vietnam
Robert Stone
His L.A. novels include
“The Black Dahlia”
James Ellroy
Novel about Hiro Protagonist
Snow Crash
How did the Wise men find Baby Jesus?
The star of Bethlehem
“City and the Pillar” author
Gore Vidal
Julia and Silvia are characters in
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Bible book describing history of Israel, culminating with David commissioning the temple
1 Chronicles
Bible book in which a man warns neighboring nation they will be judged for plundering Jerusalem
Bible book describing Jacob and Joseph
Shakespeare play where the King of Navarre and his three companions swear to avoid women for three years
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Polixenes is a character in
The Winter’s Tale
Bible book that is a poem about the vanity of earthly things
Pulitzer for “The Road”
Cormac McCarthy
Who baptized in Jesus
John the
Author of War of the Worlds
HG Wells
Novel about Becky Sharp
Vanity Fair
Vulgar fat knight character in Shakespeare
Shakespeare play where sons are served in a pie
Titus Andronicus
Name for Ancient Greeks used in the Iliad
Author of “At Swim-Two-Birds”
Flann O’Brien
Who struck the rock and made water flow
Prospero adopted, raised, and enslaved ____
Novel about Esther Summerson
Bleak House
Author of “Martian Chronicles”
Ray Bradbury
American Psycho novel by
Brett Easton Ellis
Camus was born in
Playwright of The Frogs
Sydney Carton is a character in
A Tale of Two Cities
“A Good Man is Hard to Find” author
Flannery O’Connor
Pulitzer for “The Executioner’s Song”
Norman Mailer
Thaisa is a character in
“Brideshead Revisited” author
Evelyn Waugh
Prince of Troy, foremost Trojan warrior
Author of “Fahrenheit 451”
Ray Bradbury
Bible book that is a love poem
Song of Solomon
Pulitzer for “The Bridge of San Luis Rey”
Thornton Wilder
“Dune” author
Frank Herbert
For god So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not Perish but shall have eternal life
Helps but then tries to blackmail Richard III
Divine Comedy
Dante Alighieri
Cabaret-inspiring author
Christopher Isherwood
Prospero encourages a romantic relationship between
Miranda and Ferdinand
“Jane Eyre” author
Charlotte Bronte
British sci fi writer, more than 50 books
Arthur C. Clarke
Author of “Falconer”
John Cheever
“The Caine Mutiny” author, won Pulitzer
Herman Wouk, WWII in Pacific
Novel with Mr. Rochester
Jane Eyre
Angelo is the main character in
Measure for Measure
Author of “Main Street”
Sinclair Lewis
Novelist of “Jaws”
Peter Benchley
Troilus and Cressida setting
Pulitzer for “Gilead”
Marilynne Robinson
“All the world’s a stage”
As You Like It, Jaques
Macbeth’s friend
Banquo, comes back as ghost
Esther Forbes children’s book about the Revolution
Johnny Tremain
Author of Brideshead Revisited
Evelyn Waugh
Bible book with visions of things that have been, that are, and that are yet to come
“Stranger in a Strange Land” scifi author
Robert Heinlein
Posthumus is a character in
“All the King’s Men” author
Robert Penn Warn
Created by Charles Portis, this U.S. Marshal helps 14-year-old Mattie Ross track her father’s killer
Rooster Cogburn
Pulitzer for “Less”
Andrew Sean Greer
Bible book containing dirges for Jerusalem after Babylonian attacks
“The Gods Themselves” scifi author
Isaac Asimov
Bible book in which disobedient prophet runs from God
King who instituted major religious reforms in Judah
“To be or not to be”
Book in which Jesus turned water into wine
John - describing the first miracle
“Eloise” author
Kay Thompson
Confess with your mouth
Gonzalo is a character in
The Tempest
Tom Joad is a character in
Grapes of Wrath
Shakespeare play with French Princess Katherine
Henry V
Bible book describing Abraham and Isaac
Dr. Faustus playwright
Christopher Marlowe
“Wuthering Heights” author
Emily Bronte
Author of “The Illustrated Man”
Ray Bradbury
“All that glisters is not gold”
Merchant of Venice
“Death Be Not Proud” poet
John Donne
Play with Duke disguised as a Friar
Measure for Measure
“Exodus” author
Leon Uris
1930s novel about marginal disappointed Hollywood people
The Day of the Locust
Author of “Snow Crash”
Neal Stephenson
Author of “Tom Jones”
Thriller about Jack Ryan and a Soviet Sub
The Hunt for Red October
Author of A Clockwork Orange
JD Salinger
Bible book with story of Lot
Author of “Appointment in Samarra”
John O’Hara
“A Wrinkle in Time” author
Madeleine L’Engle
Narnia author
C.S. Lewis
Battle Hymn of the Republic poet
Julia Ward Howe
“Way of the World” playwright
William Congreve
Bible epistles of _____
Paul, writing to churches to tell them about how to do things
“To thine own self be true”
Hamlet, Polonius
Bible book describing Jewish queen saving her people from a plot
Author of “Satanic Verses”
Salman Rushdie
Shakespeare play where deputy institutes harsh morality laws, abuses his power for sexual favors
Measure for Measure
National Book Award for “Sing, Unburied, Sing”
Jesmyn Ward
Author of “Call it Sleep”
Henry Roth
Hector’s wife, Princess of Troy
Author of “Gulag Archipelago”
“If music be the food of love, play on”
Twelfth Night
Dominant English Restoration poet
John Dryden
“New Colossus” poet
Emma Lazarus
Iago hates Othello for promoting ____ above him
Kate DiCamillo Newberry for
The Tale of Despereaux, about a mouse
“Come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.”
King of Sparta in the Iliad
Composer of Orfeo
“Fear of Flying” author
Erica Jong
Author of “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold”
John Le Carre
Bible book in which Israel wanders in the desert for 40 years
Playwright of Medea
Pulitzer for “Interpreter of Maladies”
Jhumpa Lahiri
Shylock’s daughter
Pulitzer for “All the Light We Cannot See”
Anthony Doerr
Elizabeth George Speare children’s books
“The Witch of Blackbird Pond” and “The Bronze Bow”
‘Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.‘
Henry IV part 2, Henry IV
“The Second Coming” poet
King John’s mother is
Eleanor of Aquitaine
High Fidelity novel by
Nick Hornby
“The Accidental Tourist” author
Anne Tyler
“The Left Hand of Darkness” author
Ursula LeGuin
The leader who followed Moses
Bible book in which God chooses a man to speak for him to Israel and tell them the error of their ways
Price Judas sold Jesus for
30 pieces of silver
Novel about Fanny Price
Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
Shakespeare play with main antagonist Octavius Caesar
Antony and Cleopatra
Author of “Portnoy’s Complaint”
Philip Roth
Book about priest in 1830s New Mexico
Death comes for the Archbishop
Hannah prayed to God for a son and had
Trinculo is a character in
The Tempest, jester
Carol Ryrie Brink children’s book
Caddie Woodlawn
Who reappeared to Jesus on the mountain?
Moses and Elijah
Author of The Crying of Lot 49
Thomas Pynchon
Iago manipulates his friend ______ to help him against Othello
Dueled (not to the death) in the Iliad
Hector and Ajax
Perdita is a character in
The Winter’s Tale (king’s daughter, exiled and grows up as shepherd girl)
Pulitzer for “A Thousand Acres”
Jane Smiley
Daughter of King Priam
Stephen Dedalus is a character in
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Bible book in which Jesus returns to the Father, the Holy Spirit comes to the church, and the gospel of Jesus spreads throughout the world.
Novel about the Dashwood sisters
Sense and Sensibility
“Middlemarch” author
George Eliot
‘Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage’
What did Moses he after he moved away from Egypt?
The burning bush
Hamlet’s Uncle
Author of The Day of the Locust
Nathanael West
Bible book in which prophet warns Israel about coming Babylonian captivity
Prince Florizel is a character in
The Winter’s Tale (woos Perdita the “shepherd girl”)
Forest of Arden is the setting of
As You Like It
“Galactic Empire” series scifi author
Isaac Asimov
Odysseus’s wife
Priam’s son killed in combat
Bible book describing prophet warning Israel of future judgment and tell them about coming king to bear their sins
English Restoration satirist
John Dryden
Author of “All the Pretty Horses”
Cormac McCarthy
“The Man in the High Castle” author
Philip K. Dick
“For whom the bell tolls” novel author
Ernest Hemingway
Declares war on Antony when he goes back to Cleopatra
Octavius Caesar - tries to become sole ruler of Rome
Bible book with account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, focusing on Jesus’ role as the true king of the Jews.
Gospel of Matthew
noble pair in Twelfth Night
Olivia and Orsino
Playwright of The Birds
What kind of seed of small plant grows into big tree in a parable?
Two sons of Henry IV
Henry Prince of Wales (Prince Hal), Prince John of Lancaster
Bible book in which Israel renews its covenant at the foot of the promised land
Mommie Dearest is about
Joan Crawford
Main Bible book describing the life of Jesus
Gospel of Matthew
Cynthia Voigt newberry for
Dicey’s Song
“Jonathan Strange” author
Susanna Clarke
“Prophet of the Space Age”
Arthur C. Clarke
“Foundation” series scifi author
Isaac Asimov
Author of “Lord of the Flies”
William Golding
Dickens character who loves Estella
Pip in Great Expectations
Eleanor of Aquitaine is a Shakespeare character in
King John
Phaedra playwright
Jean Racine
Orlando is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
First notable professional woman writer
Aphra Behn
Novel where Jake Barnes and Bret Ashley feel emptiness in Pamplona
The Sun Also Rises
Tarzan creator
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Soldiers commanded by Achilles
The Myrmidons
Betsy Byars children’s book
Summer of the Swans
Sons of Earl of Gloucester
Edmund and Edgar
Little House books
Little House in the Big Woods (1932) Farmer Boy (1933) Little House on the Prairie (1935) On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) The Long Winter (1940) Little Town on the Prairie (1941) These Happy Golden Years (1943)
His companion is The Fool
King Lear
Nickname of Henry Percy
Three Jules Verne works
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Around the World in Eighty Days
“Bonfire of the Vanities” author
Tom Wolfe
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved
Commits suicide in Hamlet
Author of “The Moviegoer”
Walker Percy
“The Fountains of Paradise” sci fi novel author
Arthur C. Clarke
King who appoints Richard III regent
Edward IV, Richard’s brother
Titus Andronicus setting
Hunchback of Notre Dame author
Victor Hugo
Bible book describing Noah’s flood
‘I am one who loved not wisely but too well.’
Othello, Othello
Hotspur leads rebellious subjects against King
Henry IV part 1
Shakespeare play with Earl of Gloucester
King Lear
Author of “Wide Sargasso Sea”
Jean Rhys
Duke Vincentio is a character in
Measure for Measure
Son of King John
Henry III
Author of “The Volcano Lover”
Susan Sontag
Author of Catch-22
Joseph Heller
Battle where Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra
Battle of Actium
Bible book where a new pharaoh enslaves God’s people
Norse mythology trickster
Duchess of Malfi playwright
John Webster
‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’
Founder of City Lights bookstore, published Alan Ginsberg
Larence Ferlinghetti
Book about saving art from Nazi looting
Monuments Men
Hermione is a character in
The Winter’s Tale (king’s wife)
Author of “Play it as it Lays”
Joan Didion
“A Modest Proposal” author
Jonathan Swift
“My kingdom for a horse”
Richard III
Book about American whose London trysts match German missile targets
Gravity’s Rainbow
Hindu epic about godlike Rama
Bible book in which shepherd preaches against injustice in Northern Kingdom of Israel
‘The better part of valor is discretion‘
Henry IV part 1, Falstaff
Bible book in which a census is conducted to determine the size of God’s army
Wonderful Counselor in
Who is told to go wash in the Jordan River to be healed
“Battlefield Earth” scifi author
L. Ron Hubbard
Mother of Ishmael
Pulitzer for “Rabbit is Rich”
John Updike
Pulitzer for “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”
Junot Diaz
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles
Rooster Cogburn is a character in
True Grit. (Novel then film)
Author of atonement
Ian McEwan
Author of The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Thornton Wilder
“Nightfall” scifi short story author
Isaac Asimov
Play where King Henry marries Margaret of Anjou
Henry VI part 2
Author of “Pale Fire” about obsessed gay poet
Vladimir Nabokov
Miranda is a character in
The Tempest
‘The fault, dear Brutus, lies not within the stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.’
Julius Caesar, Cassius
Author of Lord Peter Wimsey detective novels
Dorothy L. Sayers
Bible book in which Israel splits into two kings after Solomon
1 Kings
name of jester in Twelfth Night
Pulitzer for “Empire Falls”
Richard Russo
‘We know what we are, but know not what we may be.’
Hamlet, Ophelia
Takes the throne when King John dies
his son Henry III
English novel by Hungarian-born author about Stalinist purge and show trials
Darkness at Noon
Wife of Menelaus
Bible book in which a man is told to marry a prostitute who leaves him, and he must bring her back
Duke Frederick is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Beverly Clearly Newberry for
Dear Mr. Henshaw
Pulitzer for “The Night Watchman”
Louise Erdrich
Play in which Falstaff is banished
Henry IV part 2
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind’
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Helena
Author of “Cat’s Cradle”
Kurt Vonnegut
Author of Phillip Marlowe detective novels
Raymond Chandler
“April is the cruelest month” poet
TS Eliot
Bible book with the most thorough account of Jesus’s life, with eyewitness testimonies
Gospel of Luke
‘Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.’
Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar
Bible book with Belshazzar seeing the writing on the wall
“The Lost World” author
Arthur Conan Doyle
“Ivanhoe” author
Walter Scott
Comic relief in Twelfth Night
Sir Toby Belch, Andrew Aguecheek
Duke Senior is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Who imprisoned Joseph
Author of “Watchmen”
Alan Moore
Angel who told the shepherds of Jesus’s birth
Romeo’s best friend
Bible book in which Moses guides his people to Mt. Sinai
Bible book collecting songs that Israel sang to God
French Renaissance author of “Gargantua and Pantagruel”
Francois Rabelais
Protege of Achilles
Bible book ending with God’s people living in Egypt
Author of “The Golden Notebook”
Doris Lessing
Katherine Paterson children’s book
Bridge to Terabithia (and Jacob Have I Loved)
Rebels against Rome in Antony and Cleopatra
Son of Hector and Andromache
Astyanax, killed as a baby
“Vanity Fair” author
Shakespeare title character flees after revealing nobleman’s incestuous relationship with his daughter
Hero of Niebelungenlied
Novel with the woman in the attic
Jane Eyre
historian of Peloponnesian wars
Pulitzer for “The Stone Diaries”
Carol Shields
“Bright Lights, Big City” author
Jay McInerney
“The lady doth protest too much”
Book in which Jesus healed the blind man
Author of The Blind Assassin
Margaret Atwoood
Wrote the Oresteia trilogy
Author of “Neuromancer”
William Gibson
He kills Patroclus
“Tess of the D’Urbervilles” author
Thomas Hardy
The only person to ever follow all of the 10 Commandments
“Clan of the Cave Bear” author
Jean Auel
A bird landed on Jesus after he was baptized, and the bird was
The Holy Spirit
The woes following the beatitudes are in the book of
Luke, part of the Sermon on the Plain
Aufidius is a character in
Bible books in which Paul gives instructions to his protege
1 and 2 Timothy
Queen Tamara is a character in
Titus Andronicus
Author of “Fates and Furies”
Lauren Groff
2020 novel about black Christian women
The Secret Lives of Church Ladies
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Pulitzer for “A Visit from the Goon Squad”
Jennifer Egan
The king who put Daniel in the Lions den
Called “On The Road” just “typing”
Truman Capote
Pilgrim’s Progress author
John Bunyan
Treasure Island character
Long John Silver
“‘Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all” poet
Shakespeare play where Falstaff woos married women
Merry Wives of Windsor
Author of The Berlin Stories
Christopher Isherwood
Shakespeare play where Hotspur’s army is defeated at Shrewsbury
Henry IV part 1
Play where Duke of York with sons Edward and Richard plots to overthrow king
Henry VI part 2
Austen novel with Mr. Knightley
Bible books telling story of the return of Jews from Babylonian captivity, rebuilding of temple
Ezra and Nehemiah
“Brave New World” author
Aldous Huxley
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest author
Ken Kesey
Marc Antony marries
Octavia, Octavius Caesar’s widowed sister
The Rover playright
Aphra Behn
Name of steward in Twelfth Night
Author of “The Death of the Heart” (1958)
Elizabeth Bowen
Cardinal Pandolph is a Shakespeare character in
King John
Play where King tries to bargain with Duke of York, but his wife raises an army to try to defeat him.
Henry VI part 3
Author of “Herzog”
Saul Bellow
Disguises herself as Ganymede
Rosalind in As You Like It
Bible book in which man seeks explanation for suffering and God refuses
leader of Trojan Army in Iliad
Hector, killed in battle
Pulitzer for “The Shipping News”
E. Annie Proulx
“Rape of the Lock” poet
Alexander Pope
“Ethan Frome” author
Edith Wharton
Author of The Big Sleep
Raymond Chandler
Author of “Tropic of Cancer”
Henry Miller
Playwright of Electra
Julius Caesar’s wife
Caliban is a character in
The Tempest
Author of “A House for Mr. Biswas”
VS Naipaul
Pulitzer for “The Killer Angels”
Michael Shaara
Bible book describing God’s covenant with Abraham
1830 Stendhal work paints a colorful portrait of post-Napoleon France
The Red and the Black
Widow of Henry VI who then marries Richard III
Lady Ann
Grendel is a character in
Moses’ mother
Book in which Jesus heals the paralytic at Bethesda
Shakespeare play where Prince John leads the King’s forces
Henry IV part 2
Henry VIII’s father
Duke of Buckingham
Pulitzer for “The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love”
Oscar Hijuelos
Pulitzer for “The Sympathizer”
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Ariel is a character in
The Tempest
National Book Award for “Europe Central”
William Vollmann
Ate locusts while living in the wilderness
National Book Award for “Shadow Country”
Peter Matthiessen
Best known Judges
Samuel, Eli, Deborah, Samson, Gideon
Who kills Mercutio?
“Childhood’s End” sci fi novel author
Arthur C. Clarke
Hamlet’s mother
Patricia McLachlan Newberry for
Sarah, Plain and Tall
“Andromeda Strain” author
Michael Crichton
Who was king Lemuel
Probably Solomon, maybe Hezekian
19th c British writer who championed the Pre-Raphaelites, environmentalism/craft ideas
John Ruskin
Bible books describing David and Solomon’s southern kingdom
Big strong Norse god
Bible book in which people begin a cycle of sin after Joshua’s death
National Book Award for “Salvage the Bones”
Jesmyn Ward
Mary Ann Evans pen name
George Eliot
Author of “The Sportswriter”
Richard Ford
Prussian King who conquered Silesia
Frederick the Great
Laertes and Ophelia’s father
Cardinal Wolsey is a Shakespeare character in
Henry VIII
Name of the Merchant of Venice
Author of “Revolutionary Road”
Richard Yates
Much Ado About Nothing setting
King of Sparta, brother to Agamemnon
King suspects his wife of adultery, imprisons her and exiles their daughter
The Winter’s Tale
Shakespeare play about Henry IV’s predecessor
Richard II
Bad angels are called
Pulitzer for “The Known World”
Edward P. Jones
Duke of Gloucester who wants to steal crown from brother Edward IV
Richard (III)
Post-apocalyptic Catholic monastery novel
Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter Miller
“Silas Marner” author
George Eliot
Monster in Beowulf
Who was disguised as the Serpent?
Paula Fox children’s book
The Slave Dancer
King of Troy in the Iliad
“The House of Mirth” author
Edith Wharton
“Ender’s Game” author
Orson Scott Card
The fruit of the spirit verse is in
They marry the Duke of Albany and the Duke of Cornwall
Regan and Goneril
Shakespeare - His sons were stolen but are then returned
Prophet who lived in the Wilderness
John the Baptist
‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on’
The Tempest, Prospero
“The Charge of the Light Brigade” poet
Adriana is a Shakespeare character in
Comedy of Errors
Author of “Money” about TV commercial director
Martin Amis
“Ringworld” author
Larry Niven
Do unto others is from these books
Matthew and Luke
Bible book in which man confronts leaders of Israel and Judah regarding their injustice and prophecies that Lord will rule one day
Henry Bolingbroke becomes
Henry IV
Moses’ sister
Come follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people
Book of Matthew, said by Jesus
Bible book in which God sends a plague of locusts to judge Israel and warn of judgment on surrounding nations
Pulitzer for “The Nickel boys”
Colson Whitehead
author of “The Power and the Glory” about whisky priest in Mexico
Graham Greene, condemned by Catholic Church
Author of “Deliverance”
James Dickey
Hamlet mistakenly kills ____, thinking he is ______
Polonius, Claudius
“The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” scifi author
Robert Heinlein
Author of “Ragtime”
EL Doctorow
Pulitzer for “A Confederacy of Dunces”
John Kennedy Toole
Iago’s wife
“Poet of the Common People” wrote “When the Frost is on the Punkin”
James Whitcomb Riley
She left her son to die of thirst before God saved him
Books with the Pevensie children
Author of “Player Piano”
Kurt Vonnegut
“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears”
Marc Antony in Julius Caesar
Author of “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love”
Raymond Carver
Faerie Queene poet
Edmund Spenser
who was the Duke of Milan, before his dukedom was usurped and taken from him by his brother
Author of “A Rose for Emily”
Bible book describing King David’s kingship
2 Samuel
Bible book collecting sayings to help people make wise decisions
Butler who plots against Prospero in The Tempest
Isabella is a Shakespeare character in
Measure for Measure
Also known as Simon
Disguises herself in As You Like it
Chronological first Shakespeare history
King John
The lord is my shepherd
Psalm 23
Hero of Around the World in 80 Days
Phineas Fogg
Pulitzer for “Tales of the South Pacific”
Author of Sons and Lovers
DH Lawrence
Author of “The Magnificent Ambersons” and “Alice Adams” (both Pulitzer)
Booth Tarkington
Author of The Giver
Lois Lowry
The priest who gave guidance to Samuel
Author of “Native Son”
Richard Wright
Author of “Under the Volcano” about British consul in Mexico
Malcolm Lowry
Bible book narrating Solomon’s kingship
1 Kings
Author of The Corrections
Jonathan Franzen
Novelist behind The Godfather
Mario Puzo
Came out of womb holding brother’s heel
William Pene du Bois children’s book
The Twenty-One Balloons
Who are the Two Gentlemen of Verona?
Valentine and Proteus
Mistress Page and Mistress Ford
Merry Wives of Windsor
Peter’s profession
Celia is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Scott O’Dell children’s book
“Island of the Blue Dolphins”
Where did Abraham go at God’s command?
“Flowers in the Attic”
VC Andrews
“Madam Bovary” author
Gustave Flaubert
Banquo’s son who escapes
Bible book in which Israel’s kingdoms ignore God and fall
2 Kings
Book in which Jesus heals a nobleman’s son in Capernaum
Shakespeare play about daughters of Baptista
Taming of the Shrew
Harry Percy is also known as
Bible book with brief account of Jesus’ earthly ministry, highlighting authority and servanthood
Gospel of Mark
Book in which Jesus feeds the multitude (not the loaves and fishes)
Author of “The Recognitions” about an art forger
William Gaddis
Set an example for the believers
Book of Timothy, written by Paul
Who walks on water other than Jesus
“The Age of Innocence” author
Edith Wharton
Author of “I, Claudius”
Robert Graves
Pulitzer for “Advise and Consent”
Allen Drury (observed in White House)
Comedy of Errors setting
Greek author of fables
Last book of the New Testament
Pulitzer for “The Hours”
Michael Cunningham
King Leontes is a character in
The Winter’s Tale
Author of The Invisible Man
HG Wells
Why was Daniel put in the Lions den
He prayed against the law
Author of “The Man Who Loved Children” about miserable Australian family
Christina Stead
Author of Catcher in the Rye
JD Salinger
Bible book in which Israel conquers the promised land and divides it among 12 tribes
Bible Book in which God orders the building of his tabernacle
“The Mill on the Floss” author
George Eliot
“We few…we happy few, we band of brothers”
Henry V
Author of Darkness at Noon
Arthur Koestler
Author of “The Poisonwood Bible”
Barbara Kingsolver
“The Dispossessed” scifi author
Ursula LeGuin
He kills Hector
Songs of Innocence
William Blake
Dreamt of gathering grain and his bundle stood up tall
What did God send after Jonah when he tried to run away?
a storm
Jerry Spinelli Newberry for
Maniac Magee
“All Quiet on the Western Front” author
Erich Maria Remarque
What food did god send Moses and Hebrews in the desert
Manna and quail
Dutch physician who defeats Dracula
Van Helsing
‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’
Twelfth Night
God’s promise after the flood
He would never again flood the earth - the covenant
“Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls” poet
John Donne
Robert Lawson animal children’s book
Rabbit Hill
Father of Henry Bolingbroke/Henry IV
John of Gaunt
Author of “The Lottery” short story
Shirley Jackson
Prospero’s usurping brother
“The Terror” author
Dan Simmons
Playwright of Volpone
Ben Jonson
Mildred Taylor children’s book
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Charles Darnay is a character in
A Tale of Two Cities
Pulitzer for “March”
Geraldine Brooks
Loyal steward of Goneril
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding
Pulitzer for “Lonesome Dove”
Larry McMurtry
Author of Cyrano de Bergerac
Edmond Rostand
Author of “Red Harvest”
Dashiell Hammet
National Book Award for “Interior Chinatown”
Charles Yu
Bible book describing the first king of Israel
1 Samuel
4 lovers in Midsummer Night’s Dream
Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, Helena
leader of Greek Army in the Iliad
Antipholus and Dromio relationship
master and servant pairs from Ephesus and Syracuse
“New York 2140” author
Kim Stanley Robinson
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman novels
Tamburlaine the Great playwright
Christopher Marlowe
Author of Blood Meridian
Cormac McCarthy
Priam and Hecuba’s 6 children
Hector, Deiphobus (2nd warrior), Paris, Troilus, Cassandra and Helenus (twins)
Bertram is a Shakespeare character in
All’s Well that Ends Well
Author of “A Passage to India”
EM Forster
Stephen King book about possessed car
Author of “Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?”
Raymond Carver
Hamlet’s schoolmates who spy on him
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Robert C. O’Brien children’s book
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
Novel about Janie Crawford and her Florida town
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Twelfth Night twins
Viola and Sebastian
“Chosen” author
Chaim Potok
Seek and ye shall find
Matthew 7:7
Who kissed Jesus’s feet
Mary Magdalene
Shout for joy
Author of “A Handful of Dust”
Evelyn Waugh
“Starship Troopers” author
Robert Heinlein
Pulitzer for “Olive Kitteridge”
Elizabeth Strout
“Blessed are the ____ for they” are in the book of
Matthew (Sermon on the Mount)
Transforming sorceress in Odyssey
“By his stripes/wounds we are healed”
Bible book in which laws given on Mt. Sinai are recounted to a new generation
Author of “The Persian Boy”
Mary Renault
Author of “House of the Spirits”
Isabel Allende
Peter Pan author
JM Barrie
About 100 years ago, a circus elephant named John L. Sullivan participated in this sport in an act with his trainer
Robin McKinley Newberry for
The Hero and the Crown
“Gulliver’s Travels” author
Jonathan Swift
Play where Bertram is compelled to marry Helena
All’s Well that Ends Well
Jonah’s city in the Bible
Bible Book in which Ten Commandments are given
Bible book in which God prescribes purity laws, including dietary restrictions
Century of Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
17th century
Author of The Confessions of Nat Turner
William Styron
novel about Harry Angstrom
Rabbit, Run
Austen “Emma”’s last name
Touchstone is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Royal couples in Midsummer Night’s Dream
Theseus and Hippolyta, Titania and Oberon
Pulitzer for “Middlesex”
Jeffrey Eugenides
Novel about the Ramsay family vacationing in the Hebrides
To The Lighthouse
Author of Death Comes for the Archbishop
Willa Cather
Hamlet’s friend, Ophelia’s brother
Bible book in which a high-ranking wise man in Babylonian and Persian empires has prophetic visions concerning Israel’s future
National Book Award for “The Friend”
Sigrid Nunez
Dies at the end of Antony and Cleopatra
Antony, then Cleopatra
Author born in Hindu Trinidad
VS Naipaul
Book about hungover lecturer that kicked off angry young man fiction
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
Uriah Heep is a character in
David Copperfield
“Get thee to a nunnery”
Diary of 17th century English life
Samuel Pepys
“Agony and the Ecstasy” author
Irving Stone
“Robot” series scifi author
Isaac Asimov
Author of Adam Dalgliesh detective novels
PD James
“Is this a dagger which I see before me?”
The Jew of Malta playwright
Christopher Marlowe
British novel with Cathy
Wuthering Heights
Tithing is what percent
Ten percent of what you have
Book about deaf-mute and tomboy in 1930s Georgia
“The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”
National Book Award for “Let the Great World Spin”
Colum McCann
Virginia Hamilton children’s book
M.C. Higgins, The Great
Author of “Possession”
AS Byatt
Author of The Time Machine
HG Wells
Novel with the Linton family
Wuthering Heights
Bible book in which a foreigner becomes part of God’s people through marriage
Jaques is a Shakespeare character in
As You Like It
Who were the explorers of Moses who wanted to move to the land they found
Joshua and Caleb
Name of cyclops blinded by Odysseus
Macbeth kills _____, King of Scotland
Prospero’s daughter is
Author of the Forsyte Saga
John Galsworthy
Author of Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin series
MC Beaton
Author of Valley of the Dolls
Jacqueline Susann
“Innocent” and sequel “Presumed Innocent” author
Scott Turow
Pulitzer for “Independence Day”
Richard Ford