History Flashcards
What is the enlightenment?
The 18th century intellectual movement that promotes rational thinking as the basis of knowledge.
The 18th century belief that because humans were born with the capacity to reason, they could solve their own problems.
Who are the ‘fathers of enlightenment’?
Bacon and Descartes
What is an agicultural revolution and when did the first one start?
A period of transition from a hunting and gathering society to one based on stationary forming. Around 10 000 BC
What did the agricultural revolution help with? And what is the open field system?
Greater diversity in wheat and veggies and gave the ability to support more livestock.
A system with 3 large fields, 1 left to fallow each year.
What did advances in medicine discover?
How the human body works. And the knowledge that certain disease are spread through poor hygiene or diets.
What did advances in transport discover?
The steam engine replaced horse drawn carts and had major effects on rail, road and sea transportations.
Tell me about advances in manufacturing?
The spinning Jenny is one example of mass production introduced in this era.
Why did people move to the city?
For employment, as there was more factories being built there.
Push and pull.
What were the living conditions of the factories workers?
They lived in crammed tenement blocks close to the factories they work in. The blocks were damp, no ventilation and freezing.
What was the sewerage and waste situation for the commoners?
There’s no sewerage systems and waste accumulated attracting rodents and deseases were easily spread.
How long was an average work day? And how did this effect the worker?
12-16 hours. They became exhausted and this would lead to injuries involving the machines.
Why were children, as young as 5, used as workers?
They are smaller and fit into the machines and shaft doors easier and they have lower wages.
What were some rules children had and what was the consequence for breaking them?
Children couldn’t be late or talk other wise they would be punished by being beaten or having pay deductions.
What is industrialisation?
The process of a society or country transforms itself from an agricultural society to one based on manufacturing goods and services.
What happens to the working place after industrialisation?
Individual labour is replaced by machinery.
Craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.
What does mass production equal?
What is capitalism?
The economic system based on competition between sellers who want to make profit.