History Flashcards
What is a miasma?
A theory stating that bad air caused diseases.
This theory was prevalent before the germ theory of disease was established.
What is a pilgrimage?
A holy journey.
Pilgrimages are often undertaken for religious reasons.
Define repentance.
Seeking forgiveness of sins from God.
Repentance is a key concept in many religious traditions.
Who are Flagellants?
People who whipped themselves in order to gain God’s forgiveness.
This practice was particularly noted during the medieval period.
What does superstition mean?
Belief in the supernatural.
Superstitions often involve rituals or beliefs that are not based on scientific evidence.
What is astrology?
The study of planets and stars.
Astrology is often used to interpret human affairs and natural phenomena.
What does ‘alu’ refer to?
The body of structure or internal.
This term may relate to anatomy or bodily functions.
What is an apothecary?
A person preparing and selling medicine, herbal remedies.
Apothecaries were the precursors to modern pharmacists.
Define quackery.
Dishonest practice of selling fake medicine.
Quackery can lead to serious health risks for individuals.
What does it mean to be immune?
Partially resistant to an infectious disease.
Immunity can be acquired through vaccination or previous infection.
What is a privy?
An outside toilet.
Privies were common before the advent of indoor plumbing.
What is a cesspit?
A sewage pit.
Cesspits were used for the disposal of human waste before modern sewage systems.
Define epidemic.
A disease outbreak.
Epidemics can affect a large number of people in a specific geographic area.
What is a germ?
A microorganism causing disease.
Germs can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.