History Flashcards
Name the 4 long term causes of WW1
- Militarism
- Alliances
- Imperialism
- Nationalism
Who was part of the triple alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Who was part of the Triple entente?
France, Britain, Russia
Give reasons for each long term cause of WW1.
Militarism- Many people took great rpide in their armies and navies, and wanted their country to have a large and strong military, but as all nations had the same ideology, an arms race began to defide who would have the best army and there was always a temptation to use their weapons if they were idle.
Alliances- As each country began to feel threatened by war, every country wanted friends to back them up, so alliances were formed. This would mean that if a two nation conflict arised, it would become a 6 nation confict as the allies of different countries would be dragged in, causing a widescale war
Imperialism- During this time, many nations were jealous of eachothers’ empires, so a race began to take over as much overseas land as possible, to build the biggest empire. These nations began to see their overseas terretories threatened and therefore though was was the only way to get rid of the threat permanently
Nationalism- At the beginning of the twentieth century, people started taking pride in their countries. People of different nations were convinced that thier people, country and way of doinf thjngs were best, but the only way to prove this was to have a war with their rivals
Which Serbian gang were planning to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
‘The Black Hand’
When was Archduke Franz Ferdinand murdered?
28 June 1914
What was the short term reason for WW1?
The assassination fo Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What city was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated in?
How many attempts to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdidnand were there?
2 attempts
- A bomb that exploded too late (faliure)
- A gunshot to the throat (success)
What gave Gavrilo Princip the chance to shoot?
The driver of Ferdinand’s car took a wrong turn, as he did not understand German.
How did Ferdinand’s murder lead to war? (Timeline)
28 July: Austria-Hungary blames Serbia for Killing Ferdinand. Austria attacks Serbia
29 July: Russia, who has promised to protect Serbia, gets ready to attack Austria
1 August: Germany, who supports Austria, hears about Russian preparations and declares war on them
2 August: Britian prepares warships
3 August: Germany, who palns to defeat France before attacking Russia, declares war on France
4 August: Germany ask belgium to allow German soldier to march through the country to attack France. Belgium says no. Britian, who has a deal to protect Belgium from attack declares war on Germany.
6 August: Austria Hungary Declares war on Russia
12 August: Britian and France declare war on Austria Hungary
Where was the faild bomb assassination?
By Cumurja Bridge
What was the German plan to avoid a two front war, and what was it called?
Called ‘Der Schlieffenplan’, it was a plan that Germany should qucikly defeat France with a huge knockout blow through Belgium, before then moving the soldiers to the east to face Russia.
What year was ‘Der Schlieffenplan’ put into action?
1914, immediately as the war began
What went so wrong with the Schlieffenplan?
-The Belgian army, who were supposed to be ‘a pushover’, put up a fierce fight.
-The BEF held the Germans at Mons before then being overrun
-An attack performed by the Russians turned out to be much quicker than expected
-Both sides resulted in building trenches, causing a stalemate
Where was ‘No man’s land’
The section between two trenches, which looked like a lifeless wasteland
Name 4 feautres of an average trench.
Duckbaords- used to stop soldiers sinking in the mud
Dugouts- Rooms dug out of the back wall of the trenches, orders were recieved by telephone
Periscope- Enabled troops to see over the edge of the trench withough risk of being shot and exposed
Barbed wire- Slowed down attacking troops
Name 2 issues within trenches during the war.
Trench Rats- Very large, stole food snd infested trenches
Trench Foot- An infection of the feet caused by cold, wet and dirty conditions. If left untreated, it would most likely be amputated.
Why was food rationed, and name 2 things the soldiers ate/drank on the frontlines.
Food was rationed becuase as the army had to grow bigger, there was less food, meaning it had to be rationed and controlled in small amounts, and to not run out. Soldier ate ‘Bully beef’, bread, biscuits and drank tea
What was the treaty of Versailles?
It was a treaty that marked the end of WW1, in which Germany had to pay the price heavily.
What were some facotrs of the treaty of Versailles?
-Germany had to hand over colonies to Britain and France
-Germany must pay for the war in money and goods
-Parts of different countries used to make new countries, like Poland
What was the Leage of Nations?
The league of Nations was set up by the allies after the war to stop any wars from happening again, and to resolve issues peacefully. It was headquatered in Geneva, Switzerland.
State 2 successes and Faliures of the League:
-200,000 slaves freed
-Sorted out a dispute between Finalnd and Sweden
-The league never had its own armed forces
-It couldn’t stop Germany expanding its territory between 1936-1939
Who were the big 3?
What is anti-semitism?
Any hostility toward, or discrimination against, Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.
What things were Jews blamed for?
-Death of Jesus
Where were Jews placed to live away from non-Jews?
What was the Holocaust?
The holocaust was a mass genocide against Jews, carried out between 1941 and and 1945, by Nazi Germany and Nazi allies like Hungary and Croatia.