History Flashcards
Yoga Sutras - Patanjali
provides the practitioner with many practices and physical posture to facilitate who we really are and with it resolve all of our questions about ourselves
- quieting the fluctuations of the mind and drawing into the present moment
Bhagavd Gita
Yoga is a skill in action
- NO mention of physical practices
- yoga is a set of skills for all of us as we go about facing the challenges of the world
- *** yoga that informs our everyday attitudes and actions (for any situation)
The Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
are the core principals that serve as a compass for living a meaningful and purposeful life
- the 8 componant stages are reffered to as ashtanga yoga:
- Ashta = eight
- Anga = limb
1st Limb - Ethical disciplines or attitudes towards others
- ahimsa = non-violence
- satiya = truthfulness
- asteya = non-stealing
- brahmacharya = godlike conduct
- aparigraha = non-hoarding
2nd Limb - ethical disciplines or attitudes towards ourselves
- sauca = purity
- santosha = contentment
- tapas = effort/desire for reunion with higher power
- svadhyaya = self-study
- ishvara pradnidhana = devotion to God/surrender
3rd limb - Postures
4th limb - set of breathing exercises designed to help master the life force
5th Limb - withdraw from the senses, mind and conscious world. focus inward on the self
6th Limb - centering the mind - focused concentration
7th Limb - Meditation, withdrawing the consciousness into the soul
8th Limb - extasy - merging with the divine. Self-realization. truth and joy beyond the mind