Historiography Flashcards
Who thought that Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia was an effort to draw attention away from domestic problems?
Italian realpolitik historían Renzo de felice
Who blames the Cold War on the USA and claims that America’s desire for markets and free trade drove the containment policy?
American revisionist William Appleman Williams
What do Orthodox USA historians believe about Japanese expansion?
The war started in 1937 with Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Pearl Harbor is evidence that Japan is the aggressor
What do R-wing Japanese historians believe about pre-WWI Japanese expansion?
Japan was freeing Asia from Western exploitation
Japan was forced into war by USA oil embargo
Rape of Nanking was a fiction (extreme)
What do USA revisionists think about pre-WWI Japanese expansion?
Japan was trying to purge the Pacific if Western corruption
Because the USA didn’t react to Japan’s actions in the 1930s, it encouraged the Japanese
Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor in advance
What do L-wing Italian historians think about Italian expansion?
Mussolini was overly aggressive
What do R-wing Italian historians think about Italian expansion?
Italy didn’t have large-scale expansionist plans
Italy pursued the “policy of the pendulum” by making both sides pay for its help one after the other
What did Revisionist historían Boyle claim about Japanese pre-WWII expansion?
Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor in advance but didn’t take action so as to “ensure a successful surprise attack on the US fleet”
What does AJP Taylor think about Italian expansion?
Mussolini was hoping G would leave Austria alone, allowing M to pit F and G against each other and gain concessions from both. Plan failed because G went after Austria
What did L-wing Japanese historians think about Japanese expansion?
The Pacific War started with the Mukden Incident
The militarist capitalist clique is responsible
The masses were indoctrinated by pre-war education
Who believes that Mussolini was able to discard caution in the 1930s to obtain Italy’s goals and that the invasion of Abyssinia was an ideological move
American orthodox historian MacGregor Knox
What does Gerhard Schreiber think about Italian expansion?
M only pursued expansion to build up domestic morale, but he became a slave to his promise that he would turn Italy into a Fascist Empire
Who believes that both superpowers in the Cold War overestimated each other’s strength?
American post-revisionist John Gaddis
Who thought that hitler was an opportunist who accidentally started war?
British revisionist AJP Taylor
Who believed that the personality of leaders and perceptions of intentions started wars and that the aggressor always loses?
American post-revisionist Arthur Schlessinger
Who believes that conditions in Italy played a bigger role in Mussolini’s rise than Mussolini’s personality?
British structuralist Denis Smith
Who viewed Hitler as an unprincipled opportunist?
British realpolitik Alan bullock
Who argues that the Cold War was an ideological struggle that started as early as the Russian revolution?
French post-revisionist Andre Fontaine
Who thought that Hitler believed what he told the German people and was evil and wanted the Second World War?
British orthodox historian Hugh Trevor-roper
Who believes that the Soviets were expansionist because of their suspicions of the West and therefore the USA had to act defensively through the Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, and NATO?
American orthodox historian Herbert Feis
Who believes that the US dropped atomic bombs on Japan to flex on USSR, making it the first move in the CW?
American Revisionist Gar Alperovitz
Who believes that there would have been a popular revolution in Russia regardless but that bolsheviks took advantage of the moment
British revisionist Orlando Figes
Who thinks that Mao made decisions based on power rather than ideology?
Revisionists Jun Chang and Jon Halliday
Who thought that the German public was brainwashed into having a Nazi conscience?
American revisionist Claudia Koonz
Who believes that Germany’s pre-ww1 expansionist policy was similar to Nazi germanys foreign policy and that’s what caused the war
Franz Fischer