Historical Review Flashcards
When did the AOA formed the AT Still Research Institute?
What 5 schools remained after the merger in California?
Kirksville, Chicago, KC, Philadelphia, and Des Moines
When did outside sources begin to fund Osteopathic research?
Where was the Osteopathic Research Center placed and around what time?
Texas School
after 2001-2007 because this time period we lacked a research institute
How can we define OMM research?
- Institutional
- Autonomics and Immune
- Functions Spinal Cord
- Facilitation
- OMT efficacy
- Whole patient care
- Any and all research at a COM
What is the official definition of OMM research?
“Investigator has to state relevance of proposed project to Osteopathic philosophy and principles, theories, mechanisms or practice.”
-AOA Bureau of Research
Louisa Burns, DO 1870-1958
- Director, AT Still Research Institute 1917-1935
- Paid AOA researcher until 1950
- Experimentally induced spinal fixations in animals & then noted the effects of these lesions on brain, heart, GI, reproductive organs, lungs, kidneys (S-V Relfexes)
- V-S reflexes
Wilbur Cole, DO
- studied with Dr. Burns 1948-50
- reproduced her experiments and data
- internal validation
J.S. Denslow, DO (1906-?)
- Did numerous studies documenting & quantifying muscle, muscle reflex & autonomic changes in areas of somatic dysfunction (“osteopathic lesion”).
- “Reflex Activity in the Spinal Extensors”, utilized EMG/palpation correlation: documented spinal muscle reflex changes in areas of osteopathic lesions.
- Standard Terminology Proponent (so people from different schools can best communicate)
- Facilitation of spinal cord
I.M. Korr, Ph.D. (1909-2004)
- Performed studies documenting changes in galvanic skin resistance as a result of disturbances in autonomic function, in areas of skin of subjects associated with palpatory findings of somatic dysfunction
- Axoplasmic flow & the trophic function of nerves
- Facilitation of spinal cord (with Denslow)
- Sympatheticotonia (heighten sympathetic tone in disease states)
- promoted entire DO-pt interaction
Who is the second great philosopher of Osteopathic medicine?
I.M. Korr, Ph.D.
- he added physiology to Dr. Stills anatomical foundation
Wiliam L. Johnston, DO, FAAO (1921-2003)
- reliability studies
- validity studies
- viscerosomatic reflexes
What happened in the influenza epidemic of 1918?
DOs»_space;»> MDs
due to OMT…sure
LA County Osteopathic Hospital (Unit II)
DOs had a lower mortality, decreased days average LOS, and they matched MDs coroner’s cases
DOs vs. MDs LBP tx
DO pts used much less NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and PT
*outcome was the same (except less medications for DO pts)
OMT and Pancreatitis
when treated with OMT, they had decreased length of stay and analgesic use, and increased pt satisfaction
OMT and Ankle Sprain
OMT group had decreased edema/pain and increased ROM
OMT and Elderly Pneumonia
- oral Abs: equal
- IV Abx: less in OMT
- AII Abx: less in OMT
- LOS: less in OMT
OMT and Otitis Media in children
- fewer episodes of AOM
- fewer surgical procedures
- More mean surgery free months
- Increased frequency of normal tympanograms
OMT and Spleen Pump
- OMT splenic pump increased immune cell counts
What have we shown with dog lab with lymphatic pump tx?
An increase of flow of lymph in the thoracic duct
Increase in the # of circulating leucocytes
Abdominal pump showed greater increase than thoracic pump
What was found increased in the lymph in the dog model?
Lymphocytes: CD4, CD8, IgA B-cells, IgG B-cells
(Memory cells already exposed to antigens)
How long does it take to maximize release form LNs?
2 minutes
Nitric oxide influences contraction of lymph vessels
Inflammation stimulates the release of NO
What was done after the dog model to support the results?
rat model - had similar findings
Does LPT protect against pneumonia & Influenza?
Control and sham treatment group showed a steady increase of
bacteria in bronchial washings
LPT group after 2-3 treatments showed a steady decline in # of bacteria in bronchial washings
What were the groups in the rat tx?
a. Control group under anesthetic
b. Sham tx: sigh touch under anesthesia
c. LPT under anesthesia
What was found in the LPT group compared to the control/sham group at day 3?
- significant reduction in numbers of pulmonary bacteria
- increased concentration of SP-D, IL- 6, IL-17, IL-12 and enhanced production of NO2 & IL-6 by alveolar macrophages
Does LPT lead to metastasis of cancer?
- some studies show they have less tumor cells actually