Historical Context of Data Protection Law Flashcards
Adopted in 1948 by the United Nations, it served as the basis for the protection of individuals. Namely, the right to a private life and associated freedoms.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What does “ECHR” stand for?
European Convention on Human Rights
The ECHR went into effect in what year?
When and where was the ECHR signed?
1950 in Rome
Who drew up the ECHR?
Council of Europe
Which body can enforce the ECHR?
European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
What does “OECD” stand for?
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
The Council of Europe Convention is also known as …
Convention 108
Convention 108 was open for signatures in what year?
What was the primary difference between Convention 108 and OECD Guidelines?
It required signatories to apply the principles in their domestic regulation.
The principles from Convention 108 were used as a benchmark for …
EU Data Protection Directive
The EU Data Protection Directive is also known as what?
Directive 95/46/EC
The EU Data Protection Directive went into effect in what year?
It is a comprehensive collection of individuals’ rights, including the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.
Charter of Fundamental Rights
In what year was the Charter of Fundamental Rights proclaimed?