Study of organism that are too small to be seen by the naked eye
Suggested disease is caused by “invisible living creatures”
Girolamo Fracastoro
Father of Protozology and Bacteriology
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
First person to describe microorganism as “animacules” / “wee beasties”
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Modern Microbiology
Louis Pasteur
First to create Attenuated Vaccines
Louis Pasteur
Discovered Pasteurization & Fermentation
Loui Pasteur
Disproved spontaneous generation and a proponent of Biogenesis
Louis Pasteur
Give atleast one example of attenuated vaccines
- Anthrax
- Rabies
Developed the antispetic system of surgery
Joseph Lister
Discovered Bacillus anthracis & Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Robert Koch
Discovered culture of bacteria using media
Robert Koch
Use of Agar and Petri Dish in cultivating Bacteria
Fanny Hesse
Used phenol or carbolic acid as antispetic
Joseph Lister
Any substance that would allow growth of microorganism
Microorganism growing in the media
Invented the first vaccine from lesions of cow with cow pox’s inoculating a child from getting smallpox
Edward Jenner
Discovered salvarsan to treat syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered Penicillin
Alexander Flemming
Also known as first magic bullet
Father of Handwashing
Ignaz Semmelweis
An area of science that deals with the study of 3 distinct but interrelated disciplines
3 interrelated disciplines of Taxonomy
- Classification
- Nomenclature
- ID
Taxonomy based on
* Traditional
* Genotypic Characteristics
* Phenotypic Characteristic
* Phylogenetic
Polyphasic Taxonomy