Historical and Current Impact of Educational Philosophies Flashcards
The student evaluates the impact of various educational philosophies on historical and current educational trends.
The historical figure most often spoken of as the father of American education was:
Horace Mann
What is a Dame school?
A Dame school was ran by women for the purpose of teaching children how to read and write.
True or False: Horace Mann believed that the country was too diverse to reasonably teach a common set of beliefs and moral values.
What did the “Eight-Year Study” conducted in the US in 1930 determine?
The study determined that the progressive approach improved curiosity and critical thinking in students.
True or False: Philosophy raises questions: it does not solve them.
What is the philosophy behind essentialism?
Students should be learning basic facts regarding the physical and social world around them.
What is the philosophy behind progressivism?
Progressivism teaches that curriculum should begin with the child’s interests and experiences, and that all learning is active.
As a behaviorists, B.F. Skinner hypothesized what about learning?
He hypothesized that learning is a function of change in the way one behaves.
True or False: The first colonial schools were developed to assure that the new generation would sustain its religious beliefs.
True or False: A hallmark of a progressive classroom is the purposeful activity of pupils who may be engaged in research and inquiry with groups and alone.
True or False: The Socratic Method is a way of teaching that centers on the use of questions by the teacher to lead students to a certain conclusion.
True or False: John Locke believed that teachers needed to create a nonthreatening learning environment— a rather revolutionary idea at that time.
Who is B.F. Skinner? What is he known for?
Skinner is the founder of behavior theory, which states that learning is the process to changing our behavior.
What was the major philosophy of Lev Vygotsky?
Lev Vygotsky believed that the social interactions of a child play major role in their cognitive development.
What did Robert Havighurst develop?
Robert Havighurst developed scientific tasks that a child should be able to perform to develop normally.
What was Jean Piaget theory on learning?
Jean Piaget determined that there are 4 stages to learning.
a) sensorimotor, b) preoperational, c) concrete operations, d) formal operations
What was the development philosophy of Jerome Bruner?
Jerome Bruner believed that children encounter certain steps as they mature. Those steps are action, imagery, and symbolism
What is Benjamin Bloom known for? And, what are the three learning factors defined by Bloom?
Benjamin Bloom is the author of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational objectives;
The 3 learning facors are:
1) cognitive entry behaviors of students i.e. how a student has mastered prerequisite skills
2) effective entry characteristics, i.e. students interest in learning the material
3) quality of instruction, i.e. the degree of appropriateness of the instruction for the learner
What type of education did Fredrick Douglass want to implement? Who did he think would benefit from that?
Fredrick Douglass believed that by implementing vocational education he would be able to help the sad state of African Americans.
Who did Booker T. Washington seek out to help, and why did he want to help them? How did he do it?
Booker T. Washington believed that educating African Americans was the key to their success. That is why he formed an institute for them in Tuskegee.
What were Maria Montessori’s methods for teaching young children?
Maria Montessori’s theory included using child sized furniture to facilitate learning for children. She emphasized independent work that was monitored by a teacher.
Ella Flagg Young was the first woman to do what? What did she institute into school curriculum?
Ella Young was the first female president of the National Education Association. She also added vocational and physical education into school curriculum.
What was the main pupose of the education system in the Northern Colonies? Early 1600’s
To teach reading and writing in order to teach children to read scripture and worship.
Did african slaves in the south receive an education
No, unless it was job specific taught by the slave holder.
What type of schooling wa available past Dame school?
They could attend Latin Grammar Schools
What are Latin Grammar Schools?
Early higher education schools focused on teaching latin and some greek.
Was higher education predominantly privatized or socialized through the government?
What is Horace Mann known as?
The father of American Education
What was Horace Mann’s philosophy?
There could be a more informed citizenry through education for all.
What education reform movement was started by Horace Mann?
Common School Movement. Universal education for all children at the expense of the public.
What is the Old Deluder Satan Act?
Act that required education for children, required teachers, and required schools. This act determined that eucation is a public good and requires public stewardship.
What type of instruction did Socrates advocate?
Teaching that centers on the use of questions by the teacher to lead students to a certain conclusion.
Erasmus was famous for forming which theory?
Most famous humanist, formed the humanistic theory of education.
What did Frederich Froebel establish, and who did he think was best suited to teach young children?
Established the first kindergarten. Believed that women were best suited to teach young children. Also saw that all children have unique needs.
What did John Locke believe about childrens’ minds and what kind of learning environment did he advocate for?
Children’s minds are a blank slate. Believed students needed a nonthreatening learning environment. that was revolutionary.
What are the 3 teacher-centered philosophies?
Essentialism, Positivism, Behaviorism
What are the 3 student-centered philosophies?
Progressivism, Humanism, Constructivism
What is Essentialism, and is it teacher-centered or student-centered?
Teacher-centered: A philosophy of education based on the assumption that students should learn the basic facts regarding the social and physical world.
What is Positivism, and is it teacher-centered or student-centered?
Teacher-centered: Rejects mind, consiousness, and presumptions. Reality explained through scientific laws. Use of direct instruction with clear structure and expectations.
What it Progressivism, and is it teacher-centered or student-centered?
Student-centered: A philosophy of education developed by John Dewey based on the assumption that all learning is active, that learning is intellectual, social, and emotional, and that curriculum should begin wit the child’s interests and expereiences.
focuses on how you think (process) not what you think (content). No authority figure, everyone is learning together.
What is Humanism, and is it teacher-centered or student-centered?
Student-centered: Focus that all objectives and school decisions should be based on the students. Education develops free, self actualizing adults.
What is Constructivism, and is it teacher-centered or student-centered?
Student-centered: Instruction involves a lot of hands-on learning. Focus on critical thinking and generation. Problem based learning.