Historical Flashcards
What was the purpose of The Great Wall of China?
To mark territories, defend the area and protect silk road.
Who published The Wealth of Nations?
Adam Smith
What did Adam Smith contribute?
He wrote on the economic advantages gained from the division of labour in organizations into narrow and repetitive tasks.
The major contribution of the ______ was the substitution of machine power for human power, which, in turn made it more economical to manufacture goods in factories rather than at home.
Industrial Revolution
This form of management looked at management from the perspective of improving the productivity and efficiency of manual workers.
Scientific Management
These theorists were concerned with the overall organization and how to make it more effective.
General Administrative Theorists
Who created Scientific Management?
Frederick Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Who created Classical General Administrative Management?
Henri Fayol
Who created Bureaucratic Management?
Max Weber
What is Scientific Management?
It focuses on the efficiency of individual workers and on worker and machine relationships. The efficiency perspective is concerned with creating jobs that economize time, human energy and other productive resources.
This is when employees are working at a pace much slower than their capabilities
What is the piece-rate pay system?
This is the pay rate that is based on the amount of work a worker does in the day rather than how many hours they do.
Who is known as the Father of Scientific Management?
Frederick Taylor
Standardization, Time and Motion study, Systematic Selection & training, Pay Incentive are principles for what management?
Scientific Management
_______ is a body of management thought based on the belief that employees only have economical and physical needs, and that social needs and needs for job satisfaction either don’t exist or are unimportant.
Classical Management Theory