Histology Slydes Flashcards
Omentum Majus AgNO3
Simple squamous epithelium. The omentum consists of a wide flat layer of connective tissue situated between two serous membranes. The epithelial cells of serosa (mesothelial cells) are flat, polygonal and covered with short microvilli. The nuclei are not stained.
Glandula Thyroidea HE
Simple cuboidal epithelium. The simple cuboidal epithelium covers the walls of the thyroid gland follicles.
Small Intestine HE
Simple columnar epithelium is found in the mucosa which is characterized by villi. The surface of of the villi is covered with tall cylindrical cells, lying close to the basal membrane with basalla situated nuclei.
Trachea HE
Pseudostratified epithelium covers a large part of the respiratory tract. All cells are in contact with the basal membrane, but they differ in height, this is why cell nuclei usually lie in 3 different levels. The nuclei represent the 3 cellular types: basal, goblet cells, and ciliated columnar cells.
Ureter HE
Transitioinal epithelium. 3 layers: basal layer of round shaped cells. Intermediate layer comprised of cells in the shape of a tennisrocket. Surface layer where the cells are umbrella shaped.
Esophagus HE
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized. Several layers, but only one is in close contact with the basal membrane. Shape of the cells in the basal layer is cylindrical. cells in the upper layer are polygonal and cells in the surface layer are flat.
Cornea HE
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized. 3 of 5 layers seen under microscope: basal layer with tall and prism-shaped cells, Intermediate layer with flatten-shaped cells, surface layer with cells 10xlenght than width.
Hairless Skin HE
- stratified squamous keratinized epithelium consists of one layer of columnar cells (Stratum basale), several layers of polygonal cells (Stratum spinosum), covered by one row of cells which contain keratohyaline granules in their cytoplasm (Stratum granulosum), then the lucidum layer (Stratum lucidum, „sparkling“) with the substance eleidin and the surface layer (Stratum corneum) which ha- ve the sclero protein keratin in their cytoplasm present but no nuclei or cell organelles.
Intestinum tenue mucicarmine
- mucous membrane consisting of simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells in between
- invagination of epithelium forms simple tubular glands called „intestinal glands of Lieberkuhn“ which consst of pink-red coloured goblet cells
Intestinum crassum HE
- simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells
- straight tubular glands are crypts of „Lieberkuhn“ which extend down to the muslces of the colon and present a great abundance of goblet and absorptive cells
Glandula parotis HE
exocrine, multicellular, branched acinar gland composed of serous acinar cells
- form spherical units with lumen in the center
Glandula submandibularis HE
branched, multicellular, tubular acinar gland with both serous and mucous cells
- serous cells contain secretory granules near to the top of the cell and around nucleus
- muscous cells cuboidal in shape, nuclei are pushed to the base of the cells
- serous cells predominate!
Glandula sublingualis HE
branched, multicellular, tubular acinar gland with both serous and mucous cells
- mucous cells predominate!
Pancreas HE
- multicellular mixed exocrine and endocrine gland
- exocrine part consists of serous acini glands while the endocrine part is represented by the islets of Langerhans
Placenta HE
- chorion villi composed of mucous connective tissue
- covering layers called trophoblasts with the external syn- citiotrophoblast and the iternal cytotrophoblast
- inside capillaries with Erythrocytes visible as well as fi- bers (kind unrecognizable) and mesenchymal cells