Cytology Slydes Flashcards
Ovarium HE
The ovum is the biggest cell in the human organism with the diameter up of 200 micro meter and shperical shape.
Its big, intensely stained nucleolus is well detected against the light color of the nucleoplasm.
Small intestine HE
The surface of the villi is covered with tall, cylindrical cells, lying close to the basal membrane and with basally situated nuclei.
The smooth muscle fibers are long, spindle-shaped cells, grouped mainly in bundles.
Medulla spinalis HE
The most prominent cells are in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
They have a polygonal shape, several dendrites and one axon.
Cerebellum silver impregnation
With Golgi technique we can visualize the enormously branching dendrites of the purkinje cells, situated only in the cerebellum.
The cell body has a typical pear-like form.
Telencephalon silver impregnation
The pyramidal neurons are the prevailing cell type in the telencephalon.
They have a triangular shape.
Dendrites emerge from each of the triangle while a very long axon arises from the triangle’s base.
With this staining it is possible to observe also the neuroglial cells.
Duodenum HE
The cells lining the lumen of the epithelium in the slide displays a very extensive brush border - which are microvilli on the apical aspect of the cells.
The terminal web where mivrovilli are anchored, appears as a dense linebetween brush border and and apical cytoplasm.
The cells posseses a brushborder which has been demonstrated by electron microscopy to be microvilli.
They are short, narrow, finger-like extensions of plasma membrane - covered cytoplasm.
Omentum majus AgNO3
Cell boundaries are revealed by the position of reduced silver along the intercellular contacts.
This slide show enfolding or interdigitation at lateral surfaces of a joining cells simple squamous epithelium.
Medulla spinalis Cresyl violet
The multipolar neurons and their various processes are clearly evident in the ventral horn.
There are these Nissl bodies found, which electron microscopy has demonstrated to represent rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Ren FeH
In the cortex of the kidney each proximal convulated tubule is lined with cuboidal epithelium.
At the base of the cuboidal cells there are numerous mitochondria.
They resemble black granules or sticks.
Ganglion Spinale AgNO3
In the bodies of the pseudounipolar sensory cells there is a network of brown granules and filaments around the nucleus.
This is the light microscopic view of the Golgi apparatus.
Intestinum tenue HE
Nuclei of different shapes can be observed in the cells of the small intestine.
In the lower part of the columnar epithelial cells, elongated nuclei are found.
In the spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells of the muscle layer in longitudinal section ovoid nuclei are seen.
They appear round in transverse section.
Hepar HE
Large, round nuclai are seen in the center of the liver cells which are called hepatocytes.
Some of the hepatocytes are binuclear.
Blood film Wright Giemsa
The following blood cells can be observed: erythrocytes (red cells) leukocytes (white cells) GRANULOCYTES: neutrophils 55-60% eosinophils 13% Basophils 0.5-1% AGRANULOCYTES lymphocytes 25-33% monocytes 4-5% Platelets-thrombocytes
Hepar PAS reaction
- cytoplasm of hepatocytes contains large amount of glycogen granules
- they are stained red-purple by Schiff reactive, located around nucleus
Glandula suprarenalis Sudan III
Cortex of the suprarenal gland consists of polygonal cells that form 3 concentric zones.
These cells are rich in lipid droplets, which are yellow to brown-colored.
Pancreas Brachet reaction
The exocrine part of the pancreas consists of serous acini composed of pyramidal cells with round nuclei, surrounding a small lumen.
The RNA, located in the cytoplasm is stained by the pyronin in pink and the DNA in the nucleus is colored in green by methyl-green.
In the green stained nucleus a small red dot is seen - the RNA of the nucleolus.
Ren - Burnstone
Coarse blue granules are found in the apical part of the proximal tubular cells.
They are a product of the action of the basic phosphatase enzyme.