Histology pics Flashcards
Name the appearance, function and location of simple squamous epithelia
Appearance- single layer of flat cells. Disc shaped nucleus and little cytoplasm
Function- allows passage of material by diffusion, osmosis and filtration, secretes lubricating substances
Where is it found? - kidneys, lung (lines alveoli allowing diffusion of O2 and CO2) and body cavity
Name the appearance, function and location of simple cuboidal epithelia
Appearance-single layer of cube-like cells. Central large spherical nuclei
Function-secretion and absorption
Where is it found?-Kidney tubule, ducts and secretory portions of small glands, ovary surface
Name the appearance, function and location of simple columnar epithelia
Appearance- Single layer of tall cell, round/oval nuclei, some cells have cilia, layer may also contain goblet cells
Function- absorption, secretion of mucus, enzymes and other substances, ciliated type move mucus (or reproductive cells)
Where is it found?- Digestive tract (stomach and anal canal), gall bladder, excretory ducts of some glands, ciliated cells that line bronchi, uterine tubes and parts of uterus.
Of the cells listed, which is the only supporting cell of the PNS?
A) Astrocyte
B) Microglial cell
C) Schwann cell
D) Ependyma
E) Oligodendrocyte
C) Schwann Cells
What type of epithelium is found in the oesophagus?
a) Simple Squamous
b) Simple columnar
c) Non-keratinised Stratified Squamous
d) Simple Cuboidal
e) Transitional epithelium
C- Non-keratinised stratified squamous
What type of epithelium is found in the trachea?
A- Simple Squamous
B-Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelia
C- Simple Cuboidal epithelia
D- Pseudostratified squamous epithelia
E- Transitional
D- Pseudo Stratified
What type of epithelia is found in the stomach/small intestine/ large intestine?
A- Simple Squamous
B-Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelia
C- Simple Columnar epithelia
D- Pseudostratified squamous epithelia
E- Transitional
C- Simple Columnar Epithelia (produce mucous)
What type of epithelia lines the bladder?
Transitional epithelia
It allows for stretching changing cells from simple cuboidal to simple squamous epithelia.
What type of epithelia is found in the kidney tubules? A- Simple Squamous B- Simple columnar epithelia C- Simple Cuboidal epithelia D- Pseudostratified squamous epithelia E- Transitional
C- Simple Cuboidal Epithelia
Function: secretion and absorption
What type of epithelia lines the lungs/bronchi/uterine tubes/uterus etc.?
A- Simple Squamous B-Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelia C- Ciliated simple columnar epithelia D- Pseudostratified squamous epithelia E- Transitional
C- Ciliated simple columnar epithelia
Function: Absorption; secretion of mucus
What type of epithelia lines the digestive tract (alimentary canal)?
A- Non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium
B-Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelia
C- Ciliated simple columnar epithelia
D- Pseudostratified squamous epithelia
E- Transitional
A- Non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium
Function: Absorption; secretion of mucus
What is the function of stratified cuboidal epithelia? A- mucous secretion B- Protection C- Absorption D- Stretching
B- Protection
Location: Largest ducts of sweat glands, mammary glands, and salivary
Why are nuclei in adipocytes located peripherally?
Pushed to the periphery by the dense fat droplet
Hibernating mammals and human infants some of the fat has a granular cytoplasm? What type of adipocyte is it? What is the significance of this?
A- White (unilocular) fat
B- Brown (multilocular fat)
B- Brown (multilocular) fat
The fat type is ‘brown fat’ or brown adipocytes and it is granular because the cells contain multilocular fat droplets and large amounts of mitochondria involved in ‘non-shivering’ thermogenesis (prevents hypothermia).
When mitochondria produce ATP. ATP breakdown release some heat energy causing the prevention of hypothermia
When sarcomeres contract which one of these gets shorter? A- A-band B- I- band C- Z-line D- H-zone
B- I-band
A- A- band don’t get shorter they only pull on the Actin filaments which form the I-band. Thus myosin does’t change length
C- Z-line don’t get shorter however they do get closer together
D- H-zone don’t get shorter however it does get smaller